East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896, March 04, 1896, Image 6

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    Or ïirraid.
4, 18«
Trousers Made of Tin.
more A* Ohio Kailroad Co , one o
the oldest and most extensive trans
portation systems in the United
States and until recently one of the
most profitable, has confessed in­
solvency and gone into the hands
of receivers. John Cowan, its pres­
ident, and Oscar G. Murray, its
third vice-president, will hereafter
operate it for the benefit of the cred­
itors and bondholders, under the
direction of the United States court.
This action was taken tonight after
a prolonged struggle against the
inevitable ami was the immediate
result of the failure of the directors
to negotiate loans to provide for in­
terest and other payments dee.
“You would be surprised at the
amount of smuggling that is done
M rs F. E. M c G ee , Proprietress.
by the crews of sailing vessels.”
said one of the customs inspectors
over on the Brooklyn docks. “Many
rich cargoes come in here from In­
dia. South America and the West
Indies, and the temptation to smug­
gle is too strong for the average
sailor to resist. There is something
fascinating about smuggling, which I
is the only way I can account for
the fact that many an othorwise
It is well arranged nice, cosy, comfortable rooms. The cuisine d
honest man doesn’t scruple to de­
How’s This!
is as perfect as possible for an inland town and guests will T
Bigger and Better
fraud the government whenever he
served with care and attention.
" ‘
We offer One Hundred Dollars
Than Ever Before,
gets a chance. Among sailors this; Reward for at y case of Catarrh
f elingis almost universal. Indeed, that can not be cured by Hall’s Ca­
584 PAGES.
the» seem to think that their call­ tarrh Cure.
1,500 TOPICS.
ing gives them the privilege of
F. J. C heney , A Co. Propts.,
bringing in a few things every trip,
Toledo, O.
Telia Everytbini Yon Want
and they are apt to make it very
to Know When Yoa
We the undersign« d, have known
Want to Know It.
uncomfortable for the officer who F J Cheney for 15 years, and be­
attempts to enforce the law. The lieve him perfectly honorable in all
articles they smuggle consist most­ business transaction and financially
ly of liquors, cigars, fine silks and able to carry out any obligations
An Invaluable and Unrivalled
■Uch delicacies as preserved ginger, made by their firm.
Political and Popular
curacoa, etc.
West and Truax, wholesale drug­
“But let me tell you how I dis gists, Toledo, O.
covered one of the most ingenious
READY JANUARY 1st, 1896.
Wilding, Rinnan «V Marvin.
II W WELCOME. Proprietor.
schemes for smuggling that was Wholesale druggists, Toledo, O.
ever devised. I was in the habit
P rjce
ce HT s .
Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken in
of visiting a little old fashioned “a
(Postpaid by Mail.)
I ternally, acting directly upon the
loon, and one day the proprietor
blood ami n.ucous surfaces of the
asked me to simple some ot his
Prescriptions carefully compounded by a Registered Pharmacist
system. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold
rum. It was tine old Demarara
by all druggists. Testimonials free.
I began to wonder win re he got it.
9oa't Qo Without it This Presidential Year.
Hall’s Family Pills are the best
fur he didn't keep it in stock all
the time. Then 1 noticed that he
gut in a fresh supply every lime a
Certain ship arrived.
“1 tlx light 1 saw a good chance
America’s Great Danger
for a »eiiuie, and kept a close
watch on the saloo the next lint
—I' •__
the vessel came in. I hung arou.ni
( I LP BROS,................................................ Burns, Oregon
the place all night, but not a sign
Said an eminent English acientut recently :
ot smuggling eoul I I see. There
* The danger lliul confronts the great An-.ei i-
Work Guaranteed to be first class.
The enceeee of th!« Great Cough Cure la cun jb-ople to day it not iho p»,»ible adop­
W;.s no doubt, though, that it had without
a parallel i■> the history of medicine.
tion of a wrong financial 1 <>iiy for tire
taken place, for the next [day the' All druggiela are aulhoriied to tell it on a pos­ nation, or the t-prv.id of aocia.i.-m, cr the
itive guarantee, a test that no othere re can
We mix our own Paints, and
■aloo i keep« ! was treating all hands •ucreuiulljr staml. That it may become «ncrvaM of cornipti» n among public n.en.
the Proprietors, at an enormous ex­
to rum. The hnlv auspicious thing known,
they are as uolhingc nip »red to the le. riblo
pense. are placing a Sample Bottle Free into
Our Work Sueaks fo it ef.
home in the United States and Canada.
na'ional disease—1 had almost raid nation I
1 saw was that one of the sailors every
If vou have a Cough. Sore Throat, or Bron­ Crime - of overwork. The mad n;«’i 1 t
made frequent trips from the ship chitis. use it. for it will cure you. If your wewllh is set at a killing p ice, and tbotuanus
child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use
to the saloon I was murallv cer­ it promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread fall by the w .y every year.
In.idious disease Consumption, use it.
You are likely tj bo eno cf the victims'
tain that lx- was doing th«1 smupgl that
Ask your Druggist for SHIIAIH'8 CURB,
1 low do we know * Eecmao it is the .xcep
Price 10 eta..IWets, and II .00. If your I.ungs
ing. but how In- did it was a mystery are sore or Back lame, use Shiloh's Porous lion to find a mail er woman » f adult age n
(Hr'ett health. Nervous L, sorters tut
Plaster. Price
eta. For sale by all Drug­
for I never saw hiiu carrying any-| gists
and Dealers.
spreading with fearlul rapidity. An eng t.
symptoms, ary—Backache, Biliousness, Co d
Hands* d I eel, buxine«', Hot 1 l. skes
“One day when he was returning
Fluttering Senviti' n, Fail ting, JTeatl die.
to the ship, I dew him into con
' llysuii.i, Irritability of the lieart M» dan
choir, 1 aili g Memory, Palpitation. Lit. u-
versation. He had been sampling
mutism, Mt it B tath. Slee-pk'sntsts N» r-
• >me of his own rum. J^and la gan I
reus |ty«p»>|«ia, Sexual Debility, Fits, ttc
R ev . C, A. C arroll , pastor First E-p i-t
skylarking At last he made a I
Clntreh Yellow Spri gs. (k. writesas f. 1 <» ;
kick at me, and I playfully hit
" 1 hive u ed Dr. Miles’ Restorative Jicrvit.e
Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pai­ for the p st six m nth». I find it acts life
him on the leg with my walkit g ent
bvsiness condncte.1 for Moderate reel.
a th,mt o-i the wliole nerv, ua system. 1
0«l.-e is OreosPv US P>’en' OMce.
cane. Th. re was a sharp metallic tr.1 Our
have not found itxraual in giving immediate
«• raa eeenre patent m lees time than those
relief. Dr. Mi.es' little N« rvo and Liver
•ound as the li w fell. The man's
bt-ud model, draultn; or phot»»., with deacrlp-
Pills»»nlv need a trial anti they will reeont-
THOS. LAHEY, Runts. Oregon
We a>hriee. It patentable or not. free of nteml themselves to be ti.e best pills in the
fat e whiten» d and he soltered up in loti
harve t>«r fee not dim till patent is reared ‘ market ’’
A > iwnMvt. "Ilow t«< Obtain Patents." with
a moment. It waa plain enough io uam.
First door north of Brick Store.
« >f actual clients tn your'Hale, »uunty. or
I or five years I have suffered from Ner­
sent five
me then, and I knew that the wide
vous P <-tr ition. I was unaLle to work or
trousers the man wore meant more C. A.SNOW ¿¿CO. »I -, p. The first dtwe of Dr. Miles’ Restora­
tive Nervine gee me relief, and one th u
Oapssite Patent OBce. W.»h<r«ten. 0. C.
than a tn« re peculiarity of dress
»a, »1 dollars would not cover tl e go»xi it hat
done me"— J ohn MINCH EK, Youngs
There was no legal evidence against
town, Ohio,
the man, as no rum waa found in
Dr. Miles' Restorative Nerviae is un
the ship, but I made him show <ue
•nuaded tn num Nervous Diseases. It
K»ntatns n » opiates or dangerous drugs. Sold
Prut c.-t-ow-nmil
the contrivance. It was parctically
>n a |»o«uve guarantee bv all druggists, or
A' thr.M»,
Dos viohNuw \u>t Ota IM. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart. Ind.
a pair of IxJlow tin trousers of the
u»e*t ingenious design, by which he
could carry galkMM^af liquor ’with
little fear of detection. Ho never
attempted to work the acheuM*
again, and «ome tiuia afterward hr
t<>ld iua that h« had »old the eon-
On the Corner South of the French Hotel, Main Street.
tri vane® for ■ gx»d sum t® a « imuc
glrr a Ito piled his calling un the
Canadian border Un®.”
Evervbody knows Joe and a horse under hi« car® will never ®®ff*r
for aomething to eat
I® KccHvera’ Hand*.
Al the old ««a < '» mi th Baal of the H kraid office.
Ben’» aeeort-
mrnl of Japane** »
• it very tine and , oaneidering the quality very
¿UF*Further Joe ia an old stable keeper, bavin® had aeveral year®
I ep
Baltimore, Feb 29 —The Balü
exprrieucein a first claas at able in Corvallia.
This popular Hotel holds itself
in point ot rank equal.il not super­
ior to any inland hotel and in fact
compares favorably with many
railroad houses.
T he W orld ,
Parties Desirinq Cabinet W ork
that excels any done in this place
heretok re, call and examine my