I ^SKSDAY FEBRUARY 5 1» «• R ohrman , B rewer J ohn Great is the work of the staff cor respondent! Had it i ot been for him this country might not yet have known that th* King o/Korea had had his hair cut ¿lie Micraid OF THE FAMOUS Kdlto' The people in this country do not care what the European nations think of those Armenian resolutions idopted by Congress, so long as he resolutions arouse the aforesaid European nations to their duty to hristianity. —--------- - • ------------ MeKiole» i- - '“5l ‘»'ginning to i “t„.| the <lr.ft >'f Hong«, «nd .Íe.n-1-en.ly >•> of ».th Jr„i„g from the Another case of very s Hirgrspi s. D9n Cameron says he doesn I want Cui. Ingersoll has gc e back to lecturing upon Shakespears. It w be President. vuuld be well if he? would continue Senator elect Wellington, of Md., k p, t|ie bUlue j¡lie and^let the Bibb will not display ¡wisdom if he tries | ]one. w carrv out the get-even-, t-any-, cost program some of his f olf> lends Jim Corbett didn’t even know have arranged for hum He ma? -■nough to tell the bystaders tbat beabiggarmsnin the república- tle usually came d»wa sta rs tha party than either Mat. Quay o. 1 wav, the other day when an irate Tom R»ed. but he would better u lLr'I j Philadelphia tinman threw him preveit befor-he jmnis on 1 them ’ down. Acevrdsug to the Kansas City The miraculous healing powers Tiiut», exSenator Ingalls han taken displayed by an English farmer to wholesale drinking We always | named Wi(bur Hammond, who re thought he was a prohib. sides fi>ur miles nor-h of Belvider- , Ills., have'eaused a sensation in Senator Cullom isn’t in Illinois that section. During the last week for his health. He h^s never given he has been in Sycamore try i- g his up the idea that his slight facial | l>ower .with wonderfulI succeed resemblance to Lincoln will some Among thus© he healed are Mrs day cause him to be struck by Benjamin Derrick, whe has been Presidential lightning, and he nev a cripple from a fall received sev er neglect» putting up his lightning ’ era) yearH ago; also Mrs. J rr;> Singer, who was n- ar death f oni rods. neuralgia of the heart, and Mrs. M. Washington pickpockets have L. Ortoi , who had been t n tide to Afer found it profitable to attend the walk from iheun at era Hammond ’ s visit Mrs. Orlo i wuS church where I)c.Talmage preache s able to walk again. * Hammond goes in‘o a tra ce Repn sentative W alker, of Mass.. when healing ar.d c’aims that the Mr Reed’s chairman of the Louse. spirit of a German doctor tells him Banking and Currency committee, < what treatment to give. Hammond has also failed in an attempt to f t | refuses to accept money for his ser up a currency reform bill that | vices.—Chicago Record. would meet the approval of the New York bankers. Next! ■ I Good advice: Never leave the house on a journey without a bottle The right sort of a t lerg- man I ef Cbanjherirtin’t Colic, Cholera and . . _ ------- - -------- , - doesn’t need the services of a chap I Diarrhoea Remedv. For sale by eron when he is visited by a wo man.no matter what the disposi- Several years ago I was taken tmn of the woman nmy be. I a severe attack of flux. I was —■ — | ^ick in bed about ten days and Mr. H arri^on is wondering wheth- .could get nothing to relieve me un- er bis approaching marriage had Gil I used Chamberlain’s Colic, anything to do with the cold should- Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, er Congress gave him during his which cured me and has been a household remedy with us ever recent visit to Washington. si nee. J C- Marlow. Decaturville. There ie no probability that Sen I Mo. For sale by all druggist«. alor e ect Wellington, of Md.. will | ever be found playing Pythias to, Its Value Recognized by Physi cian. the Damon of Senator. » — I FOR SALE IN KEGS AND BOTTLES. Bigger and Better Than Ever Before. 584 PAGES. 1,500 TOPICS. i HARRIS & JOHNSON Proprietors. a OREGON. BURNS, Winss Lipors, ail Cigars. Good Billiard tables, 1’leasant‘Card Rooms, eta., etc. Saloon is first class in every particular. Experienced bartender Mixed drinks to please the most fastidious. Telia Everything You Want to Know When You Want to Know It. A VERITABLE CYCLOPENA OF UP-TO-DATE FACTS. An Invaluable and Unrivalled Political and Popular Hand-Book. MILL I America ’s Great Danger ¡ READY JANUARY 1st, 1896. Plaice 25 cb HT s . Alt ENGLISH COMMENTARY. i (Postpaid by Mail.) Said an eminent English scientist recently: “ The danger that confronts the great Ameri can propio to-day is nut the possible adop tion of a wiong linancial policy for the Pulitzer York. or the I nution, or the Building, spread of New socialism, increase corruption among public Year. men. Don’t do of Without It This Presidential Yll viicHO a:e bad enough, to be sure, Li.t they are as nothing compared to the teirlhlo na'tonal disease—1 hud almost said nation ! Ci ime -of overwork. Tho mad rush f i wealth is set at a killing pace, and thousands fall by the way every year. T he W orld , You aro likely to to eno cf tho victim?' | 1 low do we know ? Because it is tha excep tion to lind a man or woman of adult age i I perfect health. Nervous Disorder« a.c 1 spreading with fearful rapidity. Among ti c symptoms, are—Backache, Biliousness, Coin Hands and Feet, Dizzines-, Hot 1 lushes Fluttering Sensation, FaL ting, ITead clu Hysteria, Irritability of the Heart, Mvlan choly, l aili g Memory, Palpitation, Khcu mutism, ISh it Bi<-ath, Sleeplessness, ?<r rotis llyspejisin, Sexual Debditv, Fits, etc R f . v . A. C arroll , pastor First Bspdrt Church, Yellow Sprit gs, O., writes as fol.cu : “ I have u»ed Dr. Miles’ Restorative Nervine for the p<st six months. I find it acts like a charm on the whole nervous system. I have not found ft. eaua) in giving immediate relief. Dr. Miles' little Nirve and Liver Pills only need a trial and they will recom mend themselves to be the best pills in the market.” “ For five years I have suffered from Ner vous Piostriition, I was unable to woik or I »le< p. The first dos« of Dr. Miles' Restora tive Nervine goc me relief, and one th u I guild doHara would not cover tl e go< d it has done me.”—JOHN MINCHER, Youngs town, Ohio. Dr. Miles’ Restorative Nervine is un squalled in curing Nervous Diseases. It sontains no or dangerous drugs. Sold ; , , opiates • - f “ -------------------- ------- ’—.or an a - ---- positive guarantee 1- by _.i all a druggists, As a rule I am opposed to pro The string which B osr Piatt has1 prietary midicines. Still I value a tied to the Morton boom may ( good one, especially _ when such is break when he attempts to pull it | the source of relief from pain. As in a topical [external] application I have found Chamberlain’s’ I’ain Mr. Harrison pain his respects Balm the best remedy I have ever j . »•uv vs for ivi iivuiuiKiawi n ■ neuralgia of c*ir any y kind. I resident Cleveland by a pereon- used . , 1 ’ll at the .White House, but he have conscienciously recommended Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. William didn’t do as much for Mr. Reed. it tu many persons. I erhaps hs hasn’t enough respect Horne, M. D., Janesville, Sold by all druggists. for the la’ter to pay. iikj OREGON BURNS, JOHN SAYER, . ..Proprietor. Situated on Silvies river 1 mile East of Burns, near the bridge Customers wil receive GOOD FLOUR from Good Wheat BLACKSMITH 4 WAGON SHOP. M K & c innon BURNS Shop opposite the Brewery All work in our line done neatly and with dispatch. guaranteed. Give ub a call. ELKHART CARRIAGE and Satisfaction HARNESS MFG. CO Have M4 T« Consamer« Fw *« Yem, gissaKs $24 WHOLESALE PRICES No. 1. Farm Harness. u «trim ot wlth l»n< reiulera, «AO1 forSSS to 1180. Top Bu«l««12 • biix M Ken for ISO to S75. ■«me mm II •••15. Ph««tonp*siowM»oS, *Sa,1° HARNESS. *“ po, poet*«., if, The recent rapid growth of the ^orton Loom indicates that Gov. • '»Hi n has knocked in the head of his barrel. kenyon «No. 41. Wagon. S4O. to - W. B. PRATT, Secretary, Elkhart, Ind. JOHN F. STRA7TQM’8 CELEBRATED CUITAR8, Importer of »nd Wlioxsaie DeaUr in all kind« of I,r- Parkhurst refuses to l-elieve "» «he inte grity of anv of the o(her P »»>!■ r aj r« formers, not even ex cepting Teddy.” MUSICAL MERCHANDISE, Sll,81C,blu,B17 East 9th SL.Now York. HSb?.' WuTsÍuB,e“ZíSr a->-U •7 !ATTAc/\Mem>i 2,^ wdwsiw ■ Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powdet Award«! Gold «Udal Midwiatar Fair San Fraaoara. W MQ W c Ó loiw ÍGCM í P «UBI 0 «SÇUML a Y ___ FOR SA1X BY , *'•». * .»•ce -lu-'■*’»». tra .•■«•.«*• l . isv »arsale ta Ban», v.cg., by n. M. nOKTu», TW Of »yitlf O»