been the stay and I Mr. Smith had no further particu- —'Rev. Gibson leaves here next —John Gilchrist was in town and for years has ’are at that time. Saturday to visit Prineville and t® two or three days in the last week, comfort ot an i invalid mother to whom the child was so much at­ assist Rev. Baily of that town in —I. 8. Geer & Co. received a sup­ tached that they were inseparable. Our town has an inventor in the j his work. W1DSI8DAT FEBRUARY 19 1» « ply of garden seeds the other day. This is a sad blowj’to the fond person of C A. Byrd, who has sev­ j —W. D. Huffman was in town ’ ’----- — £**4U a «* «ar In ram WO eral patent devices for the g«od of —We are glad to see E. B. Reed, mot|ier and loving father whom we i argest CIRCULATION of ' several days in the last week. He who has had an attack of asthma, hope will be supported and strength- the public. One oi them he is per­ i A8 TH\ v « i . apekint HI8C0VNTY* ; reports his band of sheep in good. on the streets again. j ened by the swe°t recollections of a fecting and putting into ^operation any new - - condition. 1 for sale in our town. It is a paper —We are ____ sorry ... to chron:cle the loving and daughter and the hope —G. \V. Thoir.pson was in town' 11 fact of the continued illnesp of A J of a permanent union in the world cutter, so constructed fas to be dur­ on Monday consulting a physician Tupker. He is still confined to the to come. The funeral sermon was able, strong and effective, and can Democratic Announcements. I He was suffering with muscular preached at 11 o’clock this morn- be put on the market for about one- house. rheumatism. icg by Rev. Gibson, at the M. K. fourth the price of cutters now on poR SHERIFF. —Dr Horton, to cure himself ot the market. Your correspondent —Holding the cheese at arms general decline, ns he thinks ’ church in this place, and the re­ I hereby announce myself a can­ has seen the machine at work, and didate for the office of Sheriff, sub- ' length. “Mr. Brcwn this cheese 1 brought on by too clos« confine maine were Lid to rc8t in ll)e Burns the way it cuts paper is a caution. ject to the action of the Democratic purchased here is certaimy rotten.” ment, ha» gone fishing, He win'cemetery. We predict that Mr. Byrd will make It was limburger. County v Convention Convent.on. SHELLEY. be absent several days. some money out of this patent, as Sarah Bernhardt is said to give —The land contest case, Geo. —A lady residing in Diamond aWily more money in charity than he has several orders from different Sizemore ys Mrs. Riggs is now be ­ poR COUNTY CLERK. valley, who. a short time since, at-! any other theatrical star, but as parts of the United States, and is ing heard before the Register tended a dance in that neighbor i gara|) ¡8 ln,w making ^n American now engaged in putting up a large I hereby announce myself a can Receiver al this land office. hood, testified to at least one high jour jj, Ulily have been said merely four foot cutter for a large printing didate for the office of County — We see in some of our house in St. Joe, Mo. Jas. Gowan, ex- kicker, who was present on that oc- ! i,y way of advertiseing Clerk, subject to the action of the I changes that our townsman, J. B. i [casion. our blacksmith, and S. Horton, our Democratic County Convention. ------------ CHAS. E KENYON. Huntington, is an aspirant for con­ —Several in town from IIarnev I furniture dealer, are building and 1*110 BONO PUBLICO. gressional honors on the republican today, among whom were: Misses setting up the cutter for the foundry «OR COUNTY CLERK. Notice is hereby given that there I to make castings from, which fully Ella Williams, Hattie Bunyard, —If this weather continues a few , Haiti«? Clark, Rose Loggan, and ! will be a public meeting at the demonstrates Mr. Horton’s ability I hereby announce myself a can­ didate for the office of County more days, the ranchers will be Messrs. Thss. Howser and l ’ Gus. I church at 7 p m sharp on »Feb. 20 to mould wood.—Drain correspond­ Clerk, subject to the action of the j plowing and sewing grain. A warm Schroder. in the interest of the intellectual ent in Roseburg Plaindealer. Democratic County Convention. ......__ _ ______ ♦ rain would be a great thing fori —The announcement of Thos. G ’ and social imp-ovement of Burns 8 W. MILLER. i ranchers here just at this time. Everybody invited. I Dodson, for the office of Assessor, and vicinity. Dissolution Notice. puR assessor . —W. N. Jotgenson received a appears in ibis iisue Mr. Dodson The co partnership heretofore ex­ Harney Scribbling. letter from John Jacquemin today, is an old resident of Harney coun. isting in the blacksmith and repair­ I hereby announce myself a cau-1 LJ , cH and ’Ll in is HUJJ well UI1V1 and favorably IdYUliWlV known UV TV H ing business in Burns Ore., under didate for the office of Assessor, in which he informs Mr. Jorgenson | (ty, subject to the action of the Deux - he would leave-California the 18th over the entire county. If nomi l B orn —To the wife of L. Woldett- the firm name of McKinnon & of this month for Burns. nated and elected to fill the office i berg Jr., on the löth inst a daught- Kenyon is this day dissolved by cratic County Convention. mutual consent, all debts and ac­ JOHN 0. CAWLFIELD. —Mrs. Walt Parker has been | to which he aspires, no doubt but er- counts owing to said firm must he Supt Chas Newel) spout Satur- immediately settled by cash or | very ill since our last issue, but we' . that he will do his entire duty a< JIOR ASSESSOR, .day and Sunday at the “hub.” notes or be put in the hand of a learn from her physician,Dr. Mars­ • he is qualified to fill the office. I | f c collector for settlement with co6t I hereby announce myself a can den, that she is now improving and —Chas. Voegtly ii forms u« that I Candidates are becoming quite I for settlement added. A. J. McKin­ didate for the office of Assessor, ! ' out of danger. he will immediately ord-,r a turn­ numerous of late. The political pot non is authorized settle and re­ subject to the action of the Demo­ ceipt for all monies paid. I M arried —Mr. John Cardwell ing lathe of t"e latest pattdVn and is “boiling away.” cratic County Convention. with which he can repair old ma- of Feb 1896. THOS. G. DODSON. •and Miss Maud Jameson were Mrs. Warren Curtis, who has Dated this 8th. day A. J. M c K innon , chinery, such as mowers etc , and | united in marriage at the residence been dangerously ill for the past J. 8. K enyon . of the bride’s parents, last Wednes also guns Mr. Voegtly is a first week, is reported as recovering. ♦ Religious Services. day evening, Pastor Gibson ofliciat class machinist and of course knows Rums 1st. and 3rd. Sundays of The Harney and Cow creek ing. The Burns 1 Band gave the "hat he is talking about and what I the'month 11a. in. and 8 p. m. 1 i he can do. This 1 will ’” be a great-schools have been dismissed dur- pINAL PROOF. marr ed couple a nice serenade, to Silver Creek 4th. Sunday 11 a. mJ present scarlet feyer scare > | LAND OFFCE AT BURNS, OREGON, help to this country’ for many old ’*’•£ and 5 p. m The 2nd Sunday will which the groom responded in an I machines are thrown aside and rew | only one case is reported as yet. January 27, 1896. [appropriate manner. be reserved fur general work in Notice is hereby given that the following- ones bought, when a little repairing There was quite a number of ap­ named settler has lijed notice of his intention —Atty. Geo Hayes thinks of go­ I would make the oid ones still use­ other fields. to make dual prsof in support of his claim, and plicants for certificates at the last that said proof will be made before Register . days I —Chairs of all patents and de­ I of Vale and Malhuer county will since. 1 he particulars of which, | , arN,‘‘1 > 1 essrs Alma Davis, t \ piNAL PROOF* scriptions at the hardware store of and Jesse Alberson of Harney, are, five packages1 Chas. Voegtly. 13-11 | gain in Mr. Hayes, a courteous, 148 we heard it, LAND OFFICE AT BURNS, OREGON. ¡of registered mail were tak^n from t I urbane, generous, gentleman. Feb. 8, .1896. —The weather here,for February 1 the mail sack, either at Vale or be-’ Notice is heriby given that the following —New go ><1s rt the Joiinson store named settler has filed notice of his intention is very fir e. tween there and Ontar.o. When | now under control of Henry Canaday. to make final proof tiMupport o^his claim,at d that said proof .will He made Mfore Keglsfer .esister —H Miller of Pine Creek is in .I list ns cheap as ever or cheaper Call the mail arrived at Ontario the; and Receiver U 8. Land OfficeaHiurns urna Oregon, on March 25. 1896, via- W i » uam H. G ibson . and examine goods tmd get prices, and town this week. sack was found out and packages J. R. Wagoner Killed by Isaac Hd. No, 204, for the 8M U, Sec 32 Tp 22 S R 32U E.. if suited buy. gone. It is thought the robbery tumeithe followiiigiwttnes»es to prove Miles In Crook County, Just his He continuous —Mr. and Mrs. O.ikerman were residence,uA«>n an* <1 cultivatlon —Jorgensen has the finest and I was committed at Vale, for the! of. said land, viz: Thomas Over the Harney County Line. Peter Mortimer, ............ NainJ*i Criee Witlier», in Burns Monday night. I i and Samuel Mickel, all of best lot of goods that ever came toj mail sack containing the packages! I Haaney Oregon —Pastor Gibson is going to give Burns; go and see for yourself, was thrown on the steps in front) THOMAS JONES, Regiater. up this charge, ami thinks of going’ He is also taking Cabinet Photos, of the post office some little time The Prineville stage contractor, 4 I South. at $3 per dozen. Do not forget to I before the stage started for Ontario, Mr. Frank Smith, brought the news B I which was before daylight, and no to this place last Saturday of a —Messrs Hutton and Brown both go and see what he has on hand. 4 • of Wagon tire mountain have been —The Mary Dawphit ranch lo- [ one watching the aack.itcould easily shooting affray, which occurred in Sdtntiflo American county near the Harney in town several days cated at the sink of Prater creek is | have ,,een cut and r<>bbed during (Crook 1 Agency for —Messrs Doug Baker and Joe for sale. Price $-500. This is a 1 the interval. Stone and near the stage route from Williams were in town last Friday good ranch and worth a great deal I —Mrs. Dolly Brandon, wite of this place to Prineville.* more than the price asked for it. James Brandon, ditd at her father’s •cd Saturday. Messrs. J. R. Wagoner and Isaac —J. M. Dalten has moved to Cal!’ at this office or on John Mar- residence, eight or ten miles south­ Mills, neighbors, had a falling out CAVEATS« east of Burns, Tuesday morning, over a colt. No one was preset)« ADS MARKS, town, to take advantage of our tin for further information. 3N RATANTS, school. —Indian war veterans and wid the lbth in»t. Mrs. Brandon was when the shooting was Clone, but For Inforniatton »tiiWn-e . wr-VRIQHTS, «toJ * Handbook writ« to MUXNmk CO., 861 B roadway . N«W Y ORC. i taken with convulsions and ex ows of deceased veterans who de­ a boy, oft’ some distance wjiere he ---- — ..w HJiCAV I1U Oldest bureau for «curing patenta In America* —Mr. Calkins and daughter of Every patent taken out by u« la brought before - see • but • • hear, heard Mills pired before Dr. Marsden, who was 1 could not sire the passage of the bill granting tha public by a notice given free ot charge In tb* Diamond nave been in Burns for hastily summoned, got there.. This I call on Wagoner not to shoot, just - them pensions, which is now before I wveral days congress, can send their address, couple had only been married about then the firing commenced. Wag- Lanraat Hrcnlstton of iu>v «lentlfle per>«*r In th® Atty. Thorton Williams and company and regiment, character 18 months, and it is a bitter misfor- ener was armed with a double bar­ world. Splendidly ll®ltrau-.l. No mtelllrent man ahould be with«* H. Weekly «.1.00a T °[( a,,.von City, are registered of service, name of Company, and tune to ths young, husband, a sor- rel shot gun leaded with small sh it year; (1.60 six month!. Address, MÜN>T £ CO- P vblubxrb . 361 Broadway. Naw York City. JV <• u - __ •— * * st the French --------- Hotel. none truly ----- understand | regimental officers to Waters «fc row which J and also a pistol in b,is pocket; —Town election in a short time, Gowan, who will forward same to except one who has gone through Mills was arTned with a pistol. ^hai will it lie? Three tickets to I Capt. T. A. Wood, Portland, Ore­ the same trial. The consolation 1 The latter was shot in both hands Ccrl Tliorbnhn. Musical Director, gon, free of charge. This is of in and sympathy of his many friends and in the face with shot, Wagoner Standard Theatre Orchestra. represent the parties? is freely given to support and com­ Chicago. III». April, 14, 1892T —The republicans are already terest to all who served in any In­ was shot in two places, through the Messrs. John.F. Stratton dian war between the years of 1848 fort him in his bereavement. It is leg and heart. Dear Sir» —I atn pkarea to be able to euQiing in to be present tomorrow and 1859, and should be attended ■tat« that I can highly rec« mmenil your Ru»- also extended to her father and The shooting occurred on Wed- •tan Out Strings f< r dwrnMHty and tone. , •Ithe central committee meeting. to at once. Mother, she being an only child ’ neadav afternoon, the 12th inst. •- Your orders tor them should be tremend­ ’ I I é 1 % SHOOTING AFFRAY. „ T a 1 — it,___ — l_ A A • 11 . - * Scientific jpteetam* ______ — I • I Ì 4 nil ous. Toun truly, CARL THORBAnX »