4 H».«»«’ -»J of Mr. Leonar Wells of im'jy Mass, has been suffering from neuralgia for two day s, not being able to sleep or hard ley keep still, when Mr Holden, .ant there sent her her a bottle of Chatnerlain s Pain Balm, and asked that she give ita thorough ¡rhe MicViifiV / ____________ ___________ — I again Xe, York, March 23,-Mhanm •" Armeni«" refuge ««.b «raped from furky ,0J bar just arrived here, said last Rare Selection nt Millinery Goods- W.L. D cuclas night: -fhe rua^acre in Marsovan OC eurred November last. 1 he first thing done Qt> I I the — morning - of the was to put a guard of nisssficrc v Six wciks ago I goffered with a jean cdlege. This was to protect very severe cold; was almost unable the college fro»' attack, d wo or three houses in the town in which the naturalized American citizen^ lit«! were also guarded. The Turkish soldiers b-gan by killing jo cold blood all the Armenian.- well begun is half done. Begin J well by getting Ferry’’ Seed«. I wLoui they found in the maiktt. M PLANTING Don't let chance determine! your crop, but plant Ferry’» 1 Seed». Known and sold 1 everywhere. ' Before you plant, get with guns, and partly Ferry's Seed Annual with hatchets "Then they killed all the Armen V \ for 1*96. Contains more prao',. tical information for farmers- .» ■ and gardeners than many high- / . I priced text books. Mailed free. 1 “ I d . a. ferkv a co., detboit , n<n ians whom they found in tue streets. They did not. however, enter any Armenian h a s s, except four, where several w omen were assaulted and killed. ‘Meanwhile each of the mosques in the town had a Turk cry ing out eyery few mirutes that the Armen ians were sacking the mosques and killing tie Turks. This added greatlv to the public excitement a d added the Turkish populace to the soidierv. "O. e 1000 per-ons were killed in all the m issacres in Marsovan It was freely acknowledged by the soldiers the the Armenians were kilied by direct orders from Con stantmople. There a-e altogether 500000 Armenians under Turkish dominion and if they remain under that rule tor 10 years longer thev will be exterminated or converted to Mohamniedanism. “Between 30,000 and 40.00fi Ar menians have been massacred •’»i I ■ FRENCH&ENAMELLED CALE ^.^FlNECAlf&imJWl ♦ 3.4» P0LICE.3 S oles . ^.V-SBOYSSCHOe'-SHOES. •LADIES* SENS FOR CATALOGUE W-L-DOUGLAS, BROCKTON, MASS. Because, we are tae largest manufacturers oi advertised shoe» in the world, and guarantee the value by stamping the name and pnee on the bottom, which protecta yon against high prices and the middleman's profit». Our shoes equal custom work in style, easy fitting and wearing qualities. We have them sold every- whe-e at lower prices for the value given than any other maheV T he no substitute. I. your dealer cannot supply you, w: can. Sold by — ■ i k- ?"-* ism'J Cnrefcr rtlc.» ■ <ADnaartetsor in Cash Store TH THE PLACE TO GET BARGAINS IN HOSIERY, UNDERWARE, GLOVES, MITTONS, TOWELS, FLANNELS*, ETC. ‘ Located first block East of Church. W. H. C anaday , Manager. DO YOU KNOW A GOOD ADVERTISEMENT MEANS INCREASE IN BUSINE.-y»'_^*t»- I of the United States! I The New York Weekly Tribune 7°^miauen. ( To do Busi u. ss I Let People Haow it- WILL BE ANNOUNCED IN up if you have anything You want to Sell Let People Know it. C NOVEMBER 4th 1896 Public intereat will steadily increase, and the question how the men whose vutea turned the scale at the last election are satisfied with the streets. The result of this massa results under the administration they elected, will make the campaign cre is that all the young men are the most intensely exciting in the history of the country. keeping in the houses and sending oni the old men to buv food ” find Johnson's Yon era »arc money by •nrcba»ing V» . L,. Dougin« Shoe«, . THE NAME OF T ”E NEXT to the present time. The governor of the district is r ow busy arresting all the young Armenian men whom the soldiers or police LOOK! ♦ 5. CORDOVAN, Turkish soldiers around the Amer They did this partly partly with lay. nets Proprietress. Cbarnberlian’s Cough Remedy ad- S allis H udspeth , — — vers!i«ed in the St. Paul \ oiks Zeitung I procured a bottle, and after taking it a short while was The Proprietress is entyrely well’ I now most heartily hen, to atay and deeirea. to Plea.e Patron» i n Style, Quality 01 Good, recommend this remedy to anyone and Prices. On Corner North of Meat Market. W m . K eil , trial. On meeting Is the suffering with a cold. nxuay he was od hat she was ' 678 Selby Ave., St. Paul, Minn. p tin h id teft her with- For 8 ile by n hours and ttle of Pain Balm was worth $5 00 i i. could not be had for less. For sile CLIftE* IS THE BEST. at SOlcents per hottie by W«S wliVt. KO SQUEAKING, — ^^AY APRIL 1. 18 « h ^ blk t ST0KV MILLINERY STORE to speak. My friends all advised me to consult apysician. Noticing the The New York Weekly Tribune Subscribe for the EAST OREGON HERALD the leading Republican family newspaper of The United States, wil T TXT’ C publish all the political news of the day, interesting to every American citizen regardless of paxtv affiliations. Alao general new* in attractive form, foreign correspondents cover ing the news of the world, an agricultural department second to none in the country, market report* which are recognized authority, fascinat ing short stories, complete in each number, the cream of the * humorous ‘ papers, foreign and domestic, w ith their beat comic pictures, fashion plates and elaborate descriptions of woman’s attire, with a varied and attractive department of household interest. Th* “New York Weeklv Tribune” is an ideal family paper, with a circulation larger than that of any other weeklv publication in tbi country issued from the office of ^'trj hody 'Ktadt a daily. Largv changes ar- being made in its details, tending to rive it greater life and variety, and especially roure interest to the women TJETS HUA j ILD. and young people of the hr uphold. Adrer/ite in it. AMT V -A^ X Ffl TTT X lAf Vx CLUBBING RATES WITH ALL THE LEADING PAPERS. and THE rat»««?“®'*“'*” U”“" *“">«1 PAY UP YOUR >K BSC RIPTION AND GET THE TRIBUNE *0.»H F. r . fcATTWFB cvita SF’” c x - MT*SM>wo«as •I fclFTIGN« MAY begin at any time . Ad drew or call at _________________ HERALD OFFICE Wnt-yoor name and addr**, on a postal card, »end it to Geo. W Bert R^om 2. Tribune Building. New York Citv and . i ' THE NEW Y0E.K WEE k L y T k Ì b LSÉ THE HIR4LD DOES THE best job PRNTG 4T LOWEST R4TES. -a.