of Mr. Leonar Wells of im‘jy Mass, has been suffering from neuralgia for two days, not being able to sleep or hardley keepstill, when Mr Holden, he merchant there sent her her a bottle of-Chamerlain s Pain Balm, and asked th it she give ita thorough trial. On meeting Is the nxday he was od hat she was . pain- had teft her with- n hours, and ttle of Pain Balm was worth $5 00 i i; could not be had for less. For sale at 50 cents per bottle by „DNBSDAY MARCH 26. !*• Plenty of Candidates. lb« Oregonian. This » the »»y the Albany H„,IJ run» »P llw ellu“tlon ,n the first district: ■ is onlv necessary to look over tbe list of candidates for congress in the first district to see that 't „¡11 not a case of the office seek­ ing the man this time. There are some mighty good men out for the Six weeks ago.I pnffered with nomination, and it is certain that very severe cold; was almost unable it i00ks a little chilly for Mr. Hermann. The candidates for the I office are Thornas H. Tongue, of | Hill-boro; George C. Brownell, of JOBS F. STILATTOM MEW YOKE. OregonCity; Tilman Ford,ofSalem I Worren Truitt, of Dall is; A. C.’ Woodcock, of Eugene; C. A Sehl ( Importen u4WlolMal.DMlanlB all kind.of brede, of r.oseburg; H. B Miller,of, MUSICAL MERCHANDISE, Violins, Guitars. Banjos, Accordéons, Kam owl Grant’s Pass; W. I. Vawter, of tas, Lc« all kindset Strings, etc., etc. Medford; C. B. Watson,of Ashland; Binger Hermann, of Roseburg. JOHN F. STRATTON’S Celebrated A MYSTERY ABOUT IT. Band Instruments ALSO Eugene, Or., March 16—Quite sensation has be< n created by what is thought to have been an attempt to poison the family of Mrs. Hirai* Smith, a widow, who lives on a | farm near Harrisburg, between Co­ burg and Harrisburg. Inquiries have leen made at all of the drug I stores regarding the sale of poisons by a gentleman who eays attempt' | have been made to poison the fami­ ly by secretly placi g poison in ] food. It :a claimed Mrs. Smith's life was attempted once before, but. as in this instance, the poison was detected before any damage wa« done. There is a mystery about the whole affair, and several theor ies are advanced, but none of them seems plausible. I DRUMS,FIFES, Piccolosand Band Supplies. Send for JOHN F. STRATTON, Catalogue. 811,81 a. 816, S17 E. 9th St.. N.Y MILLINERY STORE to speak. My friends all advised me to consult apysician. Noticing Proprietre Chamberlian’s Cough Remedy S allie H udspeth , verstised in the St. Paul Volks Rare Selection of Millinery Goods Zeitung I procured a bottle, and after taking it a short while was .its. The Proprietress is entyrely well- 1 now most heartily here to stay and desires to Please Patrons in Style, Quality of pood, recommend this remedy to anyone and Prices. On Corner North of Meat Market. suffering with a cold. W m . K eil , 678 Selby Ave., St. Paul, Minn. For sale by Sdestiflo American Agency for COPYRIGHTS, For Information and free Handbook write to MUNN * CO., Ml B roadway . N« w Yon*. Oldest bureau for »ecuring patents in America Every patent taken out by us 1» brought before the publlo by a notice given free of ofearg« la tba 1 Jrienfific American Johnson’s Cash Largest circulation of any aclentlflo paper In the world. Splendidly Illustrated. No intelligent man should be without K Weekly, 03.00* year; $1.50 »lx month* Addm* MUNN A CXX, F vblubkbs . 301 Broadway. New York City. Store 18 THE PLACE TO GET BARGAINS IN HOSIERY, UNDERWARE, THE rTRATTON I B and I nstruments GI LOVES, MITTONS, TOWELS, FLANNELS, ETC. Will «het onr NEXT PRESIDENT. Located first block East of Church. How la tb« Um« to form now Banda tor Camoal«« pur. poaaa w« are orr«rln< apodal Inducamanta tor 1898. W. H. C anaday , Manager. S..4 a* *«M Hr llteatrnte» <’a tel ia«. JOHN F. STRATTON - . ■AtrirAXTIIKClia. HEW TOK*. THE NAME OF T E NEXT J^-no YOU KNOW A GOOD ADVERTISEMENT MEANS INCREASE IN BUSINESS? ) President of the United States^r"“1™“” To do Busin, ss Let Peonie Know* it WILL BE ANNOUNCED IN if you have anything You want to Sell let People Know it. Expelled From the Order. > Astoria, March 16—The principle 0 NOVEMBER 4th 1896 talk among society members today • is the action of the A. O. U. W. Saturday nightjin expelling F. D. Hinton, a well known attorney, of Public interest will steadily increase, and the question how the men this city, from the order. The ac­ whose votes turned the scale at the last election are satisfied with the tion is the result of a long drawn- refiu'ts under the administration they elected, will make the campaign out trial, 1 ast d on the charges the most intensely exciting in the history of the country. against Winton because of his ac- ti >n in collecting a $550 fee from a Mrs. Feakes for collection < f ¡.he Policy from the A. O U. W. on the the leading Republican newspaper of ^he United States, wH life of her husband, who died last publish all the political family news of the day, interesting to every American W1- The order pays without the citizen regardless of partv affiliations. Ako general news in attractive form, foreign correspondents cover­ mterventisn of attorneys. There ing the news of the world, an agricultural department second to none was much excitement at ---- the — tune in the country, market reports which are recognized authority, fascinat­ CLUBBING RATES WITH the lodgw made it8 fina! decision ing short stories, complete in each number, the cream of the bumorour ’ a mass of evidence, and both sides papers, foreign and domestic, with their best comic pictures, fashion claiin unfair dealings, Winton, plates and elaborate descriptions of woman’s attire, with a varied and hacked by friends, it i paid, will attractive department of household interest. The “NteW York Weekly appeal to the supreme lodge: This Tribune is an ideal family paper, with a circulation larger than that is an unusual proceeding in the of fl any other weekly publication in th-» country issued from the office of U^erybody fieade Large changes are being made in its details, tending to give TH# ‘Tder, and the outcome will be I a i daily. it greater life and variety, and especially more interest to the women Advert ite in it. It »ill nay with llluch inter«!. and young people of the household. Subscribe for the The New York Weekly Tribu-no EAST OREGON HERALD TWO S ONLY TWA « — ALL THE LEADING PAPERS. A SPECIAL CONTRACT enablesus to offer this splendid journal and THE HERALD for J -JJ.'*«’'*»» half done. Be<1n roureXL «‘«■'nine b but plant ^«TT'a Known and «old 'J »here. Before you plant, ret ■•»i j...™,.,. ONE YEAR FOR ONLY $2 PAY UP YOUR SUBSCRIPTION AND GET THE TRIBUNE. THE HERALD DOES -s,K SUBSCRIPTIONS MAY BEGIN AT AMY TIME. Address or call at HERALD OFFICE VV nte your name and address on a postal card, send it to Geo W R m / Room 2. Tribune Bnilding. New York City, and a samule conv n'f THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE will be m^ted S'* * the best job pbntg ÆT LOWEST RATES. «>»«. COHBÜLT TUB BBBALD