Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (March 11, 1896)
9 BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, MARCH 11 Highest of all ia Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report “Now my son,” said the old mer Ecuador, sivs that a grand meeting I chant, “while you are applying was help bv Cubans, and those! PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY yourself to the details of this bus who symjathiae with them, in the iness, learning how to buy an I how . Plaza Rocafuerte. The object was BY w. C. BYRD &, SON. to sell, how to gauge the taste and 'to manifost gratitude to the United to ' States for the •recognition ot »he P ublishers and P roprietors . needs of the grate publis, h<»w Eduardo avoid mistakes, how to scile op or belligerency of. Cul*e. Aguerro led a procession, waving tu ni ties—while you study these SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ) things keep always before you the the Cuban flag. Arrvoed in fiont One Y«»r .............................................. Six Month» ......................................... . .75 fact that the basis of all true bus of the Americanconsulate pro’onged Three .Month».......................................... HERALD CLUB LIST: —Get one of I, S. Geer & Co’s —John Sweitzer,carpenter,under cheers were giuen for the United 5.00 iness sucess is absolute, uucjm Herald »nd Harper’s Magaxine....... 5.20 p-omising uouesly. taker antfcabinet-maker. His worlr- premium purchase tickets. This States and Cuba. . ieraid and Harper s W eeklj .......... 5,20 4eraldlnd Harper’s Baaar.. • • The crowd thtm began to shout shop is in the old saloon building firm agrees to give the holder of “Father.” said the young man, 3.75 SerJdtmd Harper’s Young People «.¿Hand Alden's Manifold cyclopedia, -2.90 The police next door south of Worthington’s. such tickets a fine life size Crayon each additional volume after V ol. I »5 ceuta. “your business^ has always been •‘Down with Stein.” 10 cents extra yer volume, postage. . one of largt sales and small profits here interfered and compelled the Mr.Sweitzer guarantees his work at Portrait absolutely free of any * <»-<’opie»of all the above work» ean be ex- prices to suit the hard times. Cof-1 charge, by purchasing $20 worth crowd to disperse. has it not?” «ilned at leisure in the Reading Room. -------- 1 ------------- “You know what 1 advertise, my fins made to <>rdtr. Will take pro of goods for cash at their store. It /^■Publifher» are •»Belted WPubtuners of oi periodical^ penuuu jclubbing rates, a copy of their work for 8O n ; I buv everything direct from duce partlv forwoikand balance in is not necessary that the whole How to Prevent Croup. c »en- ■:.. . n ...» Uu Alo ’ I I file Mild and hind bind tnp the “...................’ J B amount should be pu.rftbased at one *tter*tci.«e of every haif-voiume, e«d w c> the manufacturer, and 1 sell to th-5 ca«h. o.lvurtiswWli'Ilt _ * popíes _ u bv — advertiBeaient. time, but any amount frbm ¿5 cents | consumer at exactly 7$ per cent ad Croup is a tarrot toyoung mothers to $20 as exolained-Hphn tick- vance from cost. Such a business and to post them conitring the1 ADVERTISING RATES: I belive to be as beneficial to the cause, first »symptoms and treat-) A good ranch belonging to H. G. ets. .' * irici 1 wk j 2 wk j 1 mo 1 3 mo j 6 mo I 1 yr 'Campiteli, containing 160 acres 12 public as any plr [anthropic iustit - ment ia the object of this item. Jlncb »1.50 »2.50 »5.00 »8 ’X) »11.00 »15.00 28. CO 18.00 G.50 12 03 Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy 3.0Ù 4 00 I " lion. The people should purchase The origin of croup is a common miles south east of Burns. This 40 00 24 00 8.00 15.00 ». 50 5.00 J “ 50.00 32.00 I “ 1 4.50 6 00 10.00 -0 00 the necessaries of life at a margin cold. Children who are subject *to ranch has about 100 acres of good cures colds, croup and whooping 54.00 48.00 9 00 15.00 28.00 4 col. 1 6.00 80.00 1-.0.00 12. «0 10.00 28.00 48.00 rbove first cost sufficient only to jt tske cold very easily and croup meadow land. Price $800 or will c »ugh. It is pleatant. safe and re- 20 00 30.00 40.00 60.00 110 00 1400 pay for the actual handling of the ' js almost sure to follow. The first trade for sheep. liable. For sale by all druggists. B yrd & K ing . JOB WORK goods. That is the fixed principle svmpton is hoarseness; this is soon Royal» ABSOLUTELY PURE of mine.” followed by a peculiar rouShcough, “But,” said the boy in a puzzled, j which is easily recognized and will muí . r Catarrh hesitating way, “you had an invoice never be forgotten by < ne who ha9 rot that contain Mrciiry, of lace cu tains to day at $3 a pair, heard it. The time to act is when T hi H ìràld ia kept regularly on file for re rll? IS THE BEST. If (•renee, in the Geo. P. Rowell Newspaper Ad- ai p I heard you giva inctructions the child first becomes hoarse. fit for a king . firtiting Bureau, 10 Spruce st.. New York. I as mercury will surely destroy the to mark them $4 69.” Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is . CORDOVAN, FRENCH AENAMCL1XD CALF. The old man leaned back in his < freely given all tendency to croup ( i sense of rmell ami completely de 4. s3.sp F i NE C ad &K angar « i OFFICIAL DIRECTORY range the whole system when en I leather cushioned swivel chair, will soon disapp. ar. Even after ♦3.50 POLICE,3 SOLES. 'smiled blandly, and told the boy to the croupy cough has developed it ] tering it through the mucous sur <«60 82 • WORKINGMF i Z» national : **• -EXTRA FINE- faces. Such articles should nev» r »resident .................... . Grover Cleveland take a pencil and paper. will prevent the attack. There is I ♦2.^I.Z?B0YSSCHflüLSm fice-Pre»ideut............... Adlai Stevenson be used except on prescriptions “The expenses of this business I Secretary of State Richaru S, Ol> ey ■LADIES’ no danger in giving this remedy for! Secretary of Treasury . John G. Carlisle 1 from reputable physicians, as the Jscretarv of Interior ...........Hoke Smith last year,” he Sai I “were 10 percent it contains nothing injurious. Secretary of War Daniel S. Lamont damage they wul do is ten fold to | Add 10 per cent to tecretary of Navy ... u«.,, Hilary z». A. Herbert of the sales. Secretary of Agriculture. J. Sterling Morton the good you can possibly derive, Attorney General . . sen — Jud Harmon your $3 ” BRO CKTONU*LASS. Po»tinaeter General Wm. L Wilson Over One Million People wear the .,froni them. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, “ Three thirty, ” TWO FOR ONE. STATE—OREGON: I manufactured by F. J. Cheney <fc W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes g . w. McBride. I “There is alwavs possible a Senator» All our shoes are equslly satisfactory J. H.Mitchell. ■ Send for free sample and judge Toledo, O , contains no ,mer- They give the best value far the money. (Binger Hermann • shrinkage in value of stock, always equal custom »hoes In style and fit. Vongressmen .............. (W. R. Elli» thereby. The E. O. H erald and cury, and is taken int ruallv, act-1 They Their wearing qualities are unsurpassed. Attomsy General ... . C. M. Idleroan ■ a percentage of bad debts, al ways a The prices are uniform,—stamped on sol«. ♦overnor '.¡" r 1 Kincaid hazard of unforeseen contingencies. / Cincinnati Weekly Ei quirer, both ing directly upon the blood and mu ■ From Si th Sj caved over other makes. Jseretary of ¿Ute i one year f«r $2. If your dealer cannot supply you we csjl Sold by Treaaurer R B cons surfaces of the system. In PhlhGMMirwin I Add 10 P®r cent more ” Itipt. Public Instructioa ■ The Enquirer is a 9 cnlum,8 pace R W H lJei’s 1 Rate Priuter Wanted, agent to buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure “Dealors everywhere ‘ Three sixty-three.” I paper, issued each Thursday. 1 R. 8. Bean. take exclusive rale for thia vicinity Write tuyrevie Judge» ____ .> C. Wolverton “Do you know how much it costs Largest in size,cheapest in price, vou get the genuine. It is taken at once. ’ F. A. Moore your father to maintain himself most reliable in news.all large type, idternahv and is made in Toledo, NINETH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. ristrict Judge D M.D ( LIFFOko plain print, good white paper If Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Tes Blstrict Aitornev .................. C. W. Parrish. and his family? Have you yan idea our readers want another live paprr, timonials free. [oint-Representalive (R) O. L Patterson isint-Seuatur ........... (R). a . W.Gowan . of the expense of educating and the Enquirer is that paper dressing three boys and three girls,1 Call or send orders to this office. £8F*Sold by Druggists, price 75c. COUNTY— harnet : per bottle. lonnty j idge C. P. Rutherford. paying there way ia society; pro Usrk ...... (D).. C. E. Kenyon treasurer I. 8. Geer viding them and their mother with ....... <R) inrvevor D ... T A. McKinuon | ihsriff (R) ......... A. Gittlng» a country home and a city home, Assessor . cm.. ........ 8. w. Miller I ’chool Super, ntendent . K) C has . Newe 1 I with servants and carrages and COPYRIGHTS, ’tick lnipeetor . Geo Trsttaskis everything they desire?” CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT» For * (D) { A. B. Marks i lommiMionar* rR' Ç R. R- Sitx. “I am afiaid I have no idea. ^■well begun is half done. Begin harm et r. ». land orrtce: fater.” W well by getting Fern'» Needs. N m 'X :2iTWon conc«r"D>« Pate»«» and i ow to ob S»gi «ter tain ibem »ent free. Also a tatalogu» of mechan W Don t let chance detemi I ne K ..........................Thomas Jones teeeiver “ Well, it is s ’ m and »cientitle book» aent free. ply frightful ‘It ........... .. .........A-A. Cowing W your crop, but plant Ferry's I ical Patent, taken through Munn A Co receive W Heeds. Known and sold 8 ypectU nojloem the Hclentldc XmeiftaTJmd i is in fact, 20 per cent ef the entire B everywhere. W on? ?TO3fht. w,d«’v before the public with- Before you plant, get W out coat to the inventor. Tbl» aplendtd paper. ¡sales of the house. Add 20 per !aJve«tWnXJ V *,e*an* *7 niuatrat«!, baa by far the Ferry’s Seed Annual V circulation of any act ent I tie work In tha SOCIETIES. I ¡jrg'jt A icent. Never mind fractions.” HniMi?-K*TnPJ? copie» »ent free. 4^a^F for Contains more prao\ .X ‘ •U tical information for farmers 1 I ■ rLVA REBEKAH Decree No. i». The «ucc»M of th> Great Cough Cure ia cents. Kvery number contains beau, “Four thity-six.” and gardeners than many htgb-J IM * tifnl plates, in oolors, and photographs of new •it::« every let and M Wednesdav. without a parallel in the history of medicine. priced text books. Mailed free. Z w!th enabling builders to show the -1 All druggiats are Authorized to sell it on a pos Miao Leia McGee N.G. ». s. risst • co., »rraoiT, smm . “There. You haye arrived by a con,rBC’»- Address itive guarantee. s teM that no other c re can MUNN A CO» Nxw YotcK, 3S1 B buadwa T. Baa Mothenhead. Rec. Sec’y. ■J process as clear and open as day, succeantully standThat It may become the Proprietors, at an enormous ex and by the use of simple business known, A. O. ü. W. Bums Lodge. No 47 pense. are placing a Sample Bottle Free into every home in the United States and Canada. Meet»»very 2d and 4th Thursdays rules, at the coat of those curtains jo«» f . F’r'vrrcij If you have a Cough, Sore Throat, 07 Bron H M Horton. M. W JOHN F. STRATTON’8 Now ad 1 7j per cent chitis. use It. far it will core you. If yoat CELEBRA i..D i. W Myer. Rec'd billed at $3. child has theCmup. or Whooping Cough, use C«l«brated pofit.” it promptly, and relief is »ure. If you dread a ' ' • ■ hamnit lodge , no . 77, i . o o f . that invidious disease Consumption, use it. LJUB Bani) Initrument: Four sixty-nine.” 7 so Dm ** O<,d F*n°w* Hall, every Saturday. Ask your Druggist for SHILOH’S CURE. W C. »yrd.Ä.G. Prireioct».. joeta. sndfl.OO. If your Lung» „77°^ drums T fifes , ‘That, what Im going to.advertise are B. D. McIntyre, Secy. sore or Baek lama, use Shiloh’s Porous Piccolosand Band Supplies. Piaster. Price 2S eta. For sale by all Drum (them at: and jou will see a grate <i»ts sad Dealer». 1 * . nu.i ¿8»-MsgoN MiwUuf C’.-j. «tc.Ftc Send for s 11 JOHN F. S,8 STRATTON e-tslogu«. .s13.s 1 17E9th° M.Y barnet post no . ««, o. a. a. run on them tomorrow, for the *^“*urTCSlaerMi Pub,ic ha* learnc,i that all my an- •tsndingtavtt»«. a r<* n *1 xr pa . nouncements are absolutely JOHN F. STRATTON'S liable.” E urns-Canyon Staçje Line Celebrated Russian Git Jf every description executed with neatttess ind despatch, at reasonable rates. Pamphlet» Poster», Jtreulars, i Letter Head», bill Head», lavelopc», Note Head», Cani», Tl< gets, katements, Dodger». Eté. Ismoranda, Invitation». W. L. D ouglas S3 J 8HIL0HS ICONSUMPTION CURE. F plantin ^ I V. S. MAHA. BVM»—vau: Caban» in Ecuador 'rrlve.and d»pertsdail y, VC *■»—tkirsi CVTT : ’••••A Orarte daily. »Xee*t luihv New York, Mar ah. 3 —The___ Her- ald» correspondent in GuayaquilJ Violin Strings Th« Fmew hi th« World F»«ry Mring W.rr.ntrd Jobs ¿XX SI1.8J3.S15.817 g *h g¿ *»* VMM. H. A. \\ ILL iams , contractor. Carrying U. S. MOI. ...d Eotern Oregon E.pre., Co’, E.pre. Born, d.ily for C.nyon City,.„4 inlermed , oints