Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1896)
t BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. APRIL A SUSPECTED COUNTERFEI TER. lfow to Prevent Croup. Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov t Report Royal» Croupis a tarror toyoung mothets and to post them concering th« New York, April 1—Emanuel BY Ninger was arrested tonight and cause, first symptoois and treat- w. C. BYRD i SON. P ublishers and P roprietors . confined in Ludlow street jail in nient is the object of thiB item. The secret, The origin of croup is a common default of $20.000 bail service agents of the federal goy* cold. Children who are subject to SUBSCRIPTION KATES: ABSOLUTELY PURE »¿.ou eminent believe they have a count it tske cold very easily and croup One Year .................................... ... .1.00 lix .. ............................................ ’ . .75 erfeiter who has baffled their efforts is almost sure to fudow. The first rkreeJIontns................. —Get one of I. S. Geer & Co’8 —John Sweitzer,carpenter,under HERALD CLUB LIST: It was in 1875 that svmpton is hoarseness; this is soon 5,00 for 17 years. Herald ssd Harper's Magazine....... This 5.20 the government detectives first be followed by a peouliar rouJih cough, taker and cabinetmaker. His work premium purchase tickets. gersld and Harj-eUs Weekly ......... 5.20 ierald and Harper’s Bazar firm agrees to give the holder of' M.ui?o\d gc®edia, 3.75 .2.94 gan to hunt for a penman who which is easily reeojjmied and will shop is in jhe old saloon building such tickets a fine life size Crayon ’•sch additional volume after Vol. I 55 cents. could, with a simple pen, ink and never be forgotten by < ne who ha9 next door south of Worthington’s [j cent! extra ver volume, postage. Portrait absolutely free of any paper, so successfully imitate a ! heard it. The trine to act is when Mr.Sweitzer guarantees his w°rk at g»-foplesof all the above works can be ex- | charge, by purchasing $20 worth _ ____ leisure in the Reading Room. costly engraved United States L----- | the child first becomes hoarse. If prices to suit the hard times. Cof-| greenback or bank note that it. de-1 Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is fins made to orde-. Will take pro of goods for cash at their store. It g^-Publiehers of periodicals are solicited . Rubbing retes, a copy^of their work fo. and%*nd\h; tied detection bv an expert. Agent freely given all tendency to erdup duce partlv for work and balance in is not necessary that the whole free Lyv • , h^ofome-.Tnd sndn«V Cl x-M 1 .. . A amount should be purchased at one V-' 7, George Bagg, of i* 1 the secret service, ! will soon disappear. Even after j Ca«h. »pieebv advertisement. - time, but any amount from 5 cents I is of the opinion that Ninger is the the croupy cough has developed it' to $20 as explained upon the tick man they have looked for so long will prevent the attack. There is ADVERTISING RATES: A good ranch belonging to H. G. I ets. Bagg c aims that Ninger has made no danger in giving this remedy for . . . 1 wk 2 wk 1 me j 3 mo j 6 mo 1 1 yr I Campbell, containing 160 acres 12 a confession, and has surrendered it contains nothing ’ injurious. »15.00 »11.00 »8 -X) »5.00 (1.50 »2.50 ¿8.00 18 00 6.50 1'2 03 1 00 Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy 3.00 miles south east of Burns. This he 40 00 the pens, ink and paper which •24 00 8.00 15.00 S ,i0 5.00 50.00 3*2.00 6.00 10.00 2» 00 1 4.50 ranch has abotrt 100 acres of good cures colds, croup and whooping in mak:ng the counterfeit 54.00 used 48.00 I <1.00 9 00 15.00 28.00 80.00 120.06 12 VÜ 16 00 28.00 48.00 meadow land. Price $800 or will cough. It is pleasant, safe and re- TWO FOR ONE. bills. Ninger has lived en a small , 1'20.00 80.00 40.00 «1.00 no 00 140.0 liiiblt. Jor^ul- Ij ill dn f gif t trade for sheep. farm near Flagtown, N. J., for B yrd & K ing . JOB WORK years. i Send for free sample and judge jf every description executed with neatnesB thereby. The E. O. H erald and ■4- md despatch, at reasonable rates. I | Cincinnati Weekly Ei quirer, both Murdered by Apaches. Pampblets Posters, Mrculars, Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Envelopes, mhl> r Catarrh one year for $2. r oî Note Heads, Cards, Tieaets, Intentent«, The Enquirer is a 9 colum,8 page Dodgers, Etc. Memoranda, Invitations. that con tain Mrcury, San Simon, Ariz , April 1—Set paper, issued each Thursday. ISTHEBEST. 90 WltUL FIT FOR A KIND. T hs H krald is kept regularly on file for re- tlers in th.e part ot the territory terencs, in the Geo. P. Rowell Newspaper Ad- Largest in size,cheapest in price, I . . CORDOVAN, rertising Bureatf, 10 Spruce st.. New York. ........... in news,all large type , 1 as mercury will surely destroy the FRENCH A ENAMELLED CALF. are wrought up to a high pitch of most reliable ♦.•3. m F ine C alt &K angarnl If excitement Apa-.plain print, good white * paper. _ * 1 sense of rmell and completely de v. A vl tv U J - • i v by v/ y the ii J v murder 111 ui tx Vz t by J x B i7’* if j * “ • ♦ 3.BP POLICE,3 SOLE». OFFICIAL DIRECTORY I ches of Alfred Hands, the details of our readers want Mother live paper,, range the whole^Btem when en tering it through the mucous sur- which have ju,l been leaned. ^„^‘X'rde™1 Jorti, office..ler1 "« il national : S2.^l.7» BOYS'SCHOClSHOa articles shi should never faces. Such articles fresidest .......................... . Grover Cleveland Hands’ head was crushed in by -LADIES- flee-Presideut.................... .. Adlai Stevenson | | be used except on prescriptions iseretary of State ............. t3'*2B’BEsT0’oNMl< Richard s, Olney rocks, h’s abdomen was cut open lecretary of Treasury........ John G. Carlisle ’ , . I I from reputable physicians, as the ieoretarv of Interior ........... Hoke Smith and * gunshot ’ * wounds ’ were found r ‘ in . ^S’&15S)L«iEw Jeerstary of War . Daniel 8. Lamont damage they will do is ten fold to' secretary of Navy .......... Hilary A. Herbert several parts of the body. Tracks | BROCKTON, -MASS. lecretary of Agriculture. J. Sterling Morton Over One Million People wear the Ittorue.v General ............ Judstn Harmon on the ground showed that Indians America’s Great Danger the good you can possibly derive! Postmaster General . . .. Win. L Wilson from tjiem. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes eoiDinitted the crime. The 8TATÏ—OREGON : . had All our shoes arc equally cciisfactory manufactured by F. J. Cheney & They fensters ' I G J. , w. H.Mitchell. JJcBride. I U)urderers were not satisfied with give the beet value for tho money. equal custom shoes in style and fit. AM EMGU3H CO MM EMT ARY. Co., Toledo, O., contains no mer Thev Their wearing qualities are unsurpassed. I Binger, Hermann - killing Hanbs and robbing his omgressinen.................. prices ere uniform,—-stamped on sole. cury, and is taken irit rnally, act The Attorney General From $i to .«>3 saved over other makes. Said an eminent English scientist recently: c. Wm m . ldieman home, but thev destroyed every- Governor P Lord 1 If your dealer cannot supply you we can. Sold by ing directly upon the blood and mu the Tndians “ The dauger that Secretary of State Indians ¡ I cun , confronts . . the great .., Ameri- , .di R Kln™id thing R else. Fvidenflv ] Evidently tne rreasurer R people to-<luy ii not the possible adop . Phil. Metschan "Dealors everywhere Wanted, agent to icous surfaces of the system. In inpt. Public Instruction g m irwin i had surprised the unfortunate set- tion of a wrong financial |>olicy for the take exclusive sale for this vicinity Write bate Printer R W H Laeiis 1 r . ... nation, or the spread of socialism, or the buying Hall’s Catarrh Cure be sure at once. « R. S. Bean. tier when he was busy outside the avrv-aMe of corruption among publio men. ‘npreme Judges . > C. Wolverton house, and finding him physic illy til tticHO are bud enough, to be sure, but you get the genuine. It is taken ' F. A. Moore are es nothing compared to-the terrible idternally and is made in Toledo, N1NETH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. disabled, stoned him to death and they na'ional disease— 1 had almost said nation. I D M.D.CLIFFOK o Tes B strict Attorney ..................... C. W. Parrish, perhaps mutilated him when still Ci ¡me —of overwork. Tho mad rush f r Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. o nt-Kepreseut*tlve (Rj O. L. Patters.», wealth is set at a killing pace, und thousands timonials free. '•int-Senator .(R)............ A w.Gowau I alive. At present cowboys and aj | fall by the way every year. Scientific American covstv — harnkt : ¡detachment of cavalry, under Lieu- You are likely to bo ono of the victims * rfJF Sold by Druggists, price 75c. Agenoy for Jounty zj.Ige .................. C. P. Rutherford. I per bottle. 1 low do wc know ? Because it is tho excep tlerk tenant Rice, are in pursuit of the ...... (D). . . C. E. Kenyon rreasurer tion to find a man or woman of adult ago in 1.8. Geer l ;R) inrvevor T A.McKinnon Indians, but owing to the good start (»erfeet health. Nervous Disorders are Sheriff (R) . .......... A. Gittings spreading with fearful rapidity. Among ti c ......... .(D). (u .......... S. W. Miller there is little hope that they will be ’'•tool Superintendent .’tR) symptom«, are—Backache, Biliousner«, Cold .C has . Newe 1 ~) ’ Hack Inspector The settlers hope that ilaiids and Feet, Dizzines-, Hot Flushes, ....... Geo. Tregaskis overtaken. CAVEATS* (D) I A. B. Marks the territorial government will take Fluttering Sensation, Fait ting, Headache, lonunissioners ADI MARKS» ,R) ( RR Sitz. Hysteria, Irritability of the Heart. Melan IN PATBMTS, • the matter p and form a band of choly, Failir g Memory, Palpitation, Rheu harkky c. a. lakd officb : _........................... COPVRICHTI. «toJ determined rangers, well paid, for matism, Kh rt Breath, Sleeplessness, Ner ,r?.,lf2.nnaA*on •B<t free Handbook write to kefister well begun 1* baif done. Begin ................ Thomas Jones * Cot; 881 B« oadwat , Naw Yon«. deceiver vous Dyspepsia, Sexual Debility, Fits, etc well by getting Ferry's Neela. ................... A. A. Cowing Oldest bureau for securing patents in America. the purpose of wiping out this band .Don’t let chance determine K f . v . C. A. C arroll ,pastor First Baptist Fjery token out by us Is brought before your crop, but plant Ferry’e the public by a notice given free otcharge In to* Church, Yellow Spring«, O., write«a» follow»: Heeds. Known and sold j of murderers. “ I have u»ed Dr. Mile*' Restorative Nervine everywhere. HBLI8HED EVERY WEDNESDAY ya W. L. D ouglas PLANTING! for the p >st six month«. I find it acts like a charm on the whole nervous system. I , ■YLVA REBEKAH Degree No.«. have not found its equal in giving immediate ' Meet! every 1st and Sd Wednesday. • ivlief. 1 »-lief. Dr. Miles’ little Nerve and Liver Liver. Pills only need a trial and they will recom-1 Mias Lei» McGee N.G. Sam Motherahead. Rec. Sec’y. mend themselves to be the best pills in the market.” A. 0. u. W. Rums Lodge, No 47 “ For five year* I have suffered from Ner Meets every 2d an)1 4th Thursdays vous P.ostration, I via unable to work or sleep. The first dose of Dr. Miles’ Restora H M Horton, M. W. J W Sayer, Rec'd tive Nervine gave me relief, and one th« u sand dollar* would not cover the good it ha* "A**KY LODGE, NO. 77, I. O O F. done me.”—JOHN MINCHER, Youngs 1 M p i “ O',d Allows Hall, every SaturdayF, town, Ohio. W.C. Byrd, N. G. Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine i* un B. D. McIntyre, Secy. equalled in CURING N'ervoua Diseases. It The wn'cwa of th'-i Orest Congh Cure is eomain i no opiate* or dangerous drug*. Sold I w'.hont a parallel fn the history of medicine. an a positiv* guarantee by all druggists. All dra«g'»ts are authorized to sei I It on apos- H a **8Y POST NO. 48. O. A. R. Dr. Miles Medical Co-, Elkhart, Ind. Hire guarantee, a teat that no other c re can SOCIETIES. SHILOH’S CONSUMPTION CURE. ■•«K M*ÓddíJJÍ W Wrdursdsy of each ». mails . auaws—vau: » rrlvasand departsdally, Denen, dally, sxeept |Ssndsv raccesstullr stand. That it may become kao-aii. the Propriété-?, at an enormoes es panse. are piecing a Sample Bottle Free into :verjr home in the Vnite l States and Canada. If sou have a Cough. Fore Throat, or Bron chitis. use it. for it sir'll cure you. If your child has tfcsCrwp, er Whooj.lag Cough, use t oromMtv, and relief Is sure. If you dread hat .n- Ueaa dr »car« aonsumpUon, aae it Ask your Druggist for SHILAAH’S CUBE, Frleetr. cts Meta, andfl.«. If your Lunge are sore or Baek lame, n«a FhHoh’s Porous Feister. P-iee 25 eta. For aale by all Drug gists aad Denies*. American Before you plant, get Ferry’« Seed Annual largest circulation of any scientific Banov in the J'or*d. hnlendldly Illustrated. No Intelligent man should be without It. Weekly 4k*l ooa year; »1.50 six months. Address, MuSfx** ooi FVBLuauta, 301 Broadway. New York city/** for 180i Contains more prac tical information for farmers I and gardeners than many high- priced text books. Mailed free. . d . n. rgser s co., smuit, mkm . C«rl —lerbahn Made-’ * : >«tr.— Uautou d 1 uoatra Orchestri.7 ‘•AXAKENlS,’givcnUv>uir.. rtñlaT aM M an ¡'if Cure for Pile*. *'rk>eS!. i Dniiwiatsor mull. Kr.mpk ires. A-kirv w»‘-A N A Ji S-MS,- Dox StkKNuw Vi»* Qu IMI’..««. Bis. April. It, '3Í-J Menar». Joint,F Strettir. Dea, Sin -1 »m ppurvu t » b .• r’-‘* to itati- that l ci- i hî(?l;'y ». i* g-.n-c -i >• rr clan <îi.t : t,-D s« I - » «r r.”'iy ; ,, i t< You. «.,Scr. f ,r fhou J l > ours ss Burns-Canyon Stage Line H. A. W illiams , contractor. Carrying U. S. M.H, and Ea,Urn Oregon MUCICAL MARCHANDISE, *1* '**• ***•’■«. Banjo*. Accent r.M r*r*Mol> 1 F« ’s*"”’ B',n” d"Ì,y f°r C*"’On .d ■ dr...