Business Locals. «-SKS.—I dy Nursery Slock. Aehavemany new special varieties, both in fruits ______________ BRICK MASON, PLASTER ER and VENEERING Rich | | J q • | I and ornamentals to offer, which are Is t he Foundation of the Wonder I ul Cure« —Don’t forget Henry Cheatham controlled only by us. We pay by Hood’s Sarsaparilla. That la Why the cures by Hood’s Sar barber, desires a part of your pat-(commission or salary. H rite us at saparilla are C ubes . once for terms, and secure choice That is Why Hood’s Sarsaparilla cures ronage, at the new barber Bhop. ths severest cases of Scrofula, Salt Rheum —Who said you couldn’t get a of territory. ....-------- — and other blood diseases. M ay B rothers , Nurserymen, That is Why it overcomes That Tired good flavored cigar in town for five Rochester, N Y. FeeEng, strengthens the nerves, gives oents? Call at the City Drug Store energy in place of exhaustion. and inquire. ________ That is Why the sales of ____ Hood’s Bar- For Sale Or Trade. ssparnia**hav»'increa3ed year after year, — Buildfr8 tools anda of all kind —100 acres of fine fruit land in toil! It now require» for its production building hardware at the Burns the largest Laboratory in the world. hardware store, at bottom prices 10 acre lots 5 miles south of Eugene Oregon, 1 mile west of Spenser for cash. Butte. Lots at «400 each Horees —The Saloon, in the new and cattle part pay on each lot if building. Richardson and Stephens the purchaser so desires. For fur-1 proprietors, is nicely furnished and ther information inquire at this its customers is given the best la the only True Blood Purifier proml- office. , nen'.ly in the public eye today. Be sure of liquors and cigars. . • . • _________ «.a b d M c I ntyre , Burns, Oregon. Brick Always on Hand for Local Custom, . Veneeiin« box, or from, boooe» .lino« che.p „ ru,tic d n'uch more comfortable—makes a solid wall, durable, very warm winter and cool and pleasant in summer, VW-1 r» w* » r» rj Z1ZX/>1 <» »■» rJ wwl An * <■» »-» d » r« n*w WWW. mn. aw. wa If) Parties not conversant with the Veneering process and w (nicely finished wall in residence, will do well to consult Mr. Mclut before finishing with rustic. ‘ ’s Sarsaparilla » * to grt Hood’s and only Hood's. — I)r. Cate is kept pretty busy The universal good dentistry done by him has gained for the Dr. a lasting reputation. A Marvelous Discovery Free H/wwl’« r*"!l< I iOvTvI 3 1 -113 AN OLD AMD W1LL-T«I«D RgMSDT.—Mrs. Wi'idalow'» xtulbiuK Syrup has been used for over flfty years by millious ofmotber* for their children while teething. with perfect success. It soothes the child, sofivns the gums. allay« all pain, cure» wind colic, and ia the beat reme edy for Diarrhoea, la pleasant to the taste Sold by Druggie's in every part of the world. Twenty fivecents a bottle, lie value ia lnvblg lable. He sure and ark for Mr». Windalow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. Will Wrk —! BURNS, I TOHSORIAL PARLOR, ROBINSON & WANTED in every county to in — troduce the Celebrated ‘’Hygeia” Waists for all ages. Thia waist * ’ LLriRj'kTED « supercedes the corset, and has re \ ». ceived the unanimous approval of b -V - physicians of America. $3.00 out til free. Any energetic woman can I '*] * ??nOLII*S, of «nJ Wholesale Dealer« in all kinds of make from lift to $50 weekly. »114 o-terx MUSICAL MERCHAL-13T, Send for circulars and terms. EastOihEl .NcwYurf- HYGEIA M’F’G CO , 378 St, New York. a. • V- » < » «F*- J I We offer One Hund ret] Dollars Reward for ai y case of Catarrh that can not l>e cured by H ill's Ca tarrh Curt*. F. J. C iieney , A Co. Propts , Toledo, O We the undersigned, have known F J Cheney for 15 years, and be lief« him |M?rfectly honorable in all business transaction and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West and Truax, wholesale drug- : gists, Toledo, O. Welding, Rinnan A Marvin. Wholesale druggists, Toledo, (). Hall's Catarrh Cure ia taken in ternally, acting directly upon the blood and n.uoous surfaces of the system. Price 75c. per Untie. Sold by all druggists. Testimonials free. Hall's Family Pills are the liest. WALTON HOTEL BURNS OREGON N COMEGYS <fc SONS, P roprietors i | P roprietors , This large and comfortable hotel is well furnished and the proprie tors use every efikrt possible to make their guests feel at home V? • Everything in their line guaranteed to be done satisfactorily. The table is at all times supplied with everything the market af fords. Bathes at all hours. Give The Burns a call and we feel assured you will continue to be its guest when in town. GEO. S. SIZEMORE, THE «THATTO-t How’» This! »'»take in effect. 2óceuU. t ATTORNEY, B and I nstruments B urns , .............................. O regon . WiuuMmwksxT psixiuext Collecaons, I.«nd business, and Estate matter promptly attended to. Rea) Naw *• tv»« tim« to for«n no* R*ndt fo* CamMifi pur- oo««» W* ar« ot*«r>ng «pwciat Ind^cumunta f<x %*»« «i *»r niwwf'sie« « akuter«» JOHN P STPATTON a—.(«>1 »_ a JOHN r. »L'f ERRAT HICKS. C ahyom C itt . J. W BIKGS. B vbhs . • PIONEER DRUG Hicks & Biggs st - uttos ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, «EW YORK. Offices at Canyon City and Burns lor«rtensa4 WbK««kDm>anis allbMaof MUSICAL MCRCHANDISE, Violins. Cultura, Sanios. Accordéons. H armoni- taa, tc., -II kinds of Strings, etc., etc. ■ I 8 B M ■PHV’iT’iV ’< n [W. E. G race ’ s old stand ] ( A Nuts and fruits. jf^-Mail orders promptly filled. i-iiyteiuiHn <x ourge^n. AM ENGLISH COUUEMTAMT. ProDrietor. C Worthington . dealer in , DRUGS, BOOKS. STATIONARY, DYES, PAINTS, PERFUMES TOILET ARTICLES, AND NOTIONS. A full line of School Books and School Supplies. Confectioos * America’s Great Danger STORE. A graduate of the Iowa State ( University and College of Phyai-, ciant and Surgeon«. ( 1 Office at residence in Burn«. . Said an eminent English acientlvt recently: ” The danger that cuufronta the great Ameri can jHople to .lay is not the p<wajble adop tion of a wrong tinam-iul |ioliey for the nation, or the spread of socialism, or the ¡mnaee of corruption among nul ubiic men. Ul hums a:e bud enough, _ . to be 1 sure, but they are as nothing compared to the terrible na'ional disease—1 had almost said Sation I Crime -of overwork. The mad rush f. r wealth is set al a killirg p.icc, and thousands fait by the way every year. Burns Ontario NEW YORK WORLD. Stage Line. The Twice-a week Edition of the New Yo.k World has been convert Leaves Burns daily at 6:30 p m . Arriv«« at Ontario in 42 hour« JOHN F. STRATTON’S ed into the Thriee-a-week. It »\r- . *»« IM mg - , , . , „ . - . niehes 3 papers of 6 pages apiece, • ( tkbriled Kussito Gut Fare One way «7.50. Round trip 115.00. Yoa are likely to be osc cf th* victims * or Violin Strings How do we know ? Because it ia th« excep eighteen pages every week, at I I k FtaMMt tn the Ofid the old price of One Dollar a year. | tion to bixl a man or woman > f adult agv in hveev Si ring Warvan led Through freight 34cts. a pound. This gives 156 paper a year for One perfect he.ilih. Nervo«« Disorders ar» John F. Stralton.7^* spreading with fearful rapidity. Among ti e Two days notice at any P. O. on the route and covered coach«« Dollar and every paper has 6 pages ' S.H.1 mr Nil. 813. S|&. HI7 K. »th St. symptoms, are—Backache, 'h.iouane»-. Cod Riw H. A. " illiams. ProprwW I Ianda and Feet, Dtaiue» , llot I LUiea, eight columns wide or 48 columns be furnished for passangers. Fluttering Senaati* n. Fait ting, Head clie. in al). The Thrice-a-week World Hysteria, Irritability of the Heart. Melan JOHN F. STRATTON’S choly, Faili g Memory, Palpitation. I.hiu- is not onlv much larger than any A <»Ubr,tr4 niatism, bh rl Biealh. bleepl«wn«~i% Nrr- weeklv or semi-weeklv newspaper, l>ywpe|*ia, Sexual Debilitv, Fit*, etc j 7 Bind Instraments vous Rsv.A. C arroll , pa* tdr Pint R»pii«t but it furnishes the news with drums T fifes . Church. YellowSpri< ga,O..«rite»aaR>l vc.: ' much greater frequency and Piccolosand Band Supplies. “ 1 h»v»«-ed Hr. Milea' Rewtorativ» Nervine In fact it combines] L>r the ait nw-nlha. 1 find it acta like promptness. *♦"4 far JOHN F. STRATTON, ch rm on the whole m rv. ua system. I , i.i.w«« aii.sia.sii.aiyt «tbit. mt • Lav» tK>l foutwl its equal in giving immediate sll the crisp, fresh qualities of a i relief. I»r. Mil»»’ little Nvrvo and Liver] daily with the attractive snecial Puls only need a trial and they will recom Davo Braham the •’”* n.r rtvr • ( Mavle al ilinl* .»*■ mend themselves Io be ti e lot pdle in the features of a weekly. 1-). | Arrangements have bee. aurket.'* ade Now York. M-art-k Ut. ISM. ...................Proprietor “ I or de» year* 1 hav» w flvred from Nee- bv which we can furnish th’I M.ut« J -kn F. Stratum 11 M. HORTON, per t'Mii PnatratHHl. I was una le to Work or IhMr Mr» -I b«v roar Rawlaa Gal and the Thrice-a-Week N fork »kv p. Th» fir»t tkne of Dr. Miles’ Restore A '--.ia Mrt.if» » ib r.-ugb uk I at plaav- Take live Nervi«« g«v» me relief, and or»» th u World both for «2 25 a rear. •4 !.. «ut. |hal lb«y ar» lb« b~t l.*rd aa4 i d doll«rv woo d not cv-wr t <• gw d it I — as »dvsntagv of this offer a 1 get I Most UaraUlv »«ring» I k«v»»v«r war4 « ^--nniTM IY.-w. f don» me ■'-JOHN M INCH EK, Young» I vnur own local pap^r and the ïv«r» raajx. BKAB.AM DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDIC I _ _____ , bri' 0. KM' a."... I. ... t STATIONERY. DIAMOND DYES, CHOICE PERFI Mï8 Store lUS'led in craiNU Nervoua I >i«eaaew It rato.. T h K H k BAI.D. A FANCY TOI LET ARTICLES, TOBACCO, CIGARS ETC- K we I , C.JL Taon« >3F | Fine Wines & Liquors for Medical Purp*1*5 Praceriptione accurately compounded. First Clan« Dental Work D odo