RETIRING FROM BUSINESS! * WEDNESDAY APRIL 1. is 6 „. 11 offer my Entire Stock oí Goods at Cost for tCÄSiT 0« APPROVED NOTES^l The following from the Telegram BURNS. OREGON. On Thursday morning, March 19th.. I Mr. B. F. Mansfield of Sunnyside ! M rs F. E. M c G ee , Proprietress. was presented with a beautiful pair, of twins under extriordinary cir ru instances. Miss Lucy Mansfield, the eldest daughter, stepped to the front door Having dettr l ined t > close up my business, a good opportunity for the morning milk al*out 7' 'is offered everyone to purchase supplies at prices that will justify in o’clock Beside the can she beheld a large and handsome wicker basket ■ laving in a full years sitpply. holding two vrv hondsome infants. __ , __ _ . . ___, .. TI,<- ->go »larii'-.i her. ...g -h. .-u M’k: Your fcvcstm nts While I led for her father, who came out and carried the basket into the It is well arranged nice, cosy, comfortable rooms. The cuisine d- house. The Bedding in the basket1 ____ ...... , . . ... partnu nt is as perfect as possible for an inland town and guests will C goods will be charged on my books and all parties owing me s V l'i ; V ! 11 1 attention. and the dresses of the babas-a ; bereby notlfle(1 ,o make H„ ear|? boy and a girl, both about a week . TATTRRHRIMRR old—were of the costliest material. L) U «KH El M t. K. Pinned to the pink coverlet beneath > a gossamer blanket, was a note written in ’a beautsluf hand, and J evidently pennee by a woman of1 somefducation. It read as follows: ' “Kind Friends: These children were bourn in holy wedlock, but their father is far away from the scene. I also am a stranger in your midst, having lived in Port land a mounth only. For reasons1 II W WELCOME. Proprietor. 1 cannot explain, I am compelled I to consign mv little ones to vour DRUGS, PAINTS, GLASS, TOILET ARTI care, and I prtv you care well tor them, so tl at the blessing of God CLES OF ALL KINDS, ETC. may rest upon you. Prescriptions carefully compounded by a Registered Pharmacist ANDERSON A GOODM \N. Proprietors. “Herein 1 inclos $20 for their first month's care, and a similar1 The best brands of Liquors, wi es and cigars. Two billiard sum will be transmitted to you on and one pool table. the first of every month hereafter. “Should anything befall in-’ KO PAINS SPARED TO ACCOMMODATE CUSTOMERS. children, or sho I I von at any time re iih ye from youi home communicate such fact to ‘Alpha I I and Omega,’ cur» of the Anglo- Burns, Oregon. CULP BRO'C Californian bank at San Francisco, > Cal. Work Guaranteed to be first class. “In time, if conditions permit, 1 1 will make myself known to you. We mix our own Paints, and But should such time never arrive, Our Work Speaks fo' it e f. I assure you thatth<< children wi'l have a good competency when I reaching their majority You tils • | shall be bettor rewarded for what | At the old stand South East of the H khai . p otliee. Ben's assort kindnesst <1 you imiv la-stow u|M»n i inent of Japanese goods is very fine and, considering the quality yeri them May God bless you ami mi | eheap. littel ones from whom I am parted by cruel fate.” The letter bore no signature, and the Mansfields are at a loss to ae-1 p count tor their s« lection to carry out the laissio'i imp med upon them They haven't the remotest idea who th< mother of the twins is. but1 ae they are not well provided with worldly good«, the promised |2O a I month will prove a help ti> them ■ ■ The n» ilh >r is pres mi t dy w «11 to 1st Prize. Kimball Plano. “Style 3.” $ 600 00 > THOS. LAHEY, Burns, Oregon. do, am| from her fortune re wan s 2d Prize. Bicjcle, for man nr woman 75 00 are oxiw-ctrd 3d Prize. Cash........................ àW“F> door north of Brick Store. 50 00 I 10 Cash Prizes, each $25 ............. 250 00 > » r This popular Hotel holds itselt in point ot rank equal, if not super ior to any inland hotel and in fact compares favorably with many railroad houses. My Stock is Complete. ■ BURNS DRUG STORE. I Corner opposite Post Office I • • JAPANESE GOODS .AND LAUNDRY. CARPENTER, BUILDER, CABINET MAKER. Parties Desiring-Cabinet Work that excels any clone in this place heretofo re, call and examine my work. 4th PRIZE CONTEST.. I ■ SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE. < Th* M'rro» ot Ih.« Or-« Crnijk Or» fa wtlbxut a p«r«ll*l I* Ih» h.»tcr;r <*t medici*». All