East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896, March 25, 1896, Image 4

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    t *
1 .
as if it had come to me—the bless- ’ “Am I to live here?” I asked,
s v,, «. - ----------- --------
But, Roy. perhaps she wouldn’t
ing of a good man’s love.”
Sol persuaded myself; yet it I like it. tt
“She? Who is she?” he inquired.
was a little hard to feel myself shut
“Why, Edith, to be sure.
From New York Weekly
•ut from all the beauty and sweet­
“What has Edith got to say. 1
ness of a woman’s natural lot. I should like to know?” cried Roy,
I never felt the bitterness of
Iwas an old moid in good earnest
“My darling little Pen,
acutely I
when Roy came back. They say being an old maid quite as t
the rest of the
if you are
□o woman passes the age of twenty* as I did that night, when Roydon world can say, do, and think what
five without receiving at least one bad gone to the village in, and it pleases. Since you have prom-
offer ef marriage, but I believe I Edith lay sleeping on the pillow at
ised to be my wife------”
was an exception to that rule—I my side, and the scent ef the hon­
“I!" the cozily furnished little
never had an offer. All the girls eysuckles came wafting in at every breakfast room seemed to swim
who bad grown up at my side mar* »tir of the dewy night breezs.
“Stop. Roydon, for a
he came often to our houa«, | around me.
ried, and became blooming wives and Well,
I used io nake all sorts of lit- minute, please; I—I don t quite
and happy mothers; but Pen Lil*
tie excuses to leave him with Edith, understand.”
haven remained unsought and un*
“You said yourself, the first of
while I went up »lairs to sit by my-1
seif and weave littlb threads of ro-1 August!
It used to mortify me until I got
‘‘But I thought it was Edith!”
to be thirty, and then by degrees I rnance in and out of my fancy knit-
“Edith, indeed! A mere child —
left off caring for it, and made up ting. How happy she would be
with him! .nd ho. much I .hould > -boo'«ul.
’hol<!. h',rt'
my mind to be as happy as I could
.h «• . ¡moreover, is wrapped up in in tlar-
o.......... i..,..
all by myself. So, as my near re­ enjoy, or try to, going to the Grey I
ry Burnham! Why, Pen, where
lations were all dead, and I had a homestead to see its dimpled mi»-'
have youreyes been?”*
tolerably snug little sum to fall treas sitting under the trees where
Where, indeed? Could I hav-
back upon, 1 took a pretty little I had played as a child.
been so blind all this time—so res­
cottage, pnd had my niece, Edith
One day Roydon came to me, for olutely, incorrigibly blind?
Lonsdale, to live with me, for Idith young Burnham had called, and |
“Do you love me Pen? Don’t look
was pretty and penniless, and I felt was chatting with Edith, and I
the other way; I will be answered!”
as if Providence meant me to stand dare »ay he thought I looked lonely
I did love him; I had laved him
in the place of a mother to that with my work in the hall.
long and tenderly, and 1 told him
poor motherless child.
“Pen,” said he, “what do you so, not without some blushings and
She was seventeen, and as pretty
think I am going to do?”
misgivings, hoWever.
as the freshest rose in all my gar-
A dim idea that he was going to ' “Oh, Pen,” he whispered, hold-
den. Tall and slim, with deep
make me his confidante flitted j jt|g njt, doge tu my heart, “if you
blue eyes, hair like heaven’s sun­
across my mind.
, knew the years I hud been looking
shine, and a complexion all pink
*'l don’t know,” I said, smiling. forward to this time!”
and white, you loved to look at her
, So I was married, quietly, of
“What is it, Roy?”
just as you loved to look at a How­
“I’m going to refurnish the old course, and with no bridesmaid but |
er or a statue or any other beautiful
It looks dim and dusky ‘Edith; but I think the sun never (
and old fashioned now; and I want'«hone on a happier bride And I
“You’ll be married some of these
it to be fresh and sunny and win­ live in the old place, and E lith is
days, Edith.” I said to her, “for
some. Will you help me with your here with me; but next week we
you’re too pretty to be left long
are to have another wedding, and
advice and counsel?”
with the lonely old maid, and then
Of course I promised; and for my blue-eyed blossom goes from
I shall be, oh! so busy and so hap
the next two or t hree weeks we were me to Harry Burnhams care.
py, helping you to furnish your
But, as I said before, it seems (
as busy as bees.
house and make up youi wedding
“We mustn’t let her know what like a dream; and as 1 s:t alone in
we are about,” he said that night, i my beautiful home, I almost fancy
We were sitting on our little porch with a motion of his head toward ' m vself a solitary old maid again,
in the summer evening twilight,
until Roydun’s footstep in the hall,
my niece and I, when a tall,
“Oh, no, to be sure not,” I an- < and his voice calling for hie ‘deal
straight figure came up the walk swered; "it would spoil the sur | little wife,” rouses me to a sense of
and I looked wund»*ringly to see
my new life and new happiness
who it was. With hair black as a
And I dare say I shall get ussd
How pretty we did make the old
raven's wing, skin bronzed byytars place! Every room was like a cas­ to it after a while!
of sun and exposure, features ket ready to recaeive a jewel; the j
straight and clearly cut, and eyes bright carpets glowed in bouquets [«—«
in whose dark, mirthful glimmer and mosses and trailing arabesques I
there lingered a strangely familiar of Persian brightness, all over the
light, he stood there smiling down floor; the windows were drajied I America’s Great Danger
into my face.
with neat ami tasteful shades* the '
"la this (Hen Cottage?” he asked pictures on the walls seemed per-i
with the utmost gravity.
tpecuve of tropic sunsets and soft |
Said an eminent English acienti»t recently:
“Yes. sir,” I answered, "but—”
Alpine moon»; while every vase 1 ** llio dunge. that confronts the gi eat Ameri­
“Don’t you retueu>l>er me, Pen and stand ana Itookcaee was ar­ can piopie tuilay is nut tho posoiblu adop­
Lilhaven? Don’t you remember ranged as I knew Edith would like tion of a wroug financial policy for the
nation, or tho spread of socialism, or tho
Roydon Greyf”
liner, a-e < f corruption among public men.
I III .tin* s 0 i>. d enough, to bo sure, but
And then, sure enough, I did re­
__ to tho tr«rible
Roy, said I, guardedly, the af (¡lev __
aro .......,1.;....
vx n« tilingc< ^ «...
member the boy who had gone ternoon that our work of transfer- a*'•“«•I’J*’»"»—l hadalnia-tnaiJ nation I I
c line -of over«<ork. Tho mad rush f r
away twenty odd years l>efore.
matiun was complete, and we stood ««-nith 1» »'tit » killing pace, und tliuunaiids
Well, he had mad« his fortune
congratulating each other on our fill by the way every year.
You are likely t) bo cne if the victims ’
in Venesuela, in the gold mines,
successful endeavor»—fur up to this. 1 low do we know ? l'cc-inso it is the CXCCD-
and came back to enjoy it among
_ . _
____ * »..I* —. r
time I had been very diseteet, and •-
to find _ a _
nia _ i or woman
<-f »sltilt ago hi
hie friend». Ah! to think there
perfect health. Nervous Disorders" un>
asked no questions—"when shall | «pmuding with feariul rapidity. Among th«
few left! Of course we had
the queen of this enchanted rruliu symptom*, aie—lUcksi he, *J. i tousnew«, Cold
a greol deal to say to one another,
Hands and Feet, Diuiirc» , Hot 1 lushes,
take possession of her fairy Uowvr? Fluttering Senaati* n, Fai ting, Head chc.
ami a thousand and one questions
in other wolds'’—and 1 could not Hysteria, Irritability of the Heart, Melan­ i
to ask; and, as I don't claim te
choly, 1 aili g Menvry, Fa'pitation. lth.u-
help laughing at his puizied look — Miatism, bh it H iath. bleep!otm-s i < r-
have anything of the saint in my
Voua l,y»pep»in, Sexual Debililv, Fit«, <tc
"when shall you lie marriedt*'
Rr.V.'t*. A. CxRROtx, pastor First Ibptia*
composition, 1 don’t deny that it
So you have guessed it, you de­ Church, Yellow Spri gs, <).. write«as fd «•*.«:
did make me feel just a little hard
" I litre u-ed I*r. Mi'e»’ Re-uorative Nervine
when I saw him sit dawn by Edith mur» little (Edipus?"
forthop *t»ix m nth*. 1 Lnd it acts like
a«li rm o-i the whol« mrv. us system. 1
Lonsdale ami talk to her. and look
|K>1 found itt.qual in giving immediate
“Well, wnat do you thu.k would hav«
relief. I»r. Mil««* little Nirve and Liver
into her hon**at blue eves, l>efore I
Pi. 1» only nerd a trial and they will recom­
had half told him what had ha is- he an aupicious tiiur?”
mend themselves to he ti e beat pills in the
“Let me see; this July. Why marke:.''
pened in the yillagj during th«
“ For fir« years 1 har« »offered from Ner­
«ay the first uf August?”
dreary yezra of his al»aence. But
vous 1* mirition. I was u ns Me to work or
"The first of Augtisl be it then,” •I.-, p. Th« firat doer of Dr. Udes’ Restora­
the feeling didn't last long
“it's natural enough. I’m sure,” hr a»»enlrd “You »re sure there tive NervlMg««e m-relief, and one th. u
«Bi d do!lira would not cover tl e go> d it lisa
I reasoned with mvself. "and only i» everything hero you can think doo« m<-'—JOHN MINCH EK, Young»
town, Ohio.
what I ought to expect. She is as of?"
Dr. Miles* Restorative NsrvlM i» un
pretty as a picture, and now, if Roy
“Ye«, everything ’’
•qua-led in ct'IUNU Nervou» Ihium
"Bcc«u»r,” he went on, “when mntaina wo opialea or dai>c«rna»drugs. Sold
will fall in love with her, I can l«e
mi a jawtive runintiv bv all dnigguta, or
just as happy in their happiness you come here to li»e ■
Dr. Mil«» Medical Co-, Elkhart, lnd.
Pale Cheeks and Neneless Hands arc no Longer
Admired. To be Strictly Correct you must
have Rosy Cheeks and Good Health.
Men Admire Wholesome-looking Women, and now
Seek their Wives from that Class.
Pure lilrxxl ix the veret of health and pale, complains of weakness, is “tiredoat"
heauiy. Tin- fraturea may he regular, the upon the slightest exertion; if the is trou­
form iierfe-t. but no woman can be la-autiful ble« 1 with headache or backache, pain in the
in th full srna- of the word while siiflT«-ring side; if her temper is fitful and her appetite
from my of the pn-tiiiar«ilin<-nt> of h«-rsex. |x»r, she is in a condition of extreme peril,
Diseax« d< «troy» tiir complexion, ix produc­ a fit subject for the development of tint
tive -if wrinkles anil prema:ure ofd age. most dreadful of all diseases—consumption.
Regular inontidy uterine action is necessary If you notice any of these symptom« lose no
to every w «man’s health, and if this func- time in procuring Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills.
ti hi of life is cheeked, dixeuse, a pale ami They will assist the patient to develop prop,
sallow complexion, are! a feeling of exhan»-, erly and
, ; they will enrich the
■ ’ * and ’ restore ! health’s roses to the
ti.ni, are the result. The inontidy secretion hltxal
must continue from I puberty
.. to the
turn of
' cheeks,
*"' * bright
—1-1-* eyes
------ and a lightness of step
rj follow
n»n<r„ their
vhvii use,
nn»^, anti
,ral obstruction.
and ail
all Uallgtr
life without iinii.itoral
obstruction, Any will
breach of this law of Xatlire will result in of consumption mid premature death will be
the distre««ing svmptouis whi h make the averted. Wise and prudent mothers will
iis insist upon their daughters taking Dr' Wil'
lives of seven-tenths of the women of this
country misers!»!-,,
miseriiim,. abuost
iii’u«s»i unbearable.
...................... / A liaius’ Pink Pills upon the approach of th*
few of these symptoms are severe headache, period of puberty, and thusuvoid all chanc«*
few (»1 VUVIW r.^
.... ” -- - — -------- ™- of disease and early decay.
joss of appetite. |>ul‘- or sallow
rolpitati in of th- h-art, swollen ankles or
iier>-on< le.s, off.-Hive breath, eic., etc.
The »itiT-r-r mriv exhibit one or more of
th ■>«• svniuto iH, or may have all. They
From the Examiner, Han Francieeo, Cal.
(imply in ii -me ihc ri vag -s «li.M-.asc has m i«!e
Miss Lottie Donell lives with her parent*
upon tji • s*sti. and the mor: of the symp­ at 702 Natoma Street, San Francisco. She
tom« th- |>*i’ient shows tie- greater the neces­ is a young lady nineteen years of age, and of
v------- „ .------
- ----- 1------------------------
until for
have anil
been p-rs'si-irt
banished treatment,
and the - prepowxsing
Ever sine*
bio »in of h«»aith is restored. To accomplish "
,en . y
ears old Miss Donell has lieen a
-‘ill Dr. Williams’ Fink Pills are the sufferer
“r“r from a rheumatic affection of the
wrist, and since she was thirteen yean of
o-i »• u'ithiiin-z remedy.
They positively age she has been subject to various female
Hl suppressions Hnd irr-^ulariti-s, weaknesses which have kept her physic*)
w ii -li. if neglected, inevitably entail sick- vitality at a very low stage. Thu«, as she
n-s- and tro.ibj-. By taki ig these pills for says, she has been a victim of disease ever
a we-k -r ten «1 ('-.« tH-fore th- expec'e-1 rc- since she ‘can remember. When she w»»
t tni >f e n-h p-ri si, the prompt appearanc- a little girl at school she was always placed
of * the visitor” is ins irel. For snppres- ar a disadvantage with her playmate« on ac­
si in., th • p'lis must be taken steadily until count of her frailty of body and timidity of
th r--apoearince iuk«-s place—generally in | manner. She could never loin in any of the
a m.>n i ’ s ti 11-, so n-tim.'s |c.«w. Follow the I jm>re boisterous games, although she always
dir.- li ms «>n the p i a-;» I t ilxmt each box. lur.gi d t<> do so.
N ir i r.* w iii' ti will tin I their milk im-
But the embarrassing conditions of Mist
pr.v-.-l in qmilir.v an! lUititity by takinr ’ J’oi.ell’s life have all been eliminated with­
th - t piils. hi I also ol»* du relief from txiin in he past year, and the change is wholly
i i th- '»i«-k an-l g-n-ril lr.igg.-«l-oiit feeling. due to the effective work of Dr. William«'
A:! displ teements from weakness of the Pink Fills.
u -rim* ii-game its are speedily lieve«) and
“It must be remembered,” said Min
lilt'm"-■ y ••ur.sl by the use of these p:l!s. Donell in telling of the great relief that Dr.
!.»>u-irrit «■ i. I>—«ring town, weight in the Williams* Pills had afforded her, “that at
p I. i i. i l l nl! female weakn-sa. 5 i,l apetsiy the time 1 began taking the pills I had been
r--icf > -I - m- in th- a imi list ration of the for years« confirmed invalid. My wrist wn«
I’. ik Pilis |-or Pnle P -onle.
swollen out of all proportion by the chronic
t’lir :n >xt orhii-nl ti -rio-l in the life of a rheumatism that Led Imtg since settled in it.
w >«i»:iu i» tII «t attending tlie ce«.sati<>!i <>f The female complaints from which I had so
m ■ !«-r'' iri'>-i. or. a« it is most genero!!; y long xiiffcrtd ¡.nd waxt-d my laxly away until
i - ■! «I, thè chini -e or turn <>f lift*. T
T ne I was but h mere shadow of my former self
sy up« > ih «ttt'-U'h ii’ 'his period tire fninting and I had really come to think that the
.«pe l« or att ick» ->f fain'ness • •r ‘lizzinieiM, I rightness and happiness of life was not
li - l o-h ". generai
........ - •«li
— ’bility.
........... e -li
‘ niHtion. • • meant for me. I hail not the energy to per­
Ian holy
hvsteri t, p»in
f «i-’iii-’ of «iv-!....
' in the form even the most simple of my household
idri i, ete.
T ir
._ duties, and. in a wor I I was completely‘nin
lo ih or li:n;«s hyo
liyu • « h
li > otri
elei i-.r
i «r-1 l-i >1 o ie —for lietter or wora;« down.’ 1 began to take Dr. Williams’ Pill«
—f «r tn-for'iier if thè pnti -nt is wise enough while I was in this condition and !*■ fore I
to o «iiy t i «y-’ein i—linst the ravages of had taken half n Box of ih- m I realized that
t'i- «y utd-i n -itte uli ig the ehsi'g»*. For they were doing me g.e>d. 1 began to feel
i.o- p rtw-.- n-> *■ m-dy ever discovere«! lively again and to l.tse the lux feeling in
They my liinlw. I felt so happy over the momen­
ispials Dr. W’tii.i ih ’ Pink Piil«.
p :• fv the bio>1 1 v ic,;ug dir- -t y upon the tary relief that had lieen afforded me that I
this rt-solvi-d to < oiitinii'ataking the pills. After
s \ I d
e- ti rp-riol -i-tl finally |e-«-■-the patient tak mg several more boxes I was mote than
i«i ih«- eti; >vim-nt ef ro'iint h-alth. All convinced of the high merit.« of the pills, for
I'-hiti't this rr'>i«' il ia-rio-1 should I w'.« then wholly relieved from the rheu­
1-1-- •«« .........
matic pairs in my wrist and I had so for re-
t ce «>f. Wiil.ttiM»’ Fiuk F'ils.
g'in'xl niv vitality of body that I really
believed I had never experienced the euer-
voting effects of thoseara«tiiu- -liseases which
«1 enn •«.< ni «• «Fstr-ssiug than to «oc
are «« peculiar to women. It ¡»» very great
a girl -lro >p;"i<; an-l f d ir.' in th» «nrinv’ime
r*- to me to lie able to te 1 my young
of volt II I III**-.-..| ,>f
t er« s pi -wiug, rlens'
ladr friemL, of the r-lief thm h«» lieen sf-
royv «il
;t'ì«l in <-!i>stj< sten, there are forded in.- by Dr. Williams’ Pills > d T will
d ili »*•«•«. t> il" s tìlow, >r gri-eni-h t-oni'dex-
sur< ly -on’iiiue to recommend their use to
i > ì, an I t a tgiii‘1 1
of «tei» that le-xmeiks
all wh-» s-e aftlh-ted with the c anplaiats
il’«*-.. >• a:t«l iti o-ir)y <|. >ith if prop-r trent-
wh-«-h I suffered.”
■u -ti is -t »1 «.r i ij.’ty res<>rted to and per- from
Pink Pills are sold by ell dealers 0" w II be
«; t l i i «nitil <ie t'ntiovvri-lir.1 Ido «I is vii-
r ■ « «I « « I Hi ■ f\i«irti«ms of lift- lasy.tu • remi­ s-nt post paid on receipt of price, S 'cents*
box or «’X loxes for *2 5*» (they ar- n»-y-t
ì"i»o!i t.irents r- t« a rroat
.. r-«ponù- snt-1 in bulk orby the 1 Ok by ad-lre-sme l>r.
V-l, v t -h
• fi- ò ’■ ••• ’• tx a— b”<l-
x* j v..i d-. filter is, ll.iama’ Medicine C m -, Hdiwuxtady, «. »
4u.„ .... . . AA-.U.'W^.
A Thankful Girl.
■an B«M To O wmmm F«r M Ynra,
«•Wwf them the beaten' prnjltt. W« arw tb« «M
and LMaaa* maaufactarar. la America «all
*hi, way- Ship nibyact to approval. Wr pop Av.
ba*b wap. ir bo * «aUtfactorv. CvoryUiin* w
ranted Why pay an A«ont •>« to *M to order
vont Write yonr owa order Beiln« tree. Wp
tabe aU the ria« of damawe la shipping.
*■ W»«on«y »SO to MB. <»■•
ae soil Tor M to STS. 1« styles at
royo wtu Ion«
»te»teh Tool
ton« •*” «• I