J ohn F S Reider. quarreled at his bedside, about the M M Whiteside, » best method of treating him, ought Dean Horton. to have somebody arrested for mur HAPPY VALLFY. WKDNÏSDAY JANUARY 29 18 6 der. Sylveeter Smith, W H Mahon, J H Neal. Editor If we defy England in’other usat-t^ ® "ar^* w. c. mk” ters why should we obey her orders' Cornutt. CATLOW. Some people seem at last to have as to our financial system? grasped the ide* that Foraker is. Thos Walls, D L Shirk, It would be interesting to know John James, A Spangleberger. planning an attempt to cut McKin if anybody,’except the proof read Henry Stephens. ley off from his base of supplies. ers, read those four pages published ALVORD. by the New York Herald in connec Mr. Harrison’ s friends say he tion with the report of the commit R C Copley, W E Alberson, bases his expectations of again be tee t^at investigated those idiotic Wm Gore, D M Loggan. ing nominated for President upon charges made by Lord Dunraven. R F Claypool. the hope of a deadlock in the St. WILD HORSE. Louis convention. The old gentle Perhaps Mr. Harrison postponed Chas Turner, man is wise enough, however, to his marriage until spring so as to R Doan, Henry Scoubcs. base bis hopes of happiness upon get it rearer the St. Louis conven H E L Layton, A Lnndon. wedlock. tion. R ohrman , B rewer OF THE FAMOUS OREGON BURNS, FOR SALE IN KEGS AND BOTTLES. PUEBLO. The McKinleyites are dividing The people of this country are Joseph Catlow. up the patronage of the next ad- perfectly willing to leave‘President Adam Adrian, Chas Fields. ministration with the idiotic confi Cleveland ' free to deal with the A Denio, dence of those who make a practice | question of recognizing the bellig M J O'Conner. HARRIS <fc JOHNSON Proprietors. of counti» g chickens before they erency of the Cubaus, knowing'jhat Good advice: Never leave the I he has all the information obtaina are hatched ble and believing that he will do house on a journey without a bottle OREGON. If you don’t believe the repubii- the proper thing at the proper time, ef Chamherlain’t Colic, Cholera and BURNS, Diarrhoea Remcdv. For sale by cans are thoroughly harmonious --------------------- Bismarck has caught the “recol just study up a bit on the U. S_ Several years ago I was taken I Wines Liquors, and Cigars. Senate and the republican legisla- lection fever” and is writing a book. with a severe attack of flux. I was • ture3 now in session Good Billiard tables, PleasanQCard Rooms, etc., etc. sick in bed about ten days and , Thomas B Reed is keeping , ----- ;------ “ . . I quiet'lhwJ da«» but" hi»’ ¿m»«;5, '»“W «« "»‘M”« “> "»e« "•« i Sal°’n is flr,t cUm in evcr’ P»rti«ul«r- Exper.enced bartender com peti- j The Morton boom is being pushed 4 tors for that nomination - . Ji , til I used Chamberlain ’ s Colic. know that 111 1 ustu vnamoeriam s vouc, Mixed drinks to please the most fastidious. for rtvenue—to the pushers—only. he hasn’t thrown up the sponge. [Cholera Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, Remedy. which cured me and has been a Gilliam, the originator of the, judg€8 and Clerks of Elections, household remedy with us ever since. J C Marlow, Decaturville, tattooed man” :n caricature, is Mo. For sale by all druggists. dead. He was part owner of Judge. CURRY PRECINCT. His artistic ability was unques CLERKS . JUDGES. its Value Recognized by Physi tinned, but so much can hardly be Newell Hall, W H Hogan, cian. ; be said of his good taste. JOHN SAYER, . .Proprietor. N A Dibble, T J Shields. As a rule I am opposed to pro- j Fred Oakerman. There’s money in political re- Situated on Silvieg river 1 mile East of Burns, near the bridg# , prietary midicines. Still I value a, colbctionB.” if they are made yiei-, burns . good one, especially when such is' ously personal. At least, John, WC Byrd, M L Lewis, the source of relief from pain. As Customers wii receive GOOD FLOUR from Sherman is getting considerable| Henry Cheatham. P G Smith, i a topical [external] application I money out of that kind. | Geo Young. have found Chamberlain’s’ Pain 'Good Wheat ■■ POI SON CREEK. Balm the best remedy I have ever Jim Corbett has taken to talking, „ . r,1 Chae Zeigler, used for neuralgia of any kind. I . _ , . . . , . Peter Clemens, about fighting again, in order to in-’ . , have conscienciouslv recommended J S Bowen. crease the attendance at his show. c, T • , . it to many persons. William I ' S. Lampshire. •Horne, M. D., Janesville, Wis.j SILVI ES. Sold by all druggists. The English ought to feel much* R ILankins Jr, it'ieved to know that the Venezue-.A Wintermier M c K innon <t kenyon Benny Craddock. Ians are not really thirsting for * J L Cross, British gore. ’ John Craddock. BURNS «S rLOuii & S aw mill te I 1 * I I BLACKSMITH A WAGON SHOP. — .................... - PINE CREEK. ; I The difference between Warner* R A Miller, L C Decoudress, Miller end Bofce Plait is that the J P Gearhart, F Bliss former is booming Gov. Morton for Eugene Heath. keeps. $100.00 :: Given Away ¡j Every Month DREWSEY. | Jos Robertson Now that Col. Cockerill has again killed the Queen of Korea,! L N Stallard, will he kindly allow hereto stay • A I Johnson, CRANE dead? Frank Gibier. 11 Willie Altnow. • < B > » j ’ j ••> » CREEK. R L Newman, per-! P H Gray. Ira Venator, S F Stauffer. If Miss Clara Barion gets a 8onal interview with the Sultan nf'Chatf Peterson. Turkey he will probably be sorry | HARNEY. lie ever said a word against the ■ I T B James, H R McClure, Bed Cross Society aiding the Ar- ■ Chas Roper, Thos Bain. menians R Martin. I I i I e L B Springer, Henderson Elliott. 111 « It’s the Simple, Trivial 1 That Yield eld Fortunes « S£H?RT CARRIAfiE aDd 11' , , Ut-Pj-JiX. 618 F Street, Northwest, WASHINGTON, O. C. tWThe responsibility of im, company ’'.‘•’’J’? by lI‘* ’•• • *VK? >• held by over ui.« itiouaand <.f Ibe leading uewst««.,, m the I ntted States. Jeff Cawlfield, A W Hulburt. Satisfaction harness mfg . co . <91 m « profit». W. ere *h« th. «U BWaa. «f><l ---- M «•tented. Why nay an Arrenr .uL .Le .yt‘1,nF w«r- youl Write7your owi^o^te’rn*80. ” r°r U m . «a u. J.Muorf '">* W. i. > I ,. > ' *HOLE8AL1 PRICES - N o - 1». Road Wagon. S’.?*0®4®- ""‘ranged No. 1. Farm Harness. -•*«. Pha«oni”loTwO£5S5ft,*«*-to*’W \ THE PRESS CLAIMS GO. Philip W. Avirett, Gen. Mgr., LAKE. A Hembree, All work in our line done neatly and with dispatch, guaranteed. Give us a call. to the person --------- submitting -- ------------ „ 11 tho most meritorious iuvautiou during th« preceding month. WE SECURE PATENTS FOR INVENTORS, and the objeot of thia offer is to en courage persons of an invent ive turn of mind. At the same time wo wish to impress the fact that :: :: —such i a. as Do Long's Imng's Hook Syo. "Seo that Hump, and Ej-e, "Seo that Hump, ” ” -Safety Pin," "Pigs in Clo ver,” "Air Brake,” etc. Almost i very one conceives Q a bright idea at some time or other. Why not put. it in prac tical use? YOUR talents talent« may lie in thia direction :tion. May make your fortune. Why not ___ try? :: :: ;• :i :: t# Write for further information and mention this paper. SADDLE BUTTE. Recent utterances of college pro fessors show the need of a depart M V Smith,' Newt Hoover, meut of common sense in our edu F C Crowley, John Oard. cational institutions. Fred Otley 8r. In providing for six instead of tw o delegates to the national con vention from the District of Colum- the democratic national com- Dl,ttee just trippled the trouble for democracy of the District of Col umbia. fl r ♦♦ » Q Shop opposite the Brewery harness . I . «No. 41. Wagon. S4O. w. B. BRATT, Secretary, Elkhartjind. ISLAND. Homer Mace, B R Porter. Geo Hagey. Roy McGee, W L Clark. The relatives of the New York diamond . **“ «L died .hil. two pbydei.n, Geo A Smyth, Wm Buffington, NERH.SEE05?WEiW JTÎJ WX‘ J *AlAMERM”pm.u •>» relief ¿ ¡xi k mi , ' ■ I Ç«r» fbr Pile.. prje f 4 DnmrMaormnll. , ft-M.A«Wrr»'“ASAKI>h ” . »• «vous uuj* ly-^acha. dlmaaes'ca ynu ttifv ' rrrgr» ■••j ' W. ta Bunt., rri* " ip nulckly, pennanently all ,°r Ä” • :ron>and plump!