—We see in the Huntington Her- Herald’s special say« Edison has Republican Announcements. , —The O. C. Co. has opened the succeeded, with the aid of the ----------------------------------------------- ' spring and summer campaign for aid that Thos. Giannini, once a Roentgen ray, in penetrating tue ' I running a pOR SHERIFF. the trade of Harney county. See I resident of Burns, is human body with the naked eye, WSDSISDAY MARCH 25. !*• their communication in this issue. 1 hoarding _ house at the O. M. A L. the successful experiment haying I hereby announce myself a can­ —Peter French has returned Co’s, works a short distance didate for the office of ¡sheriff, sub­ from marketing several car load« of i Huntington, and is doing a thriving been made last week. He looked into the lungs and heart, and ex­ JÀ1 the laruest CIRCULATION of ject to the action of the Republican cattle. He reports the market business ^YNEWSFAPEK IN THIS COUNTY. amined the arteries, muscles and County Convention. — Notice the ad. of J. Durkheim- blood vessels of one of his assistants. dull. GRANT THOMPSON. ' —Harney delegates to the demo- er in this issue. He offers every­ With the powerful cathode light Democratic Announcements. 1 p-OR SHERIFF i cratic county convention, viz: Joe thing at cost, and now is the time placed behind the subject he looked Mr. Durk through a screen of prepared chem­ 1 Rector, A. W. Howser, H. R. Mc­ to secure bargains. I hereby announce myself a can- J Clure, J. P. Withers, and A. D. heimer still has a full supply of icals, and is said to have plainly po» sheriff . didate for the office of Sheriff’, sub­ seen the workings of the various groce:its. Varian. I hereby announce myself a can­ ject t© the action of the Republican —We see in the Lakeview Exam­ organs of the body. didate for the oilice of Sheriff, sub­ County7 Convention. —Messrs. O D. Rusk, E. Hem­ ject to the action of the Democratic bree and R. A. Smith left here last iner that the citizens of Silver Lake A. GITTINGS. Summons. i’nnntv Convention Sunday for Idaho, to shear sheep are making a success of the erec­ 1 ' GEORGE SHELLEY. prOR ASSESSOR. in the Snake river country for a tion of a monument in memory of In the Circuit Couit of the State of the dead wh» perishtd in the burn- O enon, for the county ot Harney . | month or two. poa COUNTY CLERK. I hereby announce myself a can-1 I • town ' ¡’’g’’f tl,e h ill in t i at place, ata J. Du-kheitner Biff. 1 — Grant Thompson was in vs. } didate for the office of Assessor, • Christmas tree which occurred one William Skinner Mini I hereby announce myself a can Emma Skinner Deft’« J didate for the office of County subject to the action of the Repub­ Saturday with colors still flying year ago last Christmas. To William Skinner, one of the above and he-speaks confidently of obtain­ Clerk, subject to the action of the lican County Convention. | The Weekly Oregonian and T he named defendant» : Democratic County Convention. ing the nomination on the republi­ WINFIELD WATERS. In the name of the State of Oregon, CHAS. E KENYON. can ticket for the office of sheriff. 1 H erald for only two dollars a year. you are hereby require«! to appear and 1 Subscribe or renew al once and se answer the complaint tiled againBtyou JTOR TREASURER in the above entitled action "within ten —Rev. Gibson is expected home. poR COUNTY CLERK. ’cure your county paper and the days from the date of the service of this I hereby announce myself a can-, K"»»77»»- He «rill be accompanied summon» upon you, if sei veil within the I hereby announce myself a can-1 didate for' the office of Treasurer, I >” Minister Bailey and his daugh- most newsy weekly published in county; or if served within any other Every intelligent read­ county of this State, then within twenty didate for the office of County - - - . ter, of Prineville. A series of meet- this state Clerk, subject to the action of the subject to the action of the Repub-1 er cannot help but see the advan­ days from the date of the service of this summons upon you; and if you fail lican Conyeulion. in « s wil > b ’ S in at ° “ 7 c i' ,7ch x* . ^.4«» O/invnnlinn Imnn ( County nnnfti i ’ero» . ♦ i Democratic County Convention. tage of getting two papers for the to appear, for want thereof, the plaintiff J C WEI COME lEriday evening, conducted by ihe S. W. MILLER. price of one. We hope our aub- will take judgment against yon for the above named ministers. .sum of $1465.50 and interest thereon scribers will see the point and give|tr„ui Au«u»t 13th, 1892, at 8 per cent —Albert and Andy Pool have I —Easter dyes for eggs at A. C per annum, and the further sum of JOR ASSESSOR. us a call. $288.41 with interest thereon from the been found guilty, by the grand | Worthington. 29th day of November, 1891, at 8 per —The following named persons cent I hereby announce myse’f a can­ .jury at Roseburg, of being accessory per annum, and for co- was furnished. — Prof. Newell caine over Satur­ .McKinnon, Henry Richardson, D. day and remained until Monday. —J. L. and Henry Turner were I | M. McMenamy, Claud McGee. I hereby announce myself a can H. Notoce to Tax-Puyeas. r_. ’ _ _ „ didate for the office of Assessor, ‘ —Pressley Smyth, of D;amond, in town several days since our last E. Thompson, P. F. Stenger, and ‘ subject to the action of the Demo- • was in town two days since our last issue. The burden of electioneer-1 ‘ 1 ,,L’,I,PDU,I> 1 • Notice is hereby given that I ____ _________________ z az r ua-.i . I Chas McPhweters tied. Chas. Mc- cratic County Convention. ing for the office of sheriff, doss not have receiyed the tax roll for year issue. Pheeters withdrew as seven is the THOS. G. DODSON. seem to have effected Henry to a B orn —To the wife of Frank very great extent. He informed us number of delegates apportioned to 1895, and taxes are due and paya­ ble and will be delinquent after the pOR ASSESSOR Whiting, on Friday, the 20th inst., last Sunday that he tipped the this precinct. 1st Monday in April, A. D., 1896. — - ——•>------------------ a girl. ’beam at 200 pounds that morning. I hereby announce myself a can­ A G ittings , Huntington, Ore , March 21. 1896. — H. C. Brown and E. H. King' didate for the office of Assessor, - —It was good for a torpid liver Sheriff and Tax Collector for Har­ D ear S ir :—We are now starting subject to the action of the Demo-1 paid the county- seat a visit last! and an attack of grip to see Jim ney County, Oregon. cratic County Convention. Monday I Mahon on our streets last Monday. on the new year. Computations W F. MOFFETT. for last year are completed. We —L B. Springer, of the Blitzen Mr. Mahon has been absent for Dissolution Notice. find that our firm sold during 1895 JOR TREASURER. neighborhood, paid Burns a visit | several’ months ip California, for the enormous amount of 167 car-1 The co-partnership heretofore ex­ laBt Saturday. his health and visiting friends. We loads of goods, equal to ten train isting in the blacksmith and repair­ .1 are happy to inform our readers he I hereby announce myself a can —Sylvesier Smith and wife are loads—-just think 167 cars—For ing business in Burns Ore., under didate for the office of Treasurer, subject to the action of the Demo­ in Burns, the guests of Mr. and comes back much improved in • this we thank our patrons,and prom­ the firm name of McKinnon & Kenyon is this day dissolved by health. cratic County Convention Mrs. Chas Anderson. ise the same generous treatment in mutual consent, all debts and ac­ L WOLDENBBRG, J r . H. A. Dillard has so far recov I —Mr. and Mrs. Doug Baker, ot the future. During 1896 we will counts owing to said firm must be ered from his attack of grip as to Silver Creek, were in town last Fri sell closer than ever, and no honest immediately settled by cash or Religions Services. be able to take his place in the'?a-v *nd. SatJ]rday- We are in- competitors will lie allowed to do notes or be put in the hand of a collector for settlement with cost Rums 1st. and 3rd. Sundays of school room. | ¡formed that Mr. Baker thinks of more fir you than ourselves. We the month 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. I buying property in our town and are here for your business, we must for settlement added. A. J. McKin­ non is authorized tn settle and re­ Silver Creek 4th. Sunday 11 a. mJ —The basket fish party at the becoming a permanent resident of have it, if honest count, weight,and ceipt for all monies paid. ij church last evening was not con- and 5 p. m The 2nd Sunday will I the place. We hope he may as he treatment and Lew prices will do Dated this Sth. day of Feb 1896. >e reserved for general work in ' sidered, altogether, a success. Many is a good citizen and Burns will it. Call or write us A. J. M c K innon , other fields. baskets remained unsold. heartily welcome him and his fam J. 8. K enyon . Respt., / R ev . G ibson , — Messrs. Jae. Moore and Chas lily. O. C. Co. Pastor. | Frye are now on the way to Hunt-1 T i a • . , '. J —Island precinct,we understand, ington with their freight teams, .. . . - . Did He Borrow This? I / , , 7 ’ three voters met in the forenoon Local News. I after goods for our merchants. > ,, . . f'INAL PROOF " I and two out of the three were select- Hartman, of Montana, in the —I hairs of all paterne and de- —M. T. Lindsey, of Corvallis, ed as delegates to the county con- LAND OFFICE AT BURNS, OREGON. ’c.iptions at the hardware store of' Ore , committed suicide on the 21st ¡ ventiwn viz: Joe Barnes and Homer house the other day, incidentally Feb. 3, 1S96. Notice fi her« by Riven that the foliowine thas. Voegtly. 13-11 inst., by shooting himself through, Mace. In the afternoon nine per- reviewed the populist platform. He Mined lettler hai Died notice of hii Intention knew, he said, that it had thirteen to make Anal proof in aupport of hli claim and No cause is assigned fori ns uie ^ a \ ^ ie v °ting place and | the head. Guy Dickenson of Lawen was that hh I<1 proof will be made before Haeiiter I selected Milt Modie and II. D.' different ways of restoring prosper- ■ nd Receiver U 8. Land Office at Burn. Oregon the act Lreon business Saturday. | Goodlow. So we presume two sets I ¡ty to the country, and he under- 32*'E°*"t04, ,<>r ,he 8w4, Sec 32 Tp 22 S R I of delegates will come from that a . .. . — The Mary Dawphit ranch lo >?e name! the following wltneMei to prove —Silvics delegate: Jack Crad- precinct. Th*« is a nut for the dele- . at . 11 WHS a ^out to add three h’* •'•‘■Lienee upon and < ultlvntion • xk cated at the sink of Prater creek is •n‘J-vl»: Thoma, Bain,Price Withe?. gates, when assembled, to crack. addîtional planks. One was to en­ for sale. Price $500. This »s a h XXT * l ‘ d H an ,U t ‘1 MU kel ' —Pine Cietk delegates: Jess Who are the legal delegates? courage the propagation of honey good ranch and worth a great deal THOM a S JONES, Register. 1 ann’ *h° re’ide at $3 per dozen. T fe* <8pSäud&oiiiSJr22rt’t? p?I*r go and see what he * has on hand. ■ ------ to at once. Chicago, March 22.—The Time» I «« A »"a * * n-a l-a « /X lx C* rv ZX ft-VX 11 I/XCl lx ZX V* fX VX ZX V 1