Business Locals. new special varieties, both in fruits and ornamentals to offer, which are controlled only by us. We pay —Don’t forget Henry Cheatham 'commission or salary. Write us at barber, desires a part of your pat ’once for terms, and secure choice ronage, at the new barber shop. of temtorv. —Who said you couldn’t get a M ay B rothers , Nurserymen, good flavored cigar in town for five Rochester, N Y. cents? Call at the City Drug Store and inquire. For Sale Or Trade. — Builders tools ands of all kind —100 acres of fine fruit land in building hardware at the Burns ’ 10 acre lots 5 miles south of Eugene hardware store, at bottom prices Oregon, 1 mile west of Spenser for cast. Butte. Lots at $400 each Horses -The Saloon, in the new hotel j and cattie part pav On "e.cb’lot’if building. Richardson and Stephens I the purchaaer ao deajre8 For fur- proprietors, is mcely furnished and I lh„ inforaiation inquire at tbi, . its customers is given the bertjoffice> ands of liquors and cigars. —Dr. Cate is kept pretty A Marvwlona DiKavtry Frew busy j A" OLD AWI> W«LLT*i«t> R khrdy .— Mr*. The universal good dentistry done J . Wind*low'» XMdbiug i-vrup hu been used for ys»r* by million» of mother* for their bv hi m has gained for the Dr. a 1 OTer children while teething, with perfect *ucee*a. , Itaoothe* the child, »often* the gum*, allays lasting reputation. »11 pain, core« wind colic, and la toe beat rema edr for Dlarrheoea. la pleaaant to (be taate Hold by Drnaris a In erery part of the world. Twenty flreceuta a bottle. Jta value ia inrala lable. Be an re and ark for Mr*. Windaluw'a Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. — I^e Caldwell’s Saloon now running on a cash basis is well pat ronized and the proprietor finds the cash system to be good for him self, also, his customer«. He is thankful for past »nd present pat ronage and courteously solicits his friands to continue their patronage ICK MASON, PLASTER - ER and VENEERING. Rich Red Blood I* the Foundation of the Wonderful Cures by Hood’s Sarsaparilla. That 1» Why the cures by Hood’s 8ar- eananlla are C vrkb . That to Why Hood’s 8*-sapar'll* cures the se-e-sst cases of Scrofula, Salt Rheum and o'.hrr blood diseases. That to Why it overcomes That Tired Feeling, strengthens the nerves, gives energy in place of exhaustion. That to Why the sales of Hood’s Sar saparilla have lncrwed year after year, until it now require* for its production the largest Laboratory in the world. Hood’s B- d B and I nstruments W.U^Moar WEXT PRCHDEST Row 1« two time to form new Bend» for Cam oa I go pur- '• We are offering aoectal inducements for |&9f MW W .«ee tor inwetral.d I 0*1*0* JOHN F STRATTON B*rvr«wvnaaaa — Parties not conversant with the Veneering process and want .nicely finished wall in residence, will do well to consult Mr MnT. »L “ before finishing with rustic. • * fr» ! Is the only True Blood Purifier promi nently ri the public eye today. Be »uro to g?t Pood’« and only Hood’*. Hood’s P*!ls to b-*T. e»<v to take- tdiy lu MCect. 2ûceuU. I BURNS, Band Instruments DRUMS,°FIFES, Piccolosand Band Supplies. «y---.-- .. JOHN F. STRATTON*! r_T~v r-. r.’-j'” U « <kh. i I V1« <1 t>* 1* ». I f an.’ Whoksal- Dealen In all kinds rAUatCAL MERCHANDISE, X. « » W • t X-r»Ù L U |'\CW V urk hiw TORS. I «»-«••• «ta VL-W«n«Un la alltl>4>.f MUSICAL MKRCHANDISE, I Vl»tti ». Cuitara. Baajo«. AccwSeaa«. Hanseat. A*». U, r!l t r.iijcl Strings, cl«., aie. * Davo Braham th«, p-pnlnr co-np«'.er *à>»U,r'V,Ur MuU'J ** •t ar ig-“’» I bvalr«, New York, March l»t. 1*04. Measra J hn F. Stratton IWar Mrs —I bava given your Russian Gut V1..lla Strings a thorough trial, and a-n plaas- ed to state that they are the best toned ami ! n»v»t durable »trtng* I have ever turd I Yours reap;.. P a \ m IkUUAM 1 «’OHM F. OTRATTvU’8 CEI FURAI ED GUITARS. Imr ••vei.nJ t> bowels IV»lw M »II k.nd« <d MUSICAL MKRCMANCMSC. Cl 1,813,313,817 East Oth ‘JL.Ncw YorL i JOHN F. STRATTON’S Violin String* Bifsinfhn Stili Striip HI I. HIS. SIA. HIT K. »th St NSW VMA. OREGON SONS, P roprietors TONSORIAL PAKLOR, i WALTON 1 This large and comfortable hotel is well furnished and the proprie tors use every effort possible to make their guests feel at home The table is at all times supplied with everything the fords. Bathes at all hours. market af Give The Burns a call and we feel assured you will continue to be its guest when in town. GEO. S. SIZEMORE,----------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- 1 ATTORNEY, B urns , ................................. O regon . Collection*, Land businesa, and Rea) Eatate matter promptlv attended to. IERRAT HICKS, C*MYOM C ity . J. W BIGGS, B vbns . PIONEER DRUG Hicks & Biggs [W. E. G race ’ s STORE. oi . d stand ] ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Offices at Canyon City and Burns A C Worthington ........................................................... » in _-^ .......... ProDrietor. » DRUGS, BOOKS, STATIONARY, DYES, PAINTS, PERFUMES TOILET ARTICLES, AND NOTIONS. R B M’PH^ST’Cin ’< D A full line of School Books and School Supplies. Confection« Nuts and fruits. z-iiytoiciHn ôi 2>urge^n. , g>^r*Mail orders promptly filled. A graduate of the Iowa State t University and College of Phyai-1 ciana and Surgeons. t Office at residence in Burns. ’ NEW YORK WORLD. Burns Ontario Stage Dine. The Twice-a-week Edition of the New Yo.k World has been convert ed into the Thrice-a week. It fur Leaves Burns daily at 6:30 p m . Arrives at Ontario in 42 hours nishes 3 pajwrs of t> pages apiece, or eighteen pages every week, at Fare One way $7.50. Round trip $15.00. the old price of One l>ollar a year.' This gives 156 paper a year for One i Through freight 3jcts. a pound. Dollar and every paper has 6 pages Two days notice at any P. O. on the route and covered coaches wll eight columns wide or 48 columns be furnished for passangers. H. A. Williams. Proprietor in all. The Thrice-a-weck World is not only much larger than any week I v or semi-weeklv newspaper, but it furnishes the news with much greater frequency and . promptness. In fact it combines all the crisp, fresh qualities of a daily with the attractive «necial features of a eev-kly. Arrangements have bee. .«de H M. HORTON........................................................ Proprietor by which we can furnish thu per and the Thrice-a-Week N • fork Worldb»»th for $2 25 a year. Take advantage of this ofier a I get v ^ udeaijirs ' y -^. ■ y«»ur own local paper and th«| DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES Thrice a-Week World at this special, STATIONERY. DIAMOND DYES. CHOICE PERFUMES rale. T he H erald . City Drug Store CkLKBAATW joh« r. sifittOT."££r - jorrt r. strattos CdfbhilKl Umili Git it» Fnwat »«» * avM «vary Mv«ng W»rv»am4 Sea. tar ka flA.rBOLIN8, Yow ar« likely to be one of the victims * llow do we know ? Docauae it i* the cXOCp lion to tind a man or woman of adult age hi perfect health. Nervosa Disorder« are Dr. Miles Medical On-, Elkhart, Ind. w- (xLESRATLD Haiti an eminent Et>Kli»l> scientist recently I •The «lunger tliul confront* thegieat Ameri can |wo|>le loviay i* not the poMdhle adop tion of a wrong financial policy for the nation, or the spread of socialiam, or ths in. rva*e of corruption among Public men. til the«s aie bud enough, to bo sure, but they are a* nothing compared to the teirible na'lonal diaeass—I had almost said nation I or I me of overwork. The mud rush f. i wealth is art at a hilling p«<-e, and tbouoand* fall by the way every year. Dr. Miles* Re«toratlv« Nervine is un - - - N. COMEGYS A Send for JOHN F. STRATTON, Catalogue. 811. SI S. S 15. S1 7 E 9th St . N.Y I AN ENGLISH COMMENTARY. equalled iu t-vaiuu Nervous Ihiraae*. It atmain» m> opiates or dangerous d«nss. Hold S*i a |«wlro guarantee bv all «IniggteK « HOTEL BURNS. »iw roaa JOHN F. STRATTON’8 jâ Ctlrbratrd 7 spreading with fearful rapidity. Among the •ymptoma, are—Backache, 'idionsnews Cold I land* and beet, Diui <■«•<. Hot t luahca, Fluttering Kenaalion, Fait ting, llend. che, II vmv ia. Irritability of the Heart. M«-lan choly, Failing Memory, l*alpitation, Khcu- mat «»tn, Nh. rt liteath. blrepl« «atH-Mi, 5«r voua Ity«|>e|Mda, Hemal Debility, Fits, etc Rr.v. c. 4. C * a no lx , paator Fimt Itepti-t Church, Yellow Bprioga, <»., writes as fol.« w»: ** 1 have w>ed l>r. Miles' Restorative Nervine fur the p«»l ait month*. I fitxl it acts like a charm on the whole nervous system. 1 have not found itsoiual in giving immediate relief. Dr. Miles* little Nerve and l.iver Pills only neevl a trial and they will recom meml themaelvss to be tLe best pdle in ths market.** • For five years I have soft-red from Ner vous Piostraluwi, 1 was unal>le to work or •leep. The first dose of Dr. Mil««* Restore live NrrvlMgws me relief, ami one th. u sand dolhrs would not cover tie go. d It I'»« dona me -JOHN MINClIKli, Young» town, Ohio. • Bum., ore,.„. THE »TH *TTO~ fit free. Any energetic woman can make from $16 to $50 weekly. Send for circulars and terms. HYGEIA M’F’G CO , 378 St., New York. America’s Great Danger . Veneei¡Dg box, or frams houses almost as cheap as rustic and much more comfortable—makes a «olid wall, durable, very warm ’ winter and cool and pleasant in summer. 1,1 Will Wrk WANTED in every county to in troduce the Celebrated ‘‘Hygeia” Waists *br all ages. This waist supercedes the corset, and has re ceived the unanimous approval of physicians of America. $3.00 out i . I Everything in their line guaranteed to be done satisfactorily. I _ Brick Always on Hand for Local Custom. P roprietors , WUkul, r>Mi.n la all kfc4..t TAUSICAk ter. . >-tn». Guitar* Banjo*. Mandot'n-*,, Sc ord. c Kizmonl »1. wc.. *11 kind* cf Cirino«, • te..«te •ÌL1V * ULto. . Sarsaparilla ~ ROBINSON A JOH.1 F. FTRATTON CELJURATLD M c I ntyre , le* Vtslla «altw. BssAeNa. tea»* Fuwal MaS» «atra riatta Waoamta ata «a mal ta»« la» i-aQ| JOHN F. •TRATTOM. fwesrla», ■saatorv».*» «ad Wbataseta tostar* »11. SII. SI A. «HT E. Sth SL. N. Y. A FANCY TOILET ARTICLES. TOBACCO, CIGARS ETC. grvwu*»*»« Fine Wines & Liquors for Medical Purposes Pr*** ri ptions accurately compounded. First Class Dental Work D om