( » ( I • < f I I '• • i • Ì • I I t I • / i ' • I » ) « fl '¿100.00 Given Away Every Month □ J i i • < <1 w ( ’ < 1 • > vl H > If t F 1 I I » —WT J Urtili IJ J I 11.TV— 1 I CAVtAld. IrtAUt MAKKS COPYRIGHTS. to the person submitting the mo.t mcritorioM. iavedtiou during tbu po cediug month. WK SK' L'ltK PATENTS FOR IWENTOIl’, an<l the objeot uf this off- r Is to en courage persons oi uu Invent ive turn of inm-L At the same time we wish to iu«pre*» the fact that :: •* •• It’s the Simple, Irivial Ifiventio!:3 That Yield Fortune s « *, V f I í t I —rich rs Do Ion?'« Ho-k J) sod Eju. "Fee tliul Hump. /» SaMy Pin.” •'Pus m llu-(» ver," "Air UrHk<-.” c'i- (i Almost ■ very on...... .. a briglat idea nt hoiio - Hm - «-» , other. Why noi put it III |T c llcul use? YOUR in'enU may < lie in this direction. M , < »mko your fortune. " by not . trj? :: « « e. :: Write for further Information unil inuulioii Ibis p. p- r. □ ('• 4' THE PRESS CLAIMS CO. r Philip W. Avirctt, Oeti. Mur., Northwest, t: 61H H Street, WASHING i ON, D. rf^ponMblhty i. p «»mpMiiy may ta» iudavd by ti.« •»»• i timi • ’ tlock 1» iiel'T by ovri i»« i>>• «.f fbt* Itwilntf il th«- Cut ted Slates. MUNN A CO., who have bad nearly «hy » expsrienoe In the patent buineee. tlons strictly oonfMentlaL A Hnnd*?• formation coneernina Patent, and bow to ob- tain them sent fr». Also a catalogue of mechan ical and sclent Iflc books aent free. Patents taken through Munn A Co. reeeiTS special notloelntbe MclenliBe Americina. and thus are brought widely before the public »Uh- out cost to the inventor. This splendid paper. Issued weekly, elegantly Illustrated, has hr far the largest circulation of any acientiflc work in the I world. S3 a year. Sample copies sent fr». Building Edition, monthly, KAOa year. Single eopiea, »5 cents, fcvery number contains beau tiful plates. In colors, and photographs of new bousm. with plana, enabling builders to show the l-.».» U1J secure contracts. Address MUNN 4 CO, Naw V ohk . 3bl B uoadwa T. PATENTS Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat ent business condueted for Moderate f MS. Our Office is Opposite U. S. Patent Office- »nd we can »«cure patent in less time than tnoaa -emote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip ion. We advise, if patentabls or not. free vi barge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. A P .fltphlet. How to Obtain Patents, with name» <•(actual clients in your litute, county, or town, sent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. Opposite Patent Office. W.shwuton, 0. C. CREAT B’BLE COMPETITION W. L. D ouclas Thousands of Dollar» as Rewards fot Bible Reader». i T hi L a T>» tf H o MV M aoahn « prwrn*« It# treat Fall Coni pci ition to the public ol Amer x 1 he first correct IS THE BEST. ti a««* io H e Í--II wing queer ions reccired at this offee WllUL HO SQUEAKING. will »e M.lA-0 in ■ uf I m the sect ini, íj W < •••»; 3^1 ♦írand P.aio; 4ih, f as Seal Coat; 5th. oiga»; fth, »5. CORDOVAN, ( a < a a Cohl Watch; 7<h, Silk Orer«. Then follow« KMJ FRENCH&ENAMELLEOCALE •ler«nt .Silver T» a'»tts U) the npil J j OU tone« t answeis. M’.M.sPFlNECALF&KANGAROa lu Mau i ui Sncluck Fiber s. and o.iei •rtwlefc <>f Silverware, D iking the n<o&t ezpciiMve and 13.49 POLICE. 3 S oles . Uftgn f.ct ir. lirt of i wards ever tiered by a* > yrbi sher. y • r..«i h>s'*- (1) ííow ai y Fonks due« the L l ie con $2y»2. WORKINGMEN •am? (?) flow t»:anv Chapters? (3) How ninny »ernes EXTRA FINE. L.. Every 1 st of answers must, be a* poinyan’»-«! by 1 tc any for siv months suhscript'oa to ‘he I ai » ieh H m ♦2?L7-5B oys S chooi 5 hoes . M aovxink or e o the Lrighiest and best iilusuaud LADIES' >ubli<a‘io! s of the day i L a i F rizes in addit on tn the above we will g ve 10U0 prizes con».si ng of magnificent Silver Service , rive »clock Serv.i.es kc. Ac, lor Last Conect Answers SEND FOR CATALOGUE teived l»ef->re t e close of the Competition, which will bs m iJecenib.r 31, 1392. W'L'DOUaLAS» The objhvt in offering th- seliliera! prizes is to establish BROCKTON, MASS. he 1 ju > i h H omk M auaz nb in NEW.honic» in tie Yen can eawn menry hr purchasing W. I— Jnited States and C m natía. Pre ent siibse iters can »vail themselves of it by enclosing $100 wi h list of Dougins Hhori«, Because, we are the largest manufacturers ot vnswersand the address of some friend to whom the advertised shoes in the world, and guarantee tf Mgaz ne - an be sent for s ix months, or have the>r own the value by stamping the name and »rice on atended beyond the trnie already paid for Prizes to the bottom, which protects you against high ivUterib< rs retid ng in the United States sent from our prices and the middleman s profits. Our shoes Sew Yo k branch. A»; erican currency and postage tamps will taken. Be »uro and register all at >oey equal custom work in style, easy fitting and •tters. Address. T bb L aihmb H oma M auaaiw * wearing qualities. We have them sold every- ?sUxborvu<h, Canada. where at lower prices for the value given than any other make. Tike no substitute. If your dealer canuol supply you, wj can. Sold by JOHN F. STRATTON’S CELEBRATED s Birmingham Steel Strings THr:fMM£STi WOODWORK* pN(w tmesw w¡r:ecú.oiwfGCMí> CHICA.O. CHICA««, n n usto. tlHIOM SQUARE. SQUARE. N. N. V C R «»»'••Kike. 1893 " lor Violin. Guitar. Mandolin. Banjo . ‘ I inr*t M.ul». Extra Plated. nasi ma ." Warranted i.ot to rust. Send lor Catlg CHANGÜJ3 Miga zi Is hard work corp reti changing the appear-, .Uc Of stove I Li USTRATKD ILLUSTRATED. The Simpleton, a new noael by T homas 111 be begun in the December Number, H ardt , w ___________ " - 1H96. — Who- 1SSM, and continued ’ to November __ ' ever may be oue’s favorite among Ei glish Nov- . elists, it will be conceded by all critics that T humbs harpy s ands foremost of a master 1 artist in Action, and The Simpletons may be I , expected to ar< use enthuslams not inferibr in I degree to that which has marked Trilby—the most auci essful story of the year. Anothei !eadi.-g feature will be the Personal Recollec tiona of Joan of Ate. by the Sieur Louis i>a CobTX. Her Pase and Secretary, under which guise the in, st p< pillar of jiving Amerit an mazazli c writois will Present ahe story of the Maid af Orleans In the January Nu uber Will appear a drofuselv illus’ratee paper on Charles ton and the t’aroliuai, the 'first of a series of Southern Papeis. i Southern Africa Is at'racting more attention at any olherliine since it was the seat, of ein- I pires The next voluin« s of HA RPers MAGA- 1 ZI n E will four illustra ed artideson this regin, and three of them will depict the present life there, cclias R alph will prepare for the . MAGAZINE a series of eight stories, depicting t) pieal phases of Chinese Life and Manners. I Besides the long stories, toere will begin in the Jauuary Number the first Chapter of A Three I Part Novelette, by R ichard H arding D avis — the longest work yet Attempted by this ,wri'er ___ ___________ ________ by t.,. popniar r_______ writers Will | Complete shout _ stories continue to be a feature of the MAGAZINE I I HARPER’S PER O PICS i F03 THIS TEAR. ---- :*•---- —THIS PAPER— ------ WITH------ THE S N FRANCISCO BnnkArs and R*okersi Pailto Building •3h:cag,o ELKHART CARRIA8E and HARNESS MFR. CO. U4 Weekly Call I Hora? brand bar ten on left ahoulder; Cattle bar ten ou left hip and upper clip on both eara. T. A. McKinnon, Burna Ore. 1HE SAN FRANCISCO Morning Call! I I PRICK »a.at PER YEA», -------------------- HK SAN FRANCISCO WEEKLY CALL 1« a handsome elght- page paper. It la Issued evary Thursday, and contains ail of tne Important news of the week, gleaned from every quar ter of the globe, conipb-te np to date of publication. It fur- nlahea the latest and most reliable financial naw« »nd market quotation«, a'd giva« special attention to horticul« tural aqd agricultural n»wa, and la In every reai-aet a fir*t- ilaas f’mlly i>ai>er, appo.ii .g to the interest of every member of the household. I Mias Rosa Dickenson Horse brand anvil as left stifle. Cattle branded bar.R ou lef" hip. r O. Lawen Ore. J. P. Dickenson cattle brand J P connected cn left hip. Horae brand anvil on left stifle. P. 0 Lawen Ore. Cattle brttnd figure 7on either hip: mark light crop off each ear. Blip in each ear, and watt on left jaw. Horae brand figure 7 on either hip J. H. Buuyard.Burns ,Ors. Geo Williams, horses and mules bra rounding w, ou right atifle. P.O Riley Horae brand bar-m on left shoulder; ( at’is brand bar-m on left hip and riba. Catherine Marshall P O Narrows Ore. W Hax)’s . Horse brand on left ahoulder S Mias I-aars Staaclift. Bums Ora. Horae brand J ou left ahoulder and same «• muscle of right hind leg. Ore. Phil Smith Bums 8. Lampahire and Son cattle brand Q The msnrer in which, during 1».M, it has treated the < hi >ago Railroad Strikes and the connected. Ear mark swallow fork in right eat Chino-Japanese I* ar, and the amount of light underbit in left. P, O. Burtta t-ra. it was able to throw uii Korea me instant atten Honwa and Cattle branded J P on tion was dheeteu to that little-known county, Mary I are examples of ita almost boutidiest reeouri ea. der some b-ended JP connected Ju ian Rs ph. the distinguished writer and Price, Burna Ota correspondent, has been eeut to »he seat of war, Herman Ruh cattle brand ¡J on i «*.* and there joined ttv C D. Weldou. now for many j eara 1 eaiiar.t iu Japan, who has been ar crop off and swallow fork in left ear rg engaged t» cu-operate w i;h Mr. Ralph in Send ear uuder elope, P. O. Lawen. tion HARP* R's WEEKLY exclusive informa Cattle brand, H O. on left hip, ,n,lderu1‘r2i tion and illustration right e^r and a crop and Bplit in len, H O. on loft ehonldar. A. Oro I HARPER’S PERIODICALS Per Year cattle and horse brand T with half circle ■« der G. W. Thompson, Lawen, ore. llARl’FR'S BAZAR ... ... H A K PE R'tt M \GAXINK ... 4 0« HARPER’» WEEKLY ... : HARPER’S YOUNG _________________ PEOPLa i.a Pon-age Five to all subscribers in th. Unites ■'taies Canada, or Mexico. , Pc. Y£F, W2ÛKL7 Poatage Free to all subscribers in the States, Canada, or Mexico. The Volumes of the Weekly will beg the first Number for Ja 1 iimv of ea When no time is mentioned, subs eript begin with the Number current at ti eeipt of order. Hound Volumes of Harper's Weekly f years bar k, in neat cloth binding, will by mail Poa'age paid, or by express, fr pense (provided the freight does notex per volume) for $7 00 a volume. Cloth Cases for each Volume, suit» binding will be sent by mail poet paid Ceipt of |l. Remittances should be made by Poa Mouey Order or Draft, to avoid chance o Addreea: HAKPKR A BROTHERS, Ne H A RPER’S Weekly is a pictorial hiatory of the times. It presents every important evert promptly, accuraleh . and exhaustively in 11 I lustration and descriptive text of the hlgnest order. DAIL Y C’LI » » Horae brand 3« on left shoulder, also threa dots»', in shape of triangle, cattle branded sains. E. E. Grout Burns Or. i --------v+r-------- j Al V IM'H Horse branded P on right shoulder, cattle F on right hip. R. A. Hendricks. P.O. Lawen Ot I L LT ST R A TE D. HP MOKNING CALL (Kava» laeuaa a wbbkj Is a live n>> trei-oiit->a daily. It Fa the MOST REL1A* Bl.K. and is rac«ignl»ed a« being ths LEADING NEWS- PAPER ..f the Partite C»aat. Either of the above 1 a per« we will send po'tu id aa a i»re- oilum on r>-erl, t of the follow ing aebaeriptlvn prices tor the eembtuatlin: lx Cattle diamond on left hip; her shoulder. Charlee H. Voegtley, Bnrus U HARPER WEEKLY......................... II A K1’ E K’S M A GA ZIN E............... HARPER’S BAZAR............................ HARPER’S YOUNG PE 1PLE ------ OR-«— r H00 W««os. » FREI BRAND COLUMN. PER year : ffii.aa pr,R Yt-.AJk. AID lEb 1 times Ion ’ Seven times better Than Seven times cleaner Stove Two tim-s cheaper Polish I wo times handier • • • If your grocer doesn’t keep it send us his name wit!, ioc and get a large box and a valuable family hous-ehold book tree. Elcgent and exclusive designs for Out-door and Indoor Toilettes, drawn from W orth mod- Hardin <t Riley, cattle branded V on left aide ela b.v H anpoz and chavuis , are au iinportaut I fertsire- These appear every week, accompan Horse brand T left aide. r. o. Burna,Oreioa ied b> minute descriptions and details Our Paris Letter. b> K athammk pk F orest , is a weekly transcript of the latest st lies and capri J. C, Foley, cattle brand =» on right aids ce in the mode, Under the hi ap of New York Horae brand — on left ahoulder. Fnshions, plain descriptions and full particu lars are given as o shapes, labrics, trimming», and aceessoaieaof the cost times of well-cressed Cattle brand, IL, on left rib under bit la women, childrens Clothing receives practical attention. A iortniglitly Pattern-sheet Supple left ear, tinder slope in right ear. Horae brand 71 on right atitle. R E J. A. Williams P, 0. ment enables readers to cut and mrkctlieir own gowh The woman who takes HARPER’S BA- Z \S is prepared for every occasion in life, ce Riley Or. remonious or informal, where beautiful dress Horses branded )-( on left stifle. Cattle brand, is requisite. ed )-( on left hip. Marlon Bunyard, PO Burna Our Premiums TH 3M Lasts Looks About About Aoout STOCK BRANDS. HARPER’S PERIODICALS. originiiti-tl l>v u«t. All Hiiccct-Hnftil speculatorsoporatson a regular svsta iii It in a wt*ll-known fact that there are thousands of men in all parts of the United Htatea who. by systematic trading through Chicago look era. make large amounts every year, ranging from a f»w thoueand dollars for the man who investH a hundred or two dollars up to ioO.OOO to »100.000 or more by those who invest, a few thousind. It is ala<> a t iet that those who make the largest profits from com parativelv hihh II investnients on this plan are ’x-rsons whi live awav from ( hi.-ag i ami invest through brokers who ‘thoroughly understand systematic trading. Our plan does not risk the whole amount invested on anv trade,hut covers both aides;».» that whether the market rhea or falls it brings a Itea-lv profit that piles up enormously in a -bort time. U RI 1 h FOR tOWINi’INt; PROOF’S, s|«o onr Manual on . ........ ""'nl •peculation and nttr Daily Market R-pirt. full of nmnev miking jvointers ALL F’REF: Our mwtial explains n.aVgin I trading tullv. Highest references in regard to nur standing and: sue«*«-«. F' >r farther infonnaii« adflress TE'; CTc The volumes of the Magazine begin with the Numbers for June and December of eac h year. When no 1 ime is specified, sub ( scriptions will begin with the Number cur rent at time of receipt of order. Bound volumes ot Harper’s Magazine for I three years bacg, in neat cloth binding will be sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of »3. per volume. Cloth Cases, for binding 5V j I cenis — by cents each each— by mail, mail, post-paid. post-paid. I Remittances Remitíanl es should lie be made by b Postoftice I Money Order, or Draft, to avoid chunc o loss. Address HARPER A BROTHERS, Nev. York. 811.813, 815. 817 1:. Oth St., N. Y. WlQ 00 FOR EICH091DR INVESTED CAN BE MADE Bl OUR 'PI w. — System «tic Plan of Sjunlatioj TEN CTS 519 MONTGOMERY ST.. 8. F„ CAL. HARPER’S MAGAZINE »4.01 HARPER’S WEEKLY HARPERS BAZAR ........... HARPER’S YOUNG ____________ PEOPLE ______ ........... 2.00 Postage Free to ull Subscribers in the United States, Canada, or Mexico. Hap’ Baza ILLUSTRATED. price TEN CIS Dsssellan fi Co., Agts., Per Year: JOHN F. STRATTON. Imptrltr, Munn/acturrr and H'holetale Dealar' Returning pronperity will make many rich, but nowhere can they makti ho much within n i-liort timt a» By succesHful Speculation in Grain ProvinionH ami Stock. Jour 1 I I -*N ft • i ! Pn i'i.rx) ; J The volumee ot the Baser t-egln with the Are- number for January of ea< h year. When »♦ is Umr la mentioned, aubecriptiou will begit with th. Number current at th.time ot reeeitt «if order Bouud volumes of Harper a Baser lor thrrn year In neat cloth binding, will be »nt bv mai p”n’ag. paid' or by .xprvsa, free of expense (provided the freight do» not exceed one do) lai per volume) or »7 a volume. t'lofh case« fofasrh velum., suitable for bind Ing will be »ntby mail ».îetwidcn recel» of «I es« h Remittance, should be made by PoetOffltw Money Order or Draft, to av. |.| chance of loan A ire» HARPER A BROTHERS N.wayapete are not to eopy say one mor BEATTY’S PIANOSs for catalogue Ex-uayor Washington. New Jeraey, I uauiel » D«v<» Rrwhftm. the p ’p»' -d Dlf cl.,r , f Mu.m «t «iar.ig «• » ** Nrwtork March i-L 1U- «I «•» J Im F. «tir.Uva Dea.- sir- -i h .vegiven y>ur Ru«ia» i sin Stri tt« a th -rough tri«L ■'»•• ' •* o*-'-’ to •« >ta that they are lha H -î t 1 18 •st durable «triar« I h«vee-'*r u«^d Y van re>p .. LA • - L—-*l