She WKPNISPAY APRIL U. w.c. ►>«•«» his threat to retire from public life if he isn’t nominated fur president. —... , ------- I Of course Chauncy Depew isn’t 1M« doing any political work his liitor {travels. All the same the wise can- 1 didate will have him shadowed. DEM0( BATIC TICKET. pOZCOCNTY CLERK. S \V. MILLER. I0B SHERIFF- F “SWEETHEART J ohn R ohrman , B rewer MINE” ---------- Is just beautiful Solo or duet: (a(I lib.) Elegant title page, and i the accompaniment alone making Send this notice a nice waltz. and 8 two-cent stamps for this song • ____________________________ or “St. George’s Commandejy I The McKinleyites ~--------------- March,” or both for 25 cents, (to in may discover, troduce.) Regular price, 40 and that thu active support given tfieir 150 cents. Address. Isaac Doles, candidate by Russel Sage, the Publisher, Indianapolis, Ind. greediest of the Wall street sharks, is not the good thing some of them Administrât rs Notice. appear to think it is. .OF THE FAMOUS .OREGON BURNS, FOR SALE IN KEGS AND BOTTLES. Notice is hereby given to all per And ex Congressman Butter sons holding claims against the pOB ASSESSOR. worth, of Ohio, who was discipline d estate of Victor S. Ottmer, deceased, for opposing the McKinley tariff; topresent the same to the undt r- JOHN 0. CAWLFIELD. I what does he thtuk of the presnieu signed at his place of business in . . . . _ 1 Burns, Mawnov Harney nminfv county, (irptmn Oregon, VPT« ver J(OR TREASURER. ‘ tial outlook? ified as by law required within six I __ L W0LDENBERG, J b . months fiom the date of this notice. Dated at Burns this 11th day of Th« warmer that republican fight pORSURVEYOR gets the more chance there will be December, 1895. H. M. H orton , t . a . M c K innon . ' foa the democrats to win. That’e Administrator. • . worth , , keeping in mind. HARRIS A JOHNSON Proprietors. - obcovnty school superintendent . I 1 a point F ... ... ......... — Don’t Tobacco Spit or Smoke Your I W. C. BYRD. I.lfe Away. If Tom Reed had his way “Litile OREGON J10R COMMISSIONER Billee” Chandler wo Id be made to is the truthful, startling title of a BURNS, wear a hoodoo eign as big as a bass book about No-To-Bac, the harm- W. B. JOHNSON. i less, guaranteed tobacco habit cure drum. that braces up nicotinized nerves, Wines Liquors, and Cigars piR CORONER. eliminates the nicotine poison,, »•orvnrfK ’ Good Billiard tables, PleasanQCard Rooms, eta., etc. THOS STRPHENS. Women drug clerks will hardly ™»kes weak men vigor and manhood. You run no’ Saloon is first class in every particular. Experienced bartender be populai in prohibition commu physical or financial risx, as No-To-, JUSTICE—BURNS DISTRICT. nities. | Bac is sold by druggists every where Mixed drinks to please the most fastidious. under a guarantee to cure or money M. L. LEWIS. -------- I ! Book free. Address . To anxious republicans: You CONSTABLE. Sterling Remedy Co , New York or I might ascertain who will be the Chicago. THOS. DODSON. > nominee of your party by address- • H. M. Horton, Burns. I ing the firm of Quay and Platt, re publican candidate makers, who are There is not a line in Secretary I now in Kioritia. JOHN SAYER, Proprietor. Carlis'e’s recent letter tc the chair- Good advice: Never leave the man of the Kentucky central com The’people should not fail to ask house on a journey without a bottle mittee that bars hi» nomination, republican candidates fur congress ef Chamberlain’t Colic, Cholera and Situated on Silvies river 1 mile East of Burns, near the bridge should the Chicago convention Diarrhoea Remedv. Foi sale by to tell what their party has done think him the best man to 1 ad the since it got control of the fifty fourth Customers wil receive GOOD FLOUR from ----------------- I party. congress. ----------—»•----------- Several years ago I was taken , Good Wheat Buttons and a bride are being The National Leagueof Musicians with a severe attack of flux. I was i made the basis of a new Harrison have been holding their annual con-' sick in bed about ten days and “ bxmi for the republican nomina- vention in Washingion, and its could get nothing to relieve me un-| tion. members are thoroughly convinced | til I used Chamberlain’s Colic, that when it comes to blowing they Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. ’ [which I McKinley’s wind appears to be are not jn jt with congress. cured me and has been a. i M c K innon a king . in danger of giving out at a very • . I household remedy with us ever' critical part of the race. Marlow. Decaturville, It is rather difficult now to find 8’nee- '1 BURNS i M°- For sale by all druggists. who a well informed republican The A. P. A. is taking a rather thinks his party will carry New, ______________ Shop opposite the Brewery prominent part in the business of York this year, no matter who may | ■ Value Recognized by Pliysi- nominating a republican candidate be nominate for president. All work in our line done neatly and with dispatch. Satisfacti a > clan. for president, if all that is said on guaranteed. Give us acai). that subject can be believed. I As a rule I am opposed to pro X prietary midicines. Still I value a The opinion of Mr. Harrison’* gsod one, especially when such is ■*« new wife is now being diligently I the source of relief from pain. As f sought for by republican politicians I atopical [external] application I, 1 have found Chamberlain’s’ Pain It may be merely a coincidence » Balm the best remedy I have ever that Bosses Platt and Quay should > I used for neuralgia of any kind. I J have been simultaneously ordered I ) have conscienciouslv recommended to the person submitting the to Florida by their physicians; but , it to many persons. William , most meritorioMH invention ■arthU TaOsMiMrs Far M Ywn, 121.50 during the preceding month. 124 it world be wise for MoKinley to tHorne, M. D., Janesville, Wis.j • WK bKHJKIf PATENTS FOR INVENTOR ” , sml the take another reef in his cinch on I O o.ijcct of this offer is to en | Sold by all druggists. courage person* <>t au invent the Florida delegates to the St. ive turn of noni. At the Min’’ time we wish to iiupresa Ixmis convention. the fact that « s ss * WHOLESALE PRICES No- Bead Wago». JOHN McKINNON. puhh S rLOuti & S aw mill BLACKSMITH & WAGON SHOP. $100.00 Given Away Every Month ELKHART CARRIAGE and HARNESS MFC. CO i > It’s the Simple, trivial Inventions » That Yield Fortunes ♦ l hose who know Czar Reed the best say that his prejudice is much stronger than his judgement. Ko. L Farm Harneas. ’ w£o~ £ .urrr*.toX f » • f f The republican river and harbor bill illustrates the pol'cy of decep- ti<jd which that party has adopted in congress It provides for actual appropriations of only about $9,000- •*M), which is comparatively small, I'Ut it algo provides for the making °f contracts which will involve a f iture expenditure of $40,000,000. i I’erhaps the country might sur- even if Tom Reed carries out fr~ w* I,----------- _------------- 1 harness . —such as Do lam's Hook a-id Eye. “s«o that Hnuip,’* -Safety Pin.*' "Pigs in Clo ver,'' "Air Brake," nUi Almost < very one conceive« bright idea at utile tlmo or Q • other. Why not put It in prao- tlcal uacf YOUR talents may lie in thia direction. May make your fortune. Why nut tr»T :: i: a :: u tW Write for further InformaUon and uienliou this paper. W. B. PRATT, Secretary, Elkhart, Ind. :THE PRESS CLAIMS CO. Philip W. Avirett, 0ea. Mgr., I 618 F Street, Northwest, WASHINGTON, D. C. ' ^W”The respon«!M11 ty of < otupany 1 n.aj be iudged by lb. t that tU 1 •toe* 1. field by o»«i vtae Ihuuaand 1 of the leading ae«.,«vef* lb the I l olted State*. I 11 * I NERVLSftOJ'WEAKMW Es .11 y c, rr •“( ta Bun*. Orsg. by permanentlyall rx^kM • ? hùT A"." T -«’"tP'Um P' ”“**cu*>