.1 1 ! I I I .O -- --------------------------- ---- -------------- 7 I I _ BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, FEBRUARY VOL. IX ♦ 5 NO 10 189G ---------------- - ----------------------------------------------------- Highest of all hi Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report and one in Washington, weri set I 'for Friday Jan. 31st. to-wit: John' New Orleans, Jan. 29.— A spec- Frester, Lloyd Monigomerev, Chas. P î BLLSHED EVERY WEDNESDAY Asimus a id Sam Brown. The two i?.l from Jacksonville, Fla, says: BY W. C. BYRD & SOIT. 1 To Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Thomas,' hanged were Montgomery und I 1 m ur P ublishers and P roprietors . I who live in Oakland, a suburb of I Asimus. The former for the Jacksonville, a girl baby was born der of his father and mother li nd y gterday which talked at three Daniel V. McKeruher. He was SUBSCKIPTION RATES: i J $2.00 different times in its life of six hanged at Albany. Asintus suffer One Y»«r....................................................... .1.00 fix Mouth» ................................................. . .75 ritiee Mouth».............................................. i hours. That the child talked is ed the death 'penalty, at Kalama HEItALI) CLUB LIST: —(let one of I. S. Geer & Co’s —John Sweitzer,carpenter,under attested by Dr. Peterson, the attend Wash, fbr ihe murder of James tferald and Harper’s Magazine....... ......... 5,00 at 5.20 taker and cabinet-maker. His work premium purchase tickets. This ilerald ami Harper’s Weekly ......... ......... 5.20 ing physician, its mother, grand Greenwood. Sam Brown, now J»rahl stri Harper ’ s Bazar ......... the second large having escaped 3.75 mother and nurse Jerald and Harper's Young People .. . 3..., shop is in the old saloon building firm agrees to give the holder of Dr, Peterson lerald sad Alden’» Manifold Cyclopedia,. .I' '"* county jail, time from the Douglas cent»: next door south of Worthington’s. ; such tickets a fine life size Crayon each nJ J itioual volume after Vol. I 55 cent«! Bays: 10 cent» extra tier volume, pcatage. Kincad in who murdered Alfred Mr.Sweitzer guarantees his work at ' Portrait absolutely free of any •‘Immediately after the baby -*tf~Uopkiof all the above work» can be ex- captured,in Oakland, will yet, if prices to suit the hard times. Cof ¡charge, by purchasing $20 worth ; was born I handed it to the nurse, 1 nlned st leieure in the Reading Room. i Mrs. Taylor, when it began to fret, all probability, suffer the penalty fins made to orde’". Will take pro of goods for cash at their store. It ytF"Publisher» of periodical» are solicited John duce partly for work and balance in is not necessary that the whole crime richly 'merits. oeiml caibli'ug rar, s, a copy of their work for ¡and in a few minutes cried» ‘Oh. his jur Free Reading Room—W e tile and bind ihe titer at dole of every half-volume, r nd r»v ci Lord: oh, Lord!’ as natturally as amount should be purchased at one I Fiester, who’s crime was drowning ca-h. wpitt bv advertisement. bis wife by holding her head under time, but any amount from 5 cents I could have done. The nurse, super to the water until she strangled to $20 as explained upon the tick stitious, dropped the I abe, and I advertising RAT : is A good ranch belonging to H. G. ets. caught it: Half an hour later, the death, was declared insane and •1 wk 2 wk 1 1 mo J 3 mo 1 6 mo 1 1 yr at Campbell, containing 160 acres 12 no an inmate of thj asylum baby cried, ‘Oh, Lord!’ three times »1.50 »2.50 »5.00 »8.00 »U.00 »15.00 28.00 18.00 12 03 0.50 4.00 1 3.00 miles south east of Burns. This Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy 40 00 again. I was startled and determin Salem. 24.00 I 3.50 <5.1)0 8.00 1... 00 50.00 32.00 4.M 6.00 10.00 20.00 ranch has about 100 acres of good cures colds, croup and whooping The child 54.00 ed to watch the case. 48.00 6.00 9 00 15.00 28.00 80.00 120. Ou 12.00 16.00 28.00 48.00 meadow land. Price $800 or will cough. It is pleasant, safe and re 20. (X) 30. Otl •it) 00 00.00 110 00 140. Uo remained quiet for several hours, Bow to Prevent Croup. trade for sheep. liable. For sale by all druggists. and then rose suddenly to a sitting B yrd & K ing . JOB WORK posture and cried. ‘Mamma mam I •Croup is a tarror toyoung mothers Jt every description executed with neatness ma, mamma!’ then fvll back dead •ndilespaleh, at reasonable rates. I examined it and found it dead and to post them conctring the Pamphlets Poster», ilreulars, I Letter Heads, Bill 'leads. jot tnnU r Catarrh i lavelopes, The baby was Mrs. Thomas’ 14th cause, first symptoms and treat Cards, TicKetg, Note Heads, kitemen: s, Dodgers, Etc. tetneranus, Invitations. that contain Mrcu ry, child, and her seven'll daughter. ment is the object of this item, T h « IlERALn la kept regularly on file for re Mrs Thomas ha« been bedridden The origin of croup is a common ference, in the Geo. P. Rowell New vspaper Ad- ‘ J I rirtising Bureau, 10 Spruce st.. New v York. I as mercury will surely destroy the . CORDOVAN, with rheumatism for some months, cold. Children who are subject ¡¡to FRENCH AENAMCLLEO CALF. i sense of rmell and -completely de- croup • ~ -- a and five weeks before the baby was , it tske cohl very easily and 4.S3«J F ine C alf &K angar )(V A • OFFICIAL DIRECTORY The first i ran8e the whole system when en is almost sure to follow. *3.50 POLICE,3 SOLES. | born, suffered great pain. In her | svmpton is hoarseness; this is soon I tering it through the mucous sur- <o!?9*2'WfRK,NGME|& paroxysms she cried, ‘ Oh, Leri! ’ national : -EXTRA FINE- Such articles should nevi r President .............................. . . .Grover Cleveland frequently She frequently called I followed by a peculiar rouSh cough,' ^aCeP- »2.^17® BOYS'SCH8CLSHH1 flce-Presldeut. ............ .. Adlai Stet enson -LADIES- which is easi ily recognized and will I be ueed exuePt. or\ Prescriptions leeretary of State .............. Richard 8. Oh ey ‘Mamma, mamma!’ addressing Mrs iecretarj’ of Treasury .... . John G. Carlisle from reputable physicians, as the' Rcretary of interior Dr. Peterson never be forgotten by cne who has ............ Hoke Smith Black, her mother.” ’3‘2?°B es V p ’ c NO0^ ieeretary of Wer.............. Daniel 8. Lamont r ' SEND FOR CATALQCUE- The time to act is when damage they will do is ten fold to I leeretary of Navy .......... .. Hilary A. Herbert thinks thfse cries of the mother heard it. WL-DOUGLAa> Secretary of lgricultnre. J. Sterling Morton the good you can possibly derive 1 BROCKTON, MASS. If I Attorney General Jud ■'on Harmon were responsible/ur the remarkable the child first becomes hoarse. Over One Million People wear the Postmaster General Wm. L Wilson from them. Hail ’ s Catarrh Cure, exhibition of the infant. He pays Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes STATE—OREGON : manufactured by F. J. Cheney & W. I that when born the child Looked l G. W. McBride. freely given all tendency to croup Ail our shoes are equally satisfactory iewo™ I J. II.Mitchell. Co., Toledo, O., contains no rner- They give the best value far the tnormy. He will prepare will soon disappear. Even after (Binger Hermann 'nearly a year old. They equal custom «hoc« in style and lit. vengressmen..................... ( W. K. Ellis cury, and is taken int rnally J, act- ’ Thali- wearing qualities are unsurpassed. ‘ a statement of the case for the the croupy cough has developed it Attorney Ueueial ........ . <'. M. ldleman The prices are uniform,-—stamped on sole. loveruor ........................... Wm P Lord ing directly upon the blood and mu From Si to S3 saved over other makes. I lecreiary of State .... There is I will prevent the attack. .HR Kincaid | medical journals. If your dealer cannot supply you we can. Sold by rrea»nrer ........ R . rhll. Metschan cous surfaces of the system. In iupt. Public Instruction G MIrwin no danger in giving this remedy for "Dealors everywhere Wanted, agent to Itate Printer ..................... R.... W II Leeds buying Hall’s Catarrh Cure be sure take exclusive »ale for this vicinity. Write it contains nothing injurious. 1 K. 8. Bean, you get the genuine. It is taken at on ce. _________ lopreme Jn lgea ...................z C. AN AMERICAN MITER. C. Wolverton WolvertoD > F. A. Moore idternaliy and ie made in Toledo, SINETil JUDICIAL DISTRICT. district Jndge . . D . . M. D CLlFFOKi» Ohio, by F. J. Cheney <t Co. Tes Paris Jan 31—A short time ago TWO FOR ONE. Sistrict Attorney ....................... C. W. l’arrieh. tolnt-Kepreaviitative (R).. O. L. Patterson. a man, apparently about 77 timonials free. years I«iut-Seuatur .(R).............. A. W.Gowan Scientific American old, and an Americas, fell in a fit! Send for free sample and judge £'i?“Sold by Druggists, price 75c. COUNTY— hahnut : Agency for thereby. The E. O. H erald and per bottle. while walking along the Boulevard lountjr jiilge .............. ............ C. P. Rutherford. Htrk ......................... ..(D).. . C. E. Kenjon des Capucins. The police took Cincinnati Weekly Ei quirer, both TreMurer ....................... fR) " " - I. 8. Geer farveyor D TA. McKinnon charge of the case, as there was no one year for $2. iheriff................................ ........ A. Gifting» (R) The Enquirer isa9 colum,8 pace Unesgor .. ... .(D)... 8. W. Miller '"hoot Superintendent iR) .C ha «. Xt-we 1 one accompanying him or within paper, issued each Thursday. It >ck Inspector ► ................ Geo. Tregaskis eight who knew anything about Largest in size,cheapest in price, ID) > A. B. Marks tontmissioner« It was ascertained with mo8t reliable in news,all large type, ^■well begun Is half done. Begin (R) S R. R. Sitz. the man. design patents , well by getting Ferry'« Seeds. M some difficulty where the stranger plain print* good white paper. If harnet Ü. 8. LAND OFFICII : COPYRIGHT«, kto.1 Don't let ehnnee determine INI For Information and free Handbook write to our readers want another live paper, 3*lt1»ter ................... »your crop, but plant Ferry'« S< - .................... Thoma» Jones ' lodged, and he MUNN A CO.. 861 B roadwat . N ew Yong. was taken there. the Enquirer is that paper Receiver W Heeds. Known and sold » Oldest bureau for «ecurlng patents In America. ....... ........... A. A. Cowing » everywhere. \» Every patent taken out by uh is brought be for« Among the' papers found on his Call or send orders to this oflice. Before you plant, get % tho public by a notice given free of charge In CU® ^ckutific ^tuericau Ferry’s Seed Annual \ person was an envelope which he WTlIB for lsilfl. Contains more prao- I SOCIETIES. i carried in an inside pocket, bearing Deal Information for farmers I I • Largest circulation of any scientific paper In th« and gardener« than many high- SYLV A REBEKAH Degree No. 43. world, f plena idly illustrated. No intelligent •} priced text books. Mailed free. J post-mark Boston, and enclosing a man should be without it. Weekly. 83.00* Meet»every let and 3d Wednesday. a. «. ressv a co., D etroit , ieii . year; $1.50 six months. Address, MUNN A C4X, check for 29,000 francos P ubusubm . 3til Broadway. New York City. MI m Leia McGee N.G. Sam Notherahead. Rec. Sec'y. The place where the man lived and to which he was taken uncon- A. O. ü. W. Burns Lodge, No 17 Mevtsevent 2d and 4th Thursday«• seious by the police, was cheap F. GTRATTOM’S t’avn Orsham. the popular compo»«r H M Horton. M.W • and Dlr, ctor of Miuie at Harrlg n‘a flieatre, celebrated lodging-house Here it was learn j.w Bayer, Bee d •»ays. CUÎTAR3, > New York, Nlatcn 1st. 13W. cd he had lived, in apparent pov a ,T*- Messrs. John F. Stratton hauney uidge , no . 77, i . o o f . H ^ ,rf — s - Meet« at Odd Fellovra Hall, every Saturday, erty, for 12 years. Dear Birst—I have given your Russian Gut He. expired v '*»■. W.C. Byrd, N. G. Violin Strings a thorough trial, >in,l am pleas Imp- r'eref^nd soon after being taken to this place. B. D. McIntyre, 8eey. » hoicf.ii* Dealer la ail kinds of ed to state that they are the best toneA au<l DiUillCAU ME.RCMANOI««, The sttce*«" of tli'-v G-ent Cough Cure la most durable strings I have ever used A search of his domicile was made, — - - Ù1T o,r,v- . I without a parallel in the history of medicine. 8À1.Î13, bl<»; 817 East VlhSt..New York. Yours reap:., DAVE BRAIIAM, HARNEY POST NO. 4*. G. A. R- All druggist» ar, aut horized to sell it on a pos which revealed »quantity of French ', Ma«uevery l«t and 3d Wedtieaday of each itive iruarautec, a teal that no other e rc can I ■»•uh. at old Fellow«’ Hall. All Comrade bank notes, American seen Cities,etc., •ucoesaruily stv«I. That it may become •a ,ou<l etandinginvited. the Prcpri^tcrs. at an enormous ex | placed at various points in the known, perts, arc placing a F zmpie Eottle Free into home in the United StaUs and Canada, apartment, of the total value of every Eurns-Canyon Stage Line if you have a Cough, Fore Throat, or Bron | 2,000,000 Frances. Efforts are be- chitis. nee it. ’or it *¡11 cure you. If your child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use r. S. MAILS. ting made to ascertain the name of it promptly, and r“Mef is aura. If yon dread H. A. W illiams , contractor. 1CBNS— valb : that insfdi.i-m disraao Consumption, use it IrriTetand depart« dally, ' the man. Carrying U. S. Mails and Eastern Oregon Express Co’s Expres. Ask your Druggist for SHILOH'S CURE, flic ^irraid. ( Baby talked at Birth. * RpZft!« A bsolutely I ■» I j I ft pure ? i : IO »I I r I it '4 !" f > f li ■n I ■■ M I I ■t • « M i 1 1 i W. L. D ouglas $3 it A <1 •>. » ; 1 I- : i Ï if I 1 I X, ■J i j I I I ^PLANTING 3 SHILOH’S CONSUMPTION cure . I 1 æ IV y ■ y 4 ic aw»— camtow citt : veiaad daily, axerpt fandwy Four hangings, three in Oregon ’ Price 10 cts.. 50 eta. and $1.00. If your Lungs are sore or Ba-k lame, us« Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price M cts. For sal« by all Drug- gists and Dealers. 4 Stages Leave Burns daily for Canyon City, and intermediate point« Fare $5. • ‘I J B