r BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, APRIL 15 ANOTHER McCOY BY w. C. BYRD & SON. PonijnllEKS ASD PaorBlETOKS. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: „ ................... T2.0V jix Months ...................... -- fbree Month« ....................................... HERALD CLUB LIST: ierald ass.i Harper’s Magazine............. 5,00 ierald and Harper s Weekly ............... 5.20 Jerald and Harper s Bazar *•?’ S.raldand Harper s Young People 3.75 ?.«ld Md Alden's Manifold Cyclopedia, .2.90 ?additional volume after Vol. I 55 cents: W cents extra ver volume, postage. /»-Copies of all t lie above works can be ex iuiued at leisure in the Reading Room. /^•Publishers of periodicals are solicited «.eudr'ubbitig rates, a copy of their work for w. Free Reading R >oni—We file and bind the gttsrat Cluse <>f every half-volume, md o»v n Mpies bv advertisement. 1 2 wk 1 1 mo 1 8 mo 1 6 mo 65.00 6.50 8.00 10.00 15.00 28.00 40.00 6b 90 12 l/J 15.09 20.00 2,8.00 48.00 60.00 Croup Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report Croup is a tarror toyoung mothers . and to post them coticering the cause, first symptoms and treat- ' menl is the object of this item. , The origin of croup is a con cold. Children who are subjet it t«ke cold very easily and «. is almost sure to follow. The svmpton is hoarseness.; this is soon followed by a peculiar rbuShbough, which is easily recognized and will never be forgotten by cue who has heard it. The time to act is when I the child first becomes hoarse. If I Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is ! freely given all tendency to croup I wilt soon disappear. Even after the croupy cough has developed it ( « ill prevent the attack. There is no danger in giving this remedy for | A good ranch belonging to II. G. it contains nothing injurious. Campbell, containing 160 acres 12 miles south east of Burns. This ranch has about 100 acres of good rnwadow land. Price $800 or will trade for sheep. r(BLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY »2.50 1.00 5.00 0.00 9.00 Hi. 00 30.00 Hw t Prevent KILLED 1896 611.00 18.00 24.00 32.00 48.00 80.00 110.00 Baking Powder —Get one of I, S. Geer tfcCo’s premium purchase tickets. This firm agrees to give the holder of such tickets a fine life size Crayon Portrait absolutely free of any charge, by purchasing $20 worth of goods for cash at their store. It is not necessary that the whole amount should be purchased at one time, but any amount from 5 cents to $20 as explained upqn the tick­ ets. ♦' Chahiberlaiii’s Cough Remedy y cures colds, croup and whooping cough. It is pleasant, safe and re- B yrd ® K in C l )t every description executed with neatness lud despatch, al reasonable rates. I’amphlets Sirculars, Pesiera, Envelopes, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, hatoments, Note Heads, Cards, Ticsets, Memoranda, Invitations. Dodgers, Etc. unnt- rf-itirrli that contain Mrcury T hs H erald ii kept regularly on file for re (erence. in the Geo. P. Rowell Newspaper Ad­ vertising Bureau. 10 Spruce st.. New York. more OFFICIAL DIRECTORY moBt NATION AL fresilient ............... - - »?<>-■<- ■■ -■ flce-Pre.ident........................... Adlai Stevenson-| Secretary of State................. Richaro 8, Obey Secretary of Treasury .......... John G. Carlisle Secretary of Interior............ ....... Hoke Smith Secretary of War .... Daniel 8. Lamont Secretary of Navy .........Hilary A. Herbert iecretary of Agriculture . J. Sterling Morton Attorney General ... Jud ion llarmon Postmaster General . .. Win. L Wilson STATE—OREGON : * Over Ona Million People wear the I G. W. McBride. Fenator® J. H.Mitchell. I I Ringer Hermann 1 vongressinen...................... 1 W. K. Ellis . C. M, ldleman ' Attorney General ...... Wm P ixird I Governor ........................... Secretary ot State .............. . Ii R Kincaid Treaanrer ............. R ... ..Phil. Metschan ............ GM Irwin I Dipt. Public Instruction W H Laeds I Itate Printer ............ R 1 R. 8. Bean. ...J C. WolVerton > F. A. Moore NINETII JUDICIAL DISTRICT. district Judge .. .. D ... M. D.C liffoku District Attorney ...................... C. W. Parrish, foint-Representative ....(R) ...O. L. Patterson, feint Senator ..(R)............. A. W.Gowan , mer act YfrifeXmilgias $3 & <64 shoes They u.1 11— Lj-. . JAiM iril11 t»l J They equal custom Shors in rtyt-ilrtrrt, Their wearing qualities are unsurpassed'.- The prices are uniform,—stumped on sole. From $t to $3 saved over other mokes. If your dealer cannot supply you we can. Sold by “Dealors everywhere Wanted, agent to take exclusive sale for this vicinity. Write at once. COI’NTY—HARNEY Jounty ujdge ............. ......... C. P. Herk .......... .......... Treasurer ....................... ànrvevor .. ................... iheriff............................. Issessor »ol Superintendent itock Inspector ....... tomminsionors HARNEY It. Register Receiver Soientifio American Agency for^* Rutherford. .(D).. . C. E. Kenjon ..(R) 1.8 Geer D TA.McKinnon . (R) ...........A. Glttings ..(D).............8. W. Miller . .iR) . .C has . Newe 1 .................Geo. Tregaskis (D) i A. B. Marks ,R< I R R. Sitz. I caveat ». LAND SOCIETIES, SYLVA REBEKAH Decree No. 43. Meets every 1st and 3d Wednesday. Miss l^’a McGee N.<». Sam Mothershead. Rec. Sec'y A. O, ü. W. Rums Ixrdge, No 47 Meeteevery 2d and 4th Thursdays. H M Horton, M. W. J W Saver, Rec'd HARNEY LODGE. NO. 77, I. O O F. Meet« at Odd Fellows Hall, every Saturday ’«Pm. W. 41. Byrd, N. G. B. D. McIntyre, Secy. HARNEY PORT NO. 48, G. A. R. Meets every 1st and Sd Wednesday of each «onth. at Odd Fellows' Rail. All Comrade In good standing Invited. , . 2t8,c*‘ COFYRIQHT«, etoJ ‘S? G®e H»ndlxx>lc write to rvi » x 881 B roadway . N bw Y ork . Fv—x •ecJ‘Ün« P"u’nO’ in America S. ery **ken out by us is brought betör» the publlo by a notice glven Jree ot Charge In th» . .............. ......... SHILOH’S CONSUMPTION gMiüt >wricjm {jy ♦ t,*50 month«. AddrpRs, M üifjv X* CO.- P ubluhbrs . sc a Broadway, New YorkCUy. Telia Everything You Want to Know When You Want to Know It. The success of fh’., G-eat Co-eh Cnro fa w'.hout a parallel in the history ol medicine. Ail druggists arc aumori-t-' to sell it ou a poa itive gnarsetee. a teat tli.it other c re cud succcsnfiUy stand. That tl may -beco’ne known, the Proj-’ictorx. at an enormous n- p»n«e, are placing a Bamv'e Dottle Free into «•vsry horn, in the Tutted stiles and Can ads. If von have a Cough, Fore Throat , or Bron­ chitis, us« it. for it will «tire you. If yout child has ite Croup. or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and relief I* sure. If you dread that insidious disease Consumption, use It Ask yo'ir Druggist for SHIIZIH'S CITRIC, Price 10 cts.. 50 cte. aud fl.60. If your Langs are sore or Baek lame, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price Met«. For sale by all Drug­ gists and Dealers. A VERITABLE CYCLOPEDIA OF UP-TO-DATE FACTS. An Invaluable and Unrivalled Political and Popular Hand-Book. I READY JANUARY 1st, 1896. PR.ICB 25 CeHTS. Burns-Canyon Stage Line (Postpaid by MalL ) T he W orld , Pulitzer Building, New York. *M*t Qa Without It Til* Presidential Yea» H. A. W illiams , contractor. Carrying U. S. Ma,!, a1K] Eastern Oregon Express Co’s Expens St.ge,La.,e Burn, daBy for Canyon City, and Utcm.d ointe