Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1896)
îhr lirnud We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for at y case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Ca tarrh Cure. An Aerial Torpedo F. J. C heney , it Co. Propts., OREGON. Toledo, O. An electrical engineer in Des' We the undersigned, have known M rs F. E. M c G ee , Proprietress. Moi nee, Iowa, II. G, Rich, has in | F J Cheney for. 15 years, and be- vented a torpedo to be dropped lieye him perfectly honorable in all from the air over a city or a body business transaction and financially of troops at rest, in time of war. able to carry out any obligations Mr. Rich would attach .his fearful made by their firm. object to a balloon, capable of sus West and Truax, wholesale drug taining a Height of thirty or forty gists, Toledo, O. pounds Dynamite or some other Welding, Kinnan & Marvin. high explosive would be placed in Wholesale druggists, Toledo, <). a basket and suspended to the ae-i | • Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in al messenger. By mean» of an ’ ternally, acting directly upon the electrical mechanism, set s » as to ■ blood and n.ucous of the It is well arranged nice, cosy, comfortable rooms. The cuisine de operate at an hour and minute pre- ' , system. Price 75c. p< r bottle. S Jd Bigger and Better •partment is as perfect as possible for an inland town and guests will C yicusly determined upon, the gas by all druggitltH. . Testimonial-free. Than Ever Before. served with care and attention. i i the balloon would be ignited, the Hall's Family Pills are the best. ¿584 PAGES. carrier destroy« d ai.d the torpedo liberated. As the mischief making t S 1,500 TOPICS. mass would fill from an elevation 1 X Telia Everything You Want ot 500 or 1,000 feet, it is thought J to Know When You that a terrific explosion would en Want to Know It. sue when it struck the earth or any \A VERITABLE CYCLOPEDIA otlur hard surface, like a wall,! < OF UP-TO-DATE FACTS. well begun Is half done. Begin pavement or roof. Mr. Rich says: well by getting Ferry'« Seeds. Don't let chance deterrpine “The aerial torpedo complete is your crop, but plant Ferry's f fi.n Invaluable and Unrivalled Seeds. Known and sold small and compact, and a large \ Political end Popular everywhere. J Hand-Book. Befbre you plant, get number can be carried by a few Ferry's Seed Annual men or a puck animal. I he gas to for IMS. Contains more pri Ileal information for farm« y READY JANUARY 1st, 1896. influte the bnlloon is transported in and gardeners than many high H W WELCOME. Proprietor. priced text liooks. Mallett free. light metal cylinders, and, the gas 4 U. X. »F.I1KI X l»., ItKTKUIT, git'll. -< i>KICE 25 ce s i being compressed therein, enough ■ DRUGS, PAINTS, GLASS, TOILET ARTI (Postpaid by Mail. ) can lie taken along to inflate a large CLES OF ALL KINDS, ETC. number of balloons at once. To JOHN F. STRATTON JW “ Prescriptions carefully compounded by a Registered Pharmacist u e the aeiiul torpedo effectively ail CELEBRATED Pulitzer Building, New York, that is necessary is to approach as Oon't Go Without it T4>_; Presidential Year. near as possible the locality on 7 BANJO&, W ! -.i «••■•«noia-, j Wh..|.*«x:eDe ts I q all klmbof which the torpedo is desired to take •i.’ ili al tsr, effe< t. and ascertain the direction of ... .«s C»r!uS. fitaistallnca. Act ordt c. >•—» Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder v.taDMr ¿ »'. Th«'», f-tc.ctc ♦ riv Trie tin* lower air current and the veloe- World'« Fair Highest Award. : ‘ EW' ï CEE. of same per hour. Also nsceitain the length of time it would take for the air current go carry the torpedo over the objective point, an I set i f— CULP BROS, Burns, Oregon the ehetrieal device at the hour or minute thus ascertained. It fl it»* the balloon part and place tht lor Work Guaranteed to be first class pedo in line with the air current, We tnix our own Paints, and which will convey it to the point desired.” How inu li pra t'.i 11 would he re I quired in order to be able to" steer such a craft in the right direction and to make it drop its burden at At the old stand South East of the H f . kai d office. Ben’s assort just th » right moment, is uot easi>v t <>f.I ipnnew* i ’ " - verv fine apd, com-idering the quality yery num estimated in advance; but it is pro cheap. bable that w, rk of this sert would !>e intrusted mill to experts who had previously been drilled with <• blank < artridges Another question which would need to l»e settled by ex|H*riment is whether or not the dynamite woeld i»v prematurely »x- 1 ploded in th» air by the explosion I of the balloon. On the oth**r hind I ' som > uncertainty attaches to the Izt. Kimball Piano. “ StjU3. ” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - $ 600 00 matter of .securing explosion even (• THOS. LAHEY, Burns, Oregon. ze. Bicycle, for man or woman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 00 <> when the earth is r a 'tiled by tlv» ze. Cash. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 00 <W* First door north of Brick Store. torpvdu'unleM the latter is provided h Prizes, each $25. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 00 I • And if with a )H*rcus«iwn cap. h Prizes, tach $10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 00 I ' th Prizes, each $2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 00 1 ' these hostile proceedings were die < ' covered in time it would ta Ínteres $1,195 00 I '1 Ths fir» I pri.s «III I m > given to the person w ho ronatrni ta the lonsr.t ting Io watch the t fleet of ti well •enleure In good SnglHh eoumlniug no letter of the alphabet more than three It I. not neera.arT to u.e every letter <>r t hr alphabet. 1 he other prlie. will aimed rifle ball on the balloon Iw»-^ time*. go in regular order to those roan pet ttors whose seutettees are next In length :! Every coat pet itor whose senU uee reaches forty-« «.> let i era will receive a paper fore it reached its prop >eed destine-^ covered volume containing twelve of WllkleCol Ibis' novel, w h. t her he wins a prue or not. Tblsconteat clove» April IX The prire winners will be announced one lion week later anil t ,e winning sentence, published In ease two or more priii-«lu ll In X sentences are of t v »»mo length preference will lie given to the lest one. I The Iowa man's scheme is in- Kaa-s coie|<etitor tund coiiit-uct hlaown sentence, and n p<-r«m will tie allowed to i-uter thia contest more then onee SenleHcrs an not be corrected or substituted g< nioi.s, b'it h i us hope that the after they are res vlved. Kesideuu of thuaha Me uot permitted U> compete, directly or Indirectly trodrrn tendency toward the arb RULES FOR THE SENTENCE—« N’o Other. Furnished.) The length of a sentence ta to be measured by the number of I ttrrs It contains, itr i'ion of donir stic and interna but no letter can tie u»ed or «Minted more than three tin.«'» o word exi-ept “a“ or ••I” can be used more than on> v. The seutenc mu-t consist of complete worts. tonal disputes will make it unnec Sign», ngure». abbrev lation» or <• "«tractions, et . must not i»- used. The pronoun “1 and the article n" Wil' be » rpted as complete w rds Proper nouns canuo« essary to rv«sirt to such destructive be used Ksen contestant must luuleaM by figures at the end of his »«nleu.e how On the Corner South of the French Hotel. Main Street. man» letter* it contains. agencies. This remarkably lltieral offer Is made by the Build Won, i,-Hsw..ji of which JOE GILL — — — — — Proprietor. ths distinguished ei-cong r ousts. WILLIAM J. BRYAN. Is Editor. and I* 1» required that - a. h comp Uns -entenee be enc .««d with <*• dollar for a Everybody knows Joe and a horse under hit care will never suffer Crar*s subscription 1' Wlisn W >>nt.l»-ll*K.*i i> . ,,-d tn seml-weekly seo- for something to eat. It Is the ».-i. ru .-I—IS.» of tree oua, and hence 1» near.jr as tod as a daily coinage and the suing faintly newspaper of X, or» »a. * This popular Hotel holds itself point otrank equal, it not super- compares favorably with railroad houses. many PLANTING HT . T he W orld , Our Work Susaks fo it e f, 4th PRIZE CONTEST.. Parties Desiring Cabinet Work that excels any done in this place hereto! re, call and examine mv work. RED FRONT LIVERY STABLE. Auurvs« Weekly World-Herald. Omaha. Neb. Further Joe i* an old stable keeper, having had several yetrt e, p-rieocem a first clast stable in Corvallis.