BRICK MASON, PLASTES. ER and VENEERING. It will be difficult to convince Business Locals. in a surety company, which pro­ poses to furnish the required bonds for New York liquor dealers, bv a sou ot Boss Piatt and a sun of the J4 tho Foundation of the Wonderful Cures by IIoid’s SarssYerlila. —Don’t forget Henry Cheatham , autho?of the KaineB excise law is That is Why Yue cures by Hood's Sar­ barber, desires a part of your pat­ 1 merely a coincidence which will en saparilla are C-Mr"* ronage, at the new barber shop. Is Why Hood’s Sarsaparilla cures able the son» of the men who were the That sarsrsst cases of S -rofula, Salt Iibeuin —Who said you couldn’t get a instrumental in saddling the Raines and o'.bar bltxil diseaaes. good flavored cigar in town for five law upon th“ state to make big That is Why it overcomes That Tired Feellnj, strengthens the nerve», give« cents? Call at the City Drug Store money out of that law. enerjy in place of exhaustion. I and inquire. That is Why the si'.?s of Hood’s Sar- . . • . T~ , U ’Ba^na\r.e,yin• Parties not conversant with the Veneering precess and wa { l >'k’ely finished wall in residence, will do well to cons^uif M r- McIi,tTri before finishing with rustic. ’s 1 ! Sarsaparilla to g TTood’s and only Hood’s. — Dr. Cate is kept pretty busy If Chicago is proud of the action Hood’s P*1ls The universal good dentistry done of the Hamilton Club in admitting by him has gained for the Dr. a a negro to membership Chicago lasting reputation. pride is not a thing to envious of. F'«-r tn b”v, c;i y in effect. » HOTEL BURNS tn tike 25 cents. OREGON N COMEGYS & ■ SONS, P roprietors TONSO RIAL PARLOR, ROBINSON A Burr,», OreMn, WALTON 1 The medium who can get Ben i I Butler’s opinion of the proposition WANTED in every county to in P roprietors , This large and comfortable hotel is well furnished and the proprie- to erect a monument in his honor troduce the Celebrated ‘‘Hygeia” tors use every eth rt possible to make their guests feel at hoiue will be certain of a lively seance. Waist» ror all age«. This waist Everything in their line guaranteed »upercedeB the coraet, and has re­ to be done satisfactorily. The table is at all times supplied with everything the market af. The editors wh) wrote lengthy ceived the unanimous approval of fords. physicians of America. $3.00 out articles about the lesson in diplo Bathes at all hours. which Turkey was about to fit free. Any energetic woman can I Give The Burns a call and we feel assured you will continue to be make from $15 to $50 weekly. | teHch lw bv recalling her minister its guest when in town. i are sorry they went off half cocked Send for circulars and terms. HYGEIA M’F’G CO, 378 St, New Turkey has no idea of recalling her I GEO. S. SIZEMORE, n , inister Moral: It’s better some- I York. ATTORNEY, times to be too Blow than to be too B urns , .............................. O regon , t , fast. Will Wrk Collections, Land business, and Real Estate matter promptly attended to. • I We offer One Hundred Dollars Had the purs^* suggested by cer- Reward for a« v case of < t»'» toadies for the Duke Veragua, fi.„, „„„ i , ' | . .. ... when he was at the World’s Fair ERR a T HICKS, J. W BIfiGS, tnat . can not be cured by Hall ■ Ca-i n Spanish u • . Infanta, i e . Eulalie, C anyon C ity ^ a B urns . with th« 4 larrh Cure. bi-en raised the Duke would protia- Hicks & Biggs [W. E. G race ’ s old stand ] F. J. < iienev , it Cor. Propts , , bly have been less bitter in hiscrit-. i Toledo, O icisrn of congress for its attitude ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Prourietor. ‘A C Worthington We the undersigned, have known Offices at Canyon City and Burns . « ^-DEALER « F J (’Iienev for 15 tiars, and be DRUGS, BOOKS, STATIONARY, DYES, PAINTS, PERFUMES lieye him perfectly honorable in all Speaker Reed's economy would be ino-e popular with the members TOILET ARTICLES, AND NOTIONS, business transaction and financially i of the house if this wasn ’ t election 1 A full line of School Books and School Supplies. Confection? able to carry out any obligations | year; and if they didn’t know how Nuts and fruits. made by their firm. insincere it is. Reed wants to make r-uysiiuian lae»v«ry Fi.» rseli y lat« lhe ».wu ia He­ STATIONERY, DIAMOND DYES, CHOICE PERFUMES ra **- T he H erald . ine unkkly süworhad H (tree «N et» ¡»ti Wiurnio Kanttiv.-Mra I PIONEER DRUG Burns Ontario STORE. Stage Line. CATARRH rr!i< r al iva W tiiAalow • -.H'thlng N.rap ha« h««u nar.1 fot ove» Rfly 'rara hjr aHHuiii ofmotlirra f»»r thrh rhl.Jrra «MI« trethlog, alt b |w*rf »art «f thè worM. «tre. rata a batti«. Ite »alti» 1« invaia labi» Re «are «ad a-k K»r Mm. w it>.t«'...« » s.-ohing Syrnp. and tak« nvother km». Ely’s Cream Balm la arknowMced la he lhe moat Unwrwrh tare fne Nanai i atarvh. CM1 In Read and llaj low of all remedies II npe e . and rl.a n.. « lhe a-eal r s»«»