Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (March 11, 1896)
—Wm. Catterson is in Burna to view of this you will cancel all en- —J. C. Garret is not a candidate tries made subsequent to the with for the office of sheriff. Will not day. , drawal which conflict with the se accept if nominated.-J. I —John McCoy, of the Narrows, pOB SHERIFF. lections of the Wagon Road Co , —A brother in law of Register is in town today. WEDNESDAY MARCH 11. 1*6 the United and allow the selections. I hereby announce myself a can Jones, from Kentucky« arrived here —Spain] is kicking 1 . I Tkn The vxnwura papers in in tn* the case ATA are hcrft- here didate for the office of ¡sheriff, sub this morning on the jpntario stage. States, and the United States, to JAB THE LARGEST CIRCULATION OF 1 with returned. ject to the action of the Republican ASV NEWSPAPER IN THISCOUNTY. —Will McKinnon returned from play even, is kicking back. i Very Respectfully, County Convention. the Sod House yesterday, where M arried —At the residence of H oke S mith , GRANT THOMPSON. t he has been employed for a short tha bride, last Sunday, Chas. Mil Secretary, time. ler and Miss Ada Smith were unit Democratic Amiouucenients. > fTOR SHERIFF B orn .—To Mr. and Mrs. Henry ed in marriage. T he H erald ex Congress, especially the Hous®, I hereby announce myself a can Richardson, on the 6th insl., a son. tends congratulations, wishing the JWK SHERIFF. seems to have an A. P. A. scare on. didate for the office of Sheriff, sub- Mother and child doing Well at this happy couple a prosprous and hap 1 hereby announce myself a can ject t® the action of the Republican py voyage over life s tempestuous time. didate for'the office of Sheriff, sub The water of that newly discov County Convention. ocean. ject to the action of the Democratic —Eugene Hembree informs us ered New York hot water spring A HITTINGS. County Convention that the sheep shearing season is might be utilized to wash out some 1 ■ GEORGE SHELLEY. Weather report for the week end fast approaching and he is going to of the dirty spots on the “reform” J7OR ASSESSOR. Taken at 8 o’clock municipal administration. ing Tuesday. Idahe to begin taking the fleeces. JIOR COUNTY CLERK. with ° after, below I hereby announce myself a can —Miss Jessie McGowan intended a m. Figures I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of Assessor, starting for her home in Monmouth, xero. Let the republicans quit worry didate for the office ot County subject to the action of the Repub Min. ing about the democrats and select Ther. Max. this state, via Canyon last Monday, Clerk, subject to the action of the lican County Convention. 8 . 35 28 their own candidate—their conven but was prevented by an attack of Wed. Democratic Countv Convention. 8 WINFIELD WATERS 35 30 Thurs. tion meets first. They may be sure CHAS. E KENYON. the “grip.” 9 33 31 Fri. there will he a democrat, and a p>OR TREASURER i —The j »vial, good humored Sat. 15 44 35 JIOR COUNTY CLERK. gold one, too, to run against him. I physiognomy of Albert Busse, of Sun. 12 44 34 I hereby announce myself a can- Blitzen neighborhood, appeared I hereby announce myself a can 16 44 30 Mon. didate for the office of County [ didate for the office of Treasurer, in our composing room Monday Things are beginning to look yery 11 56 38 Tues. Clerk, subject to the action of the subject to the action of the Repub morning. He is still in town. favorable for the democrats in New Democratic County Convention. lican Countv Convention. York, and conservative men are | —Invitations have been received S. W. MILLER. Harney Scribbling. J. C. WELCOME. now figuring on carrying the State by many of the friends *»f Miss Clara Stenger, to be present at her [The items given below were re next November, if a popular can JIDR ASSESSOR. ! —Easter dyes for eggs at A. C marriage this evening at her home. ceived too late for last issue.—Ed.J didate be put up by the Chicago convention. Mr. C. B. Wickliffe, her intended. I hereby announce myself a can . | Worthington. Business in Harney has been didate for the office of Assessor, —Walter Cross paid the town a | we think, a very worthy gentleman. unoBjually dull the past week. subject to the action of the Demo " I visit last Saturday. Lytle Howard was in town sev I It is difficult for a republican to —New iroxifift the Johnson store cratic County Convention. I shake off old habits, even when he JOHN 0. CAWLFIELD. —Many of our citizens are suffer now under control of Henry Canaday. eral days laBt week, I fills the most exalted places. Jus J list as cheap as ever or cheaper. Cali • ing with severe colds or “grip ” M. L. Lewis and W. Y. King of • and examine goods and get prices, and tice Brewer, who is president of tho poR ASSESSOR. —Kid Trish was in town two or ' if suited buy. Burns were in town last week on Venzuelan ^Boundary cimmiasion, I hereby announce myself a can three days the latter part of last has taken his neiceoutof a Kansas — TcrgenNen has the finest and business. didate for the office of Assessor, week. School in order to appoint her to a best lot of gbods that ever came to Judge Rutherford stopped subject to the action of the Demo —Roy McGee has been down Burns; go and see for yourself. Sunday night on his way to Burns clerkship under the commission. cratic County Convention. with the “grip” but is now able to He is also taking Cabinet Photos, to attend Probate Court which con Thie indicates two things—repub TIIOS. G. DODSON. at. $3 per dozen. Do not forget to venes Monday. lican greed tor office, and that the be out again. T , , , . . . go and see what he has on hand. commission will take a long time pOR ASSESSOR —Remember the democratic pri County Clerk, Chas. Kenyon was . to do its work j 1 hereby announce myself a can maries the 25 th, Wednesday, and , —The Mary Dawphit ranph lo in town Sunday, whether on County dida’e for the office of Assessor, the convention the 1 st day of, rated at the sink of Prater creek is on business of political Dissolution Notice. j for sale. Price $500. This is a nature we were unable to learn. subject to tho action of the Demo April, cratic County Convention. T,. - . , , , good ranch and worth a great deal At school election in Harney The co-partnership heretofore ex —Mr. Kirksberger who has been , , . , , „ . W F. MOFFETT. a. . , more than the price asked for it. Monday. Mrs. K. J. Tudor was isting in the blacksmith and repair east some time visiting friends re turned a few days since , Ual1 at ,his office or on John Mar’ elected director, and L. Woldenburg ing business in Burns Ore ., under JOR TREASURER. I tin for further information. [forcleak. At Cow Creek C. W. the firm name of McKinnon & Kenyon is this day dissolved by —We see it mentioned in the I hereby announce myself a can | —W. F. Moffett, of-Drewsey pre- Jones was elected director, and mutual consent, all debts and ac didate for the office of Treasurer. Times, that Newt. Lewis who has Mrs. Seth Bowers clerk. countfl owing to said firm must be Subject to the action of the Demo been foreman on one of the P. L. S icinct, announces in this issue for immediately settled by cash or I the office of Assessor. Mr. Moffett Chas. Roper and Wm. Morrison notes or be put in the hand of a cratic Countv Convention Co ranches, for several years has is an old resident of this county L WOLDENBERG, J r . quit his job, and is expected in land well known. He has always were in town Saturday with some collector for settlement with cost ■ i quartz from the Idol City mines for settlement added. A. J. McKin Burns in a few days. ' been, since we have known him, an several parti b estimated the value non is authorized to settle and re Religions Services. Sylvester Smith of Happy Valley I active worker for the success of his of the quartz sh^wn, at $300 to $500 ceipt for all monies paid. burns 1st. and 3rd. Sundays of Dated this 8th. day of Feb 1896. is being spoken of by his friends,. party, and the welfare of his county per ton. D on . th« nionth 11 a. m. i. and .2 8 2 p. m. for the office of commissioner A. J. M c K innon , _--------- -—on and community. Mr. Moffett, if Silver Creek 4th. Sundavlla. m. — — ------ J. S. K enyon . “n< 5 p. ip 1 he 2nd Sunday will the democratic ticket Mr. Smith is successful in being elected to the Peter Clemens’ Land Case. 'e reserved for geIlcra| work jn i worthy citizen, and wo hope his office to ¡which he aspires, we have other fields. name will be before the convention no doubt will faithfully perform his puNAL PROOF The following is the decision in R ev . G ibson , Messr s. Lewis, Grant and Cawl | duty .J the land contest case of Peter Cle m- LAND OFFICE AT BURNS, OREGON. Pastor. • field of the Narrows, were in town Feb. 8, 1896. I —Indian war veterans and wid- ens: I • Sunday and Monday The latter Ows of deceased veterans who de- Ih.Thl« claim.and | John Cawlfield, is a candidate for sire the passage of the bill granting Department of the Interior. Local News. ?ad SÜiÄ _**'«« Renter Wa.hinglon, D. C., Feb.21. >96 on March 25.1896,' the office of assessor, and tells H.UGTB^gOn’ us ¡them pentions, which is now before hairs of all paterns and de Peter Clemens et al 82’I<1ENO’ 2O4’ iOr thC 8W^* 8ec 82 TP 22 8 R he thinks his chances good for the | congress, can send their address, •enntions at the hardware store of vs. ife name» the following wlfnetge» to nrove nomination. Chas, \oegtly. i company and regiment, character W. V. and C. M. W. R I Co. • Key ÄnF’ ‘D<1 öan,nel M,ckel> *’> o} and —We hear many obgections by ’ of service, name of Company, .___ -Mr Tupker is still very poorly Odd Fellows to the dance ad vertis-1 re8’men*,al officers to Waters A Commissioner General Land Office, THOMAS JONES, Register. ¿'id’./'”'''' "ife ,,e in ed for the benefit of Uncle W’ash ! Gow,n’ who wiH forward same to S ir : This is an appeal by the Smelser The lodge thinks itself f'RPL T. A. Wood, Portland, Ore- M agon Road Co. from your office hers ars preparing to put amply able and more than willing gon, free of charge. This is of in decision of January 24,1895, reject st Good Thing—••ruth it Along, n ’’R crops this season. to care for him, and has been very terest to all who served in any In ing its application to select certain dian war between J he years of 1848 itcreas/ anddUtk3 continue to | attentive to bis wants, allowing be and 1859, and should be attended lands contained in its list No. 14 nefits sufficient to provide for him to at once. and located in Tps. 22 and 23 S. R. every attention necessary to his 20,32 and 33, E , Burna, Oregon. l^Jd’a,r,0r’.e,'V1hitingour P‘ M —The republican, “blow out” at Your office letter states that “the welfare. A n O dd F ellow . an «ttack of the “grip”. MARCH 17, ’96. the court house, last Saturday even filings in question were made sub- — The building uf the county •10?^ Cal Geer improving ing was well attended, many ladies 1 sequent to the . - ---- w'thdrawal, and jail has not been awarded to any being present Speeches were made they have, with one exception, been one yet. Taylor and Pirie had the AT ARMORY HALL. qa.l ¿,rn’,kin’ *" lowest bid, but have not yet given by Messrs. Waters, Gowan and I Derfected to entries.” Since your Huntington. The same old repub bonds, and we are informed will lican palaver was reiterated that has office decision, the department has For th« benefit of “Uncle” Waeh- held in case of same company vs '** ¿'Crt wikman n,Oved into not because Mr. Pirie has come to I been dinned into our ears for the Smelzer. tcrdjy '»ecks property yes the conclusion the work cannot be ( last twenty years, tariff etc. The Hagan [20 L D. 251] that no rights done for the money. Court meets only _ new thing ___ ____ .._.w able w they were to either equitable or legal, can be ac Good Music has been Procured. again next Saturday to consider bring to the front was, whatlhey quired against the company by per j«>hb.2;TbUrtk'r i’on,h' sick the matter when we presume it will consider the shortcoming of Pres- The managers will spare no pain, oot dangerously be settled and the contract given to ident Cleveland and which he cop- sons making settlement or entry afser the withdrawal of the lands th make thie dance a success. some one. j ¡ed from the republican party. for the benefit of the company. In » ihr Republican Announcements. . ■■■ — S b ®«?«!»« J GRAND BALL! Bo Sure to Attend.