Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1896)
boy is better than one tjiat smokes cigarettes.”—Yamhill Independent. ■ * ------ r WEDNESDAY FEIlHCAKY 26 18.6 What was the man who looks like Lincoln, otherwise known as Will Ignore Corbett Shelby M. Cullom doing when Reed captured those four VOU‘8 El Paso, Tex., Feb. 22.—An As Illinois? sociated Press representative had a talk witzsimmons about the Corbett challange on the way in from the How's This? battle ground this morning. We offer One Hundred Dollars' Fitz said: “I shall completely Reward for a> y case of Catnrhj ignore that fellow. CorbeU. It was a thousand dollars of American that can not be cured by 11 tlt’d L’a- f money t<> a one-c»nt Mexican coin tarrh Cure. F. J. C heney , A Co. Propts , tlrat Pompadour Jim ¡would get in Toledo, O ' his ear just as he has. I shall use We the undersigned, have know n about the same argument once em J Cheney for 15 yean*, and be- ployed by Charlie Mitchell—‘tell him to go and get a reputation’— i iieye him perfectly honorat lr j.i all let him whip Peter Maher and Joe b“1»»*88 transaction and fin inci. Jly Choyimki before he opena bis head able to carry out any obligations at me. Both men want to fight ,na^e bv their firm, him, and I think either one of them WeBt und Truax, wholesale drug can lick him This much I shall K*8t8’ Toledo, O. insist upon. He must first win "’aiding, Kinnan A Marvin, from Maher anil Choynnki before • Wholesale druggists, Toledo, O. he gets into the ring with me. I I Ball • Catarrh Cure is taken in .whipped with ease the man Corbett ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces nf of ,h<> the presented with the championship b!ood Price 75c. per bottle. Sold in order to escape a match with me.1 •y*tem. To show Corbett how little weight by all druggists, Testimonials free. Hall’s Family Pills are the best his championship "present carried, She ïirraftl. 2, « V.Ì * OREGON 0 I M rs F. E. M c G ee , Proprietress. * This popular Hotel holds itself in point ot rank equal, it not super ior to any inland hotel and in fact compares favorably with many railroad houses. $ Encyclopedia It is'well arranged nice, cosy, comfortable rooms. rooms The eni»; part,, ent 1, a» perfect as possible for an inland town and nXXt served with care and attention. 8 P8t‘ W1^ •* Bigger and Better Than Ever Before. S 584 PAGES. S 1,500 TOPICS. Tello Everything Yon Want to Know When You Want to Know It. BURNS DRUG STORE, A VERITABLE CYCLOPEDIA OF UP-TO-DATE FACTS. An Invaluable and Unrivalled Political and Popular Hand-Book. I formally, through the Associated Press, renounce all claims to the I } READY JANUARY 1st, 1896. belt, and refus- to accept it. 1 am , g ling the Madison Square Garden a te «r i t (Postpaid by Mail. ) I for the night of February 29, with a half-dozen contracts I made con I I ditionally on winning from ‘Maher,1 Pulitzer Building, New York. and thin, with Julian, Stenzler* ,1 Ooa't Qo Without It This Presidential Year. Robert and my family, I sail for to the person submitting tho ■ England.” most meritorious invention ' during the pr< ee-ling month. < i Fitzsimmons was met by a mon WE IKK PATEN T3 ,, FOIt IX V E X !OH<, an I ilio i strous crowd here, the train arriv object of this offer Is to en courage pci-on* < au invent ing at 9 a in. Fitzsimmons and ive turn of linn*. At t lie > • same timo wo w.«h t-> lu.rixaw Julian drove to the State National | the (act :: u- 4,y ENGLISH COMMENTARY. Bank, but found it closed, it being It’s the SiHiplo, Washington’s birthday. The bank i / Said an eminent Enuli lieeienti>t recently: Trivial Itiventiotin “ The danger that cuntí unta thegieat Ameri officers were found and they turned » That Yield Forturc3 t can |>< ople to-day it nut tlio pusGblu adop over )o Fitzs'inmons lit),♦MX>. tion of a wiong financial j o.i y for the —auch rs Pn Jang's linnt nation, or tlio spread < f socia.i.-tn, or the Dan Stuart: “Gentlemen, have I » and Eyo, •‘.-Cl that H'lu p. 'll inervare of corn , n among public •Safety Pin." "ibj-S iu civil conducted thia affair to please you?’ i ) til lítese a o i> d enough, tow »urc, Li.t vur." "Air llrake." «'<• ,« Almont < very one cuoce vos they aro as iiithingc nip nil to the lei riblo Julian and Fitzsimmons respond I a bright idea at some limo or «I other. Why not pul It in prao- . ■ na1 lotial disease—1 liad a I mot said nation I ed that they were entirely satisfied, tlcal use? Ylil'lt talents nr>v r » Crime of overwork. 3'1 o mad rush f r lie in this direction M yo wealth is set at a killing p ice, and thousands and shook hands all arwund. make your fortune. W by u< i r > fall by the w y every year. try» :: :: r. :: :: Julian then handed the Associat I > t^Wrlte for further Information and v You ara likely tj to eno cf the vicLms ’ uientiou this paper. p ed Press representative the follow-' llow do we know? I ecamw it is tho OXCCt- THE PRESS GLHIMS Cd. Ji tlon to find a man or woman < f adult age In ing: perfect health. Nervous Disorders me Philip W. Avirett, Ocn. M -r., It “To the public.—We desire to' i spreading with fearful rapidity. Among t e 61N F’ Street, Northwest, || symptoms, are—Backa< he, '¡.uousnem, (Ku thank the kind people of J tirez, i * WASHINGTON, ú. V. O Hands a d Feet, Dixzioe.«, Hot 1, Mexico, for their kind and corteoua Fluttering Sensiii- n, Fai tint.’, Head die, I VThr responsibility ot i. , «.lupany l » Hysteria, Irritability of the Heart, Alelan may tm judged by tl.r •». t Itisi it« <» treatment of us during the time con-1 ili» k is Imld by uvei i,« tl.i.iisan i • ) cboly, l aili g Memory, I’a'pitation, Liuu- < ! the lenduig > 11. tl|v ( .' matism, bh rt Rieath. Fleepltssness, ?.< r suined in training for the fight just » l oltvc Stalos. • Tons Dyspepsia, Sexual Debility, Fits, etc ended We shall always bear pleas R ev . C. A. C arroll , pastor First I!. p-i.-t Church Yellow Spri gs, <>.. writes as fob< i : ant remembrance« of that place “ 1 harcu-ed Dr. Miles' Restorative Neri tie and its charming people, from the for tho p ist six ni nths. 1 find it acts hl e a charm on the whole nervi na system. 1 governor down to the humblest have not found itseoual in giving immediate man. We shall try to avuare our-1 relief. I>r. Miles’ little Nerve and Liver Pills only nets! a trial and thev will recom selves hon«rablv with the Mexican mend themselves to be tl.e beat pills in the government, if they think we com market.” “ For five years I have suffered from Ner mitted any wrong Car»*!», ami Trade Mark, obtained, and all eat vous 1* <>st rat ion. I was unalde to work or “(Signed) B oh F itzsimmons , en I,— eondneted for Moderate T h *. »l«s p. The first do«'of Dr. Hiles’ Restora II U \\ BECOME. Proprietor. Pl^ICE 25 ce HT s . 3100.00 Given Away Every Month DRUGS, PAINTS, GLASS, TOILET ARTI CLES OF ALL KINDS, ETC T he W orld , Prescriptions carefully compounded by a Registered Pharmacist America’s Great Danger T. O. Poy’s Restaurant. RURNS, Meals 25 cents, Board per week, S3 53 □ I MAMTIN JlT.IAN ” Maher’s backers are going to challenge Fitzsimmons for another battle for $5.000. It is understood that lulian will offer Maher induce menta for a four-round glove con test at Madison Sqqa*e Garden. New York, on the 29th. Our (Ml • >a Ovoo.lte U S P.ttest OMro. will «e ran aerurv patent ta lea» time than tboon '•uiote from W Mhta»’toa. (tend tmalel. drswtng or photo with desrrip- Ion Wr adalae. If patentable er not. free of hirer Our fee not due till patent I. •rr.trd. * Pamnhtet. "Iluw tn Obtain 1‘atenta." with name« fa, lual client» tn your State, county, or loan, tent free Addre»*, C.A.SNOW&CO. Oppcsite Patent OSes. W.ahir«ton, 0. C. p live Nervine give m-relief, and one th u »•ml dollar* would not cover tl e go- d it I as done me-‘-JOHN MINCHER, Youngs town, Ohio. 0 og,in. Poy is a good cook and very accommodating. ' Near Lochei’s hill. THOROUGHBRED BUCKS FOR SAIF W, D. Huffman Turns Ore i 1 horoi ghbred and High Grade Spanish Merino Bucks. From 300 to .500 Head. Price from $4.00 to $15.00 per Head Thsse Bucks are from the Cunnlngtonl top Ranch, Umatilla Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine is un equalled in ct HiNu Nervous Dise-ases. It I mniatns n > opiates or dangerous ding». Sold jn a jwMttive guarantee bv all druggists, or t*. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. RED FRONT LIVERY A father wrote to an editor for instruction** how to »top his boy from smoking cigarettes and got the following reply: ”W« suggest bribery, poreumdon, instruction or On the Corner South of the French Hotel, Main Stre«t. shutting otrjullowaner. Then if hs remains obstinal«, use rawhide on JOE GILL — — . _ _ Proprietor raw hid«. Welt him until he ta Kverv*>odv know*. Joe and a horse under his car« will never suffer ready to hold up hi* hand and for something to ext. promise never again to smoke an At the old stand South East of the H krald office. Ben’s assort other cigarette If that does i.ot ment of Japanear goods is verv tine and , considering the quality verv heap. . w * » * MW*Further Joe is an oLl ataMe keeper, having had «ever«! year« work, drown him A drowned jexpeneucein a first claea stable in Corvallia. STABLE.