g 1 "$100.00 Given Away Every Month e> ♦» «. <> <. ♦ . • < » • i i » « • j I < * to the person submitting the ■lont merituriouo iaveatloa during the precedi»» WE HK< LKK PATENTS POH INVENTORS, end the object of thia off- r is to en courage perrons of an l''v*nt- i»e turn of mind. M ine Minp time we wish to impresa the iati that :: ~ ;i I } Philip W. Avlrctt, Ocn. Mir., ttsTWES * co. •Metal notice In IM Mele mile A thus are brought widely before tbe out eott to the Inventor. Tbit splendid P*P*s iMued weekly, eleiient ly illustrated, baa by tat the lanreat circulation of any ecientiflc w9rjtJp world. *3 a year. Sample copies sent free- • Bl tTAi "'piit««. 1» totora. «’O MLNNÍC u T w T w Y ohb . 381 BtoiDWT. □ THE PRESS CLHIMS CO. t> lì 61H I* Street, Northwest, o W ASHINGTON. Ü. C- C 'The reap;■n-tt>ll *v ' f « » . «•.«•»rv <* n.sy t»o hi«l<<*<l by the ’a* f tm- ’ * .t.H Kiahe . úy ove» i.» tl.> u-s '• < t ll.e Irudlng Oc«.».al»«» IV C‘<’ * l ulled »tales. JOHN F. STRATTON’S Celebrated ALSO DRUMS,FIFES. Piccolosand Band Supplies. Send for JOHN F. STRATTON, Cxt.logu*. 811.Bl3.B15.817 E. 9th St.. N.Y i T’» t • .Ahri Musica! Dlr ¿ctor ■ J TL. ut:v ori l.'.vtrn Ciiic go. Illa Apr!!. II, ! ’•L Job i " ' rt»:»» n Lea- Sirs -< i t<> ba a< 'e f<> ’tn'- I ' at I < i h lily ». < n.h.end y> • r ,.u» . lull * * * ?*• I g-f r»‘nr ib,',»e ead t< k uuri. tir tu ta »L .Uld le t. u.en¿ .1.-5 trulv. D _,v !ii C.A.SNOW&CO. PLANTING MUSICAL MCRCHANDISE. i I -0?F^ ~ , Caveats, and Trade-Mark» obtained, and all Vat* ent bnsine-.» conducted for Moderate I ecs. Our 0 ice Opoori'e U. S. P ten« Office, tnd we r-n ee.’i're patent ia less time than those •emote from Wazhington. ■ »• Send model, nraw'.ng or photo., with descrip- ion. We advise, if patentable or not. free of barge. Onr fee not due till patent is secured. A P wnblri. "How to Obtain Patent».-’ with uamesofaciu.il clients Id your State, county, or town, sen; free Address, Opposite Patent Office, Washington, D. C. li well begun la half done. Begin well by getting Ferry’» Seed,. Don't let chance determine your crop, but plant Ferry's Heeds. Known and sold everywhere. Before you plant, gdt‘ ; GOOD £ Journals Ferry's Seed Annual for m*i. Contains more prao tlcal Information for farmers t \ and gardener» thuti many high- priced tevt lajokv. Mailed free, j v. s. rtauv a <o., nrraoir, F' "’CUÍ x . ■ - < ' «13 V i .¿'-f I*...'-. ................. , - «b IV«'. ■ all ■' ■ -»4 ■ ” >T ---- -+*---- —THIS PAPER— ----- WITH----- THE S N FRANCISCO Wue'ily Call! IHE SAN FRANCIS 0 Morning Call! I I -------- -H-------- 1 I , »iglit- page paper. It is la.urd every Thurwlav, and contain, ail <»f I I the itiiportHnt new, of the week, glenned from every qu >r- ter of the globe, complete up to dnte of publ cation. It fur- niahes the latest and mo»l reliable financial news’ »nd l (R being the LKA1I1NO NEW'S. WHOLESALE PRICES PAPER <•! the I'acilte Coast. Either of the above ; aper» w. wilt send po-tniid a, a pre- tnriwg Waaona, BBOtoSAS. ». »-w »• w.i « - w- K. • x u Boatl Wagon*. Sorveva »Wk «... m, sao. eaew *• mi Ito, am u W»a Top Muggiea *• ton *•838. Ftvaetone *• to. *. >e». DPILY CUI W. B. PRATT, Secretary, Elkhart, Ind Ain » j I ’ • 1 & • STOCK BRAND8. Hors brand bar ten on left shoulder; Cattl, bar ten on left hip and upper clip on both ears. T. A. McKinnon, Burn* Ore. Hardin A Riley, cattle branded Von left side Horse brand T left side. p. o. Burns,Oregon J. C, Foley, cattle brand = on right side Horse brand — on left shoulder. • Cattle brand, IL. on left rib under bit la left ear, ti ider slope in ri ;ht car Horse brasd 71 on right stille. R E J. A. Williams P, 0. Riley Or. Hors, branded P on right shoulder, cattle F on right hip. R. A. Hendricks, P.O. LawenOr Horse brand 345 on left ahonlder, also three dot*.', in shaimof triangle,cattle braudedsama E. E. Grout Burna Or. Mis* Roaa Dickenaon Horse brand anvil ej left »title. Cattle branded bar.R on left hip. r <J. Laweu Ore. J. P Dickenaon cattle brand J P connected co left hip Hora* brand anvil on left stifle. P. « Law.n Ore Cattle brand figure 7on either hip: marklifM crop off each .ar, slip in each ear, and w»tt on left jaw. Horae brand flgureToneitlier hi> J. H. Bniiyard,Burn»,0r* Geo William*, horse» and mule, bra rounding w, on right stifle. P.O. Rosy Horse brand lmr m on left shoulder; i *f’_* brand har m on left hip and ribs. Catherine Marshall P O Narrow »Ore. Horae brand on left shoulder S H l RPb.R’s Weekly I* a pictorial htatnry of the time*. It preaenta every important event p . mptly, accurately, and .xhaueti’ elv iu il- o’ Jr*'' ’U an<1 dc,rriPt,ve text of the higneat Jii»»La*t» Stanc.lift. Burna Ore. Horae brand J ou left ahoulder and same o* right ear and a crip and split in left.*1 H O. on left shoulder. A. Oro Per Year I Cattle and hone brand T with half eiri le un d«r. G. W. Thompaou, U«*n. O’«- n *he b*’,n w,,h ”>* «f»1 nuu ar .or January of ea-h )var. when ns with iyJ\n‘*’L."ne ’’ •',l*<”fe’i>m will begit of knUr b*r eBr"“n' ““>•“«•<»» receljs K Al A » »UK ♦2 50 • • • If your grocer doesn’t keep it send us his name with ioc anj get a large box and a valuable family household book tree. Cattle diamond on left hip; hor shoulder. Charles il. Voegtlzy, Burns ) • I L L T 8 T R A T E D. ....4 ot 4 Oc M 2 nr ,h» United - Rte. i an.di. or'McYiei:"”’” v""- harness . Wa*. to», »togto, rtoekto .»a Farm a.Mto. rt> *««. wk » a i .-«« ear v ■«*»». u, rx* Lasts Seven times !on^r Looks Seven times better Than About Seven times, cleaner Stove About Two times cheaper^ About Two times handier Horses branded )-( on left stifle. Cattle brasi, ed )-( on left hip. Marion Bunyard, PO Burr» W Hau’s . HARPER'S bvzar HARPER’S M ag vztne 'I V RIM K'S WEEKLY ... H AR PER ’S VOUNG »arr iva IUUNG PEOPI. r m combina. I<>a : •F \CJLOSS FREE BRAND COLUMN. Poatage Freetoali subscriber* in the States. Canada, or Mexico. The Volume* of the Weekly will be? ’bf Hrst Number for January of ea W hen no time is mentioned, subscript begin with the Number current at ll ceipt of order. it.mi,d Volumes of Harper's Weekly f year* ba< k. in neat doth binding, will >y mail Pottage paid, or by express, fr pease (provided the freight doe* not ex per volume) for »7 00 a volume. I loth Cas.*s for each Volume, s tita binding wfn be sent by mail poat-paid ceipt of 31. Remittance* should be made by Poa Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance o Addreaa: H ARPER A BRorilERd, Ne ) AUDifeb L.. ,p :. Y.v; N<x LW K«wl W mvi . cts . / HARPER’S PERIODICALS niium on r-eeict of the follow. Ing subscription prices fur the [J6.00 C Phil Smith Burns I he manner in which, during 1W, it ha* »:ed the l hiaago Railroad Strike* and the • J»l>ane*e War. and the au.ount of light 9, Lampahire and Son cattle brand Q w»« a > e to throw on Korea the instant atteu- i": was ■> eete.1 to that little known county, connected. Far mark swallow fork in right ear arc c »amp.c* of it* almost boundless resource*. ■ u ia■. R,i ph. the distinguished writer aud underbit in left. P, O. Burns ora. ’ crje»! ... e:,t. ha* been aeut to ihe teat of war, and th.re joined by c D. Weldou. now for Honea and Cattle branded J P on May n an, y ears resident iu Japan, who baa been der utne bonded JP connected. ?'»'■ r"1? wUh Mr Kalph in Send- Price, Burn* Or. I lion H arper - W l-.EKLY exclusive informa tion and illustration Herman Ruh cattle brand g on i ,g. •r crop off-and swallow fork in left ear rl*“ ear uuder alope, P. O. 1-awen. » I > Catti, brand, H O. on left hip. ",’deru ------- •+•-------- I TEN mnacle of right hind leg. Ore. HI MoitNING CAI.I. (Kava» tMum « iVuitx) il»’,' i 1» a live m.-tmi ilailv. h ia the MOST KEL1A- ¡I I. E. aud i, recNiRi>ixe<t a« I vsJTOVE HARPER’S PERIODICALS. I I market quotation«, a< d give, •peclal attenti; n to liortieuL taral and agrlrnltural new^ ana ia In every re»i eet a fltwt. ,I*M family i>at>er, appemi g to Ihr intereel of every utcaibsr of the h'-u»ehold. THOMA A, CO. Bnnk^rs F'l.J nd , Brokers 2M-242 Railto Building . Chicago TEN cts . The volumes of the Magazine begin with the Numbers for June and December oi • eac ii vear. When no time is specified, sub , scriptions will begin with the Number cur-1 rent at time of receipt of order. Bound volumes ot Harper’s Magazine for I three years bacg, in neat cloth binding will I be sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of |3 ; per volume. Cloth Cases, for binding 59 ¡cents each—by mail, post-paid. Remittances should be made by Postoffice Money Order, or Draft, to avoid chanc o' loss. 1 Address HARPER A BROTHERS, Nev York. | “T"-IIK SAN FRANCISCO « 5 WEEKLY CALL hamfaotno wEVEN J HARPER’S MAGAZINE................... «.Of 519 MONTGOMERY ST.. S. F.. CAL HARPER'S WEEKLY ..................... 4.0( I HARPER'S BAZAR ........................... 4.0( HARPER’S YOUNG PEOPLE.......... 2.00 Postage Free to all Subscriber, in the United States, Canada, or Mexico. • PK1<-K8<1.<»' HI R1KAK 1« a TEN cts . Donnellan & Co., A^ts., Per Year: HARPER WEEKLY ....... HARPER’S MAGAZINE..............." | HARPER’S BAZAR... HARPER’S YOUNG PFOPLE ----- OR----- originated bv m All sucocessful speculators op»>rateon a regular system It ia a well known fact that there are thousands of men in all parts of th- I'nited States who. by systematic trading through Chicago brok ers m ike larg,. amounts every year, ranging from a few thousand dollars f >1 lb. nnn who invests a hundred or two dollars up to 150,000 to f 1" * »NN» or more by those who invest a few thousand It is also n fact that those who make the largest profits from com parativ Iv small investments on this plan an* persons who live away from l hi.-,g • and invest through brokers who thuroughlv understand Si stem itic trading. <> ir pltn does not risk the whole amount invested on i:nv trade,but r - - I .th »ides, so that whether the market rises or falls it brings a st cl . profit that piles up enormous!v in a short time WHITE FOR CONVINCING PROOFS, «l o < our ... Msnuil on >1 sp < nlation and our Daily .Market Report, full I of money hiding I'nintrr, ALL FRRE. Our manual ex pl tins margin tra ling full, Highest references in regard to our standing and *■' I »r birther information address ,*» «‘»’m rrv«» *• . HARPER’S PER 01‘iCS PER year : micacst.sa PF.KY. Ak, .Mwin 00 F0R E^H oail4R I^vSTED UN BE MADE 6) OUR wl w. — Systemitic Pian H Sjasiilaiioii -------— ■ ’ f —• —’ w»« v »ar »••• rvirir laa# all Lte* r|»fc daniA* v in i The Simpleton, a new noxel bv T homas H abdy , will be begun in the December Number, . 1H94. ami continued to November lt»5 Who- 1 ever may l>o oue’s favorite among Ei gliih Nov- ' ell»!«, it will be conceded by all critics that | Tm'Man hari >v stand, foremost of a master I ! artist in Action, and The Simpletons may be , expected to an use enthtisianis not inferihr In : degree to that which has marked Trilby—the met »uccemful story of the year. Another 'eadit'g feature will be the Personal Recollec liana of Joan of Arc. by the Sieur Louis ua C osts , Her Psue and Secretary, uader which guise the mi.it popular of living American magazine writers will Present ahe story of the Maid af Orleans, fn the January Nu nber Will appear a droiusely illustratee paper on Charles ton and the caroliuaa, the Hrst of a-series of Sotithern Papers. t Noatbern Africa is attracting more attention at any other time since It was the seat of em- I pires The next volumes of HARPe-s MAGA- 1 ZIsE will four illustrated articles on thisregin, and three of them will depict the present life Ilhere. ( tlias R alph will prepare for the MAGAZINE a series of eight stories, depicting typical phases of Chineie Life and Manners. Besides the long stories, toere will begin in the Jauuary Number the Arst Chapter of A Three I Part Novelette, by R ichard H anding D avis — the longest work yet attempted by this writer. I Complete «hoxt stories by popular writers Will continue to be a feature of the MAGAZINE Elegei t and exclusive deigns for Out-drtor | and Indoor Toilettes, drawn from W orth mod els by S andoz and < hapcis , are an important I ferture- These appear every week, aecompan ied by minute ueacriptions and detail*. Our Baria Letter, by K atharine de F orest , is a, weekly transcript of the latest stiles and capri- <’»■• in the mode. Under the heap of New York ' Fashion*, plain descriptions and full pauticu- lai» are given as io shapes, fabrics, trimmings, ami access, slesof the coatumes of well-ere-ssed women. I hildreti* Clothing receives practical attention. A tortuightiy Pattern alieei supple meet enables readers to cut aud mrkelbeirowii gowh The woman who takes HARPER'S BA- Z IS is prepared for every occasion in life, ce remonious or informal, where beautiful drees i* requisite. FO a THIS YEAR. S24 ILLUSTRATED. I Our Premiums ELKHART CARRIAGE and HARNESS MFG. CO. ILi U8TRATED ILLUSTRATED. — sw— Keturniiig prosperity will make many rich, but nowhere can they make so much within a short time as by successful Speculation in Grain Provisions and Stock. • Is hard work compared with changing the appearance of yOu. stove with 1 Hap’ Baza ~ Fùh TH: FRIGI OF ONE : Y ourmino changing Magazi 1 BZW TOSÍ. VWtlrt. Cuitar,. Banjot, Accerf'ona. Harmoni ca^ It .; V Í1 cl itrin»«, ate., »tc. <XLFh c ,RL TOm 1893 i r ‘„ai l*fx>et«rs MkJ Wb «’»•*!• Dmlrrtla all kfedi-f -»OHM 1 . r r * 3.” gists and Dealers. Band Instruments s xssssssccs?*s:• join f . sr-tiToi The anceeee of thie Great Congh Cure Je without a parallel in the history of medicine. All druggists are authorized to »ell it on a pos itive guarantee, a teat that no other e re can successfully etand. That it may become known, lije Proprietor,, at an «normous ex pense . are placing a Sample Bottle Free into every home in the United States and Canada. If you have a Cough. Sore Throat, or Bron- chitia, use it. for it will cure you. If yo® child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, u ft promptly, and relief 1» sure. If >ou‘¿. .j t st insidious disease Consumption, n»e It. Ask your Druggist for SHILOH 8 Cl BE. Price Wets., 50eta. and JI.0°. If J® orJ'“"’ are sore or Back lame, use Shiloh si Porous Plaster. Price IS eta. For Mie by all Drug ▲ **of Ig- Ilona »trtetly ©onMeetlaL — »it< h e, Do I on-"s Ho«* D ami Eye, -vi that Hump. ’ Q ••»afety . P o i." ’’P'xs in tio- o Air llrakc." llrake." e’e ___ j) Ver.'' "Air Almovt • -.cry one conce'vcs a t.rigi.I I I' a at » n • 'I'ne or , I <>th< r. " hy IM ' put It In pr»<- • - '■ licei um -7 Fulfil talents IS»» < > ho I i ibis direction. M r>ako your fortune. Why not tz •r. t » 3 ", :: J { tT" Wr,tc f >r f arther Inf» rmal.ou and • IMvIlliuU this pap< r. 1 < COPYRIGHTS.^ i„TXUi™wJ.?.: I It’s the Simple, Trivial Inventions That Yield Fortunes > SHILOH’S CONSUMPTION CURE. » Rouud volume* of Harper* Bazar tor thrw i»’»tMe nil c w,n b" <*"t b» m*i ’ * yT pall or by rxprvM. free ofeìMnae toTtwrv •”'''*<« <•»: . ’ A’ *"r *' • A» urne. In* wtU rTlí»!.. ’•:un'*.*«!tabl* for bind »llm h. * by maH >*»•1.1 c* receip of .»ttoT* ** by F»«tomce Adrl¿ °r ‘J f banes ,.f lo.* **.7 __ HARPER A KR lTiiSKS *A^»*w*p«t*r« ar* cot to copy any on* nor x !:Í m hnwtonriuS FJIUSfCAL Ji Ia»8 »*•>♦* L? «»CMS tn » r—i. Gailar*. Paiihn. MruV'-'i. *cc.*5! ' riuiNwi ;*». «c . ail UMS cl S jSfr- I