Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1896)
¡ibr jiniild. i —W. N. Jurgensen, our je A tier „ , ..... . and photographer, was absent sev- —Frank Miller, is in town to-day.! ,, . . . • lake } oral days last week, m the----- —No snow hi the valley. bvuild Piopobdls. Adaiiuistrutors Notice. Notic'd is hereby given to all per Notice is hereby given that sealed . sons holding claims against th« —Lytle Howard returned from country, country taking « __ j estate of Victor S. Ottmer, deceased, taking views ------- for land bids will be receive« or. ^ mtfebrvabv ^ struction of a County Jail of either Harney to day. to present the same to the under claimants in that vicinity 1 stone or brick in accordance with signed at his place of business in —Miss Clara Stenger seems to — E. B. Reed, with asthma, and plan and specifications now on file i Burns, Harney county, Oregon, ver , IHE larokst circulation of be completely restored 10 health. A. Tupker, with rheumatism, are in the office of the county clerk. ified as by law required within six U^WSI’APEH in this county —Messrs. Wm. Buffington and i still eonfined to the house. Mr. A bond in a sum double the amount months fiorn the date of this notice. Dated at Burns this 11th day of Tupker has bad a long eeige of it j of the contract price, to bejipproved 1 December, 1895. „ - i,t and 3rd. Sundays of T. Shull, of Diamond, have been in and we hope be will soon be out by the court, will be exacted of the town several days. H. M H orton , 11 a m. and 8 P- again. contractor at the time of executing Administrator. X"c"eek4.h. Sond.vll a- m. —If you fail to attend the mask the contract and such contractor 'inn m The 2nd Sunday will ball the 14th, you will miss “the will be required to complete the England has so many difficulties Riley, Jan. 27, ’96. Je reserved for 8eneral W°rk event” of your life. ' foundation and cement floor by the on hand that it is not surprising E d . H erald : I desire to inform ; jQtb (jay of Mayi 1896, and then that the destination of her hastily other fields- —A great howl is made over the R ev . G ibson , my brother Odd Fellows that I do be reqUjret] |O cease work until the mobilized flying squadron should Pastor. speech of Tilman. Is it any more not want the donation requested by - window guards are received; and be unknown. vindictive than that of Vilas? J. C., because of my loss on the such contractor must permit the —W. H. Gibson, was in town hipped horse, as I have been treat-1 pau]v Jail Co. to proceed at once Monday. He expects to prove up A Phi’adelphia preacher has dis* Local News. ed to a liberal contribution from ( wj|h ^bt} work of constructing the on his Homestead the 25th of the Xmas tree fund, and 1 still, immediately after the materi- covered and announced that the -Chairs of all paterns and de- March. haye a limited billiard stake left. aj ¡8 recejyed and, if necessary, to Revolutionary war was a great mis (criptionB at the hardware store of —We may have more cold.rough J. C. met with success in Texas, I cea8tJ work on the building until take on the part of the Americans. Chas. Voegtly. 1311 and snowy w-atber, but the present thinks he will run well in that state. . the cel]e ftre corilp]et*»d. The said Not half |so great a mistake, how -WilLr Piwitt is in tian to nice open condition of the weather Ask him how his ribs are? “Dem bids will be conBi(jered by the court ever, as an American congregation would indicate the contrary. day- dar ribs are shure sore,” and not on Wednesday, the 4th day of makes in paying such a minister a salary. —Senator McBride voted agauist H. —Mrs. Riggs has moved back on from laughing either. March, 1896, at one o’clock p m, of the free coinage bill- the ranch upon which Geo. Size- I said day. is going to the . more filed a contest, for non resi , Bid to be filed with the county From Van. —Every b»d y pTINAL PROOF. 1 dence. (clerk of Harney county, Oregon, uafqtierade ball the 14th inst. The latest arrival in our ne‘g*'’inoi later than one o’clock p m, LAND OFFCE AT BURNS, OREGON, —Some folks say the tailless calf -Alex Foster of the Warm Spring January 27, 1896, borhood was in the family of Mr. March 4th, 1896. at which time of Geo. Hagey’s, is a representation Notice is hereby given that the following- ranch, was over last Saturday. named settler has filed notice of his intention of the people’s party. Semething Eugene Ileath; it is a son, born the tbe game will be opened. All bids to make final proof in support of his claim, and Tbedai.ce supper will be given 22d inst., and we understand that to be marked ‘ Bids for County that said proof will be made before Register & 1 lacking. Receiver U 8. ¡.and Office at Burns Ore, on at the Hotel Burns, on the 14th. it will have to struggle through this jay ” Match 7 1896, viz: W illiam T. W hitworth . Hd. No. 85 for the E'i NWJ4 WJ$ NE‘4 Sec 14, —New goods rt the Johnson store —Messrs. Shown, Bennett, and now under control of Henry Canaday. unfeeling world under the nau.e of' The court reserves the right to Tp 24, 8 R 30 E. He names the following witnesses to prove (reject any and all bids his continuous resilience upon and cultivation Wyat, of Harney, were in town yes Juel as cheap aa ever or cheaper. Call John Curry Beede Heath. terday. of said laud viz: Byron Terrel«, John Witzell, Nelli* Parker and B. R. Witzell, all of Burns, and examine goods jind get prices, and Report says the VaniteB are to By order of the Board of County Oregon. if eiiited buy, THOMAS JONES. Register have a P.O. again. The excuse Commissioners of Harney county, —Nene but maskers’ will be al —Henderson Elliott, mail con-1 that Mrs. Clark could not get a 1 Oregon C. E. K enyon , lowed to dance until after 12 o’clock ' piNAL PROOF Clerk ’ tractor on the Burns Diamond mail 1 building was her reasons for not) on the 14th. 1 route, came in on Saturday’s .stage qualifying, would not go, but when Scott Hayes and Walter Gray, of LAJiD OFFICE AT BURNS, OREGON. and remained over Sunday. a plea of sickness went in, Uncle Don't Tobacco Spit or Smoke Your Feb. 8, 1896. the Lawen country visited our town 1 Ufe Away. Sam relented. Notice ia hereby given that the following — The town board is doing eyery- since our last issue. named aettler haa filed notice of hit intention is the truthful, startling title of a to make proof hia | thing possible to prevent the spread Just like spring isn ’ t it? -• - nald final ... in . be support . of . before . claim,and k l,ro°l i will made Register r —Mr. Harvey Crum, is now a book about No-To-Bac, the harm- i and Receiver U 8. Land Office at Burna Oregon, of the scarlet fever, for which every V anity . | less, guaranteed tobacco habit cure on March 25.1896, viz W illiam H. G ibson . resident of Burns, having bought Hd. No. 201, for the 8W>4, Sec 32 Tp 22 S R body with families should be truly Jan. 30, ’96. I that braces up nicotinized nerves, 81U E. the Walt Parker property. namea the following witnesses to prove eliminates the nicotine poison, his He continuous thankful. I residence upon and cultivation —W. R. McCormack and C C. (makes weak men gain strength, of, said land, viz: Thomas Bain,Price Withers, NOTICE. —Jorgensen has the finest and Peter Mortimer, and Samuel Miekel, all of vigor and manhood. You run no Hazney Rosby. both of Lakeview, are regis Oregon best lot of goods that ever came to We are authorized, by the Chair-| physical or financial risk, as No-To THOMAS JONES. Register. tered at the Burns. Burns; go and see for yourself Bac is sold by druggists everywhere —0. D. Rusk, is wearing the He is also taking Cabinet Photos' man of the Democratic Central under a guarantee to cure or money ■ star, having been appointed to fill at $3 per dozen. Do not forget to Committe of Ilari.ey county, to an refunded. Book free. Address JOHN F. STRATTON’S nounce, over the signature of the Sterling Remedy Co , New York or ths office of City Marshal, by the j go and see what he has on hand. , , , _ Celebrated Chicago. Chait man and Secretary, a meeting city “Dads” last Friday evening. —There are rumors that I would H. M. Horton, Burns. —Peter Stenger returned last Fri be a candidate for nomination of the members of the committee to DRUMs”F|FESi day from his trip East with horsts for Commissioner before the re be held at Burns, on Feb. 8th, 1896. Piccolos and Band Supplies. This meeting is called to attend Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder He went as far as Southern Georgia. publican convention. Send for JOHN F. STRATTON, . I have never to any business of a nature likely, World’s Fair Highest Medal and Diploma. Catalogue. 811.813,816,817 E. Sth St.. N.Y. He reportB the horse market dull. authorized any statement to that to come before the committee, to I —James Anderson, of Pine Creek effect, and would not accept the arrange for the coming political t precinct, was oyer the latter part of« nomination if tendered me. county campaign, to consider the • hit week. He may be ever again G. W. Y oung . time of holding the county conven-| next Saturday at the meeting of —We are informed by young Mr tion; also to discuss the matter of the democratic central committee Varian that there is four feet of elegates to the state convention to men. snow on the mountain where the be held on the 9th of April, next, — Ko No school this week, on ac- saw mills are located and the same etc., etc. H. E. T hompson , count of scarlet fever, but we are J amount at the mines on Trout creek, —AT— C has . Z eigler , Chairman, | now of the opinion the danger is This being the case, it almost in Secretary. •ver, as there is no new cases re sure« good crops of hay, grass, etc., Ported. School, in all likelihood, the coming season, if eyen we have Estray Notice. •ill open again next Monday. no other heavy fall of snow. Taken up by John Witzell at his —The Mary Dawphit ranch lo —No announcements yet. Aspir ranch on Sage Hen, seven miles I ated at the sink of Prater creek is ants for county offices are exceed routh-west of Burns, one dark red ‘ for Bale. Price 1500. This is a ingiy slow in making their wants cow about five years old, branded E°od ranch and worth a great deal known. The local papers are fam on left bip with a quarter circle toore than the price asked for it. ishing for »few crumbs of patronage circle, and on left shoulder with CaI1 at this office or on John Mar- from this class. If the offices are straight mark. Marked with a small l*n f°r further information. so poor in financial point, as not "The Road Company 11 work- to be worth an announcement, why underbit in each ear. Owner can have the animal by giving neces lnK another hardship on the un- seek it? Candidates should remem sary proof and paying charges, in ’ ^unate ranchers who have Mttl ber that the local papers are here cluding the publication of this no- I c^a‘roe^ by the company. tor their weal or woe, and while it tice. JbiiN W itzell . . . who have proven up on their is supposed that a paper will not in Estray Notice. — money - — accepted bv * the tentionally slander a candidate, err dm nt and certificates issued without cause ) or provication, still Taken up by Joseph Wooley, on lor - *“r patents c ^,n°w attacked and it | they khould estimate the local pa hie ranch 5 miles north-east of ^bought will lose their claims . I pers at their worth and feel that the Burns, one bay horse, white spot in ”n thoge *ith patents may be laborer ¡«’worthy of his hire. The forehead, no brands, about 8 years «‘tacked jn tbe ciTj| newspapers labor for the election of old and weighs about 1100 pounds. ' W”‘°t ‘he life of us, what Collar mark on top of shoulder. good honest men to fill our county ‘ •quaturg right is worth in Uncle offices and in doing so spend time, The owner can have horse by giy. ing proper proof and paying charges ‘"‘•public domain when threat material, etc. A hint to the wise including thia notice. by a corporation. is sufficient J oseph W ooley . Tjigj Band Instruments MASQUERADE BALL! ARMORY HALL, February 14,1896 TWO PRIZES GIVEN: On’uLl^S’ntl!XincuÄC1‘",C‘’r’ *n,l0,M forth'B“‘ 8“- MUSIC BY LEK CALDWELL’S ORCHESTRA. The managers will spare no pains tc make this ball “the event” of the season, • A cordial invita- tion extended to all. TICKETS $1. Gent spectators 50 cts. Ladies fr«.