Business Locals Agents to sell our choice and bar-. I dy Nursery Slock. W’e have many I new a|»ecial varieties, both in fruits I and ornamentals to offer, which are ' J« t he Foundation of the Wonderful Cures —Don’t forget Henry Cheatham | controlled only by us. We pay by Hood’» Santaparilla. That is Why the cures by Hood's Sar- bntber, desires a part of your pat '•ommission or salary. W rite us at aai>ari!!a are CUKES. once for terms, and secure choice That is Why Hood’s Sarsaparilla cnrea ronage, nt the new barber shop. the aore-eat cases of Scrofula, Salt Kaeurn of territory. —Who «aid you couldn’t get a and o her blood diseases. M ay B rothers , Nurserymen, Th it la Why it overcomes That good flavored cigar in town for five Rochester, N Y. Feeling, strengthens the nerves, gives oentaT Call at the City Drug Store en ■ ;y in place of exhaustion. and inquire. That is Why the Bales of Hood’s Sar year For Sale Or Trade. a saparilla have increased year a.'.er j * — Builders to »la ands of all kind —100 acres of tine fruit land in it n w re pares for i s p - d action building hardware at the Burns 10 acre lots 5 miles south of Eugene Che largest Laboratory iu the world. hart!ware store, nt bottom prices Oregon, 1 mile west of Spenser for calk. Butte. Lots at $400 each Horses L L ■*«*’ L-d «J) —The Saloon, in the new and cattle part pay on each lot if building. Richardson anti Stephens the purchaser so desires. For fur proprietors, is nicely furnished and L, . - * ’ . A1 ,__ | ther _________ i inquire at this 1 Is ths only True Blood Purser promi- __ mforiHation its customers is given the best ncni i .he public eye t ■ l.ty. Be sure I olii ce. of liquors and cigars. top' ’’oaJ’t «ad O"!y Hood’s. — Dr. Cate is kept pretty busy The universal good dentistry a by him has gained for the lasting reputation Will Wrk BRICK MASON, PLASTER ER and VENEERING. Rich Red Blood WANTED. b d WANTED in every county to in trod ure the Celebrated ’’.Hygeia” Waists *’.>r all ages. This waist supercedes the corset, and has re reived the unanimous approval of physicians of America. $3.(M) out th free. Any energetic woman can i make from $16 to $50 weekly. | Send for circulars and terms. HYGEIA M F G CO , 37S St . New York. 1 lO'/wl *3 a •* c4..j lu C.. Veneering box, or frame houses almost as cheap as rustic and much more comfortable—makes a solid wall, durable, very warm in winter and cool and pleasant in summer. t I Parties not conversant with the Veneering process and want a n’ei“lv finished wall in residence, will do well to consult Mr. Mclutvr I before t' . .. ti finishing . i l i ■-< with i » i > rustic. in I HOTEL BURNS. t. • - Tùli SORI AL PARLOR. ROBINSON * N. COMEGYS A - OREGON SONS, P roprietors . WALTON P roprietors . f'r»v ' òr.H’S”-, t* ■ • .' -c si*'» i■.r . ■ I i.1 .it ..u . v’ , i ‘ n i ii. .il v. aaya. * -••• » k V : : t. : ■ »»-« J ».:; strati, :i Is- -V ,, . i h,v k:,.u y ->r R-.t ■ <!.»n Gut Vicini Strina«• th »mu^h tri C ¡»ad .» i |tin»• c i to t‘at they-ira tb > !• : 1 ,.ud most dur*b!e »tritura I h ivetwr u-i <1 Yvura re»p ., L__LllAJJ Burnt», Oregor. Brick Always on Hand for Local Custom. A Marvelous l»l»c<*,rry Free AN <»U» »st! W kll -T kibt » R kmvhv .—Mr» Wtndvlow » 'oethiiiK si rup ba» been ttaeii for oyer flit» tear» bv million» ofnioiher» for «heir children while teething, with perfect »uc e»». It «ooliti » the chihl. «often* the cum». all«» * all pain, run » wind colic, and i* the be«« reme edv for l»i«rrheo<a. Is pleasant to the taste Sold by l»r utris s in etvry part of the world. I Turn«» flue, elite «buttle. Its value is invaia l«ble Ile «tire and auk for 'Ira. Wfnilslo»’« I Soothing 'Vrup. and take no other kind. M c I ntyre , This large and comfortable hotel is well furnished and the pruprie- tors use every efli rt possible to make their guests feel at home. Everything in their line guaranteed to be done satisfactorily. The table is at all times supplied with everything the market af- Bathes at all hours Give The Burns a call and we feel assured you will continue to be its guest when in town. ’ I GEO. S. SIZEMORE, I ATTORNEY. B ikns ............................... O regon .1 Collée dons, lutr.d buriness. and Real Estate matter promptly attended to. Iluw'a This.’ a W e offer One Hundred Dollars Ren ard for a« y » use of Catarrh va that can not be cured by Hall's Ca-1 tarrh Cure, b J CiitAi v. A Co. Piopts . ruled.», O W e the unde , d, have known F J Cheney for 15 years, and be lieve him perfr.ily honorable in all business transaction and tinancialh able to carry out any obligations made bv their firm West and Truax, who! aa'edrug- gi«tv Toledo, O Waiding. Kin ian A Marvin W holt -ale druggists. Toledo. O Hall'» Catarrh Cun» is taken in ternally. Siting directly upon th< blood and mucous surface» of the 'ti ll» Price 75, p r kittle Sold by all druggitt«. l\ stunonials frw Hall's Family IN Ils are tin* beet. ERR v T hicks , C anyon C ity . Till j. w 1IIGGS, B vbms . HTH ATTOX Ww ar* -*K?^ee--'*nfia «»r | *»•4 «a WM« >W «WWB H4 t«IM^«» JOHN F STCKTTON •¿A.» vr Acromi *a. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW’, STORE. 4 Hicks & Biggs B A X I) IX STRI M F .XTS XRXT rKESIDEXT *WW B a -MSB hx C mb ** c * »*<- PIONEER DRUG [\V. E. G bace ’ s old stand ] I Proprietor. Offices at Canyon Citv and Burns A C Worthington t_-w5»DEALER IN-^ REV D»U m\ $>iuutn ôt LMirge^n. A gra luate of the Iowa State Uni vt rsity and 'ollege of Phvsi- ; cians and Surg-o-'s. Office at n s.dei ce in Burns. » s DRUGS. BOOKS. STATIONARY, DYES, PAINTS, PERFUMES TOILET ARTICLES, AND NOTIONS. A full line of School Books and School Supplies. Confection? Nuts and fruits. £3TMail orders promptly filled. NEW YORK WORLD. Sta^e Line. The Twice-a »wk Edition of the 1 Nt w Yo k W or. i nas been convert-1 rd mo the Taro-.-y we. k. h fur- UaTee Bun)g djdlj al g;30 p M Arrives at Ontario in 4- bo-irs nishes 3 pap rs f •» |u»gt s apiece, i JOHN F. STRATTON'S or eighteen ptg» s every wevk. at Cl LMMATW Fare One way $7.50. Round trip $15.00 the old price oi One Dollar a rear.» BiimuM am St. el Strings This gives lod r a year forOtie »♦tlt» I Ct.iter. MaeSsUs Eta,« Through freight 3]cta. a pound. e FtaM rw» and every piper has 6 page* W Ml- I o mat S w M h * VIg Two dare notice at anr P. O. ou the route and covered coacoes *il I I ATTON JOHN F. r » gtit c lum: « a; ie or 4$ c lumns Bigger and Better * furnished for passangera. II. A. Williams. Proprietor- in all. T e Thrice-a-week World Than Brer Before, is not otilr much larger than any i ¿584 PAGES weekIv or semi wtrklv newspaper. it furnish s the news with S 1,500 TOPICS. ; l.ut much greater frequency and * J proniptnes' In f*<-t ¡t combines • Telia Kwrythrng 1’oa Want •II the crisp, fresh qualities of a to Know- Whew loo ç Waal to A’aowr It. daily with the attractive «»»eciai X a VERITABLE CYCLOPEDIA fratuTvs of a we* klr. Ç j OF UP-TO-DATE FACTS. { An lrv» u*b*a «nd Unrivalled > Political end Popular Hand-Book. uvrreAL MawcHAMDist:. **■asadaw * Raewm. JOHN F. STRATTON S 7 B»i ImtfMtttS J «waw. READY JANUARY ht, ÎS9& • *■*** $>K!CB 25 (N ww ;T j XC.) 7 he W orld DRUMS. FIFES. FHcvokte and Batui Suppltew, JOHN F. IT«ATYOfc. I1l lll.lll.l1' ( •'»* .<» law t C” — Waa* I. » L' Arrangements have be*. ide I *'.v wiueb we can furnish th’t per Proprietor II M. HORTON at»d tb-> T 'ice .i Week N • t ork WorHboth f w $2 25 a rear, Take advai tage of th's oft»-r a » tel t F A LERA a r.-ur own local paper and the Tbnce a W eek \V neld at this special • DRUGS. MEDICINES/CHEMIUALS. PATENT MEDICINES y T be H erald . STATIONERY. DIAMOND DYES. CHOICE PERFUMES A FANCY TOILET ARTICLES.TOBACCO.CIGARS ETC Fine Wines & Liquors for Medical P ree. n pu one accurately eotrpo--.nd*d. First Claaa Dentei Work Doo* Purposes