> Business Locals. —Don’t forget Henry Cheatham baiber, de«ire» a part of your pat ronage, at the new barber shop. —Who »aid you couldn’t get a good flavored cigar in town for five cent»? Call at the City Drug Store and inquire. — Builder» tool» and« of all kind building hardware at the Burns’ hardware store, at bottom prices for cash. —The Saloon, in the new hotel building. Richardson and Stephens proprietors, is nicely furnished and its customer« i» given the bent an de of liquors and cigars. — Dr. Cale is kept pretty busy The universal good dentistry done by him has gained for the Dr. a lasting reputation. Will Wrk WANTED in every county to in troduce the Celebrated ‘‘Hygeia” Waist« ror all ages. This waist supercedes the corset, and has re ceived the unanimous approval of physicians of America. 13 00 out fit free. Any energetic woman can make from lift to $50 weekly. Send for circulars and terms. HYGE1A M’F’G 00.378 St , New York. WANTED. Rich lood Agents to sell our choice and har dy Nursery Slock. We have many new special varieties, both in fruits and ornamentals to offer, which are controlled only by us. We pay commission or salary. Write us at once for terms, and secure choice of territory. M ay B rothers , Nurserymen, Rochester, N Y. b d M c I ntyre , Burn», Oregon. I* ths Foundation of th« Wonderful Cure« by Hood’» Sarsaparilla. That te Why the cure« byHood’iSar- aapartlla are C ubes . That la Why Hood’s Sarsaparilla cure« the sere-est case« of Scrofula, Salt Rheum ' Veneering frame houses almost as cheap as . rustió .„ , j and other blood diseases. - box, or wlc __ ... ..iu wall, h .1 Li. r very r OUL Bn an i <i Th.it u Why it overcome« That Tired much more comfortable— makes a - »olid durable, warm in Feci.ng, strengthens the nerves, give« winter and cool and pleasant in summer, energy in place of exhaustion. Parties not conversant with the Veneering process and w.n» That la Why the aalaa of Hood’s Sar- __ 1__ 11 __ : j ___ _.:n a _ ___ it - _ .. -- ’vanta For Sale Or Trade. •a par ilia have increased year after year, | nicely finished wall in residence, will do well to consult Mr. Mclutv ii- .umzxAl ra«uf«Asa fi r»iahi rrnr wi t K mwiti/« until it njw requires for i:» production before finishing with rustic. _________________________________ -*'-*«iyr» —100 acres of fine fruit land in 10 acre lots 5 miles south of Eugene the Largest Laboratory in the world. ’s Oregon, 1 mile west of Spenser Butte. Lots at 1400 each Horses and cattle part pay on each lot if the purchaser so desires. For fur ther information inquire at this la the only True Blood Purifier promi- office. i nenll7 in the public eye today. Be *ur« to c?‘ noTi't and only Hood's. Brick Always on Hand for Local Custom aii Sarsaparilla A Marseloua Ili»c«>»ery Free m-« tn t«k» Hnn<4’*i r»'*lc *' ▼ 1 l(MJ«J 3 I AM OLD AMD W»LL-T k 1II> R xmrd T.— Mr* Wtndtlow'» soothing Syrup ha* been used for over fifty year* by millioUR ofmother* tor their ; children while teething, with perfect »ucceaa. It »ootbe* the child, »often* the gum*, allay* ; •II pain, cure» wind colic, and i* the beat reme edv for lifarrheoea. I* pleaaant to the taatr 1 Sold by Druggie* In every part of the world. I Twenty flveeent* a bottle, it* value is inval3' lable. He (are and ark for .Mr* Windalow'* Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. .13 ti,T u eBe«:t. iieout*. ! BURNS, TOMSORIAL PARLOR, 1 WALTON ROBINSON A HOTEL BURNS OREGON N. COMEGY& A SONS, P roprietors 1 I P roprietors , This large and comfortable hotel is well furnished and the proprie- tors use every effirt possible to make their guests feel at home Everything in their line guaranteed to be done satisfactorily. The table is at all times supplied with everything the market af fords. Bathes at all hours. Dnvn Brah3rn. t\» p^nlnr comno«»r » nr! Dir ,<r tf.Mukiv at ilari ur <u’* 1 li, al. e. *ajr*. New York, March Ut. 1S92. Meuri J ,hn F. Stratton Dear Mr» —I have given your Russian Gut Violin Strings a thorough trial, anJ a.n pleas ed to state that they are the best toned and most durable strings 1 have ever used Give The Burns a call and we feel assured you will continue to be its guest when in town. Your» resp:., DAVE b-.AUAM I I JOUS r. FTRATTOS . GEO. S. SIZEMORE, ATTORNEY, B urns , .............................. O regon . I Collectons, Land buxine», and Real ’ Batate matter prompt!« attended to. MEW YORK. I“»” *«•••« WV!.«*1. ru*>ro» kit > CAVE Al \ I HAUL MAR k Ä t COPYRIGHTS.^ ■r F CAN I OBTAIN A FATENT » F« _ pr> ii.|4 ini««r and an honeat optinoti, write to MINNA CO.. Who hav» had nearly Itrty year»* • itH-nentw In the tai««nt buaineea. ( <Humun>,-a- tloi<« airtetly ««witkivniial. A llandheeh of In formano«! concerning Paléala and bow I» ob tain them »etil free. Alai a calalo»»« of mechan ical and aeienllAe book» H-nl (rea Patent» taken thn>u«h Mana A Co. recetre oneri al notice tn the KcteatlSe American, and laua are brouabt widely before the publie with- out mwt to the Inventor. Thia »nlendid pape«, laaued weekly, elea ani I y illuetraied. baa by far th» ia/».-»t Circulation of any »«entibe work ta the world. «3 a year, ban pie crine» orni free. Runding Itditioe, monthly, afJOa year. Mingle ««pica. -J3 conta. Fiery r.uiular i-onlatna beau tiful platea, in cobwa, and obiwoarapbe of new boueea, with plana »nab.my builder» <o »bow the kalol >< d 1«wlym au.l »ecuro contra«» AddreM INN MISNiCU, N»w You«. 3«l BnuADWAV. musical merchandise , Vk'tm». Cuitar«. Banjo*. Accorde»»*, Harmoni. I . ■ • . ; ! ¿:a’2T3*5D»’rn I nvotsnw •asiafr/HOHStM /■» W’-'!». U» »-*!•»<] W ‘€M3^CaMV-l ( 1 • «5. CORDOVAN, FRfOA I MkMELLEDCALT M-.^VFMCALf&KANMRDl ♦ 3.U POLICE. J Sous. J. W », BIGGS. Brass. Hicks & Biggs PIONEER DRUG STORE. * [W. E. G race ’ s old stand ] I Offices at Canyon City and Burns. A ProDrietar. C. Worthington •—3 I — —■ C astos C itt . ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, A.-’Modui« c UV' 83*133 JOHN F. STRATTON’S CELEBRATED WBT Birmingham Steel Strings W. L. D ouclas $3 SHOE-°~‘>:“-k errat hicks , i«*. Ce.. .''It:, .«< I Stringiate., rtc. lat *'•••" Guitar . Mandolin Pan,» > >r«i M»d* Katra Plaied ■AAai MAAR Warn n«J ncl toluol Send hx calif « ^.DKAI.RR IM_-m_ » DRUGS, BOOKS, STATIONARY, DYES, PAINTS, PERFUMES TOILET ARTICLES, AND NOTIONS. F B 'Î D A full line of School Books and School Supplies. Confection» i-nytoiuiMii er ourgenn. Nuts and fruits. A graduate of the Iowa State fAF“Mail orders promptly filled. University and College of Phyai»( cians and Surgeons. Office at reside! ce in Burna. • e t JOHN F. STRATTON. Import»*, M»a«.r»cf»rrr »«A WkotcMlr IMwiar* ■11.813. 815. 817 E. Vtli SL, N. Y. JOHN F. STRATTON’S Celebrated Russian Gat NEW YORK WORLD. Burns Ontario Stage Itine. The Twice-a week Edition of the •* EXTRA FINE? ^» Violin Strings New Yo.k World has been convert ♦2.’l.?JBOYiSOfCOlSHOiS Th* H»*»t m th* WorM ed into the Thrice-a-week. It fur Leaves Burna daily at 6:30 p M. Every String Warrant rd Arrivée at Ontario in 42 hour« nishes 3 papers of 6 pages apiece, Joko F. Stratton, or eighteen pages every Week, at SC NO roa CAT ALM V€ Sil. blS. 815. 817 E. »th St. Fare One way 17.50. Round trip 115.00. Crtalarm TORK •L-DOUOkAS. the old price of One Dollar a year. ■ ROCKTON MASS. 1 his gives 156 paper a year for One »•« ««a ••»• by ewrek*»*M u • 1~ TIIX H VIA ATI « »> Through freight Sjcta. a pound. haualaa wawcA. B»c»—». wc ••• li»« >»tfe»i maaafactarvrx <w BAXI» I.VSTRUSEXTN Dollar and every paper has 6 pages adiei.iwd »hew» fa th« wo« Id. a ad guataul«« Two days notice at any P. O. on the route and covered coaches wil _ 1______ wide : a _ _ _ io ____ I th« vat»« by atampiag th« nan»« »ad ync« «• eight column» or 48 columns Xdoww nkit ra 1^1 BUT th« bottom. whKk prmect» yva Again»« high I H. A. Williams, Proprietär •it,«» a »4 th« mi44!«ra»a • ptohlA Our »bo*» in all. Tne Thrice-a-week World be furnished for passangers. *«aal cualom wwM la »tyl«. «»»y «tttag a»4 IWl » m H«« oualltir» W* hav« them »old every te*« V «mm W I *wrw«M < is not only tauch larger than any where at lower p«»<-e» foe th« »al»« gtr«w tbaa JOHN F STRATTON anv <Mbrr mak*. T >k« m> aubat.tul« If >< mu •Am»maaaa weekly or semi-weeklv newspaper, 4«-1« r ««»»«A .Uppiy yv«. we cam. rw>14 by xxw but it furnishes the new* with much greater frequency and promptne»«. lu fact it combines »11 the crisp, fresh qualities of a ' daily with the attractive «necial . features of a eeekly. Arrangement* have bee. ade by which we can furnish th’» P" H M HORTON, Proprietär and the Thrice a-Week N ’ fork orldboth for 1'2 25 a year. Take . advantage of this ofier a I get t ^BuDEAlJtaa IM_m^ o ynir own local paper and the* | Thrice a- U eek World at this special DRUGS, MEDICINES. CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES I ANDERSON A GOODMAN. Proprietor. STATIONERY. DIAMOND DYES, CHOICE PERFUMES I A FANCY TOILET ARTICLES, TOBACCO, CIGARS ETC. Th«- beat brand» uf Liquor*. wi e. and cigars. Two billiard and one pool table. Fine Wines & Liquors for Medical Purposes On Corner opposite Post Office KO PAIRS SPARED TO ACCOMMODATE CUSTOMERS. * P rwc ri pli ont» accurately compounded. Fir«t Clan« Dental Wark Dona.