Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1896)
i ( , Il ( 8HIL0HS CONSUMPTION CURE -wn»is pono.i euI <11 •>*r|*l«a>»u Sulp»»| -HU I • I .»»n . II ••• I-»»O .<q • »1 » Vjo;« >|I lam I ■*. »’!• <<<l |M»pnf ÍB U ius-lm • ‘ *• Xnfsil»U‘jd»oJ aqj. d 3 O •KOlONIHKkM i: RTlfw ft WSWIV’mSJHJ 3W1 4 i I 4 ‘IN9WMMON ‘r>9JIS J 819 * I *-j»U -n»O 'M «lllIRd caw 4 G -jidM wntmnn.1111 (J pus aoriVtCJ >JU| -l.rttu.-lj 4UJ »ItJM-Al Os s s s S i<»t if l>>»> 4q » -»unMOJ J noi ox sai fl ( K uonoojtp Sfqi u| »t| 4 > .<»ui tnu»t*i M.iOA i-wn raon 4» USJ'I u| >| ind ><>u Ì > JO M>|l »UM« 1» »»Pl tn>W<l • I Kl.SJiaM »U<> jfj.11. • >»OU1( V 1 <•»' ..••>N*»»t ■’tv - ,.*■•** p-rxy ni » » » ,1.. ./UM fl 'P« . M „Muinj J ( >rq| -K.. -.»<« P”’ < »u *S qm»— «’ V* H H ».lU-U ' t COPYRIGHTS ■SiW’LtolwtTJSXI dk*CO.. who have had neari^ The success of thia Great Cough Cure la without a parallel in the history of medicine. All druggists are authorized to sell it on a pos itive guarantee, a test that no others re can successfully stand. That it may beeome known, the Proprietors, st an enormous ex pense, are placing a Sample Bottle Free into every home in the United States and Canada. If you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bron chitis, use it, for it will cure you. If you» child has theCro^p, or Whooping Cough, use ft promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious disease Consumption, use it. Ask your Druggist for 8HILOH'8 CURE, Price 10 cts., SO eta. and 11.00. If your Lungs are sore or Baek lame, use Shiloh’s Porous Piaster. Price IS eta. For sale by all Drug LMM ppjA lc,LL CMC’;noAU| [ üiaijj ‘¿¡dnijs «.Ji goitz CJOJ :• n :: fWl > ’»I »ut I i’-’» is »urli aun» •Mi »/ ‘.u in jo tunt a»I -iua.<'i| m> •» »u<>*J»d ajrajno» -na <>t >| J -no »(’ll jo »o-’f o »qj pii» ’»bOlSHA Nl BOA WJABlVri HH.14G JtM ■qiuoni ztilp-o-'Jd .>f|l Buunp ■ »»»«jnipam bvu sql xuiiqmqtis U'nuod aqt <>l ssaj J—I l lUuoW ÁüMy UOA10 OO’OOfC ■.*. a * ■ ufand V. • '»5!CeL F'i t » c fintsp ILLUSTRATED. The Simpeton *-------------" np’eton. a new noael " by — T homas H aboy , wl ill be begun ____________ ________ in the December Number, TEN 1-S94. and continued ___ ontinued to November 1895 Who-1 ’ ever may be cue'» favorite among Ei glish Nov- CTS ■ elists, it will be conceded by all critics that T homs » haboy stands foremost of a master 1 artist in fiction, and The Simpletons may be TEN I expected to arouse enthusiams not inferthr in degree to that which baa marked Trilby—the CTS. moat au» cersful story of the year. Another 'eadit'K featiiroelll be the Personal 'Reeollee lions of Joan of Aic, by the Sieur Lot-ix t>a TEF» C obtb . Her Psge and Secretary, uader which guise the mist popular of living American CTS magasir.e writara will Present ahe storv of the Maid af Orleans. In the Janusry Nu uber Will appear a drofuaely Hluatratee paper on Charles ton and the < aroliuaa, the first of a series of Southern Papars. I Noathern Africa it attracting more attention at any other time it was the seat of em- 1 pi res The next volumes of HA RPe-s MAGA- 1 ZI n E will four illustraied articles on this regin, and three of them will depict the present life ■ there. fiLiAN R alph will prepare for the MAGAZINE a series of eight stories, depicting typical phases of Chinete Life and Mam ers. I Besides the long stories, toere will begin in the Jauuary Number the first Cbspter of A Three I Pert Novelette, by R ichard H abdino D avis — the longest work yet attempted by this wri er Complete shoJt stories by popular writers Will continue to be a feature of the MAGAZINE I I W. L. D ouclas CUAET IS THE •EST. W4> WllUL MOSSUEAKINO. ♦5. CORDOVAN, f RENCHA ENAMELLED CALF Because, we are tne largest manufacturers of advertised »hoes in the world, and guarantee the value by »tamping the name and price on the bottom, which protect» you again»! high price» and the middleinan'a profit». Our »hoe, equal cu»tom work in »tyle, ea»y fittiug aul wearing qualitie». We have them »old every, where at lower price» for the value given than any other make. Tike no »ubstitute. If your dealer lanuot »upply you, we can. bold by ’• Seed Annual FJHTrilFRIC: OF ONE. ------ WITH----- THE S N FRANCISCO ELKHART 0ARRIA8E and HARNESS MFR. CO. 124 Weekly Call! ------OR------ Morning Call! page paper. It is issued every Thursday, a^d contains all <>( tne iniprtant news of the week, gleaned from every quar ter of the globe, complete up to date of publication. It fur. nlshrs the UteNt and most reliable fiiMnrial news and market quotations, a< d giva» special attrnU<-B to horticul- tural and agricultural news, and is In every resi oct a Oral* lias« family t>ai>er, app»«ii .g to the Interest of every member of the household. I \ AW i s *. WEZXL7 C’U W. B. BRATT, Secretary, Elkhart, Ind. Aod rt p p . ? f i jf, IÍ .w Riley Or. Horses branded )-( on left stifle. CattlebrasA ed )■( on left hip. Marlon Bunyard, P0 Burna Cattle diamond on left hip; hor shoulder. Charles H. Voegtley. Burns 9 Geo Williams, horses and mules bra r..unding w, on light B’.lfle. P. O Riley Horae brand bar m on left shoulder: I brand har m on left hip and riba. Catbertns ■ Marshall P O Narrows Ore. I L LT ST k AT E D. Horse brand on left shoulder 8 Mias Lairs H A RPER’s Weekly is a pictorial history of Stsnclift. Burna Ore. the times. It presents every important event prompt') . ae< urateli, and exliausti"elv in il- il.str*.ion and ileseriptive text of the 'hignest» • Horae brand ~ ou left shoulder and »sms or.ter. The manner in which, during 1894, it has muscle of right hind leg. Phil Smltu Bursa treated the < hl.>ago Railroad Strikes and the I Ore. <I hilio-Japaiiese War. and the su.uunt of light 8. I^mpehire and Son cattle braid Q It m as able to throw on Korea the Instant atten- I tion v as I ireteit to that llttle-ktuiwn county, sr e-vp’< a of its alm< at bou d ess resourt es. connected. Earmark swallow fork in right ear ■ Ju ,u Rs i>n, the writer and underbit in left. P, O. Bums Ore. cor e«p.o>. ent. h a been sent to ;he seat of war, Horace and Cattle branded J F on left jaii' th« e Joined v v d . Weldou. now for Mary ma v ears >esi<!aut in Japan, who has been der I line h an-led JP connected Sit»-» “d to lo. 1» rate with Mr Ralph in Send- • Price. P.urns Ore I tiou II < HP R WhEKi.Y exclusive informs Herman Ruh cattle brand ¡^»n 14° tion a oi . .us. <u ! >n er crop off and swallow fork in left eat rig ear under elope, P. O. lawrn HAUERS PERIODICALS i cattle brand, H O. on left hip. riihl e«r and a < r«»p and tplil in left, H O on left ahoulder. A. i I I DAILY C IV .1 Cattle brand, II., on 'eft rib under bit Is left ear. under slope in r ght ear Horse brssd 71 on right sutle. R E J. A. Williams P, 0. Miss Roaa Dickenson Horae brand anvil •» left »title. Cattie branded bar^R on left alp. r O. Lawen Ore. • J. P Dickenson cattle brand J P connected«« left hip Hone brand auvil on left »tide P. u Lawen Ore. Cattle brand figure 7on either hip; mark light crop off each ear. elip in each ear, and w*tt on left jew. Horse brand figure 7 on either hip J. H. Bunyard.Burns,Ora. W Hat’s . ----- -4------- Í6.00 J. C, Foley, cattle brand =» on right side Horse brand — on left shoulder. Horn brand 35 on left shoulder, also three dots.-. tn shape of triangle, cattle branded tamo. E. E. Grout Burns Or. Postage Free to all subscribers in tha States, cacada, or Mexico. Tue Volumes of the Weekly will bar the first Number for Januarv of ea I W hen no time is mentioned, subscript begiu with the Number curreut at tl eeipt of order. Hound Volumes of Harper's Weekly f veers back, in neat cloth binding, will by mail Postage paid, or bv express, fr I petite (provided the freight does uotex . per volume) for |7 in) a volume. Cloth Usses f.,r each Volume, suita binding will be sent by mail post paid eeipt of »1. . Remittances should be made by Pos Mone. Order or 1 >raft, to avoid chance o Address: HARPER A Bit IfllERS, Na —Me— *P_HE SAN FRANCISCO WEEKLY CALL cVfO Is a handsome eight* Hardin dt Riley, cattle branded Von left side Horae brand T left side. r. o. Burns,Oresos Horse branded P on right shoulder, cattle P on righthip. R. A. Hendricks. P.O. Lawen Or | rKICK »6 0 » PI K IRAK I Hors-' brand bar ten on left shoulder; Cattle barren on left hip and upper clip on botk ears. T. A. McKinnon, Burns Ore. t HARPER WEEKLY.................... HARPER’S MAGAZINE .. .. HARPER’S BAZAR..................... HARPER’S YOUNG PF^PLE THE SAN FRANCIS O UPihlii*.,p„. ra; FWrm PER year : PHICK •l.«S Pr.K Yr.AM. HE MOHM.NG CAI.I, (Sevas Iseoaa a Waa»j Is a live n.< troi-niltsa daily. it nine MOST RF.L1A- BLK. and la reci«ntM>d a« bring tha LEADING NEWS* PAPER of the I’aclflc C»asL E ther of the aboia i aper* we will vend po-ti' Id as a pre mium < mi rreel,t uf th» follow ing subserl.itivn prieoa (or th» • mi MnatL >•: FREE BRAND COLUMN. Elegent and exclusive designs for Out door and Indoor Toilettes, drawn from W orth mod els by S anih ’Z and < iiAPt'ta, are an impurtaut ferture- These appear every week, accompan ied by minute uescriptions and derails Our l'aris l.etier, by K a TII akinr i > e F orest , is a weekly transcript of the 1st« st stiles and capri ces in the mode. Under the hiap of New York I Fashions, plain descriptions and full particu lars are given as o shapes, fabrics, trimmings, and access, slesof the eoatui as of well-cressed women. Childrens Clothing receives practical attention. A fortnightly Psttern-sheei bupple- meiit enables readers to cut aud mrketheirown gowh The woman whotak.s HARPER’S BA- Z AS is prepared for every occasion in life, ce- remoni. ns or informal, where beautiful dress is requisite. * THIS PAPER— honkers pnd Brokers • *'M-242 Railto Bu ldini; Ohicaffo STOCK BRANDS. HARPER’S PERIODICALS. ----- ---------- originateli bv u« All fiucccenaful epeculator.4 operatenn a regular grsten, Iti» it well known fact that there art* thou^ande of men in all parte of tlu> United StaleH who. by avetematic trading through Chicago brok I ers. inuke large amount» every year, ranging from it few thoueand dolin'8 for th»’ man who inveelM it hundred or 4wn dollar« up t > to IIOO.O'KI or m ire by thorn* who Hveet a few thmisand It is alno h I iet that th'iH», who m ike the largest profili from com- parativ lv amali inveatmentH on thin plan are » mthoiih whi live nwav from ( lii.-ng , «nd mveat through broker« who thoroughly und ratand nt ntemntln trmling. Our pl tn »lot-a n it ri"k the whole amount invented on any trad»*,but cover« Irnfh »ide«, ho that whether the market ri«en or falla it bring« a • I«’ " h nrofit t mt pile« up enormmi«| v in a t-hort time WRITK Foil CONVINCING PROOFS, a|«o our Manual on ntme ««fui gp rnhlinn and mtr It.ily Market Report, full of money ALL I REF. Our manual expltinn margin ,r" ' 1,1 t Higheet r» ferencen in regard to our ntanding and *" ’ I' >r further informali» n addrren I 'Ilan 1 Co., Agts., 31» MO’ITaOMERT ST.. ». ... C4t Hap’ Baza - ILLUSTRATED. F02 THIS YEAR. Ulin 00 FOB E'CH Dail R INVESTED RUN EE MADE 8Ì CUR MJIV.- Systematic Pun oi fynnlanai D The volumes of the Magazine begin with he Number* for June utnl December oi eac-ii year. When no time Is s]>ecifie<i, sub scriptious will begin with the Number cur rent at time of receipt of order. Bound volumes or Harper’s Magazine for . 'hreeyears back, in neat cloth-binding will be sent by mail, |M>st-r>aid, on receipt of |3 per volume. Cloth < ases, for binding r* cents each—by mail, post-paid. Remittances should be made by Postoffice Money Order, or Draft, to avoid chanc o loss. Address HAKl’ER A BROTHERS. Nev York. • s. a. run a co., nrraoiT, skh . ar Our Premiums *’ * -mily household Look free. IIARPKR’S MAGAZINE.................. fi.Ot HARPER’S WEEKLY . .. 4.0C HARPER S RAZAK.............................. 4.0» HARPER’S YOUNG PEOPLE......... 2.« Postage Free to all Subscribers in th» United States, Canada, or Mexico. Contains more prac tical information for farmers and gardeners thau many high- priced text books. Mailed free, ----- ------------- Returning prosperitz will make many rich, but nowhere can they I make ho much within it short time a« by BuoceHaful Speculation in Grain I’roviaiouH and Stock. / Lasts Seven times longer Looks Seven times better Than About Seven times cleaner Stow About -- Two times cheap ---- iper Polidi About Two times handi ---- ier • • • If your grocer doesn’t keen it -end us his name wit’i io< « a Lr.e ’■<>■< and Per Year: SEND TO« CATALOGUE W*L«DOUOLAS, BROCKTON, MASS. Y«a eaa eave money by »urcbaetag W. L>. Iluualaa Mboea, „ ■* rvy. WOODWORK' 'p^w tw WQG «flew oio^GCMi* Is hard work compared with changing the appearance of your stove with IL» USTRATED t well begun Is half done. Begin well by getting Ferry’s Seeds. Don’t let chance determine your crop, but plant Ferry’s Seeds. Known aud sold everywhere. Before you plant, get B oys S chooi S hoes . • • Magazi YoUB»INt( « LADIES* —*** t CHANGING HARPER’S PER OPICS H.»3.wFll€CALf&KAN6An» » 3. W POLICE, 3 S oles . »w 1893 t Per Year « 3 harpfwu nt’AR ... _. 4 hak n.K> M t- MINE ... ............ 4 H ARl’t- K'S W'EKI.Y .... ................. 4 HARl’f.R’S YOUNG ______ _ I'KtiPl.a _____ _ l OC P<« age Free to all subacribera in tba United Sts », i anada. or Mexico. ore brand T with hsll“ I der Cattle aad horse G. W Thompaon, l-awen. erv BEATTY'S PIANOS! The volumes <»t the Baaar t«gta with ths flrat number for January of each year. When im Kx Mayor uaniel r Dr“*’ is time is mention*!. sutweriptiou will begla lot catalogue with the Number current at ths lima of receipt W ashington, New Jeraey. ___ of order Hcuud volumes of Harpers Bazar lor th re« year In newt cloth binding, will be sentbv mal’ p>«-.aae paid* or by express, free of expense * C«letv»»«d (provided the freight does not exceed one dol lai per vo uuie) or 47 a volume. 1 a»'h «aaee to (each ve,ume..ui:able for bind Ing »11! be saatby mail p- era id <.» receip of Il ea> h drums ifes Remi lance» should be made bv FoetOfflce Money '»rdei o. Draft, to av. id chance of leoa Piccolosand Band Suppl'®9- Aura»« HARPER 4 HR'iTHER.« Med f«w dOMN F. b *•; uyaie ate cot to copy any one »or Cat^ngm. «1 1. II1.•!I.«1 1 I •t* 51 " *’ JOHN F. STRATTON’S '/ Band lutn««» > . •T"*TT®.’‘’ . I