11111111ir ****2 * Ü G U < i *.i i i •Ì •Ì •t f $100.00 Q i I > » I X • Vi ♦: • • 4 9 3 G G G G G t) G G I I Thousands to the person submitting the • most meritorious iuventios E during the preceding month. * WK SECURE PATENTS* FOB INVENTORS, ami the* object of this offer 1» to en- * courage persons oi au Invent- * ivo turn of mind. At lhe* same time we well to i.upresa p the fact that :: » :: ♦. It’s the Simple, 1 rivlal Inventions That Yield Fortunes I’ — such »» Do Long'« Honk | ami I'll'. "Beu III»' I'limp. 7 "Saf. ty Pin." “Pigs >u bio ver." "Air Brake," e’e Almost • very one csmco'vca a bright idea at »•• n • timo or ( other. Why not put it In |.r .o- tlual use? YOU II tideiiU umv lie In this direction M y make your fortun". v. hy n.,r try 1 t: :: « “ « (^“Write for further information and mention thia paper. ! <♦ ♦ □ of Della.*» is Rewards foi T hb Lanrrr Hows M «oasiwr prasa^s I” J*” Con>p»nti..n to the public of Am -r v Th, flrst torrvtl ai i«w to Ibe Ml- wing quMUona r"reu<*.l , r “,‘. The »nep*»» of thin Great Cough Cure Is without a parallel in the history of medicine. All druggists areautnorized to »ell it on a po»- itive guarantee, a test that no otherC re cau successfully stand. That it may become known, the Proprietors, at an enormous ex pen,e, are placing a Sample Bottle Free into every home in the United Stale» and Canada. If you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Hron- chiti.«. use it. for it wili cure you. If your child ima the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use It promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious disease Consumption, use it Ask your Druggist for SHILOH’S CURE, Price 10 cts.. 80cts. and $1.00. Ifyour Lungs are sore or B irk lame, use Shi'oh's Porous Piaster. Price 25 cts. Fur sa’.q by all Drug gists aud Dealers. U urs Gold vvalch: Jib. till, l>rw>. THn foil«’»» Mr ant S.her Tra Sete to th» iwxt l!XMv««».t »r»««',s. lux. Uaud ul Jo ..bell b l'»r r»rv>e a **-•! -uxi <>■. « «rtu lmof Sihcrware, rna.ins th» wort .-ip n-i»» and Ejazii fiernt lii-t '*t > •vB’ch' ♦*»«’’’ a > p’. pl r V miiihg - Gitiaw J’ hn »UdoiM U.e 1» i»*f ecu. An! (C) II u.»n> Chwpun«.’ (3) IL»* umny Every I st of answer* no st be an- -n pnu • »1 l y i < say fur n>«*nU t »ubaeripCHm io the i * M E au , zi' k - ui e o the L»i<Lusi and be*l U1 u * u .. u » j y.ii.lii it <•! lhe day J. a - t 1* bizju 4—In audit on tn the above *•* *lk* OW) prize* consist ng «f magnificent Silver Service . five »dock Servar-, Ac fie. lor Lart Corevt Ana; er« re- wivttd IzeL ie t e clow of ths Cowpet.t,on, which uill La m Urcemlrt r 31, 18V2. . The object in offering th* se li!>erw! prizes is to < stablirh he Ubi>8 H omi M igaz ni in homes in tre Jnited .States and Canada. Present subsc«iuers tan »vail themscives of it by enclosing 81 U*J wi » * st of mswera and tLs address of some friend to whom the Magazine < an l»e aent for s ix months or have their ow n ixtended beyond the time »¡ready paid for. Prizes to aibecribers resid ng in the I’nileu States sent from our Sew Yo k I ranch. Aneiican currency and po«'ags camps will ha taken. Be sure and register all m i.ey •(tert. fiddreaa. TH! LA.D1M H u MA MauaxiW Faurborougfi, Ca na da I Scientific) American Agency for ILLUSTRATED. TEN CTS I L t^"The reaponsIMI <y '• • • '"""i'y Ii may I»«* juig'-'l by tl.» >. ’ iu .1 Is *to<-k i» nel l by <n< i >.• ti.,u«a.ri «!•< Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat ent btmine«» conducted for Moderate Tee». Our Office it Onposfle U. S. Patent Office, »nd we can »eenre patent ta lcea time than those ■emote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip ion. We advise, if patentable or not. free or ba/ge Our fee not due till patent is secared. A P unphlet. "How to Obtain Patents,’’ with names of actual clients inyourStute, county,or town, sent free. Address, For Information and free Handbook write to MUNN A CO., Ml B soadwa V. Naw Yong. Oldeat bureau for aecuring patent* in America. Every patent taken out by ua la brought before U.a public by a notice given free of obazs* 1“ the Largest clrmiiatlon of any scientific paper tn the world, bplen.lldlr lllu>trate<l. No Intelligent man should be without Ik Weekly, «3.00 a Kir; <1.50alx month«. Address. MUNN A CO» tmisiiKJix, 301 Broadway. New York City. C.A.SNOW&CO. Opposite Patent Office, Washington, 0. C. r<>fr i r. C CELEBRATED T OVE tree. i Donnellan & Co., Agts., HARPER’S MAGAZINE... . CAVEATS« TRADK MARKS, DKSICN PATKNTB, COPYRIGHTS, BtoJ TEN CTS. Lasts Seven times lon-er Looks Seven times beiter Than About Seven times cleaner Stove About Two times cheaper Nth About 1 wo times handier • • • If your grocer doesn’t keep it send us his name with * oc « nd get a large box and a vJua"^ Per Year: WASHiNur j . x , y. O even family household book HARPER’S PER Ot’ICS Philip W. Aviratt, Oe«. .4 ;r , o TEN CTc I THE PRESS GLHLMSCv. ,.f tin Imulllig Pe»rt«l«i> II. UullvO State». changing the appe^unee ot your stove with impleton, a new noael bv T homas H ardy , i will be begun ________________________________ In the December Number, ( _____ 1H94, and I continued to November_l»95. i’. _____ ™. Who Who- ever may be oue’s favorite among Et glish Nov I elist», it will be conceded by all critic» that T homsm hardy stands foremost of a master artist in fiction, and The Simpletons may be I expected to art use euthnsiams not inferihr in degree to that which has marked Trilby—the most successful story of the year. Another 'eadii'g feature will be the Personal Recollec tiotia of Joan of Are, by the Sieur Louis na C onti , Her Puge and Secretary, under which guise the mi st popular of living American magazine writars will Present ahe story of the Maid af Orleans. In the January NTt nber Will appear a drofusely illustratee paper on Charles ton and the Caroliuas, the first of a aeries of Southern Papars, • Noathern Africa is attracting more attention at any other time since it was the seat of em pires The next volumes of HARPera MAGA ZINE will four illustrated articleson thisregin, an(J three of them will depict the present life lhere. ((’ lian R alph will prepare (or the MAGAZINE a series of eight stories, depicting typical phases of Chineie Life and Manners. Uesides the long stories, toere will begin in the Jauuary Number the first Chapter of A Three Part Novelette, hy R ichard H arding D avis — the longest work yet attempted by this wri'er Complete shoJt stories by popular writers Will continue to be a feature of the MAGAZINE 61H F Street, North'.'. r-L (» t| Is hard work comp red *'6 ILi (JSTRATKD Bible Readers. OUR bino CHANGING I Given Away i CONSUMPTION Every Month | CURE. r > F SHILOH’S i 1893 I 519 MONTGOMERY ST.. S. F.. CAL »4.Of 4.00 i HARPER’S WEEKLY HARPER S BAZAR.............. 4.00 HARPER’S YOUNG PEOPLE........... 2.00 Postage Free to all Subscribers in the United States, Canada, or Mexico. •TOOK BRANDS. The volumes of the Magazine begin with the Numbers for June and December of eac h year. When no time is specified, sub scriptions will begin with the Number cur- ’ rent at time of receipt of order. Bound volumes of Harper’s Magazine for I three years bars, in neat doth binding will be sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of $.3 ‘ per volume. Cloth Cases, for binding 5« cents each—by mail, post-paid. Remittances should be made by Postoffice Money Order, or Draft, to avoid chanc ol loss. Address HARPER & BROTHERS, New York. W0QDW9RK> ooLOivyfGtM^ Hap’ Baza - ILLUSTRATED. fiapay^triT <. ■ Wholesale P MUSICAL FREE BRAND COLUMN. HARPER’S PERIODICALS. Elegent and exclusive designs for Out door and Indoor Toilettes, drawn from W orth mod els by S andoz and chapcis , are an importaut ferture- These appear every week, accompan ied by minute descriptions and details Our l'aris Letter, by K athakink i > r F orest , is a’ weekly transcript of the latest stiles and capri- . cat in the mode. Under the hiap of New York Fashions, plain descriptions and full paJtieu- lars are given as o shapes, lab ics, trimmings, I and accessoslesof the costume i of well-eressed women. Childrens clothing receives practical I attention. A fortnightly Pattern sheet supple ment enables readers to cut aud mrke their own gowh The woman who takes HA RPER’S BA- 7. \s is prepared for every occasion in life, ce remonious or Informal, where beautiful dress is requisite. Our Premiums FOR THIS YEAR. ------ r+-------- I ■ —THIS PAPER— ----- WITH----- THE S N FRANCISCO Ketu ri •••’U prosperity will make ninny rich, but nowhere can they make su mu i i within a short time ns by Ruccessful Speculation in Grain him . uni Slock. Weekly Call! .Miin 0J f0R WCHDOIUR INVESTED CAN BE MADE Bl OUR M»lvx. - Systeimtic Plan ef Sj33nlatio.i l'KICK«l.a3 PF.K Y, AR. originate All fiucoeeHsful speculators operate on a regular svstvni It i ' knowp f.iiM that there are thousands of men in all parts' of I lie Hi » t ' it«'« win» by AYKtunixtic trading througli Chicago brok ' ers. m ik iiiiioiintg every year, ranging from a few thoueand dollars i for the n> « >*invrstH h hundred or two dollar* up to $50,000 to $ 1< h I.IX H ' ni »• By thoKe who invest a few thouBRnd. It Is tirl tlint those who make the largest profits from coin-1 parativ , I investments i ii this plan are ^«rsons who live awav fr.>m (' o I invest through brokers who thuroughlv understand systemii uing. O I« • * not risk the wh ile amount invested on any traiie.but covers ii I 's, mi that whether the market rise* <>r falls it brings a steadv i> it piles up enormously in a ehori time. WK • 1». ( ON\ INl ING I’KOOES, also our Manual on Rilette set Idfi >n .’in«I our Daily Market Report, full of money hi ikmg ALL I'REI1 Our manual explains margin tra tin . Highest references in regard to our standing and SUeces- f»iriher mt e’ma'ii n address 1 TH3 Brokers M-242 Railto Bull iing Chicago THE SAN FRANCIS 0 Morning Call! l HE SAN FRANCISCO WEEKLY < ALL j J 1* » handsome eight-* page paper. Il is issued every Thursdai, and contains all of the important news of the week, glenned from every qu tr ier of Ute globe, complete up to date of publication. It fur- aishrs the latent and moit reliable financial news and market quotations, a- d gives special atteiitb n to hortlcuL lural aud agricultural news, and is In every re«i act a firat- Slaas family paper, appeaii g l<title interest of rvery member of the household. HE MORNING CALI. (Nam 1-at'Bs a Waag) Is a live nt> troi>oiltig daily. It is the MOST RELIA- BIX and is rec<stnlzz».| as being the LEADING NEWS- PAPER < f the Pacific Oast. Either of the above i aper» *» will send PO'tu Id as a pre mium on reeel. t <>t the follow. Ing tnbaerlptlun prices fur the eeiubinaUou : SM J No. LB Kaad Wagon Pontage Free to all subacribera in the State», « atia.ia, or Mexico. The Volume» of the Weekly will beg the flr»t Number for Jn ituirv of ea W hen no time is mentioned, sub» cript begin with the Number current at ti ceipt of order. Bound Volume» of Harper'» Weekly f I yean back, in neat cloth binding, will I by mail Postage paid, or by express, fr penee (provided the freight doe» uotex ' per volume) for |7 00 a volume. Cloth t age» for each Volume, suita binding will be »ent by mail post paid ceipt of *1. Remittances should be made by Po» Monty Order or Draft, to avoid chance o Addre»»: HARPER A BK )TMER3. Ne -------- -+*-------- I n ■ nAkf ai > v vncr . WEEKLY CUI And lib P p I »2 50 IN GIVA < J. C, Foley, cattle brand = on right side Horse brand = on left shoulder. Cattle brand, IL. on left rib under bit In left ear, under slope in right ear Horse bread 71 on right stifle. R E J. A. Williams P, 0. Riley Or. Horses branded )-( on left stifle. Cattlebrsad. ed )-( on left hip. Marion Bunyard, PO Bums Horae branded P on right ahoulder, cattle F on right hip. R. A. Hendricks. P.O. Lawes Or HARPER WEEKLY..................... IIA RI’ER’S MAG A Z1N E HARPER'« BAZAR... HARPER’S YOUNG PF'IPLE I PRICK Rd.O i PEB YKAB. ------ s+-------- ELKHART CARRIAGE and HARNESS NFS. CO. « Hardin A Riley, cattle branded*Von left »ide Horae brand T left aide. r. o. Burns,Oretos Cattle diamond on left hip: hor I shoulder. Charles H. Voegtlty. Bur..»'J PER year : ----- Ill----- Hon' brand bar ten on left »boulder; Cattl, bar ten oh left hip and upper clip on both ears. T. A. McKinnon, Burn» Ore. W Hau’s . Horse brand 36 on left shoulder, »Iso thre« dote.*, in shape of triangle, cattle branded izbi E. E. Grout Burns Or. Mis» Rosa Dickenson Horse brand anvil «» left »title. Cattle branded bar;R on left alp. r O. I.awen Ore. J. P. Dickenson cattle brand J P connected vo left hip Hor»e brand anvil on left »tin», r. u I.awen Ore. Cattle brand figure 7on either hFp: marklil» crop off each ear. slip in each ear, and w»U on left jaw. Horae brand figure 7 on either hip J. H. Bunyard.Turn».Ore. Geo Williams, horses and mules bt* rounding w, on tight »llfle. P. O Bn* . Horse brand bar-m on left shoulder: '*>'*• brand bar-m on left hip and ribs. < »tnen Marshall P O NarrowsOre. Horse brand on left ahoulder 9 i ILLT8TRATED. HARPER’S Weekly ia a pictorial history of i the times. It presents every important ever t promptly, a< eurately , and exhausti"elv ii^ i|- It.atration aud descriptive text of the'hlgneat i o der. 1 The manner in which, during 1N94, it haa treated the Chi.»ago Railroad strike» and the Cbino-Jai>aneae War, and the amount of light It was able to throw on Korea the instant alien > lion was dizeeted to that little known county, , are examples of its almost boundleM resource's. Julian Ralph, the diatinguished writer and • correspondent, has been aeut to ihc seat of war, - and thare joined by C 1». Weldon, now for , manv years lesidant in Japa n, who has been engaged to cooperate with Mr. Ralph in Send- tiun HARPER'S WEEKLY excluaive informa ti.iii and illustration I I HARPER’S PERIODICALS ’ Per Year MimLasrt Staacllft. Burns Ore. Horse brand g oti left shoulder and s*m* muscle of right hind leg. Ore. Phil Smith Burt» S, Lampshire and Son cattle brand Q connected. Ear mark »wallow fork In right»*' underbit in left. P, O. Burn» Ore. Horses and Cattle branded J P on der some branded JP connected. Price, Burns Ore Herman Ruh cattle brand g on t i . • ► er crop off and swallow fork in left ear rtf* ear under slope. P. O. Lawen. Cattle brand. M O. on left hip. ,0,lder„L-£ right ear and arrow and split In left. w H O. on left shoulder. A. on Cattle and horse brand T with half circ ’ « der. U. W. Thompsou. L*«*n. yw* HARPER'S RAZAK................... 4 a HARPER'S MAG \ZINE ... HARPER'S WEEKLY ... HARPER’S YOUNG _________________ PKOPl.a •N Postage Free to all subecribera in th« United States Canada, or Mexico. : I The volume»ot the Basar t-egiu with the first | num Ur for January of each veer. When ne is time is menionel, subscription will begin with the Number current at the time of receilt of order Rouui volumes of Harpers harar tor th re« year in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mat Ih't'Wr p*ht* by fr^e of .if expense pvnenga P,*afT I'* 1'» or h * eihTNU. ««preee. free (provided the freight does not exceed one dol lai per volume) or F a volume. . ‘ fo’em h vomirne,emttable for bind Ing will be eentby mail p.«r>aid <,» revet» of »1 eaz h. r Kemiitaneeg ebould bo made by FoetOfllee Money order or Draft, to av, id chance of luna _ Adrese HARPER A BROTHERS R^^Neweyeyora are cut to copy any one aor BEATTY'S PIANOS« fur catalogue. Ex-Mayor W ashington, New Jersey. uaniel F .’3HN F. GTRATTCM’t CE! E3RA1 ED -oe-—x- e lmp--vr c.'.nd V tun«« r,« Dealer in all hmzis of Ar U SIC AL MERCHANDISE. 611. bit’, Ö13.W7 Lest 9th SU. New >