1 BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, Highest of all in Leavening Power country and abandoned alter it had« European en^ieçrT are much in- served its purpose. It was found PLBLI s HFD' EVERY WEDNESDAY térested in the proposed removal of ;a mile and a half north of the vii BY * * w. c. BYRD & SQN. ; - an entire town in Northern Russian ! l;ige of Palmyra, and in proximity to a point 43 miles distant, » the'to it were a lot ot Indian relics, ss nr. ; * • —■------- * ’ • « P ublishers and I’ roi ’K ietóhs ' houses to he transported over the t though it ha i been buried ‘ in i an frozen surface of the river on sledges Indian burial mound, as being the SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ABSOLUTELY PURE ...............12.00 I The city of Kola, on the peninsula safest place to hide it.—Rochester jue Year........................................... ! 00 Six Mouth« ...................................... ,7d I of the same name, is pow situated Post-Express. r .... ' ■ -= three Mouth«........................................ -------------- e ----- O ' —Get one of I. S. Geer & Co’s HERALD CLUB LIST; —John Sweitzer,carpenter,under­ at the confluence of tvro rivers, the Jerald and Harper’s MaRaanc...'.......... 5.00 llow to Prevent Croup. 5.201 Luttojoki and the NotoseroJforming taker and cabinet-maker. His work­ premium purchase tickets. This Jerald and Harper s Weekly -- --------- Jerald and Harper s Bazar.. •■■•••• X75 the Kola river, about 50 miles from shop is in the old saloon building firm agrees to give the holder of ] the Arctic ocean. Croup is a tarror toyoung mothers next door south of Worthington’s. such tickets a fine life size Crayon 10 ceut» extra ver volume, yuMaae. While the rivers and the bay be and to post them concering the Mr.Sweitzer guarantees his work at Portrait absolutely free of any rtT-Coplssof all the above work» can be ex- low are navigable for even large cause, first symptoms and treat­ prices to suit the hard times, Cof-1 charge, by purchasing $20 worth at leisure in the Reading Room. vessels, Kola is situated so far in ment is the object of this item. fins made to order. Will take pro of goods for cash at their store. It led z-*-Publi»hers of periodical« are solicited for land that it is shut off from the sea The origin of croup is a couimon duce partlv for work and balance in is not necesFiuy that the whole «.endc’uhbin« rates, a copy of their work for *U F^ Reading Rarm-We file and bimTthe amount should be purchased at one Children who are subject “to j ca bv ice much longer that other sea- cold. wpi»«bv advertisement. | ports situated even farther north. it tske cold very easily and croup time, but any amount from 5 cents J t u is almost sure to follow. The fi.st to $20 as explained upon the tick­ ” | like Vardoe, in Norwegian Lapland. ADVERTISING RATES: The governor of the province of svmpton is hoarseness; this is soon | A good ranch belonging to H. G. ets. 2 wk 1 1 inc 1 3 mo J fi mo Archaugelsk, Baron Englehardt. followed by a peculiar roti8h cough, ■Campbell, containing 160 acres 12 1'2.50 '15.00 |s.no 111.00 »15.00 ¿8.00 to whose jurisdiction the district which is easily recognized and will miles south’east of Burns. 18.00 This Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy 4 OU o. ;>o 12 03 24.00 40 OO I »50 5.00 S.00 15.00 50.00 32.00 belongs, has proposed to transfer never be forgotten by tua who has ranch has aboi< 100 acres of good cures colds, croup and whooping I 4.50 C.00 10.00 20.00 48.00 54.00 I 6.60 9.00 15.00 23.00 120.00 80.00 48.00 ‘ 2 .4.00 the citv to a better port nearer the beard it. The time to act is when meadow land. Price $800 or will cough. It is pleasant, safe and re­ in. oo 12.00 I 20.00 50.00 40.00 60.00 110.00 140.00 mouth of Kola River. the child first becomes hoarse. If trade for sheep. liable. For sale by all druggists. B yrd & K ing . Imperial and ministerial consent * (j| )ain h er | tl i H > 1J Cough Remedy is JOB WORK having been given, active prepara ­ f« freely given all tendency to croup )t everv description executed with neatness ind despatch, at reasonable rates, tions are now being made to trans­ vill soon disappear. Even after Pamphlets Posters, circular«, I <;f Ointmnl. r Catarrh Letter Heads, Bill liea.lB, port Kola o the new location, winch the croupy cough has developed it ÏBvelope«, Note Heads,, Cards, Tickets, katetnent«, that contain Siren ry, invitations. " Dodgers, Etc. affords great ad vantages’to naviga will prevent the attack. Th< re is («mora nd«, Tnz H erald is kept regularly on file for re­ tion; and since it is surround b\ no danger in giving this remedy for SHOEriifSiiKJi. ference, iu the Geo. P. Rowell Newspaper Ad- las mercury will surely destroy the rartlaiUK Bureau, 10 Spruce st.. New York. hills which it will take but little ex • it contains nothing injurious. . CORDOVAN, FRENCH «.ENAMELLED CALF. i sense of rmell and completely de- pense to fortify, it will certainly be I 4*3.50 H NE CALF&KANGAROa ' range tlie whole system when en OFFICIAL DIRECTORY come a print of great strategic im- 43.50 POLICE,3 SOLES. TWO FOR ONE. ' tering it through the mucous sur- 42 5P WORKINGMEN’, p< rt ince. -EXTRA FINE- . national : should nev»r Send for free sample and judge | laces. Such articles The pnojrct is not. however, a »2.^17= BOYS'SCHMLSHOEl ?re«ide:it ...................................... Grover Cleveland hereby.. The E. O. H erald and | be used except on prescriptions new one. The thing has been done Fice-President.............................. Adlai Stevenson ■LADIES' lecretary of Stare ................ Walter Q. Gresham Cincinnati Weekly Ei quirer, both from - reputable physicians, as the 4«creiaryof Treasury................ John G. Carlisle on an extensive scale right here in J«cretary of Interior........................ Hoke Smith me year-for $2. damage they will do is ten fold to I When the Mor­ ieerstary of War ..................... Daniel 8. Lamont the United St iles. r ’ SEND FOR CATALOGUE The Enquirer is a 9 colum,8 page W-L'DOUGL.Ag. kcretary of Navy ..............Hilary A. Herbert the good you can possibly derive1 EROCKTON.JAAUS. Ill., after the paper, issued each Thursday. iecretary of Agriculture. . .J. Sterling Morton mons left Nauvoo, Over One Million People wear the Ittorney General .................... Richard S, Olney from them. Hall ’ s Catarrh Cure, killing of Joseph Smith, they left be Largest in size,cheapest in price, ?o«tmaster General..................Wilson 8 Bissell L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes STATU—OREGON : j nearly 700 well-built * most reliable in news,all large type. manufactured by F. J. Cheney & W. hind them feaaror. I w- McBride. I All our shoes aro equally satisfactory • If .......................... I J. H.Mitchell. ’■ frame houses clustered around their plain print, good white paper. Co., Toledo, O , contains no mer- They give the best value far the money. _ 1 am* inxnlnrc want anntnov rtQ They equal custom shoes In style and lit. !w.TrEtnesru,a,,n ' unfinished temple the ruins of our readers want another live paper, cury, anti is taken int rtiallv J J act-' Their wearing qualities are unsurpassed. congressmen......... the Enquirer is that paper The prices are uniform,—stamped on sole. Attorney General From $t to $3 coved over other mnkes. < - win'? Lord h-f which, standing boldly out on a | Call or send orders to this office. ing directly upon the blood and mu Governor ............. If your dealer cannot supply you we can. Sold by . Ii R Kincaid I lecretary of State cous surfaces of the system, promontory, is one of the nao»t pic In Treasurer......................... ........ Phil. Metschan . . R ............ “ Dealers everywhere Wanted, «gent to lupt. Public Instruction . .. ... GM Irwin [buying Hall’s Catarrh Cure he sure take exclusive «ale for this vicinity. Write itate Priuter . R.. . W H l.oeds turesque features of upper Missisa R. 8. Bean. ippi river scenery. I you get the genuine. It is taken at once. German g’ape Supreme Judges America ’ s Great Danger ....... ! ■ p C. . A. Wolverton Moore growers came in and settled up the , id ter nab y and is made in Toledo, NINETH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. They wanted the hillsides Mstrict JnJ.ge D ... M.D. < liffolk place Ohig, by F. J. Cheney n of a wrong financial policy for the Purveyor . T A. McKinnon en basin of tne river to a point 12 nation, or the spread of socialism, or tho lherltf .................... \"‘ D (R) .......... A. Gittings increase of corruption among public men. Issessor .. . .(D).. H.W..Miller miles above on the Iowa shore, and FERRYS Jch.Kil Superintendent ill iheso aie bud enough, to be sure, but . .C has . Newe l iR) Dock inspector ........ H. Turner founded what is now one of the most llicy aro ns nothing compared to the terrible __ CAVBATS, (D) I na' ional disease—1 had almost Bfiid nation I A.B. Mark« SEEDS ’ominlg«ion« r» -.TRADE «HARK«, ........ ed Dr. Mile«* Restorative Nervine • sisting of maps and charts dated . for the past six months. I find it acts like ' Messrs. Juhn F. Strutton harney lodge , no . 77, 1. o’ o f . Dear Mr» -I liavogiven your Ruaslan Out How it came where it was a ch rm on the whole nervous system. I 1 > lolin String, a thorough trial, and ani plea»- j Odd F*,,ow» Hall. every Saturday, 1620. • have not found itséqual in giving immediate p J. C. Woolv N. O. found is a mystery that no one e relief. Dr. Miles’ little Nerve and Liver e«J to »tau that they aro tho boat toned and W. C. Byrd, Secy. I’iils only need a trial .and they will recom­ moat durable xtrings I have ever used seems able to explain. Your« ro»pt., DAVK Bit a ii a m mend themselves to be the beat pills in the Can it be that this safe contained market. ” ’ H arney post no . o, 4 . ' ° CT ki. A A. K. R »«^h'aZ'odd ’ pJiL* S i 1 .y v T1 , " e, i ay o< . MAILS. araN«— valb : l trivet and depart« dally, »•»•»4 Denan, daily, «zeept Maday fojiel in Wayne county and not «jeep. ThefintdoMofDr.Miles’Restora- me relief, inore than thr> e miles from where live live Nervine Nervine gave gave me relief, and and ’one one ’t*17u tie u Burns-Canyón Stage Line •and dollars would not cover tbe go< d it bits the «afe was found? If so, perhaps done me.MOHN MINCHER, Young.-' ---- j —JOHN MINCHER, Youngs- jtbeetory that the famous Bible town, (>hio. H. A. W illiams , contractor, ; was made in England and brought Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine is un­ carry«« U. 8. Mail, and Eastern Oregon Express Co', Expre., equalled in cuRiNa Nervous Disease«. It here and placed where it was found, »ontain« no opiate.or danirerou«drag.. Sold Stages Leave Burns daily for Canyon a positive guarantee by all druggiats. is true, and that the safe was used »n City, and intermediate pointe Dr. ^ Miles ‘MS^Elkl^'l^d Medical Co., Elkhart, I d J. 8^*’ Fare $5.