At last the brass knocker re- at my pet kitten, and call me sounded through the house with a names, and twit me with my pug loud clang, and with palpitating nose and big eyes.' My name, too, BY JOHN A. PKTER8. heart, and cheeks in which the roses was a source of aggravation on his From New York Weekly | came and went, Hester opeited the part. CHAPTER I. [C ontinued .J “You’ll be an old maid, Pen,” he duor, and in walked—Grey Hunter “What is that?” and Grey looked The first thing he did was to would say. “Nobody with such a susp’ciously around- “Did you glance over the dooe. Thert, sus name as Penelope ever got mar- drop anything, Hester?” pended by a ribbon, was the horse ried.” “No, I did not, Mr. Hunter,” tell shoe. Then, with a meaning smile, I hated Roy Grey, and yet there ing a wrong story in her trepida tho audacious fellow said: was something about him I could tion. “Do let's hurry on. The “Hettie, has that mest eligable not help liking, after all. I could road is so intensely bad; and my! parti, the doctor, called yet?” not forget that when I had the scar how the rain does pour down!” “No, indeed,” with a coquettish let fever, and lay at death’s door. i ‘ Yes, yes, Hester, but I am not toss of the gold-tressed head. Roydan sat under my window, and | going to have you lose any more “Then it behooyts me to propose, I heard him say, the first time I bundles, if the walking is bad and for you remember what that old Bal up in a big rocking chair: and the rain does rattle down. You witch. Granny Grewell, used to say: ‘‘Well, I’m nut sorry that Pen is j assuredly dropfted something; and The firsttman who walked under a better. She’s a queer little concern | here it is,” holding up the horse horse shoe was d >omed to honor but I should have missed her it she , shoe before the startled girl. the girl who put it there with his had died ” “So you were going to try your heart and hand.’ Hettie, shall the, I was just fifteen when he went. luck again—eh, Hettie?” uncon ten years he buried ? Shall ! be I | to Venezuela, and he told me the | sciously adopting the old term of your sweetheart once more? Dari , ' night before he sailed, that “lie did I endearment. Tired of living alone, ing. I was an exile for ten years, I 1 think I was the queerest girl of my I presume? Why, I verily believe believing you to bo another man’s' ■ age he had seen—in fact nothing it is the one my Bessie lost this wife. Come!” a little imperatively. 1**88 than a fright!’’ 1 burst outcry morning when I wu returning “Your answer. If il be ‘No,’ you ing at the not particularly courte I from a long ride this morning. As will have to spend this disagreeable ous criticism. I it is my property 1’11 take pusses autumn evening alone, ami I have “I am glad you are going away,” Bion of it.” us wonderful stories to relate as 1 cried. “You’ll do no such’thing!”snatch those teld in the ‘Arabian Knights’ “So am I,” said he inililfereiitly. ing it from hand in the most un by that wonderful woman, Queen “There are monkeys there and 1 dare say they haye laces much like ceremonious manner possible; right Subeherezade. Is it ‘Yes?’ ” fully it belongs to me, and as it “I suppose so,” ra her hesitating yours.” means good luck to the finder, 1 ly; “I can’t bear to stay alone,) That was our parting. Dear me, I how little we fancied then that it ! shall not part with it. Your Bes and----- ” sie’s, indeed! I shall it over the She was gathered in his arms, would be twenty years before we I door purposely to keep the witches her mouth cl. sed with kisses, and saw each other again. away. You are mistaken, Mr. she could sav no more. TO BE OONTIM’.’ib. Hunter, egregiously so, it you thiifk Now, reader, is it strange that I I am tired of living alone. I enjoy Hester anti Grev have a passion for my freedom too much to marry horse-shoes, and that the pin Grey any son of Adam!” likes best to fasten his necktie with “Humph! you need not turn up js a golden horse shoe presented to America’s Great Danger on me so spitefully You shall him by H.-Bter, who also wears one, keep it—on one condition, vis., that ablaze with diamonds—one of AN ENGLISH COMMENTARY. you nail it oyer the door, and the I Grey’s wedding gifts—in her yel Sai l nneininect En*: li.- h scienti.-t recently : first broad slxfuldered, bearded I low hair, while the one that II. stei ** The clange, that confronts the great Am. 11 giant who passes under it you | is foolish enough to believe brought ’can pi opio to-(lay it not the possible ud. p I l i.ii of a w ong financial polity for tl b I ih II marry, willy nilly.” | her her good luck looks down at nation, or tho spread of socialism, cr t’ 1 “ 1. cn icii among - public "Whether he proposes or no'?" Ii tn from over their sitting-room in. ixuso of corrnpiior ill ,n< -o n j b J enough, to t<> l*o imi «tre, I archly queried the girl. limy uro ns u .tiling c nip. i red t»» the to r I door ? national disease—1 litui almost raid RTtici "Nonsense! Any man in his 2. Imo of overwork. Tho mad rns'i I A right mind would marry you if In- .vcihh is set ut a killing p ice, and tLousai. fall by the w y eve y year. ROYDON’S BKIJE. could get you. \\ ill you do as I Y ju are likely tj to eno if tfo vicldr., •ay, Hettie?" 1 low <lo we k *tw ? I co uiao it is tho BY NANCY CAVANAGH. But suppose it should be Doctor lion to tiud a ma i or woman . f adult (a*r‘«<t health. Nervous L.sortkrs i Graham? lie is unmarried has a CHARTER I.; 'pleading with fearful rapidity. Ali.i n, t bushy beard, and is s » tall that I u « — Baikal he, ’».iion.-ui, I can’t realize il! And,’s -y inpionis, a d I eet, 1 izzii <s , Hot 1 ! < just coi . io up to his shoulder. Be more, I don’t think I ever shall I ilai.ds ’liitiering Sentili, n, l ai ling, Bead tl. I sides," demurely, letting the gold- If it wasn't for tlit* ring on the lly-icii i, li rii. I* lily of the, Jh 'ui 1 aili g Mein ty, ) u'piution. ] mu fringed lids drop slowly over her third finger of my left haud,l should i in holy, it sin. Mi it l;«at*i. Meepk-sn. -*, . <* dancing eyes, "he ia quite attentive, certainly think 1 had been atueep von« I'yqu-psia, Sxi. ,1 Ikhdity, 1 u< «:• llrv. < . A. ('tiiRoi.L, pa>tor Fir-t B > i has an extensive practice, and is and dreaming. '“mreh Y. liowSpri gs, I ». writesus f 1 ■' ■ growing rich fast. Grey, would How did it all happen? Thai’* “ i li >ve u ed I >r. Mi e-’ Restorative ' er*, a. rihep st sit tn nths. I fìnti it nits !i: you advise me to sav ves?" on easy question to usk. but u hard .1 th mi oi the whole Perv us svsteo«. I have not found in givii.g inint<<". i t on found it. no! Ill kick him one to answer. I'.Jiif, I’r. Miles’ little Nt rvo mid l.ivci I out ot the house if 1 ’find him there 1’eople a'ways used to say. from I I i’i Is only rod a tri ii ami tl.“y will root*. when 1 come tonight. I mean.... my girlhood up, that Penny Lii in«nd themselves to be ti e l«*st ndls in th I livre! you’ve reached your home, I ha ven was born to be an old maid. niarkei." I or five years I have s ffere.l from Net so n»'»er mind what I mean; only, I was not a pretty child. My eye« roils i* ostr.iiion. I a is unable to Work »> < p. The iir*t dos,, of Cr. Mdes* Rsa'or.. if—if a man that looks like me were too tug. and my hair grew too •h live Nervine g* .« in ■ rvl < f, and < re th ti comes tonight, and says, ‘Hettie, low <n my forehead, ami th-re was, ci d .1 JI •!■• would not c<»v» r 1> e gt»* <1 it I a I rm ‘—JOHN MLVC11ER, Vol ngs will you la> my wife?’ don’t dare to a sallow louk a out my skin And ! ' u (*q- answer ‘Nay.’ " lli< n 1 hud a way of always pitting Dr. Nile«’ Rrstorat vo Nert ue is un Grey stalked off n tie rain, things to right and tidying upl 1.*911X1 lol in ( CHINO Nervous Ihweaaes. It ...... — 1 n > Opiates or dangerous d tigs. Slid while the lighthearted girl ran up rooms after oilier p oplt, and my i sn a tHMitivv guarantee hv ad druggists, or the steps and into the hous*., sing trunks and bureau drawers w'vit 1 Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, I ltd. ing Inatcliet of an old love song neat as wax. and I couldn't bear to which had been a stranger to her see anything in the way of careless- lipa for a decade of years. lies« or disorder; st> the people She bustled almul the sitting- would look at me anti laugh, and 1 room, fastening back tin window fill: curtains artistically with blue lib- ‘ Oh, she’ll In* an olu mm 1, us ViaCAVE A i \ I MARKs^y bons, filling with flagrant white sure aS fate.” COPYRIGHTS.^ chri-inthemums the antique vase CAN I ORTI IN A riTFATI Fo 1 used to cry autuctiiur» j) my *■"•"**■ ■" Soil. .» Ofitn'.». write to Ml V' A I (».. «h„ h««« h«4 iwurly «hv *««n’ upheld by a caryatid, which Grty •• If. all slieut it; t ut i.u one e.M r'twt.enr« In the patent t>ii-me«n. Communte»- Mrtctlv 0 .1? teminl. A Han>ib««li of tn- had giwn to her years before, and knew how I fell about tilt* iiiaUtr. Uon. formmion ,« l*ntenta amt bow to ob- 1Ü? ,h ïm vcentlbe LT* txMh« ’ ' ’•*' <n*nt • -stnlo«ue of mts-bni». replenishing the fire in the grate. kw «0,1 fraa. Roy don Grey was the li.- »I nan*. llow bright the room look mt, and Its« U ate of then» ail i M Ml» ho« hippy »In» felt as she hung ways afraid uf him w h u we over th»* door the shoe Grey to Su id ay school ingett r. Kr < •aid had oner grac'd 1‘essie‘s ?•»<*( used to hide IxhmU th* — a hich. eamrliow. she doubted. | m > uikv nut al u>e, slid throw »tc e* HESTER’S LUCK BUT IT IS NOT A DISGRACE To DE SICK. Yet Some Suffer in Silence an] will not Open the Matter to their Physician even. YOU CftH DE BRI3ST EÏE0 AMO KÄPPY. Chrtuiftr, !!'<«/.. the hear th- Story told I.y Mrs. Fr;i;r us ‘ o : h >\ v : ‘ * n*y» The n. igiilsirs <*ail-.*d hera .valki'tg <*.»i *«**. I ' Mrs. Frank Murray, who ll( ir For tin - ii years vh * r.i I sulf red i’ro n Ims of blood aa 1 lirop.vy. She Inti not tin* age, ind tor a numb' r of j u-r ■*1 strength to stand alone. She luid spent 1'rcs. o*t. tint. We „, ,r time ago and have no ..|,| . (i,, thousand, of dol.'uiw with t ie doetors and It is what is known a-th P-.•. '• had been unable to fin I relief. Her- ca e ; anil I* aooiit six mil'sout from t :, *. v [biisiiiii.l ¡S1IO.V wc ki .................. lY'., was eon i le ■ d Imp d-ss. That is* '.*x!> Tteuce ¡f .'Irs. C. Reed, a I 1rs traie, llrnt of u tme-.u i. .v - '.*hi! Ir* ii ilii'l oiy.ietf cur.y jhi'n? * well-known 1...I.V ■>!’ Mi-. <*:ty. ! . ‘ I ”•>'•*■ ■'*«•:» a i-e;i; S i: , ¡- r , A Nugget report, r eali’ d upn-i her nt her '• • K' 1> -l.-l )V <• hom * la-i Tuestlny. Si. ah to le ;! .... . **v II ng, mid i a..( ¡.. p;o I-ee... urn CV.I1 able to lift mv ika.i/. interviewed, she said, if she co..i ; be the i - nmp myse.t m any way. *ji;.,M.> tin ¡vis of pointing out to other u;iforti:ir:i.*s , J sr for ubont 2-1 hems, und uhi kav,» lbe • in so weak» i><ja a contii ion f,r.. th“ way to recovery a id g*> > l Itealdi. “ -v **l."r.t the h.n;,P “ It has l>““n o* er fii'o'e i y.-tir-. ain.*« the | I 'J *•" ,,.,nï,i‘l nr* rty >* ' rle.l itself ” s il Mrs. |;.-<l > i riGiheally the spells wci d.onie m, t.le' ‘•-in-e then, until •it*:: tie hist I-w I have abo Imd coi té. . :ab!c m i ¡,1 Ib ... / months. I n-ver k*i“ v .v it iv.isto be w -.i tim si urp, darting t. . ■ s m ¡nin fir n single cl iv. J <*oi! I not l““p. ? v most seme, to lowing i ¡..m, i.M . j-.. ...„'i to :h ■ back of ii,y I I nd. «••petite went1 . y ,t :l I t i to 'use ths “liuvt- <loci<>r«tl mu.h, lit wb’.i-tibe This continued for y r— 1 • on ■ < > w. a I. ] eo tl.l no* w.rt *i| o i toys Ihidtibav d -ir d I- s ih. I I. d of i’r. l. .■ .¡v t > * !i *lp of o-h • s to dress a ’. 1 ntnl. e' -. < vo 1 Ph k Piils for Fife People, a. d i 1 l;;lfr to w ilk I ml at; •;*!><> :1 toMtoi.ter. I lost .- 1 hen rd of the in res they bad e; . i ti h a niv strength. In ad.'iticn, J had drn|»y < f iniiiii er <>; |e:s.*t:s ptimnuEy i nowMtaak tile I i I. hii ;. M. iini.'i. were swollen, ¡ nd I* nd it wasileir pm ;.ul .-¡< :i. s that de- not!'**”» I eould do s • .ned to afford me re eided ine lo try !■ in. “ i got S'iiiie of ih" I I-, an i «fier i bid lief he doctor- -aid 1 m * t take iron t * strengthen an I invigor it:* my blood. I took taken the i’r.-t box i ! r. tin more i.-:nui< i iron—txiok it hv tin* botil" and by -he b-ix ; fm* several mont! s. L. -i fa.i the!:.«, ¡n,,. took it nuirnhig. no >n nt<i .--'--ziit. Blit it bid rett rneil, b 'Wi'ver, en.i I look rmalnr ■ t of ihe pills ai «I am h;:’py to ray knvvn-t no good, and 1 had fin iBv i <t til! ¡tone. “ At la<t I saw an a count of Dr. \Vi,l i tin ’ I een l.oii,er. <1. “ sommer my lie; d ) < :» n to l.avr * Pink Pilis for Pah* Pi-o-Je. I thought this fi'ted m.v case exactly and I ried to get so • e heavy feeiin*.-, and t thin- j vas qaie of the piiis. Th v .vi* n it kept at th* drowsy, but no rains a. <■ ti.t ai.i.d il. i driv/ster** hero, and I ,u I io vol to O;y::i- itow have more t ills : : d dn, ¡, ¡’v. i;.i. a pi i. They came fin illy, Ii i v“ , <-r. I be -• *i only a few I feel well ■ « in. “ 1 don’t th nk : tty p. son Id stan i ’I to take th*.**ii ind experieiic *d rt-1 finiai“ i- ] a’eiy. I sent for two rn *** * boxes fo th • !>r. a great while io bet o 1 !<-(, i!s ) Willi inis’t’oinpnny a* Sell, ncel i !y. X'. Y., Statili the timoiit.l ot | ttiti. I !;;, «■ , | an 1 by tiie li n I h id taken the::i 1 f- It like Pink Pills are a good n . ilic’ue ami i'.< y n new won. in. I have lieen taki: g them wltuf Ih y tire ri pi* sentisi to le. J ¡a rec,mm t.ilod tinnito fomeo*- .* v ; : ■ occasionally since ‘.lien. “ It .vis two years ago th't I ho/nn t > us? with ! cucii- iol r- st:Its. (ili, i. y j »! ìli y- Dr. Willi :ms’Pink Pilis. I wis-i <*y ye.uu h t ve done wonders for nie. 1 uu al) i of ilge tin* i, and had not b en able t > do mv o vti hottseworjt on lit. farm. Wo hive » housework for many years. No*v i ru uhie dairy of twelve cows. id often wl*i> tht * - are very busy gettim* in ti.»- reps 1 to caret hr myself, to do my own work, and I i.-iys nt m u u'l ‘1 lite Ihe • ows owe .J ..¡one.' ne. ’ can walk i >:*g distances wi ho it being espe Lave rv- unm m . u pin, Dr. Willi ----- ms » ’ » Pit.k ¡'ills cially fatigue I. “ i think tn v ear • is a mar .•■•’ us * n“. and pie are o.n unftiiiir.g ren.i’y fur all dt> is due entirely to the Pink Pi’s for Pde '■ânes uri-rig f imi a poot >r t-i.ii -.v-.ti-y e-r>:i- n as hi M s 1- People. them 1 fear I siioald have Poti of the bl. ml. m.h low cotnpl xiott. g er,:l mils' uh'- v.t"'k ■< ». b *e:i dead bet -re now. “Since my cure become known the loss of lippe- *.e. -y t ion of pi*-1 *. 1 ii k ot sr li druggists li-Tc i ave nfwat • kept the pills, ambition, an ' mia. .-hlo-osis *-r gr he::;t iho .‘ho • • <1 ami I il'inoi have los • •• '*w *v forthem imv ne.*.. palpitation of th" heart exeifitm, < <ol ol ’ h * <■■ <■ ■ if h ■ ■* tn ire. I ha *. e r inn n.lial th.' n t-i severiij lire tth o:t sFgl.t t exertion. , swelling .......... .................... of the left i a; .it-iiir': 1 ii ’ ■ t of my nei. iho.-s, an I I know to .t they li . ve or feet, ... ... : , , tione much goo i in more tiiun one case simi ill the bti.-k. ite' V m ; Ite-tdf lie. t.i. 1 '-s o 'memory, feeidette* of v. il. . 1. ri: ri -.'* ^ > lar to my own.” In order to confirm ibis statement levond tl. ' ears, e’t-ly decay, all of à->i. k leueot rh:e t, tl.dy or ir-, -. i r nlldouht Mrs. Iteed offer*'t to make afiid ' vit we'.kite s, Mippre -i-m of me-. e-. !r .-t.-r’a. to its truth, and the udiduv it is here pn - pel-itala, ptr-ilvsis, locomotor uti’xtf. -1 • t:;n : 11. seit tiea, al! di vises depe : .mg *>:: vt ■ ■-i Hr ate of W ashington , ) hum its in the bino I. can .-'-r i ', t'ovxTY of L ewis . } *’• »welle 1 pl indi, fever sores, ri Lei . I ■; '“i t Mrs. Martha I.. l!e. d. I.cini' f-g d'*’v dise «ses. hu îch'a I-k. :* ;-ti:.-et’ ri .h-s. • worn on her lath, soys *hH sb" has :e.i I tho ile-mye 1 bones, .’ironic er. ip !-- .-. t t h. foregoing r. port of an in ervietv wilh Ir r. • •o:.snti,pîion of tile bowels m"i hi g>. tl • nd that the same is ns -he gave it and is also for it: v'go- -rit-g the o' h »! ,-n ».-uni e-»rre<*t in every rartie* 1 ; . when broken d av by o-*-v. ark w ry.. ■ (Signed) ’ a ! ft . ;IA i:r,: \ J.. P feo . e ,'s. ex oss. s » ip 's "it /*.- Suiiseri’ed and sw orh to before me tii.- coverv fr*m> :• -ir- . m h i» • ' ■ s. Idlii day of May 1*: 1 ss of vit I p'twe ■>, .1. M. I hr .vn Kotnry p.ib’-e. etriv .’evtiy. promt p.-e.i-l • A ci-eot sim ’a-* ioi«.m*t ii'i.l of-iio* . io- ■I .. If- ly o I 1 Ite 1 ho" ... ■ ... 1 terest Is here given •*’ th” s’»ino hnvj’.isf ■ it 1 'e-'»;v:' g or. l:t:. s I,“ be-'ii originally - » pn lisliedl.y t.ic \ »• . •;* o<yg»‘ i. ;h t ?» e t >n;»p • 1er vf r’l of ttg-h nsbiir», X. . Y. Wl'i it is is I fr p- i ,ia *!•■» O ','r ! T. ì'‘ I’ *<'. ì'j 'I N I* I. ' **♦* S I • I V I ' ' " • r, N 1 . \\ l’ì ’e il f-r ca-t, the to ts can n've-*ir I ■ s lie-mi v •ubstannnti d bv v. riioig tin* pni' t •! Every f ■ *••• , t . ;• *., . .. ,.P; ;,. | period ui a ,»< aat.k 1..’. ;... . \ . t . >. 1 ELKHART CARRIAGE and HARNESS MFG. CO. $21.50 $24 •ortxo tlirmthr denlrrf pmjl,. We ere the Oldest •nd l^rrrsl manufacturers In America nelling Jhle way. Ship subject to approval. par frr>pM ~ no‘ “mnioorv Kverythlnir war- hT P«.' *n 'tree. »14 to *5.1 to order for orrter Box!«« free» We toho all the risk ot damage in shipping. WHOLESALE PRICES ria l. Farm Harness, No- Boad Wag°“' Spring Wagon«, «30 to «43. tlnaranteed same as «11 for t*0 to »75. It style, ot Road Wagon«. Surrey« with l.our fendera. ««O, SEA ■une a. rell tor to «in. Top Buggl«« aa low >OU •••35. Ph««toni u low u |«J, harness . :^nUR,i"’^’plk2 KJ pay poataee, ill pare rataloaoa Na 41 Wagon. 140« W. B. PRATT, Secretary, Elkhart, Ind. MANHOOD RESTORE!?! t ■ uaiwatee« toeurww.i nero u»do««M - >w - I - * Fw«er. Headacbe. W..k«rulBes<. Lost Man!. . » K b -’ wioos . Nervo« nw>».ail drwlnsaud loss of power In Ueiwrat.vs. ir^rss or ettner esc-**« a» oTwreieHUm. TWH'lkftal error«. *see».ire uro :>t • 'bweco.opium • r’ ■ oiaat«. Which lesa to InSrtnltT, .'.Witamptlun or lr»««l*y. Can h« «arsevila Te-'rx-lel, St per»-*«. « furs.«, hy «,atl peers'I. With »S3 nrirq «Ire a wrltiea rwanwtee t» enee er rr.en.t the ean»r. t - r » • 'WW« -«». A«* Soother Prof rlirrhehrvi l.-^t w-lri ' lap.41«wrapper. ÀOtnuXCMVKSEKUl o .kaiwaW.-Tve«MO.C^ se.^ «or «ale .a Baru.Qr«.. Sy U. M. UUKTVN. Bruwaiac.