The West half of the North East Central Committeemen: Burn«, quarter and the Wrst half H E Thompson.; Harney, Joe Rec­ Sotilh East quarter [W| of tor; Drewsey, Mark Howard; Pine and W] of SEj] of Section Thirty- Creek, Ed Keeney; Poison Creek, four [34] Township Thkty-three wgDNKSDAY APRIL ». 1™ R J. McKinnon; Silvies, Walter ( [33] South of Range Thirty (30) Cross Curry, W. H. Hogan; Lake. • The East half of the SouHl . East 'S»» UM« C1BCULATIO« or i Simon Lewis; Wild Horse, Horace ter of S E|) of Section —Grant county has the following several days in Burns since our last “¿„swrArt»™™'» — - - — and - - u half (34) the ........ South nominees on the republican ticket: Layton; Saddle Butte, J. Brock; I Thirty-four issue visiting friends. of the South West quarter (Sj of Crane Creek, W. E. Trisch> Dia ­ —Mr. and Mrs J. C. Garrett spent Clerk, J. A. Powell; sheriff, J. B. SW]) of Section Thirty five (35) Johnson; treas , N. B. Maxey; as­ mond, F S. Reider; Island, Geo. Township Thirty-three (33) South Relisions Soni res. a pleasant week visiting friends in sessor, J. B. Titus; school supl., Cawlfield; Happy Valley, J F. of Range Thirty (30) E W. M Burns, leaving here last Monday A. R. Cobb; commissioner, Al Por Mahon; Catlow, D. L Shirk; Pueb­ The South half of the North West ,ow l»t. and 3rd. Sunday» of i morning. Vanderen; Alvord, J. 8. quarter (S| of NWJ) and Lot num­ ter; coroner, Dan Motrow. lo, G. E H - “• *,1,d “ P- I bered Four (4) of Section Two (2) — We see in the Malheur Gazette sLCreek 4Ü>. SundayIU ■».! —J. W. Dickenson, a bachelor, Devine. and Lot numbered One (1) of Seo- H E. Thompson was re elected The 2nd Sunday will the nomination of M. N. Fegtly by tion Three (3) Township Thirty- and 5 p- -red 111 for genera^ wnr^ >n the populist co nty convention for residing on Silvies river seven miles beresen*- north of Burns, died of pneumonia chairman and Chas. Zeigler secre­ four (34) South of Range Thirty the office of representative. W. C. B yrd , other fields. (30) E. W. M. All situated it» last night at 8 o’clock Mr. Dick­ tary. R ev . G ibson , H R. M c C lure , Chairman, Harney county and State of Oregon. — We see in the Times that Miss enson is an old resident of this Pastor. Sec’y. Witness the Hon. Charles P. Jessie McGowan is expected to county, and his many friends, es­ Rutherford, Judge of the County leave here in a day or two for h«r i pecially his near neighbors, bitter­ Court of the Stat* of Oregon, for Citation Notice. home in Independence. Local News. the county of Harney, with the seal ly mourn his loss. He was a good of said court affixed thi3 30th day His — The candidates have not put citizen and a kind neighbor, -Chair» of all paterns and de- In the County Court of the State of March, 1896. of Oregon, for the county of Har­ jcription» at the hardware store of up any cash yet at .this oflice. remains will be interred in the Attest C. E. K enyon , ney. Come, boys, we do not care any­ Burns cemetery tomorrow at 1 Cha»- Voegtly. 1311 Clerk. In the matter of the Estate of thing for money, but we love the o ’ clock p m. —There is some talk of organiz­ William D. Hudspeth, dtceased. comforts money buys. | _p o pi.]isi delegates to the coun- Citation. Huntington, Ore., March 21. 1896. ing an A. P. A. in Burns. To Charles E. Hudspeth, Mary —Democrats and republicans ty convention to beheld here Thurs- D ear S ir :—We are now starting —A. S. Swain moved his family E. Hudspeth. James H Hudspeth, to be pretty-well salified with day, the 16th, as far as we have on the new year. Computations Nancy Hudspeth and Lucy Huds back to the ranch last Saturday. ■ seem i heard from, are the followii g: Burns their respective tickets, but it is a peth, minor heirs of said William for last year are completed. We —I. S. Geer presided at the re­ safe proposition to bet that lota of j precinct. H. Cheatham, John Sweit- D. Hudspeth, deceased, and to J. find that our firm sold during 1895 publican county convention, Wil­ acratching will be done on the day z«r, L. B. Culp, D. L. Grace, B. R. C. Welcome thei: Guardian ad. the enormous amount ot 167 car- mar Dewit Sec’y., and O. J. Darst of the election, ar is usual in county Witzell, A. Dunn and Geo. H^gey. liiem and to Amanda Hudspeth, | loads of goods, equal to ten train asst. secy. I elections. Harney, J. Greenlee, J. H. Loggan, widow of said deceased, and B. F. loads—just think 167 cars—For Hudspeth, William W. Hudspeth, Will Crawford and Jasper Davis. Andrew I). Hudspeth and George this we thank our patrons,and prom­ —Henry Richardson, delegate to | the state convention, left here Fri , “Ann, the 7-year-old daughter of poigon Creek> Mell Fenwick, Lon *. M. Hudspeth, heirs ef said de- ise the same generous treatment in day for Portland, where the conven- | Mr. and Mrs Wm Skinner died! Fleming and Jack Wilson. Island, erased and to all unknown heirs the future. During 1896 we will Sunday morning of scarletina. Jas. Dalton. E. Casebear and Man- and heirs interested in the estate: tion meets tomorrow. sell closer than ever, and no honest She was a lovable child, and her ny Marrs. Narrows. Al O’Conner, GreeW....... ~ _ . H. . , .. — R. D. Scheiber, druggist, hail­ parents nourn their loss greatly .Henderson Ellictt and A. Riene- In the name of the State of Ore­ competitors will be allowed to do ing from Baker City, has accepted They have the sympathy of the en • man Curry, Richard Miller. I gon you, and each of you, are here­ more f>r you than ourselves. We by cited and required-to appear in are here for your business, we must* a position in our town in the drug tire community.” Crane Creek. David Cary. Lawen.jthe County Court of the State of have it, if honest count, weight,and store of H. M. Horton. The above taken from the Dallas Fred Otley and Wm. Catterson. Oregon for the county of Harney on the 4th day of May, 1896, at 11 treatment and Lew prices will do —A. L. Lamos, a musician, re- Observer gives the sad intelligence ♦ —Cupid gets his work “in.” in «’clock in the forenoon of that day, it. Call or write us centlv arrived in Burns, from Baker of the death of a little girl born in , RespJ., spite of all opposition. Not the then and there to show cause why City. He thinks of getting a class this county The family resided wide,expanse of hereditary educa an order of this Court be not made, O. C. Co. here, and remaining for some time. here for ten years, leaving here and tional aphorisms inculcated across authorizing, empowering and licens* —If the republican nominees for moving to Dallas last September the great oceans, seas, gulfs and ing C. B. Wickliffe, the Adminis­ Sammons this county so' desire, we will The bereaved family have the sym­ bays stand as a preventive. A na trator of said Estate, to sell all the 1 real property of said Estate, situat- run their ticket until election. We pathy of many friends in this [ tivs of Greece and of that great city led in Harney county, State of Ore In the Circait Court of the State of hav« no kick at any good man. and , county, Athena, fiom whence has sprung so I 8on’ at private sale for cash in O.evon,for the county ot Harney. J. Dm kheimer Plff. 1 are willing for all such candidates —The Mary Dawphit ranch lo-' many great and wise statesmen ard hand in accordance with the prayer .vs- r of the petition of said Administra ­ to havi a fair show. The same of­ cated at the sink of Prater creek is philosophers, and a native of free William Skinner and I tor in this Court filed the 14th day Emma Skinner Deft’e J fer we make to the populists. for sale. Price $500. This is a (America, Burns, Harney county, of March, 1896, said real estate be-1 I To William Skinner, one of the above good ranch and worth a great deal Oregon—Burns, a place noted for ing more particularly described as * named defendant«*: —C. H. Leonard, who has held In the name of the State of Oregon, a position as teacher in the Slate more than the price asked for it. ta|ent and “cussedness”—approach- follows* you are hereby required to appear and hymeneal altar last Sunday I The East half of tbe South East answer the complaint filed against you Normal 8chool at Drain for some Call at this office or on John Mar-|e(j quarter (E] SE^) of Section Nine­ in the above eutitled action ou or before and were united, by Justice Byrd, time, arrived in our town last Thurs tin for further information. teen (19) and the North West quar­ the first day of the next tegular term of above entitled Court to-wit: Monday day on the Ontario stage. Mr —New go Mis rt the Johnson storej jn that compact contract that binds ter of the South West quarter and the 18th, day of May, 1896, and if .you fail Leonard will make his home here, now tinder control of Henry ( anatlay. jwo hearts that beat as one, for life, the South West quarter of the to appear, for want thereof, the plaintiff hint es cheap ss ever <>r cheaper. ( all, rphe contracting parties were Ed­ North West quarter (NW^ of SW| will take judgment against you for the if he can get employment in his and examine goods and get prices, and ' of $1465.50 and interest thereon ward Jordan, of Burns, and Flor and 8W| of N W^) of Section Twen- sum profession. from Auguxt 13th, 1892,' at 8 per cent if suited buy. ¡ence Hendricks, formerly ef Greece. ty (20(, Township Thirty three (33) per annum, and the further sum of —J J. Pierson, photographer at | —Jorgensen has the finest and T he H erai . d extends congratula South of Range Thirty (30) E. W. $288.41 with .interest thereon from the M. 29th day of November, 1891, at 8 per tions. Prineville, was married one day ■ begt lot goodg thal ever caine cent per annum, and for eo«ta and dis­ The South half of the South bursements of this action. last week to a widow lady living in | Rurn«; go and see for yourself, West quarter, and South West quar­ This summons is published by order To Whom it May Concern. that place, we heard the name but | He is also taking Cabinet Photos, tet of the South East quarter (8^ of Hon. Morton D. Clifford, Judge of have forgotten it, f" ofSWjand 8W|of 8E*) of Sec­ the above entitled IC'ourt, made March Mr. Pierson is J at $3 per dozen. Do not forget to | 23, 1896. I want it distinctly understood tion Twenty (20), and the North well known here and congratula- go an(] Bee what he has on hand. W atkrs A G owan , I that I have, as yet, made no selec­ West quarter of tbe North East Attorneys for plaintiff. tion« fall thick and fast, in which ' tion of a person to fill the position quarter (NW| of NEj) of Section The Weekly Oregonian and T he T he H erald joins. of deputy in the event of my being Twenty-nine (29), Township Tbir- IH khai .0 for only two dollar» a year, * I .¡«ted cicvicu ’sberiff. uucim. ShooM Guuuiu the me Tlec* eiet- 1 ty-three [33] South of Range Thir­ Notocc to Tax-Payeas. —Tbe county republican conven­ ----------- — ----- * ---- Subscribe or renew at once and se- ’ tion result in my favor then I shall ty [30]. E. W. M. tion met here last Friday and nom cure your county paper and the I endeavor to make such a selection Notice is hereby given that I The South East quarter of the in&ted the following ticket: For moat newsy weekly published in’*8 wi*’ m** ‘he *PP«>jal of the have received tbe tax roll for year South East quarter [SEj of 8E4] Clerk. Harrison Kelley; Sheriff, A. • * ii . . I members of the party to which I of Section Twenty [20] and the 1895, and taxes are due and paya­ this state Every intelligent read-. owe my nomination Gillings; Assessor, Win Waters; South West quarter of the South ble and will be delinquent after the A. j M c K innon . Treasurer. J. C. Welcome; School er cannot help but see the adyan- West quarter [SW^ of SW|]uf 1st Monday in Apri^-A. D., 1896. tage of getting two papers for the ] __ _ __ Supt., Chas. Newell: Commission- j 8 clion Twenty-one [21] and the price of one. We hope our sub-, A G1TTINO8, e*> C. A. Bonnett; Surveyor, J. H Democratic County Convention North West quarter of the Nvrth scribers will see the point and give Sheriff and Tax Collector for Har­ ’ Vest quarter [NWj of NW|], of ^**1; Coroner. Austin Goodman. Proceedings. Section Twenty eight [28], and the us a call. ney County, Oregon. District nominations, Burns Dis- North East quarter of the North bict, Justice E. N Jamesen; Con- 1 —Indian war veterans and wid­ ( continued from page six .) East quarter [NKj of NE|] of Sec­ Dissolution Notie«. ows of deceaeed veterans who de ­ •Uble, J. M. McKissick. tion Twenty-nine [29], Township For Surveyor, T. A. McKinnon Thirty three [33] South of Range sire the passage of the bill granting was nominated by acclamation. The co-partnership heretofore ex- —In m this issue is a denial, writ- them pensions, which is now before ; isting in the blacksmith and repair- Coroner, Tom Stephens was nom­ Thirty [30] E. W. M. over his signature by A. J. Mc- The Soutl * -- - _______ inated by acclamation. ■’“•‘“•“i“ B»'»« O* . und« Kinnon, innon, of the report now io in circu- congress, can send their address, Delegatee to tbe state convention, quarter and tbe South half of the the firm name of McKinnon”* A company and regiment, character l*tion in the eastern part of «bis Isaac Fester, M Fitzgerald, Peter North West quarter [84 of NEiand Kenyon is this day dissolved by of service, name of Company, and Clemens and Henry Richardson. m of 8ect‘°“ Twenty-eight mutual consent, all debts and ac­ county, of his having already select* [28] Township Thirty-three [33] A *1 his deputy, in case he :s elected regimental . officers ... - to Waters ■ PRECINCT OFFICERS. counts owing to said firm must be South of Range Thirty [30] E W. M immediately settled by cash or *®ths office of sheriff Mr McKin-1 Wh° ’dl forw*rd 8*m* 10 Burna District: For Justice of The East half of the 8outh West the Peace, M. L Lewie; Constable. quarter [Ej of 8W|] of Section notes or be put in tbe hand of a collector for settlement with cost Harney District, Wrt i. Altogether t»lM And Th,‘ “ of.’" T. G. Dodson. Twenty seven [27] and the East for settlement added. A. J. McKin­ Justice of tbe Peace, Bent James; the indivi4...i - j . tereat to all who served in any In- tive v 7 r 7 WW‘d P°*'‘ •*’’ the year, of 1848 Conetable. H R. McClure. Pueblo half of the North West quarter non is authorized to settle and re­ [E] of NW]] of Section Thirty- >y decline if the portion were and 1859, and should be attended District, Edwin Catlow, Justice of rail T*;w7LiP TWrty thrie ceipt for all monies paid. Dated this Sth. day of Fob 1896, P^red him. u at once. tbe Peace, Don. Bosenberg, Consta­ E3W°Mth Rfcng* ThirtF I30) —Lagrippe is doing more damage —The Canyon-Burns mail will in our midst than politics. be tri weekly after the first of May. I —J. A. McCune and Newt Hoov­ —A son of D. L. Sh’rk paid our town a visit the first of this week. ■ er, paid our town a visit since our —Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stauffer spent last issue. ble. A. J. M c K innon , J. 8. K enyon .