Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1896)
SHILOH’S CONSUMPTION CURE. t I $100.00 Given Away Every Month COPYRIGHTS to the person Submitting the most meritorious iuventioa during th« preceding month. WK NKCUHK PATENTS FOlt INVENTORS, and the object of this offer is to en courage persons of an Invent ive turn of mind. At the same time we wish to Impress the fac t that U 8 3 S we The snceeas of Great Congh Cure Is w'thout a parallel In the history of medicine. All drufnrists «re anthorired to sell it on a pos itive guarantee, a teat that no other e re can successfully stand. That it may becomo known, the Propriutors. at an enormous ex pense, are placing a Sample Bottle Free into every home in the United States and Canada. If you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bron chitis. ns« it. tor it will core you. If your child has the Croup, cr Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and relief is jure. If you dread that insidious disease Consumption, nse it Ask yonr Draggist for SHILOH’S CURE, Price 10 cts.. 50 cts. and SI.00. If your Lungs are sore or Back lame, use 8hiloh’s Porous Plaster. Price M eta. For sale by all Drug gists and Dealers. bow to ob oi mecha»- ‘TÄrtu.n MÏÏS * CO. r^ve Bp «ria1 notice in tb« NHeatlflc Ibas are brought widely before th« F“blic out eoet to the Inventor. This spleudW pep«. It’s the Simple, Trivifil Inventions That Yield Fortunes bouees. with plana, enabling builders to show the i-,—, (ie*i|rne and secure contracts. Address MUNN ACO, NSW Yon*. 3Ö1 BROADWAY. —such ns Do Ixing's Hook ami Eyo, “Bee that Hump,'' • Safety Pin,” “Pigs In Clo ver.'’ "Air Brake." eh- Almost everyone conceives a bright Idea at some time or other. Why not put it In prao tlcal use? YUCK tulet.ta may lie III thl« direction. .Muy make your fortune. Why not tr>7 i: t: :: :: :: rW Write for further Information and lututiou this paper. O •I W. L. D ouclas • O CMAF laTHtIMT. QO WBIWta nosgukaking . ♦5. CORDOVAN, f RfNCHA ENAMELLED CALE ‘■‘■S $4.*J.VFlNECALf&Ky.'GA®l >3. to POLICE, 3 soles . THE PRESS CLAIMS GO IL ♦2?I.7JB oys ’S chogi 5 hoes . S^"The responsibility ■.I i. . <.ti>|uuiy may Im lud«<'d by tl.r '»>. I litui it stock la huid by uvei ,i,e tl.outan l i t Hit- loading U»w»cat-«i> II. the I ullutl Status. Kwell begun Is half done. Begin B well by getting Ferry'« *eeil«. flb ■ Don't let etsnnee determine RM W your crop, but plant Ferry's ip- W Seeds. Known and »old u ■ everywhere. ■ ■ Before you plant, get » •LADIES- H.75 ♦¿,Z'B est D0NG0U 4 Í SEND FOR CATALOGUE * < W-L-DOUGLAS, BROCKTON. MAU. ¥•■ raa eave meney by purchu.lug W . L. Duuala. Hh <><■«, Because, we sre the largest manufacturers ot advertised shoes in the world, and guarantee the value by stamping the name ana price on the bottom, which protects you against high pricea and the middleman's profits. Our shoes equal custom work in style, easy fitting and wearing qualities. We have them sold every, where at lower prices for the value given than any other mal.e. Tike no substitute. If your dealer cuuuot supply you, w_- can. bold by M Ferry'» Seed i '■,«*■ r <>i <• K CUM « ». * l vis. uHN. JOHN F. STRATTON’S Annual for 1*94 Contains more prac- tlcal Information for farmers (and gardeners than many high- priced textbooks. Mailed free, i d . a. rikkr A co., DrrkoiT, xnii. '.'GVE / originated hy us All Ruceceasful F|i*cul:itor* it)w>raieon a regular sv-ti m It is a well-known fuel that there a « tlmuaanda of men in all parts of th* Ihiitpd Btatea win» by svRtomatic trading through Chicago brok era. ni «ke large anmunta every rear, ranging from a few thoueand dol)ar’« for th« man who invrglg a htrulred or two dollar« tip to 150,1100 to $|th)O<*O <>r morn by th<»«e who i ivot a few thousand It it aliM> a fact th «’ th«** who make the largest profit* from com para’iv ly «mall i’ v- tmciitson thia j Ian are • htsoh '» whi live awav from < liicago an I inyset through brokers who thoroughly und rstand •yutematle trading. Our plan does not ri«k the whole amount inveatwd on any trade,but covers both sides, •<» that whether th« market rise* < r falls it bring • tendv profit that pile» upenommualv in a short tune. WRITE FOR CON VINCI Mi PROOFS, al o our M inunl Mice s«ful gp 'dilation and our Daily Market Report, full of money in iking point« rs. ALL FREE, Our iiiiiiu*l expl »ilia margin trading fully. lligbeet reference* in regard to our standing and «UCi’CRA For further information address Per Year: Dv-scHan a Co., Agts., HARPER’S MAGAZINE.................. fri.Of HARPER’S WEEKLY .................... 4.0C HARPERS BAZAR............................ 4.CM HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE......... 2.0f- Postage Free to all Subscribers in the United States, Canada, or Mexico. 519 MONTGOMERY ST., S. F„ CAL Hap’ Baza ' I L L I) S T R A T E D . HARPER’S PERIODICALS. Elegei t ami exclusive designs for Out-door ami Indoor Toilettes, drawn from W orth mod- els by S andoz and C hapuis , are an important | ferture- These appenr every week, accompan- i led by minute descriptions and de al's Our Paris Letter, by K atharinr i > k F orest , is a weekly transcript of the latest stiles and capri- I css in the mode, Under the h«ap of New York I Fashions, plain descriptions and full paJticu- 1 ' lars are given as io shapes, tubries, trinimingt, ami access.alesot the costumes of welUere»s>'.i I women. Childrens Clothing receives practical attention. A tortniglitly Pattern-shcei supple ment enables readers toeut ami mrketheir own gowh The woman whotnk s HARPER’S BA- ■ Z IS is prepared for every occasion i n life, ce remonious or informal, where beautiful dress is lequisite. I _________ ___ __ PER year : Postage Free to all subecribjrs ill the States. Canada, or Mexico. Tne Volumes Volume« of the Weekly will T-s: bi. the first Number for Jauuarv of ea When no Huie time in 1« mentioned, ail su »script >8 'ri pt i....»1.. ... » - » Number ’ > begin with u - the current at i ceipt of order. Bound Volumes of Harper's Weekly f vea • back, in neat doth binding, w ill by mail Pot'age paid, or by express, fr pens« (provided the freight due's note« per volume) for |7 DO a volume. ■ Cloth cases for each Volume, suita binding wfll be sent by mall post-paid ceipt of |l. Remittances should be ma le by P >s Monay Order or Draft, to avoid chance o Address H ARPER A HR iTtiERS, Ne I WHOLESALE PRICKS Hors brand bar ten on left shoulder; Cattle bar ten on left hip and upper clip on both ears. T. A. McKinnon, Burns Ore. Hardin A Riley, cattle branded Von left aide HorsetirandT leftside, r. o. Burns,Ortron J. C, Foley, cattle brand = on right lid* Horae brand — on left shoulder. Cattle brand, IL, on left rib under bit In left ear, unde 8k_ pe in right ear . Horae braid 71 uh right s fire. R E J. A. Williams P, 0. Riley Or. Horse« branded )-( on left stifle. Cattlebrasl ed )-( on left hip. Marion Buuyard, P0 Burna Cattle diamond on left hip: hor shoulder. Charles H. Voegtley. Burns O W Hat’s . HARPER’S Weekly is a pictorial history of the times. It presents every important event pt mpt ly, accurately, and exhausti-'ely in 11 n.s'ration aud descriptive text oi the hlgnest or ter, Tiemsnnerin which, during 1*94, It has tr i ed the Chicago Railrt ad Strikes and the ' Irmt-Japanese War, and the amount of light it « as able to throw on Korea the instant atten- ito. was directed to that little-known county, an examples of its almost bosndlet« retMrt cs. Ju ian Ra uh. the distinguished writer and i r e«]>om'eiit, has been sent to lhe seat of war, a'd there Joined tty c D. Weldou, now for ria i - ears » esidant in Japa n, who has been e gs.ed to t o operate w ith Mr. Ralph in Send- lion H yRl’ R'.- WEEKLY exclusive informa tUn and iliustration. Hors« brand 3fi on left shoulder, also thre« dotsin shape of trinngle, cattle branded sama E. E. Grout Burns Or. Miss Rosa Di< kenson Horse brand anvil st 'eft »title. Cattle branded bar;Ron left hip. F O. Lawen Ore. J. P Dickenson cattle brand J P connected«!! left hip Hone brand anvil on left stifle. P. 0«ti Ore. Cattle brand figure 7 on either hip; mark light crop off each ear, slip In each ear, and watt on left jaw. Horse brand flgnreToneitherhly J. II. Bntiyard.Bnrus;ora. Geo Williams, horses and mules bra rounding wt on right s;ltie. F, 0 Ril«y Horse brand bar-m on left shoulder: ( «’tie brand bar-m on left hip and ribs. Catherine Marshall P O Narrow a Ore. Horse brand on left shoulder 9 Ml»« Laurl StaHclift, Bums Ore. Horse brand r* on left shoulder and same os D ■ uscle of right hind leg. Phil Smith Burn» Ore. S, I.ampahire and Son cattle brandy Q connected. Earmark swallow fork in right ear underbit in left. P, O. Burns Ore. Horses and Cattle branded J P on left shoul der s ane b am ed JP connected Msrv J. Price, Burns Oie liermau Ruh cattle brand on t .«< er crop < ff and swallow fork in left oar right ear under slope, P. o. 1-awen. “......................... nuderblt ■ is ’ rattle brand. H .......... O. on left left hip. h ■ p. r tnmer r. U.,rtfS right ear and a crop and split in '‘■■ft. A. Hembree J ■-( O. on left shoulder. Narrows, Or» HARPPR’S rizar ............... .4.or H \RI'ER’S magazine .. Cattle and horse brand T with half circle nn- 4 Or HARPER'S WEEKLY ... 4 « <ier. G. w. Thompson, lawen. Ore. IIVRI’EK* YOCNd . PEOPt.n, ..... a.w 2 01 ■ • ace Free to a’.’ s • rll e-s in the Unite« ▼ States Canada, or Mexico. The v nn-e« oi the Baiar ! egin with the flrr t unilxrfor January of each year, when ns Is time is ■nenilone-!. su’weriptiou will t>egis with th« Number current atthelimeof receits of order for catalog»« Ex-gayor Daniel f Bound volumes of Harpers Rasar lor thre« Washington, New Jersey, year tn neat cloth binding, will he sent by mai n-e age paid1 or by express, free of expense (provided the freight does not exceed oue do) TWM miATTON lai tx-r volume) or |7 a Volume. c'ovh i nses fofeacb vetume, suitable for Mud Ir.g will be sentby mail p-wpaid cn rexeip of B aud I wstrltie . vts |t ear h. ■EXT PggM»OT Kemtnarcea «bo«M le made by P etOfflee M< . ry Order ot Draft, to av id '-hanre of luce a rem HARPER A BROTHER* Uk,y<«oa*e-v are rot to copy anv ene not aliftheibove a*. •••em« i s without the xprees jmes el HARPER BROTHERS. BEATTYS PIAljP^ Wagon. Spring Wagon*, tlOtoSas. <>«»»*■ mm. M .-.if. HS L Ik IS Xyteu «4 Road Wagon». gurr*,* «uh » »go. ♦Eft mm. Mwtl tv. S a » lu SMS Top guggl** *• »•• WWW •A »3». I __ Per Year FREE BRAND COLUMN. Horse branded P on right shoulder, cattle F on right hip. R. A. Hendricks. P.O. Lawes Or I L LT STR ATE D. I $24 I HA UP EK WEE Kl Y........................ HARPER’S MAGAZINE............... HARPER’S RAZAK......................... I HARPER’S YOUNG PEOPLE • HARPERS PERIODICALS \ f ' . gsr> . • ar« tfe* RM aryv*l Htoivj«»' »« I« ItWlW «»ill tM.». I !.. >ri"<-al. w. M* re< K«f* - .a* if • 4 »«ii ■ a* V m » I ’•« 'talaf ’ rwNt«4 wkt aa 4M t.» Mar *•!»• » ar *•<■■ *>r>hwc frx Ufcw ail th« risk K*t >ik«u<v la STOCK BRANDS. The volumes of the Mugazitie begin with the Numbers for June and Decemlier oi eac h year. When no time is specified, sub I scriptions will begin with the Number cur rent at time of receipt of order. Bound volumes ot Harper's Magazine for I three years bacg, in neat cloth binding will I be sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of $3 per volume. Cloth Cases, for binding 56' ! cents each—by mail, post-paid. I Remittances should be made by Postofticr ■ Money Order, or Draft, to avoid chunc o loss. Address HARPER & BROTHERS, Nev York. THOM.’C» & CO. n^nkorc *>nd Brokers 24M-242 Railto Bu ldinc; Ohicngo /*F1F uiuily household book free. HARPER’S PER Oi'ICS DRUMS,FIFES. Piccolosand Band Supplies. u?|H 00 FOR EACH DOLL RIHVESTED U*N BE MADE Bl OUB Systematic Pun d Smnlaisoi K 3V-N ALSO Returning |»r<»s|»««rit»’ will make many rich, but row here can they in ik • mi much within a ehort timt a* by micei s>t’ul S,> dilation in Grain I’rovixiona and Stock. )our The Simpleton, a new no.iel br T homa « ill be begun in the December Number, H axdy . will rEN 1*94, and continued to November 1995 Who- • ever may lx» oue'» favorite among Erglish Nov- JIS. I elist«, it will be conceded by all critic« that i T humbs hardy stands foremoat of a master I í \ ’ srtist in Action, and The Simpleton« may be .’IN expected to arcuse enthuaiama not iufenhr in degree to that which has marked Trilby—the GTo i m< st suet essful story of th« year. Another 'eading feature will be the Personal Recollec tiui.s of Joan qf Ate, by the Sieur Louis i>x tum ' C osts . Her Psge and Secretary, under which rs I guise the ini at popular of living American G I s | magazine writers will Present ahe «tory of the , Mali! af Orleans In the January Nu nber Will Lasts appear a drofuaely illustrate* paper on Charles times longer ton and the (aroliuas, the first of a Meries of L ooks nos ¿•even times better Th« Southern Papars, » Noatheru Africa 1« attracting more attention About Seven times cleaner at any other time since it was the seat of em pires. The next volumtaof HARPe-s MAGA About Two times cheaper ZINE will four illustrated art idea on this regin, and thre« of them will depict the present life About Two times handier ¡here. fULiAN R alph will prepare for the M AGAZINE a series of eight stories, depicting • • • tvpical phases of Chinese Life and Manners. Besides the long stories, toe re will begin in the Jauuary Number the first Chapter of A Three [f vour grocer doesn’t keep it, Part Novelette, by R ichard H arding D avis — the longest work yet attempted by this wri'er. send us his name with ioc and Complete stories by popular writers Will continue to be a feature of the MAGAZINE ■_et a large box and a valuable Band Instruments SMALL 1HWM88TS *;th I Celebrated Send for JOHN F. STRATTON, Catalogue 81 1.813,815.817 E 9th St . N.Y minq hjn.jng cue ;;ppcur»nce oi •..ove with wich 'A WASHINGTON, D. C. "i F g' O ur ’ n I,.1.rd work co-up?red (JSTRATKD ILLUSTRATED. I rPLANTINGJ a 6IH F Street, Northwest, 4 9105!. rlmit'KKl' ' ;i.» t-ìu\ i Mag az i S1Í / Philip W. Avlrett, Go*. Mgr., «»•*•**' 1893 Pfi..tont *•»•<■*• s«S. HARNESS. WWyto«. aiM««, tSwMv a*4 Farm Rkt BlIdlM «M Fu Raw !•■.■ A S .■«■W II |MU «.-ri*««. lis SM» «*«*I. wm *. W. B. PRATT, Secretary, Elkhart, Ind.