1* try has twice rcgisiertd a majority against his high tariff views, and Shf TttnW “SWEETHEART J ohn R ohrman , B rewer MINE” the manufacturers money that is be­ Is just beautiful Solo or duet ing used to get him nominated will (adlib.) Elegant title page, and not make ’him popular with the the accompaniment alone making OF THE FAMOUS Editor people. a nice waltz. Send this notice and S two cent stamps for this song | i or “St. George’s Commandery yiwìv ha» ftlnuy» l-e-n a faciu Q iee i V’ct.i'ja isn’t feeble en- in the republican party. Mm-o.i j» nig“ o give up h r usual Spring A|arch,” or b« th for 25 cents, (to in­ troduce.) Rigular price, 40 and i m:llionaire candidate, McKinley »■ip to the Riviera this year. 50 cents Address Isaac Doles, ¡¡i a niillionaire’s eamli la e, and Publisher, Indianapolis, Ind. , ted in the millionaire^ candidate Mr. Etnj.juin H irrison isn't say- ng a void ahout the St. Louis con- BURNS, Administrators Notice. Senator H.de, of Maine, doe.m’i vr ut ion. » tit his fr “ii Is are prepar- FOR SALE IN KEGS AND BOTTLES. like be.'n¿ called “th * Sunator fr tn ■iig to take advantage of -my • p- No'ice i« Hereby given to all per ­ Spain,” but his defense of Spain inrtiiiiit.es th it m arise, or th t sons holding claims against the made it very appropriate. hey c tn m ik 1. ‘estate of Victor S Uttmer,deceased, t<)p ei«nt ihe same to the under- - ---- ♦ signed al his place of business in Before the repuUnan party is | There are pi op'e w h > thibk that Burns, Harney county, Oregon, ver- tnree months older it is likely to' i great clown was spoiled w hi n ifi d as b, law required within six have a silver tight on its hands that ' Spe; k-*r R« < d teeame a candidate rnon lis horn the date of this notice. ___ _____ _ gill make the democratic disagn e-, t f - >r t he Ih» si.L n'i il nomination of D.i’rd at Burns this 11th day of rT^! urut on that subject look ven his party, He i.» vy gets off any Dtcember, 1895. II. M H orton . i.me and friendly’. (j inked nowadavs. Administrator. | HARRIS Ar JOHNSON Proprietors WjtaJDAT APRIL 1. W« XV When it e nm-s to in iking ela'iii“, Campaign buttons are ail Wt ii enough in their way , bllv the 8I>U' h Chairman Tanbeneck.of the pe iple’s ern repaid can eonvi nt ion deleg He party refuses to st 11 I back for »ill not enthuse unites supplied Mark Hanoi, or anvboiv else, lie claims every state toulh r his party, with »he yoisi do ex ■leption The announcement is gr.ivtl.y f We.n Virgmir, K mt.icky and msde that Serator "( ush” l av.!- ' Tennessee. These two el ime s of Minn., ill iy give up th»' light I I.e. ¿¿re Didn't know lie had bei n making ' • u!< pool their issui s I 1 Ct;:u ions in that line, aav figli*. A seer e.np oyed by an enterp’ is ’ ing newspaper has Li en read ng ' the future of this country until 1 next March. He say s tl.eie w.li he much trouble between I I'mr «nd capital. Wonder if he could p i ¡t out a year in the last nt eitizi ns. jtHt ’-1/ Wine 3 Liqaors, and Cigars Good Billiard tables, PleasanVCard Rooms, etc., etc. Saloon is first class in every particular. Experienced bartender Mixed drinks to please the most fastidious. kjhn S rlOuH & S aw mill JOHN SAYER Proprietor. Situated on Silvieg river 1 mile East of Burns, near the bridge Customers wil receive GOOD FLOUR from | Good Wheat Several years ago I was taken w it Ii a st v< re attack of flux, I was sick in led about ten days and could get nothing to reli< ve me un- *jl I used Chamtiei Iain’s Colic, (•’hol-ra end Diarrhoea Remedy, which cun d lie.! and has been a household remedy with us ever sit.ee. .1 C Marlow, Decaturville, Mo For sale by all druggist«. I' fl! s ___ OREGON BURNS, Good advice; Never L ave th» house < n a journey without a Lottie , ef ('iiiiniberlain't Colic, Cholera and Uiarrh ea Rennd*’. For sale bv Mr. Chauncy M Dep w i« Jo South. Caii it be possible th it he too, has entered the trajlic in outl.- ern delegates to the St. Louis ct i - vention? ------ I), n't '1 ulttkceo-tipit or Smoke Your J Lite Away. is flu trnthfui, startling title of a book about No-To-Bac, the harm less, guaranteed tobacco habit cure that braces up nicotinized nerves, iltminaies the nicotine poison, | I At II it f 1» ’ ni'»k‘S weak men gain Btiength. vigor and manhood. You run no* phvsical or financial risk, as No-To- > Bae is sold by druggists every where utxh ra ° guarantee to cure or money 1 rr . .............. funded. Book free. Address Sterling Remedy Co , New York or The idea that Mr. H irrimn will Chicago. no <1 anv persuasion t • ae 'ent the II. M. Horton, Burns. epiibiici n no'uii ation is . b-u:rd , lie wouai jli p ,.l ti.r ch nice. AMERICA’S STANDARD YEAR-BOOK, Jfc OREGON BLACKSMITH & WAGON SHOP. ’ < . m kinnon v king BURNS Shop opposite the Brewery its Value Recognized by l’liysi- cinn. Vts I.« ok will n< t 1 ake » <•' 11 < Ol c> uree 111 ; si e c< iildn t et y ote place lor g et ough for ilia’. Mr. E’.iis, '.ve are watii.g io bea" | haw vouare getting >.l » ia in thè h »lise ( f repT-ielitàtiVi S with ih t $20.000 m» usure i r ihe C: se..de lo f from pain. As a topical [ xtrrnal] application I hare found Chamberlain's I’ain B.tlm ihe lest rmiedv I have evei ns»’d for neuralgia of anv kind. I have c< n-cii’neioii^lv recommended it t<> many jierbons. William Horne, M. I)., Janesville, Wie. Sold by all druggists. Bigger and Better Than Ever Before. ¿584 PAGES. S 1,500 TOPICS. I li» not far disi ut. and v. tir stip i Telia Everything You Want 1 to Know When You ) tit» is 1 a \ e i » < <1 < f al p s ib'.e «r- £ Want to Know It. giiineiit.« in » ourbehalf. l h»*sp v-Iv \ a veritable cyclopedia pafsage of ibis reli-f mra tire «i l < OF UP-TO-DATE FACTS. b Great Cough Cure It without a parallel In the history of medicine. All druggitta are ant nori zed to sell it on a pos­ itive guarantee, a tent that no otherc re can succeanrullv stand That it miy become known, the Proprietors, at an enormous ex­ pense. are placing a Sarr. .Ie Bottle Free Into every home in I he Unit. <1 State, and Canada, it . !;iv, I h > . ore Throat, or Bron­ chitis. ti<* it. Jot it will »uro you. If your child ha« the Cr«»tip, or Whon’.inqC.mgh, use it nromn'lv. and rglief i «urn. if you dread th-.tin-' U Drug- gists and Dealers. No. 138. Road Wagon. Spring Wagon«, S3O to $49. Giuunuiteed Mine M ««11 Surrey* for MO to with »75. long 14 style« of Road wagons. fender«, seo, Izmir* I»;lider. tt r.knntbo pnlt-anil puny st and plump. | 1 P.a„l!; cirrled In vent pm ket. IS 1 per box i <1 f or 8®. Byniit'lju»- te>lpal>l, O'f An ■nttrnfr'nrant.eovmnnryrefiiniltd. Write u<.Tree LWIr .."” h «•»<, Henlnd plntn wrapper, with tertlmonl-il« ami | •»-- rtnnC'ny 1 ’n rharnr for rnwMdM> to,.». Brim.’ra 0/Imit • ■a.Jule'ltnyto.llilc««» W&r I kw». L X- «V «•tail. »*i. For sale! a Bur. b? 11. M. HOLTON, DrycgUt,