Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1896)
■; $100.00 J J h * b ♦» <» I Given Away Every Month «» I i. i> ft 3 »? □ to the person submitting the moat meritorioua in,cation during the preceding month. WR 8BCURB PATENTS FOR INVENTORS, and the objeirt of thl« off<-r 1» to en courage persons of an invent ive turn of mind. At the same time we wish to impress the fact mat :::::: It’s the Simple, if Trivial Inventions ji H ♦ l That Yield Fortunes ’4 « / I w lì H O U H H H if M <■ 4» H H »♦ H t» I —such as Du Leng's Hook U and Eye. •'»«« that Hump. ' M -Srf. ty Pin.” "Pigs In *-lo- 0 Ver." "Air Hrake.” etc M AI’m •st • very one conceive« U a l rig tit Idea at « time or 0 Q other. Why not put It In prac 0 tical use? YuUR talent» may 21 Ila in till« direction. Muy lì inako your fortune. Why not try? JVWrite for further information and tj ■’ mention this paper. f WaCAVtAI 6,1 HAUL MAKKS J ♦ COPYRIGHTS.^ CAW I OBTAIN A PATENT t _Jo» a Brnmpt answer and an br.nest oPin1'°’’-,tVlLt Ji Ml SN A- CO., who bavebsdiwarly «ty y~« •zperlence In th« patent bugineee. tions strictly ennfMentlai. A Hnndboek of In- formation concern m« Pntrntai and bow kok. tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mecham leal sn<t scientlfle tooks sent free. Patents taaen through Munn A Co. reeetvj •pecial notice In the Scientific American, and thus are brought widely before the Pob*1« wltb. out cost to tbe Inventor. This splendid IWW lwue.1 weekly, elegantly Illustrated, ba. by t»r the largest circulation of any ecientiSc work In th« world. B3 a year, gamble conlee Bent free. Building Edit on, monthly. 4BA0a year. Hngl« copies. cents, kvery number contains beau tiful plate«, in colors, and photograph« of new houses with plana enabling builders to snow the latest designs and secure contracts. Address ML'NN A cu- Naw Y ork . 3B1 B roadwav . CUrfiEf QjJ WIHÍWÍ h is THE BEST. NOBQUEAKINd, «.CORDOVAN, FRENCH&E WELLED CALF. ’4.’3A° FINE CALF&KAWA!3)1 I $ 3.5° P0LICE.3 S olis . THE Philip PRESS CLAIMS GO. Ü W. Avlrctt, Oeu. Mgr., Magazi 1 SEND FOR CATALOGUE W-L-DOUGLAS, Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, anti all 1 ai- BROCKTON, MA33. 1 ent bueiner» condurtwi for Moderate I ««*• Our OSice is Opnosiie U. S. P’ded Ctfice. You cau eave money by purchasing It. L, Dougina Shoe», md we can secure f.a'ent in less time than those Because, we arc tue largest manufacturer, cf •emote from Washington. advertise 1 shoe» in the world, and guarantee Send model, drawing or photo., with de«crip- the value by stamping the name and price on lon We advise, if patentable or not. free of the bottom, winch protect» you against high barge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. price» aud the middleman a profit». Our »hoc» A P moHet. ’How to Obtain Patents.” with equal custom work in »tvle, easy fitting and tmiee '-.faunal clients inyuur^tate, county.or wearing qualities. We have them sold every, tow n, sent free. Address. where at lower price, for the value given tliaa ,11/other make. Tike no substitute. If yoat dealer cannot supply you, wj can. Sold by Oppcsite Patent Office. Wwfihiccton, 0. C. STT-A !LW YORK. In s’ LT STRATED IL lXpt!-r«H all Lt d.’ f MUSICAL MdftCKAMDISZ •» Siilxra, 8ait|ea, A.'cnrd oas. I'-i.wi seft rj li nan mind V nrk compared with ' cae ppcAunce of yOur ch tn U V w ILLUSTRATED. The Simpleton, a new noael br T homas in the December Num her, , H arpy , wl Ill be begun _ _____________ 1XM, and continued to November 1S95 -Who- ’ ever mav bo oue’s favorite among Et glish Nov elists, it will be conceded by all critics that I Tii< Mas hardy stands foremost of a master artist in fiction, and The Simpletons mav be i expected to arc use enthusiarns not inferihr in degree to that which has marked Trilby—the moat successful story of the year. Another 'eading feature will be the Pergonal Recoliec tions of Joan of Ate, by the Sieur Lovis na ('..STZ, Her Page and Secretary, under which guise the nust popular of living American tnaeazit e writars will Present ahe story of the Maid af Orleans In the January Nu nber Will appear a d^ofuselv illustrate» paperon Charles ton aud the caroliuai, the first of a series of Southern Papers. I 1 Ncathern Africa is attracting nmre attention at any othertime since it was the seat of ern- I pires The next volumes of HARPe-g MAGA- 1 ZIsE will four illustraied articles on this regin, and three of them will depict the present life lliere. fVLlAN R alph will prepare for the MAGAZINE a series of eight stories, depicting typical phases of Chineie Life and Manners. 1 eaides the long stories, tocre will begin in the Jauuary Number the first Chapter of A Three I Part Novelette, by R ichard H arding D avis — I the longest work yet attempted by this wri'er. < ompleie shout stories by popular writers Will continue to be a feature of the MAGAZINE O!JR tt I J1,2'B est D0 ng °I-4. C.A.SNOW&CO. I Thqrbahn. ?Ju»!cal Dkoctor * '1 bva.rc Urcbeitra tl I< go. ¡11». Aeri!. II. 13« " F Mr It. h , im -'| tn be able lo ie. . mi- >1 V nr l.u»- • b"|iy i i, I e. u *uuUiU L fvui V 7 3 HARPER S PER Oi’ICS «a.V-SBOYSSCKClSHOES. •LADIES- WAsaiNuroN, d . c . l^“Tb< rcaponribll.ty of i. ■ ,< mi ai’y may tie Judged by 41«» *«»* 1 that it» tv atia k i- held by ou t ..«.» ibi.uM" I V) <d the had mg nvw,|ala>it lb the t » :: » I tiltwd tilalua. it The »".ceoas of ths, Great Cough Cure Is without a parallel in the history of medicine. Al! dr'.igg’3ts are authorised lose!! it on a pos itive guar»"tee, a test that no other e re can suceesstully »’and. That it ciiy become knovn. the Proprietor«, at an enormous_ex- pen>-. are pUcloq a 3vn-.l- Hottie Free tat« »very home in the Unit id Btatea and Canada. If »on have a Cone a. Kore Throat, or Bron- chit:», um it. for it W 1 cure you. If JO« child bxs the Croup, or Whooping Con use itprcnotlv. and relief is sure. If you dread insidion« dlsexsc Cons::n-pUnn. use 1. Ask your Dmggisv for BHILOH S CL KE, Free IUct».. 50 eta. anJSI.OO. Ifyour Lungs are sare or Baek lame, use Bhi’oh’» Porong poster. Price 25 cU. For sa-s Ly all drug gists and Dealers. W. L. D ouglas 61S F Street, Northwest, 4» SHILOH’S CONSUMPTION CURE. HARPER’S s-* 4 -- *• ( \ 3VuN • I— XJ rove / ' ; j r re j Cz • o I . Y LC3S Lnsf-s times longer teven times better Than Août Seven times cleaner Stove lO’.’t Two timeS cheaper Polish • a • vi U t a •.o handier Looks C O 0 f doesn’t keep it, S '..’S n .me with ioc and ’>•< and a valuable e ’.o.d book tree. Per Year: " & CC., AftS., MAGAZINE... JMEHY ST..S.F..CAL HARPER’S WEEKLY . HARPERS BAZAR HARPER’S YOUNG PEOPLE. Posture Tree to all Subscribe TM Uni e<l States, Canada, or Mexico. STOCK BRANDS. Tlie volumes of the Magazine liegin with the Numbers for June and December ol ' cae b year. Wueti no time is specified, sub -i riptions will begin with the Number cur rent nt time of receipt of order. Bound volumes ot Harper's Magazine foi . three years bacg, in neat cloth binding will I ;>e-ent by niriil. post-paid, on receipt of $3 :;<r volume. Cloth Cases, for binding 54)’ | cents eitch—by mail, post-paid. ) Kenii:tanees should he made Iiy Postotiicc I Money Order, or Draft, to avoid chanc o loss. Address HARPER X BROTHERS. Nev Y ork. Hap’ Baza - I L L U S T R A T E D . •• A X 4 K ESIS ” pi von li i->’ ir.t reliet" .'Jiri is un iofvV ■ Cure fur PH»", ili' *' DrugtrMaormall. Sam: i free. A.klri “s" A k h l>iS. Hua -AW. New Vie if lio HARPER’S PERIODICALS. FJiTîL FRIC: ORNE. . < .1J ■ FOU THIS YEAS. —THIS PAPER— ----- WITH------ THE S N FRANCISCO legei t and exclusive designs for Out-door and Indoor Toilettes, drawu from W orth mod e s by S a N' h . z and chapvis ,are an iir.pjrlant fertare- These appear every week, a- eompaii- ied by minute uescriptiuns and <letai;s Our Paris Letter, by K at H auink dk F orest , is g weekly transcript of the iaust stiles and capri ces in the inode. Under the hiap of New York . Fashions, plain d< scriptions a id full psitieu- >aiB are given as o shapes, fabrics, trimmings,* and aeceasi aleaof the costume« of well-cress'd women, t kitdrens Clothing receives practical , attention. A 1< rtuightly Paitern-aheei bv.pple- loent enables readers to mH uud inrkethen own gowh The woman whotakis HARPER’S BA-1 Z is is prepared for every occasion in life, ce- retnoniotia cr Informal, where beautiful dress is requisite. ---- OK---- L turning prosperity will make many rich, but nowhere can they in.iki- -«» much within a short timt as by aucceaeful Speculation in Grain I rovixionii and ShM’k. JKiD 00 f0R EACH DOLL RJNVESTEj LAN BE MADE BI OUB v. - Sfstemm Fisn cf S.mtiaitoi THS SAH FRANCIS 0 I I MorningCalH PK1CE SU.O . Pr B YEAV. origin i.e.I i>v ih All AUCvtces-ful Rp**culatoF9 operatcon a regular ?vst- n, i l( k a w< || known tact that there are thousands of men in all parts of the I nited States who, by systematic trading through Chicago brok era, in ike large amount.« every ye ir. ranging from a fow thoiwand dollars mr the imin wh<> iiivrsts a hund”t<l or two dollars up to $50.000 to $100.00(1 or m »re by those who i west n few thousand It is also a fid that those who make the largest profits from com paratively »mall investments on this plan are -jersons whj live awav from ( hi.-itgo and invest through brokers who thwroughlv mid rstand systematic trading. Our pl in does not risk the whole anmuut it.yeste.i ou atty trade.but covers ladh aides, «o that whether the market rises < r falls it brings stCA'Iv profit that pile« upenormou«|v in a short time WHITE FOH CONVINCING ‘ PROOFS, ‘ nho our Manual aticc ssful tip eolation and our Daily Market Report, full of money making pointers. ALL FRFF Our m tiiutl expl ting margin trading fully. ILghewt ref. rei ere in regard to our Handing nnd sueeeas r«>r a«i<irvM ------- . HE SAN FRANCISCO WEEKLY CALL Ii a liaud'cme eight- page paper. It is ia-ued every Thursday, a>>d contains all of tue important news of the week, gleaned from every quar ter of the globe, complete up to date of publication. It fur. nlahea the latest and most reliable financial new* »nd market quotations, a< d giva» special attenti, n to hortieul- tural and agricultural newa, ami is In every respect a first- filaaa family paper, appi'sil g to the interest of every member of the household. 1 HOMAS <&, CO. Rankers md Brokers 2<Ma242 Railto Bulding Chicago IIH hlOllMNO CALL (Hevea items a Wi«| la a live imtropoit-ia daily. Illa the MOST RELl.V BLR. and la recognized as brine the LEADING NEWS- 1‘APKK of the Pacific Canal. Either of the above i-apera we will »end Moto-id as a pro- mium on rvael. t of th< follow, ing Mbacrlptlou price* for the eontblnat! >n: ELKHART CARRIAGE and HARNESS MFG. CO ---- •+------ $24 *i » net WEEKLY ’3’LL Ub P1P ” •N IM ¡ Hardin A RHev, cattle branded Von left si le Horse brand T left side. r. o. Burns,Oregon J. C, Foley, cattle brand = on right side Horse brand — on left shoulder. cattle brand. II.. on left rib under bit in left car, ilader slope in ri<ht ear Horse brand .’1 on right stole. 1: E J. A. Williams P, 0. Riley (»r. Horses branded )-( on left stifle. Cattlebraad. ed )•( on left hip. Marion Bunyard, PO Burna per year : PRICE'» l’ Y. AX. FREE BRAND COLUMN. Hors brand bar ten on left shoulder; Cattls barren on left hip and upper clip on both ears. T. A. McKinnon, Burns Ore. HARPER WEEKLY HARPER’S MAGAZINE HARPER’S BAZAR. cattle diamond on left hip; hor ehoulder. Charles H. Voegtley, Bur a J Horse branded I* on ri<ht shoulder, catti» f ou right hip. R. A. Hendricks. P.O. LawenOr HARPER’S YOUNG PEOPLE l’ea*age l'ree to all subscribers in th e stttvs. • nuaila, <.r Mexico. • Tne Volumes of the Weekly will bit the first Number for Ja iuarv of ea | hen no time ¡8 inenthnied, subscript begin with the Number curreut ai ci ccipt of order. lM»und Volume* of Harper*« Weekly f 'ran back, in neat cluih bmdiug, will by mail 1\ s age ;»ai«l, or bv express, fr pen«c (provided «he freight doo« notex per volume, for |7 00 a volume. t’k.-th < as b f »r each Volume, « lita biiiding w fll be «cut by mail post-paid ceiptofll. r Reinitta:i( eg should be mi le by Pug •lonev Order or Draft, to avoid chance o Address H a KPEK a .id >TdKR3, Ne Horse branl M on left shoulder, al»o tbre» dots.', in shape of triangle, cattle branded same £. E. Grout Burua Or. Mias R»>aa Dickcr.aon Horse brand anvil os left stiite. Cattle branded bar;R on left bip. r U. l.awen Ore. J. P Dickenson cattle brand J P connected«! left hip Horse brand anvil on left stifle. P. 0 Laweu Ore. Cattle brand figure 7on either hfp: mark light crop off each ear, slip in each ear, and watt on left jaw. Horse brand figure 7 on either hip J. H. Buuyard.Burns,Or«. Geo Williams, horaea and mules bra rounding w, ou light s.'ltie. P, O. Busy W Kan’s . Horae brand bar m on left shoulder; brand bar-m on left hip and riba. Catherine Marshall P 0 Narrows ore. ILLT8TRATED. H A Rl'KR’M Weekly la a pictorial history of Horae brand on left shoulder 9 Miss Laurs Ibelfmea. It pn»?ut, every imiH.rlai.t evert tvniptly. act-uratel'. and exhaustf-elv In 11 s ratl’.u a.:d Cesenptive text of the hlgniwt btaacllft. Burna Ore. Horae brand S' ou left ahoulder.and same on Tbe manner in which, during W4. it ha, □ tren ed the Chi >a/.> Kaiiroad strikes and tbe •'hino-Ja:>anc«e War. and the amount of ILh: mnacle of light hind leg. Phil Smit i Burna It «as able to throw <>n Korea the inetairt atten Ore. tion was dlieete J to that little-known county, S, Lampehtre and Son cattle brand Q an- cxamp'ea of its aim. at (x>undlee» reaonrres | Ju ian Ra ph, the disu.igufstied writer aud connected. Ear mark swallow fork in right «az «•••r ..«poii eut, hi« beei. aeut to jhe seal of war i and there joined t»y c d . Weld.m, now for underldt in left. P, O. Burns Ore. • a vyear» ><si.last it» Japan, who has been Horses and Cattle branded J P on left •honl- « 'gaged toro^,.pvrate with Mr. Ka’ph in Send t on H a RP R > WEEKLY exclnsbe infotiua der s.ine b anded JF conuected. i.ary J. Price, Burna Ote Uou aud lilus’.ra'lou HARPER’S PERIODICALS Per Year HARPERA BAZAR ............... 4 0l H AKPER’S M.AGA7INR ... 4 Or HARPER’S WEEKLY .... 4 1* HkKPER-V TOOK« . .................... .... b P?'FL 2 w » Pvwtace f re< tvallsn «. Herein the UuDe< Mate* < ana<ia, ur Mexico. Tbe v.i’nme» of the Rasar t«gfw with the firs number fur January of ce-h ; »ar. When n< “•«'•»’“♦L eu’ecripHon will berti withth« Number current al the time of recele of order Bound volume« <d I'a-pers Bazar lor thro year In neat cloth binding, wtn be gent bv mai ijaw age paid* or l.y exj-re««. free of expense . .provided th« freight doe« not exceed one do' i *’ ^¿’"tamel or 17 a vo ume. I J- - , ** " »•.•«».»• (table for Mn» I 5?éàì hi ** «eutby mail poepaid «,■ rece ip Ul Remi au-eeah aid ba made Uy PoatOfkea , H-rev order et Draft, to av 11 chance of loee *• '■rew HARPER A H ROTHE Rd W,J«per« aie to cop» any ene am la of tL« sbav« il '»eine i ■ wt<h..«i the ■ 1l"se o»A«a et if \RFKK BROTH ERA Herman Ruh cattle brand g c.n uga ar crop off mud swallow fork In left «ar right ear under elope, P. O. Lawen. i > Cattle brand, H O. on left hip. underfill In right ear atid a crop and spirt in left. Hors <-( O. ou left shoulder. A. Hembree Marrows, orv I Cattle and horse brand T with half 'in iter U. W. Thompson. Lawen. ore. BEATTY'S PIANOS'! - ».aniel for <-«iaa><nw Ks-esyor n aahington. Naw Jersey. the F Been rmaTTot B and I nstruments W ne««»«* «BIT HIPH'P7 I<1 for KT- fai JOHN F S^’HON w*