BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, MARCH VOL. IX. T Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’tKeport Washington Feb. 25—The mau tee that the agitation in favor of the ♦ I be who predicted Garfield’s nomina­ maintenance of the present stand-• tion and Cleveland’s election says ard of value and against the Aree PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY BY • * that Senator Cullom will be the coinage of silver should be ■ prose• w. c. BYRD & SON. nominee of the St. Louis convention.1 cuted with vigort” This man is Dr. Keiser, of Wash-; The resol ut ions-wiS^ P ublishers and P roprietors . ington.and he is a spiritualist. He ? claims to have foretold all the presi- SUBSCRIPTION RATES: I KENTUCKY KNIVES.* densial nominations for the past 25 |ix Mouth»................................................ l °° e 1 .......1 ' ' Three Month»................................................... 10 years. His predictions concerning Cincinnati, Feb^jfi—The Enquir­ HERALD CLUB LIST: attracted —John Sweitzer,carpenter, . .. ______ gerald and Harper’s Magaiine........... . 5,00 i Garfield’s nominatiin frrald and Haq-er » Weekly .............. 5.20 ' much attentiod by the way in taker aiid cabinet-maker. Hie work- premium purchase tickets. er ’ s special froiir Frakfort, Ky., 5»rald and Harper s Bazar . > .. 5.20 gerald and Harper’s Young People 3 75 which it was fulfiled. While the pay?: The report Df-the committee ! shop is in the old saloon building firm agrees to give * the boMelTof «.raid and Alden’s Manifold Cyclopedia,. .2.90 «»eh additional volume after Vol. I 55 cents attention of the whole country was in the Werner-Tom pl0n contested | next doof*8outh of Worthington’s. ' such tickets a fine lffe size CrMyon 10cent» extra uer volume, postage. . riveted on Grant and Blaine and election ca6e was made a special. Mr.S i^er guarantees bis w^rk at Portrait absolutely free of Any ■»•Coplegof all the above work» can be ex- »Mined at leisure in the Reading Room. Shorman in 1880. and no one order for Friday at 10 o’clock. Thejipriqpe it the hard times. Cof- chai'go, by purchasing $20 worth The (pifins th orcie’’. Wijl- take pro (of goods for cash at their store. It /W-Publishers of periodicals are solicited dreamed of Oarfield as a candidate report in the KaufmanivDunlapi fii z • * » send clubbing rates, a copy of their work for Dr. Keiser announced that he would ,f6r work and%aiancein i is not nèeéssary DurJfiucjB pair that the wholç our Free Reading Room—We file and bind the case will come up tomorrow. Dur-»d tatter et close of every half-volume, »nd v-v »1 be the candidate He was laughed | amount should be purchased at one. ispisabv advertisement. ing debate on the daBeS. Werngr, ['ca'*h, I at, but he persisted that he had re­ Democrat, and Howard,RepublidGb i ^timV^but any amount from S cents X 3L S * I 3- ceived a straight tip from the spirit \a L ___ l got into an altercation. PhelpBj ADVERTISING RATES: be with.an open pocketknife, made i A good ,‘ranch belongii^tp H. G wac « 1 wk 2 wk 1 1 mo J 3 mo j 6 mo 1 1 yr world, and that Garfield would the next president.. Containing lbu acres u *11.00 »15.00 l|*Cai»pbel|. containing 160 12» 15.00 |8'IO 32.50 J inch »1 50 rush for Howard, then SwinfurtL 18.00 28.00 t «0 4 00 6 .50 12 uJ J “ miles h èasÇRîf Burns. This The doctor predicted t he first elec­ joined in Great excitement -fol-, 40 01’ 24 00 3.50 5.00 8 00 15.00 I “ ♦vh am bPrlai H-q^Oough Remedy i " 1 4.50 fi 00 10.00 20.00 32.00 50.00 tion of Grover Cleveland and also lowed. The belligerents were forced ranch 'jdtofood' cure»'colds, croup and whooping .48.00 28.00 54.00 i 6.00 9 00 15.00 U col. p;: 1 12.80 16.00 28.00 48.00 80.00 120.00 nrwjll cough. It is plea?ants,safe and re* second He has won some | to their seats by their friends. 20.00 30 00 40.00 60.00 110.00 140 a the reputation iu Washington as a ’ <* iu ; liable. “ For sale byyalt dfnggists. JOB WORK KjwöJi prophet, and now he says that Sen- ‘ Hw to Prevent i »cup. j( »very description executed with neatness ator Cullom is to be the next repub- • md despatch, i, at reaaonable ratea. rate». lican leader He called on the | Posters, Pamphlets MfCUlars, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Croup is a tarror toyoung mothers tavelopes, ttatementi. Note Heads, Cards, Tieaets, senator in his committee-room at Invitations, Dodgers, Etc. Memoranda, that contain Mrcnry, the capitol, saying that he wanted and to post them conct ring the T h » H srald is kept regularly on file for re cause, first symptoms and treat- fsrence, in the Geo. P. Rowell Newspaper Ad to see the man he knew was to be rtrtisiug Bureau. 10 Spruce »4.. New York. the next president. Dr. Keiser is mentis the object of this item 1armercury win 8Urely destroy the 1 1 “ origin ............. of r cropp 'i*'Obp is a common ( , 8enKe of ra)ei| an(] completely de- not a crank, nor is he seeking notor- j The OFFICIAL DIRECTORY ° ilL» ,are 8U,’jec.t 2to , range the wkale sy4^n-/yhen en C au &K angarml liety. He is a believer in spiritual­ cold. Children ittske cold vWy ry eTsily and ui'MIp ter j n g ¡j through the mucous sur- POLICE, 3 SOLES. revela­ NATIONAL: - — ism. and believes that the WORKINGME m ’, ia almost sure to follow. The first lf aceR C President ............................... Grover Cleveland tions coming to him from the spirit , Such articles should nevt r -EXTRA FINE- ’a. Fice-Presideut.......................... Adlai Stevenson svmpton is hoarseness: this is soon , ¡)e uee(j ( except on prescriptions Iecretary of State ............ Richard 8, Olt ey world are reliable. «2.«I.Z?BOYS’SCHMLSHOE1 heretaryof Treasury......... . John G. Carlisle ■LADIES’ iseretary of Interior ..................... Hoke Smith fcllc He said he had never met Sena­ followed by a peculiar rou3hcough, from reputable physicians, i. ao as the iecretary of War .. Daniel S. Lamont secretary of Navy .......... Hilary A. Herbert tor Cullom, but would like to see which is easily recognized and will damage they wid do is ten fold to | Iecretary of Agriculture. .. J. Sterling Morton Attorney General .......... Jud sen Harmon him because of what had been re­ never be forgotten by me who has the good you can po88ib|y derive I Fsstmaster General............. Wm. L Wilson _ _ . ----- OCKTONJrtAOS/^. Over One Million People wear the vealed to him concerning the sena­ heard it. The time to act is when ' froni them. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, 8TATK—OREGON : the child first becomes hoarse. If manufactured by F. J. Cheney ven iovernor Their wearing qualities are unsurpassed. iecretary of State Even after ing directly upon the blood and mu­ The prices are uniform,—stamped on sole. d k Kincaid I and was surprised te meet a vefry | w*^ 6oon disappear. masuter vreasurer ................ R From $i to S3 saved over other makes. ... Phil. Metachan' ... r . J f . Public :_______ _ the croupy cough has developed it cous surfaces of the system. In iupt. Instruction If your dealer cannut supply you we can. Sold by w h Loed» I Inte^’^ent an<* I lea8ei,t appeal ing Bate Printer “------ R will prevent the attack. There is Wanted, agent to buying Hall’s Catarrh Cure be sure “Dealers everywhere ) K . S. Bean. business man. who chatted over iupreme Judge» .......... ? C. Wolverton exclusive sale for this vicinity. Write pelitical affairs for a few moments no danger in giving this remedy for you get the genuine. It is taken take > F. A. A Moore at once. NINETH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. and then retired,leaving the senator it contains nothing injurious. i idternaby and is made in Toledo, D ” M. D.CLIFFOK u • •‘rio Attorney ----- c. W. Parrteh. an invitation to dine with him after Ohio, by F. J. Cheney resentatIv« (R) O. L. Patterson. i»lntben»tor ............. (R)............. A. w.Gowau he became president. timonials free. The senator TWO FOR ONE. COVNTY—HARN KTt said he would gladly accept the in * fW"Sold by Druggists, price 75c. ,'Jdge ......................C. P. Rntherford. per bottle. vitation should the prediction prove (D>..........C. E. Kenyon Send for free sample and judge torTro, JR)..............1,8. Geer Ihlritl D T A. McKinnon true. thereby. The E. O. H erald and (R)............ A.Gltting. Cincinnati Weekly Ei quirer, both ltxkllMl>er'ntend*nt 'a> ■ C ha * Newe l one year for $2. Hxk inspector ..................... Ow>. Trogaski. TO FIGHT SILVER. The Enquirer is a 9 colum,8 pace •on>mi«»ion«t» •' ..................... A. A. Cowing B your crop, but plant Ferry’« of Commerce held a meeting today. plain print, good white paper. If TMUN n T c Î?^Handb^k w’’te to** >Heed«. Known and sold * our readers want another live paper, * everywhere. » oidwt S,°7 M* .B xoadwat . Naw Y ork . Only 14 members of the committee the Enquirer is that paper 8 Before you plant, get W SOCIETIES. were present. There was a discus­ Call or send orders to ’ this office. Ferry’« Swd Annual 1 w »foriContain« more prao- SYLVA REBEKAH Degree No. 43. I sion of financial problems and at andCilvalf<’rm*.t2On r°r fRrm«rs ■•«»«very 1st «nd 3d Wednesday. Tde??r’ Jhan mnny high-, its conclusion several resolutions Mailed free, j Mlaa I^la McGee N.G. a. a. first a co., orrsorr, « icm . Bam Motherahead. Rec. Sec'y. were offered. One submitted by Richard Young and seconded by A-O. U. W. Burn» Lodge, No 47 Joseph C. Hendricks read: “Re­ •«••very Id and 4th Thursday». H M Horton, M. W. solved, That the executive commit­ . J W Sayer, Rec'd JOHN F. 8TPATTON tee be required to prepare and sub­ ■ARNEY LODGE, NO. 77. i . o o f . CELEBRATED I nstruments »AS p 4 “ Od**«arNEXT PHniDENT * C. Bynt, N.G. an address inyiting the co operation I "•« nn-d. B. D. McIntyre, Secy. BANJOS, b.» .T1"* •F*®1*1 '"duc»m.n-» f9r of all the commercial bodies and 4 JOHN F STRATTON Tha neoro« of tbto Great Cough Curs la ■ * x J r AL 'T1 E*. s» 1 business men in the movement to w* .hoot a parallel in the history of medicine Mrtt»HAR?t Snndvy sore or Baek lame, use Shiloh'« Porous That it is the sense of this commit-1 P***ter. Price M eta. For sale by all Drue- Burn. d.ny forent Ci.y, jnU,med , I Powder ABSOLUTELY Pl)RE 'PLANTING, SHILOH’S COHSUMPTIOH CURE. gtote sad Dootors.