BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. FEBRUARY 26 1896, Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report Governor Ahumada left Juarez i _______ last night for Cbihuahu i after mak I Cedar Falls, Feb. 18-When solemn declaration: “Should ,VIRÏ WEDSESCAY Mort Truesdell, of Kenosha, Wis„ the lighters give battle on Chihua confessed at a revival meeting to hua soil I will arrest the principles . SON. ’ P«»™*™“’- the murder of a man named Sheld-J better8> ’P^tator« and newspaper on, at Leadville, Colo., September correspondents, and not one will ------- escape a three years’ sentence in ' 10. 1890, he said: „»CBroO» BATES. I “I have been trying to lead a prison.’’ - r ............ ; . loo & ........ ™ I Christian life for several years, but HERALD cl UB P st II w to Prevent Croup »—Get one of I. S. Geer & C o ’ b —John Sweitzer,carpenter,under­ 5,00 have been conscious all the time 5.20 premium purchase tickets. This taker and cabinet-maker. His work­ I am 5.20 that I was a great sinner. ,nd Hsfr**,’ Young People... 3.75 Croup is a tarror toyoung mothers shop is in the old saloon building firm agreeB to give the holder of guilty of murder and ready to sur- ,nd y,inifold Cyclopedia, .2.90 . .i,ien • MW» y , j 55 ctn„; rende8 myself to the officers. I and to post them concering the next door south of Worthington’s. such tickets a fine life size Crayon want to serve the Lord, and cannot cause, first symptoms and treat­ Mr.Sweitzer guarantees hie work at j Portrait absolutely free of any . (.,.,1 »11 Ihe «bove works can be ex • ¿^¿reiu the Reading Room- do it without leaving off this awful ment is the object of this item. pricy« to suit the hard times. Cof-1 charge, by purchasing $20 worth The origin of croup is a common' fii I made to ordtf. Will take pro of goods for cash at their store. It , .d neriodicals are solicited J burden.” „ fcopvof their work for To a repc.rterJTruesdell aft rward 1 cold, Children who are subject ¡to dtiee partlv for work and balance in is not necessary that the whole ■/. li .oil—"v and bind the 1 XWen'half-volume, end w o amount should be purchased at one it tske cold very t-asily and “rouP|Ca«h. made the following c »nfession: by ,dverti«eaient. timo, but any amount from 5 cents “I first met the man I murdered is almost sure to follow. The first 8vmpton is hoarseness; this is soon ———— to $20 as explained upon tho tick­ at Springfield, III., the 28th day of ADVERTISING KATES: ï,„.«(■>uk I imo I 3 mo I 6 mo I 1 yr July, 1890. He and I traveled from followed by a peculiar rotiSh cough, j a good ranch belonging to H. G. ets. there to Colorado together. I h id which is easily recognized and will Campbell, containing 160 acres 12 Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy been a private detective in Wiscon­ never be forgotten by cne who has! miles south east of Burns. This 211.00 32.00 50.00 cures colds, croup and whooping 28.00 48.00 54,00 sin. I was .still a detective, but heard it. The time to act is when ranch haB aboi>t 100 acres of good 48.00 80.00 120.00 t"he child first becomes hoarse. If ' meadow land. Price $800 or will cough. It is pleasant. 6afe and re­ (¡0.00 110.00 140.00 had no authority outside of th; t| liable. For sale by all druggists. The fellow’8 name was Bill Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is I trade for sheep. state JOB WORK B yrd & K ing . Sheldon or Shelton, 1 don’t know , freely given all tendency to croup ' will soon disappear. • Even after »very description executed with neatnes« which. At Tennessee Pass I was Idetptieh. at reMOUkble rate«. Pamphlets I taken sick Foster«, with mountain fever. | the croupy cough has developed it resit«, Letter Heads... Bill Head«, avelopef, tnnts i< r Catarrh Card«, Tieneta, Note Head«, I was s'ck only one night. Slfeldon will prevent the attack. There is rot tementi, Dodger«, Ete. mvrtnda, Invitation«, that contain Mrcnry, CUAF ISTHEBEST. was then with me, and while I was no danger in giving this remedy for (J J OllVE, FIT FOR A KINO. Tni H srald 1« kept regularly on file for re . cordovan ; »reorr,in"'« Geo. P. Rowell Newspaper Ad- in bed he rifled my pockets, taking it contains nothing injurious. --------------- L, New York. FRENCH A ENAMELLED CALF. «ruling Bureau, 10 Spruce at. ! as mercury will shrely destroy the some private letters which contained 4.#3.sp F ine C alf & K angaroo . i sense of rmell and completely de­ ♦ 3.50 POLICE,3 50LE3. matter showing I was a detective. I OFFICIAL DIRECTORY TWO FOR ONE. range the whole system when en- <2ioS2. workingmen ’ s II did not kuow he took the letter« -EXTRA FINE- 1 tering it through the mucous sur- until we had trouble the next day. »2>I.7®BOYS'SCHOTLSHQE1 national : Send for free sample and juy^c^ace^ . Such articles should never ■LADIES1 Ir. the morning we started afoot fur thereby. The E. O. H erald and President ........ Grover Cleveland fire-Presideut........................... Adlai Stevenson I be used except on prescriptions When within a few Cincinnati Weekly Ei quirer, both kcretary of State ......... Richard 8, 011 ey . Leadville. hcreliry of Treasury ......... John G. Carlisle from reputable physicians, as the Jjcretiry of Interior .................... Hoke Smith miles of that city I gave out and one year for $2. ircrataryof War . Daniel 8. Lamont BROCKTON,J^LASS. The Enquirer isa9 colum.8 pace damage they will do is ten foid to' Secretary of Navy .. Hilary A. Herbert i could go no further. . Sheldon be Over One Million People wear the «Ternaryof Agriculture. ..J. Sterling Morton paper, issued each Thursday. the good you can possibly derive 1 spoke of tttorney General Judson Hannon | gan swearing at me and Largest in size,cheapest in price, from them. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, l W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes fostmaiter General ........... Wm. L Wilson - my the letters he had taken from All our shoes are equally rat is factory 8TATE—OREGON! | most reliable in news,all large type, manufactured by F. J. Cheney &. | They give the best value for tho money. G. W w. MeSrlA« McBride. ' 1 pockets. I G plain print, good white paper. If fenfora They equal custom Shoes In style and fit. J. H.Mitchell. , . TT . , , , . , wearing qualities are unsurpassed. |Binger Hermann IiC 8< ople to-day is not tho powible adop­ inrveyur tion of a wrong financial poli y for the D . T A. McKinnon «iwrii (R) ............ A. Gittings side, and took the knife and a watch nation, or tho ttpreud of socialism, or tho liseuor • (D)..............S. W. Miller of corruption among public men. •’bool 8upenntend«nt ..tR) ..C has . Newe l and lode into Leadville with a increaao «'•'«k lntpecior til »IK-HO a e bud enough, to bo oure, but ...................Geo. Tregaskis farmer, 1 do not know whether they are bh nothing compared to the Leinble < D) * A. B. Marks Rouonluionera well begun Is half done. Begin rR? i tta1 tonal disease—1 had a)mo.-t Baid nation I R. R Sitx. the hotly was ever found or not.” well by getting Ferry’s Seeds. M C imo -of overwork. Tho mad rush 1 r CONFESSED TO MURDER. I Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE ■ W.L. D ouglas F plan ™^ HARNEY Se«i«ter Receiver u H, LAND OFFICE: .................. Thoma« Jones ......................A. A. Cowing FITZSIMMONS IS PLEASED SOCIETIES. Ycu are likely to be one of the victims * 1 low do we know ? Because it is tho excep­ Ferry’« Seed Annual 1 i tion to find a man or woman of adult age in (K-rfeet health. Nervous Disorders ne spreading with fearful rapidity. Among ti e symptoms, are—Backache, Biliousness, Cold Hands aod Feet, Dizzines*, llot Flushes, i Fluttering Sensation, Fainting, Headache, Hysteria, Irritability of the Heart, Melan- ' choly, Faiii g Memory, Palpitation. Rheu­ matism, 8h' rt Breath, Sleeplessness, .Ner­ vous I lyspepsia, Hezual Debility, p its, etc R ev . C. A. C arroll , pastor First Bapiist Church. Yellow Sprirga, O., writes as follow»: “ I have Used Dr. Miles’ Restorative Nervine for tho past six months. I find it acts like ' a ch irm on the whole nervous system. 1 hnve not found itseoual in giving immediate relief. Dr. Miles’ little Nerve and Liver I’illsonly need a trial and they will recom- mend themselves to be the best pills in the market.” “For five years I have suffered from Ner­ vous Pioatration, I was unable to work or 1 sleep. The first dose of Dr. Miles' Restora­ tive NerviB« gave me relief, and one tin u »and dollars would not cover the good it ba« done me.”—JOHN MINCHER, Youngs­ town, Ohio. Dr. Mlles* Restorativs Nerv I m is un equalled in curwo Nervous r^— rr. It El Paso, Tex.. Feb. 18—Fitzsim­ mons, after reading the interview given in Chicago yesterday by James J. Corbett, and learning A. O. U. W. Burna Lodge, No. 47 that he could have a fight with the Meeta«Tery 2d and 4thThursday«. latter before a London club, ex H M Horton, M. W. J. W Sayer, Rec'd claimed: “That suits me: I will H arney lodge , no . 77, i . o o f . fight Corbett anywhere and at any » m V™ “ Odd F,1Iuw* Hall, ever j Saturday, time. All I ask is that we be se­ w. C. Byrd. N.G. B. D. McIntyre, Secy. cure against interference. I would 1 l>e ready for hi EK the day after the HARNEY POST NO. 4«. G. A. R. Maher fight, if he were here and «¿¡¡‘.‘.'VL'ti,1"1 « Wednesday of each r»ady to fight.” Hall. All Comrads " »owdstandlBginvltod. Practically all the sperting men have left the city, and only the cor- < respondents are now waiting the V. I. MAILI. I big fight Fitzsimmons has re­ ■can»— salk : k rrlvesand departs daily, sumed training, but will do only leans— cam vow city : light work. He is in splendid con­ ’»•asmccicau t j DETROIT, „IhOYbahn. Musical standard Theatre Orchestra. I^irest circulation of any sclenUflo paper In the ^P'ondkUy illustrated. No intelligent man should be without It. Weekly n*i