Business Locals WANTED. Agents to sell our choice and har-1 dy Nursery Stock. We have many new special varieties, both in fruits and ornamentals to offer, which are controlled only by us. We pay commission or salary. Write us at once for terms, and secure choice of territory. M ay B rothers , Nurserymen, Rochester, N Y. Rich Red Blood b d Ii the Fuandatioa of the Wonderful Cures by Hood’» Sarsaparilla. —Don’t for/et Henry Cheatham That 1« Why the cures by Hood s sar­ barber, degkes a part of your pat­ saparilla are C ubes . ronage, the new barber shop. That U Why Hood’» Sirsaparilla cures the »overeat case« of Scrofula, Salt Rheum —Who said you couldn’t get a ‘Vh’it is Why H overcome» That Tired good flavored cigar in town for five Feeling, strengthens-U« serves, give» cents? Call at the City Drug Store energy in place of exhaustion. aad inquire. i ms « »»a» the a» sale« »a.___________ I That 1* Why of Hood’s Sar- J^au’hrviumtrJZd’ymr After year, For Sale Or Trade. — Builders tools ands of all kind —100 acres of fine fruit land in nn’.il it njov requires for its production building hardware at the Burna 10 acre lots 5 miles south of Eugene the largest Laboratory in the world. hardware store, at bottom prices Oregon, 1 mile west of Spenser for cast. Butte. Ixits at 1400 each Horses —The Saloon, in the new hotel and cattle part pay on each lot if building. Richardson and Stephens the purchaser so desires. For fur- proprietors, is nicely furnished and _ . ther information inquire at this its customers is given the Itesl Is the only True Blood Purifier promi- office. , nenily in the public eye today. Be sure of liquors and cigars to grk. root’s and onty Hood's. A Marvelous lUscowery Free. — Dr Cate is kept prettv busy a »* r y la effv-cL “ -5 *¥ Cent». tak* I I a M z O 3* P'*!« I The universal good dentistry done AN OLD ANt> WgtX-TBtgD R«««DY. —Mr». Wlndalow’» ■»» ihing rvnip baa Deen uteU for by him has gained for the Dr. a over fifty year, bi millions ofnrotbera for theii children while teething,’with perfect sne« eaa. lasting reputation. . It soothes the ehiM. softens the gums. alls's M c I ntyre , Burna, Oregon. Brick Always on Hand for Local Custom Veneeiiog box, or frame houses almost as cheap as rustic nd rr\i\m onnifortahiA ¡TPC q much more comfortable — — mu makes a artlirl solid troll wall, durable, ____ very war^ in winter and cool and pleasant in summer. 1 Parties not conversant with the Veneering process and wa nicely finished walljn residence, will do well to consult Mr. McIiXr’ before finishing with rustic, ’s Sarsaparilla , all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best reme edy for IMarrheoea. Is pleasant to the taate Sold by Druggia«» in every part of the world, i Twenty fiverents a bottle Its value is invalp 1 lable. Be ante and ask for Mrs. Winds low’s Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. H ill H rk WANTED in every county to in­ troduce the Celebrated ‘*H*geia” Waists for all ages. This waist supercedes the corset, and has re­ ceived the unanimous approval of physicians of America. 33 (M) out til free. Anv energetic woman can make from $16 to 150 weekly. Send for circulars and term- HYGEIA M’F’G CO., 378 St . New York. W. L. D ouclas $3 SHOE NO SQUCAKINa fRtWHA fNAMELLLD CALF Davn Braham It--» popular co-nprwer rn«1 Dlr, ctor < f at ilai.ig u’s ibc-al.e. Buy». New York. Mar«, b Lt. ISS8. JI, n«« J^hn F. Strut on Pear Mr» —1 b.ive given your Hn»»fan Gut VI«. i:i String. a th «rough trial. an J a n pleas- e.l to state that tbejr are the best t ue t and icuM durable »trines 1 hiveerer u»< I Your» rcsp .. L-2.V- J__ A3AM STSATTO:'” % ' • JOH’i TON SO RIAL PARLOR, I ROBINSON A WALTON catalcgve ’ W-L-DOUGLAS, BROCKTON. MASS. Yon ran nave man», by »nrebaoiag W. L. Il.uilaa »ksfa, IWcowoo. we ar« the largest manufacturer« of advertised shoes in the world, and guarantee the value by stamping the name and price oa the bottom, which p-ou la > > agaiaat high pores and the mi idle man a prolit* Our shoe* equal custom work in style, easy fitting and westing qualities We have them sold every­ where at lower price, for the value given than any other make T.U no substitute If your dealer cannot supply you, we caa. Sold by N. COMEGYS & SONS, P roprietors This large and comfortable hotel is well furnished and the proprie­ tors use every effort possible to make their guests feel at home The table is at all times supplied with everything the fords. Bathes at all hours. I GEO. 8. SIZEMORE, ATTORNEY, B urns , ................................. O regon . < Collet--ions, Land butines». and Rea) Estate matter promptly attended to. MANDOLINS, importers of anJ Wholesale Dealers in a’l kinds of MUSICAL MERCHANDISE, BÎ1.«13. t IL. 117 E—: t.Ù £ t .Kc . Yvr’- JOHN F. STRATTON’S celebrated Rirminp bamSteel 3trlngs 1 I I lor Violin. Guitar. Mandolin. Banjo 1 Bala* Pink naaa atA.»« Worr.i .<»i, „1 io rust S»nj kx Catlg EKR a T hicks , C amvow C ity . PIONEER DRUG j. w biggs . Brass. Hicks & Biggs « ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, i I STORE. old stand ] Proprietor. C Worthington a ^--DEALER IN_-^ « DRUGS BOOKS, STATIONARY, DYES, PAINTS, TOILET ARTICLES, AND NOTIONS. g R M » •* -s A full line of School Books and School Supplies. r-iiytoiuian ôî ourgenn. Nuts and fruits. A graduate of the Iowa State. £MF“Mail orders promptly filled. University and College of Physi-, cians and Surgeons. Office at residei ce in Burns. ( ail.BI3.8l5.tii; E. Vth SL.N.Y. ■ <. il.Al • xaat’S i [W. E. G race ’ s Offices at Canyon Citv and Burns. A J'lPtrtrr, Jta»»/acta>rr •■«< Kholrtalt Draitr' * -jHkS market af. Give The Burns a call and we feel assured you will continue to be its guest when in town. JOHN F. STRATTON. st no row OREGON. I Everything in their line guaranteed to be done satisfactorily. CELEBRATED ♦ J.VPOLICE.JS ocab . 12y>2W0RKINGk(ENp — .5StSfc&HClSHOEX •LADIES* BURNS, P roprietors , ♦5. CORDOVAN, H.*3VFll€CAlfAimW HOTEL BURNS CELEBRATED GUITARS, Gu*— Imp nrr of »nd »» ho«»»)« l>r»^r in all kinds of MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. PERFUMES Confections 9tlx St»» «New York» t a 1, olì», b!3»dl7 f Sdentino America« Aeency for JOHN F. STRATTON’S Celebrated Russian Gut ?‘r ^k Violin Strings • j ‘ ry kt ! • J •/ 1 h* I »nest in th« U orki. 1 wy Suing Warranted John F. Stratton, „»Ä » 2'Cs. 8,s- 8IA- 8,7 E- 9111 St- NIW YORK. ORSICN PATENT*. ©O*T«ICNT«. « m J v t* H—dbook -nt. M itiwLiLTTJ ' * •*">[*■« pawnee la AmTrWw L. “_*• bevaaM farfaro ■tapuUic hr a fa«» si »»a tree charge la Ifaa Jkirntific Jàtmican TWB STU CTTo-t 9 Y f B WD ksTW Mi Wü.'wso« «TXT rsrsiDEkT V* n-ews »<* ' ì «we Cawbs«^ p«. i. I ^,|| Samta.- Or*. A.Alt»-»«- KXkkKsC*.** l*a HA New \ jr« LKj Fine Wines & Liquors for Medical Purpcses Prescriptions secura tel y compounded. Firat Class Dental Werk Dona.