« * « ’ I . f I • A FOOT OF SNOW * ure in the would-be scoffer s change of heart by’ singinglustily the verst» Des Moines, March 23.—Dio One of the ladies in waiting on of a got«pel song, the first line of patches (from Creetoh, R“d Oak Queen Victoria in a letter to a which is ‘ Hallielujah, fis Done, Jefferson, Atlantic, Albia and other friend in thia country, tells an at the closing of which the presid points indicate a heavy fall of snow- amusing story of the Queen’» kind-1 ingSalvationist told the convert to over the state. All correspondents nesa and tact. During her atay at proceed with his testimony. state that it is the heaviest storm of “H'as Hi »aid when the good sis- the winter. There was no wind Osborne Castle an Irish nurse catne with her little charges, the children . ter broke bin with ’er s »ng, Hi feels and the snow is from eight inches of the Duke of B., to visit the chil- mightier different now to a foot deep everywhere, Farm­ His feelings overcoming him and i ers aro encouraged, as this will in­ dren of the Princess of Battenberg While they were at tea in the nur­ not finding words to express fully ! sure abundant moisture for winter sery the Queen entered unexpected­ his gratefulness, for being snatched ; wheat and pastures, besides put­ ly. Irish Nelly stood up, pale and from the piths of unrighteousness, j ting the ground in fine condition trembling The Queen presently | the convert raised his voice to a for oyring work. high, almost suu -aky. kev, and | saw her, add said, kindly: “The children do credit to your shouted in great ecstaev, “Oh. , A GOOD ADVERTISEMENT | friends, Hi might sav Hi h’am so care of them.” On this Nelly fell upon her knees ’appv h as I bust my collar band.” The Roseburg Rtview is takii'c in a frenzy of embarrassment, cry- Whereupon he’ subsided, feeling rank with the Times and other ing out: 'full of joy and. apparently, uncon­ prominent newspapers,,being now “Yes, 0 Queen! No, O Queen!” scious of his oddly humorous re- threatened with a libel suit by \\ bending h®r head with each sen | marks.—Chicago Chronicle. W. Cardwell of that city fo print tence “It’s from the county Cork i ing a communication about tire I came, an’ its little does me father All the passengers in the car Cow creek train robbery, which re­ know I do be acquained this day noticed that the big man on the flected on that individual. It is wid the great Qufeen of the world.” left of the rear door was looking dollars to doughnuts that the news­ The children burst into shrieks fixedly at tha small man opposite, paper wil| win. — Jacksonville of laught» r, but the Queen, check­ land by and by the small man llO- Times. ing the smile that rose to her own ticed the same thing himself. lips, shook her head at them, gent­ 1 ter an embarrassing interval Í ly hade the woman ri:e, and sent three minutes he observed: her up >n an errand until she should ‘‘Well what is it?” recover her wits. ‘•Excuse me, sir,” replied the big The early biographies of Victoria • man, ‘‘but your fuco seems faniil- describe her as imperious in man* I jar ner and fuliv conscious of the gulf; “Yes?” FÆTH TRIGS OF GNE. that separated her from the rest of “Though I can’t place it.” mankind. The Duke of Wellington, “No?” after an audience with his youthful “1» your name Rambo?” severeign once, shrugged his shoul­ “No Fir.” ders as he came out, saying with a I “I thought it wan Didn’t you H) i THI. YEAR laugh: use to live in Sandu«ky. ()?’’ - - - - ?+*- - - - “How the little lady does love to “No, sir; never wa« in Sandusky —THIS PAPER— rule!” m my life.” ------ WITH — But the officials that surround “Wasn’t there in 1890, eh?” THE S N FRANCISCO her at court now in her old age ‘ No, s r.” represent her as kind and consider “That’» queer. Just the minute ate of the feelings and comfort of I got sight of you I was sure you PKICM 0US3 I FK Y. AH. her poorest servant or neighbor,1 w.is Rambo, of Sandu ky. If you ------OR------ »nd apparently forgetful, ii: her are”— (Hi SAN FRANCIS 0 attention to the great question* of' “But I’m not” interrupt d the the day. <»f her own exalh'd rank, (small iiiai«. “I never heard »•>, -p IIE SAX FRANCISCO tears, like the ord.narv woman, to said the big man, as fie 1- ok - i out WEEKLY CALL soften the acrid judgement of youth | Is g iiand.M.lue eighL ( of the window and back again; „but page paper. It ia is*ned every and to feel that all men, rulers and ■ if you hadn't said so I phon'd I ave Thurtday, and contains all of ruled, stand on one level as chil­ the important new» of the I continued to think th it you w re dren of the same Father.—Youth’s weak, glenned from every qu tr­ l the man.” ier of the globe, compl-te up Companion. • “And what of it?” r» torted tin to date of publication. It fur- nishea the latest and most l small nrui, llushing up over it reliable financial new« »nd He eloped Blood and tire snldiers of the Sal­ “O nothing much market quotation», » d (tvs* with my w.fe from Sandusky in special attenti. n tu lioriicul- vation Armv, hard at work to bring tural and agrirultural news, 1890, an I I heard they were hv ng about the reformation of the uproot ! and ts in every respect a first, tlass family pat-er, app»-.»ii g ing claeses classes of society, caught an* an here ill Di troit Hyouwere Rim i to tlie interest of rvery tn<- i.t.er I wa*‘ toa-k h»a odd penitent a tew nights ago at ' of the household. one of the meeting halls in the I “If you’ll g< t off ibe e ir l’|| lick ------H--------- <1 ll im' o ami HE MOKMAG CAI.I. northwestern stcliiMt of the city you and Rambo C-avas I mcm a W aaa> He is an Englishman and evident- Hoodoo d all th- rv»t « f the gst«g llfX js M |jte n.etroi-odt.n put together! ' shout'd the >m ill Iv not been long enough on this ' daily. It is the MOb l HELIA - man, as h* got up mid went mr m.K and is reetignlard n« side of the great pond to wear nut I being the LEADING NEW8- “ No — nh n ■ »! ’ ’ r

aper- we will send po-tu id as a pre­ customary invitation to sinners t « If you are not R .mho | I < g uiir mium oti reerl t <>f the follow, ‘l olK fa— ha I fim I ar “oome forward and partake of the pardon ing aiib^erlptfim price» Ur the roiublnatlou: waters of life.” Not the last of a look, and 1 just tlou_!:t 11 II.-k if — dozen of sekers after the light was But the am ill man I o I H’.l the nglishman. He is a little fellow, happy faced and tlorid, and the car ami went h’.« wa ■, it II1 :»he , P. YEA when hr mount'd a cha'r it was other heaved a sial: h and ,1 look'd I easily seen that the teachings of aroumi and *iad “I in worry | ott’.-ndc>l h m, hut I the evening had left the desired thought it was R amI«', rml was go impression upon his mind ing t»» ask if M »ria had hah ht r “Fricna,” said he. as he heaved be h file I and tu r ♦-»••> -tr.iign • ltd .Is P.p . p r ti/, his bosom, “wen I c«H>m to thi« elird ’ | lh-tr it Fr»-e ¡’«w *♦> '.(> merlin’ 'on:x it. ,-i» tliriiigii ui,-o!io)ie drill!:», lungs but Iw.-en a.le' tisi by i:i. Imving o--l.il taii-.te I anil adiil("'-ra «»! f.m Is. c. vie- t .i.iiu ited -A .ter, th • viuoaleil >itm . .there of lirijeil halls. 11.s eondi'ion ssm là-.rntR tov.-ns ill - u> :|:ni.on» j run.1 ram ¡eofriil- shell Iliai he W is e UlfiU’-'l to bin il i h ». finally gave hhn e.f ov-r to tiiecire i.f i ro.nl trains the flashing of cii-ciric Eghts, phy. iei i:i. Mr. Cob man’s e .;.e -ii a. 4 the clangor of str ■: ears, l e j:n-J:ng of «!i-.i-r-ist luid given him an .-i.-.parnuir.e»- telephone I i-'J.s, the vertig > pr «hieing .-ilccts w:t!i ii-seases und tiieir reili“-.l;i - o re i <| of l.ifty buil !i:r.s »'id sui t -it’y r-ti’dish d I ab'y worse. Tin- ueliou of mr I gx I vk I • work culls unentio i to th-->>- in ir ler.i is in­ . in- -.>::ie so nvik that I -i -k Hu -to- -s that b-: ei tlie e:ri of the century • anv -1 nothing tow ir I In lping us. C>r w? w -u’-.l !< • ■ t’i-peen. It iw« while I w;.s ia tlii. i r. ». in • ipa'd ■ of dig- s'iug it. < fir stom i--hs.etin '1 ti i" thie 1 i:-it-c<- Wi’l’a-a-s’ Pink Pills. 1 system. Til.- latter,' .-mtind to u-!i mo-.-thnn tbem.cvin ili-ivgh they killed .w. V.e), th" f irm-r are able to fnrni h an I us the they lii li.’t Liiiiae, bui ¡’in ’:••! i-ii ' to 1« .1 1’1 -vitable cons -quence then com s dis i-ter. ym lb H toy i t-r-d me iianie i : e y <-iv The Strongest III iv keep iit> lmt th-- w-aker • ease was net h t o serions firth '. . Put I fall by t ,e way. M uikin 1 has Ic-come fati- Ii.-id not r.k- n u fui) luix I «f r. I f i i a r < t gn -d ami exh it! te I and this fati-’m- n-id ex­ viief. My r «, ir>iii n ur.s more i-ertu,t: I haustion make themselv s m mifest in t’.o -.vie: ■ r idiuilli.... -.’.-i ’ ni' -Jngro.-itro) of my hi: ex inerea- oof nervous-li orders, inclu ling soc'i and my • oailiiio i iviii "<-in r.-il'v inq r< v- <1. new ilb .-tions as the ‘'railway 1-r in ” a- d I kept , ri iit <>:• taking tlie |-ii’s ur of I.nil t l ik ’’railway spin -.” the increns■ of heart di • well. Now, I I.ml else, the previhm-e of prcc k ions dental tie m vlien I <-o -.iiier, <' '-.ly- i! r: ti. !i I r»< nfn. s-and pr-inati’ro oi ■ • riii.-ly. t< let the inces ant s rain on the nerves tied c'mil “Il «-.-is tn-'y a ni rv In < < - t <•. un we carry o.-t, markubl«’< i': ative pru[H rti' r . ami 1 w i 111 < v< ry seme we perceive, every tjoise we re< o-.mieiul lhei-i In the inSof the tlmnsxr.il« I r. r, every impre sion we re-eiv- is j r<- of |woj>'e <>f this citv who are n-rve--« c: < ly th, province of Dr. Willi,.ms* Pink v. reeks, or wlioure tmilerii % from ¿i.-ea? -of ids for Pale Pe iple. They nre desig--1 the lunes.” to till th,- void in the n -nri hnient of the The ¡b.-e"ointr is I nt one of tvanv woniii-r- m iv<-s and bmin that no amount of clioic. st fnl eiir -s tiiat h ive been cteiiitui In ¡>r. W I- f.H«l fim till. In n concentrated form is lianis’ Pink Pills for Pale People. Dis, use.« ./.finitely richer food for the blood, nnd the which h’-retofore have been 'tt| t»->f th*-nerves, thau in vast in -tiribl -, such as hs-imotor ataxia :o-'l pi- qi amities of beef ami brend. ralysis sue, utnb to this won 1. ¡-ft:) r.i- ii- ' It is gm-rally agreed that a tnttn’s phvsi- as r:-ast Irifliiig aili. ei-.t* a «i,l condition is dependent, to a great di- r- e, many cum-s the reported < ur. s have lx .-i tipott the nature of his employment. Men inv st:-ratycd nt in-.nital lal>or re­ fir ends of civ-lkation and tln-r.- > I ■ -i)'. » quiring no exercise of th • brain function, drug store in this country or abroad «hire ur almost universally p»>-s< s»ed of soun a: 1X30 Bu- dune.-, sri'it'ca, n n ¡.-‘a, rb- utir i sin. t TV- eh'iun Str et, Sin Franei-to* He is well ous I v - t I 'el,o. t'--- nft r etfci ■ of l i - r ' t*‘, known h»-re as a pianist, hi.vio-* pl-iy<»| nt piiloi —’-on of the b-rirt. ri b- ■ < <1 <■ 1 "W so -ie of the most popul .r music h o-’irl- x’m s. ■ 1! fores o'* •» ik’’’ * -tie r n city, Mr. Colenan is not .am n of strong mai • or fem-) -. Pink l iEs ar ;*'l i I j all frame, and he lias l e. n an easy prey to the ib-iil rs. or ivil lie sent tost p-: i one-rt sev ere, n-rvmis tension <>f his* work at the of price, 5» cents a box. six l-o.is f,r piano, lie has had to play cnntimmusly for #2 .»•. by ad-lres-inc Dr. WilPanis’ Miso .at aeverd hours duriug every vwi.iaj Im live Company, SvhcuLvtady, X. 1. hi h V»7£KI.V 3 ILL ' < \ Lb i h ELKHART CARRIAGE and HARNESS NFG. CO. $21.50 WHOLESALE PRICES No. L Farm liárseos. $24 Have *»ld Tv C«a«aavrv r«e •• Year«, •art»« f*rm f*r tinilm' pmjlt». We are the (Il4e4 and Largert manufacturers In America relllmr this way ship > ihje.1 to appmvaJ. » r pnj freipM "°** no‘ vatisfaciory. Ererylhinr war- ranted. Why pay an Agent »10 t<> «50 t„ order for you! Write your own order Botin» frea. Wo take all the risk of daina^re in »hipping. Ña 1». Koad Wagon. Sprint Wigont, *30 to »45. Onarwateed name a. sell Tor *M to »IS. 1» etylee of Road w«»on». Surreys with k>a* fendera, S6O, »Eft aante ar rell for »*» to (tea. Top Buggies ar low ••*35. Phsetons •• low ar *65. XtH<^ Aa for»:*. HARNESS. Elkhart, Ind. No. «1. W kw GO. ■ s ANHOCU .RESTORED! i . ■«„u.rf.i Loe» c! ■ .raw ' r HCl-<•s; Mar.fcood. F*cbiiy gwsaal»«»». »iv»«. ail «trains au4 loss of power in General'*« W ish « of el"*r •£* t r overexerllon. j-slMnl erre es. eieeastre nsc «I t<*aecn.o?'*“< ■ niants, srfiirb |e» tlf < O-. JUwstc ci u * »or sale .a Barns.vra. by H. M. UORTVM. UrMunak.