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Remittances «honld be ma le by Poe Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance o Add re»«: HARPER t BR jr.HKRS, Ne PBKKM.O riRTE.U». Hora brand bar ten on left shoulder; Cattls bar ten on left hip and upper clip on both ears. T. A. McKinnon, Burns Ore. Horse branded Pon right shoulder, cattle P on right hip. R. A. Hendricks, P.O. Lawen Or ■ Morning Call! --------- K—— -HE SAN FRANCISCO j WEEKLY CALL 7 1« a iisiid.onie riglit* page paper. It is ia*ue4 » very Thursday, and contains all et t .e imp rtant new» of the week, gleaaeii from every 'i® promptly, accurate!«, aud exhausti-elv iu il-' Horae brand ~ ou left shoulder and saros o» orS'er*,l,,n a,1<1 <3c,rriP,i're text of *he’ hignest muscle of right hind leg. Phil Smith Burs» | The manner in which, during ISM, it has Ore. treated the < hi.tago Railroad Strik>s and the htno-Japanese War. and the ai. ount of light 9, Lampshtre and Son cattle brand Q it w«9 able to throw vn Kort*a the instant atten- I lion wks itpeete-l to that little known county. connected. Far mark »wallow fork in right »ar •rv exatrp.ca of its alm«*#! bouud'vFg rvaourt ei. underbit iu left. P, O. Bums tics. ■ Julian Ka ah, the dis tnguished writer aud Horace and Cattle branded J F on left »h»«*’ curiespondant. h n been seut to the seat of war , and there joined t,« p. WcMou, now for der a one b anded JP connected Mar. I tnanv year» resident iu .’»pan, who haa been Priig. Burna Ore o"w,!h Mr Katph in Send- 1 tl.m HARPKR > a KEKLY excltiaiie infotma- Herman Ruh cattle brand g on t .»« . ti«»n and iH um ration sr crop off and swallow fork in left car rig ear under slope. P. U. Lawen. 1 I HARPER’S PERIODICALS I Per Year I H a RTFR'S harper ' s RtZAR ... M Mi AZINK ... HARPER*» WEEKLY ... HAIU’KRS YOUNG ..... PKOI’ M La II , : I .4.« «Of t ■ 1 <* I Catlls brand, H O. on left hip. right ear and at Top and split in left, n r-t O. on left shoulder. A. Hembree narrow». W' Cattle sad horse brand T with half circle un der. G. W. Thompson. Lawen. Ore BEATTTS PIANOSs ei ,he B,“r with ’b« firet Ifc” Jff’i’tbry of each year. When M urh th ' * JC lpt1, n Will begia Xf‘.\nter b*rr’IT*“1 «“»*“'“•<>» rwc-e-lw », "•T*t • *•*•7 tor three ,SU h Ending, will be Mnt bv mall V J Pl'rT” ,r** of expense if* ’ 'freight does n.«t exeved one doi ** l*r rotarne) or »7 a volume. tn«1^ ra era*, suitable for bind »lees b * “aii Powxiiun receip of for catalogue Ex Mayor vaniel Washington, New Jereey. »■ veüVm.12.1 WEEKLY .V’J . p : ; *•« 1250 IN AIO , i i 1 II Kewil-uneee sth «Id tw made by PwtOfflee MY*£L2r4*t w »» av. i.t «'hanewcif luee W¿LHARI'KR A BROTHERS «^-Newspaieersarenottneopv any ewe nor 4 I’.* -..»»« ’»t IT. the t duraLU -rri>u ____ -J