Business Locals. —Don't forget Henry Cheatham baiter, desires a part of your pat- rorage. at the new barber shop. —Who said you couldn't ret a good darorrd cigar in loan for five certs* I all at the Citv Drug Store and inquire. —B ril I*r< tools and» of all kind building hardware at the Bums hardware store, at bottom price* for east. —T **t’oon. in th? new ] building Richardson and Stephens proprietor*, i» nicely furnished and its customers is given the best brands of liquors and cigars. Agents to sell our choice and har dy Nursery Stock. We hare many new special varieties, both in fruits and ornamental» to offer, which ar* controlled only by us. We par *omm:*»ion or salary. Write us at oocr for terms, and secure choice of terrttorv. M at Be thxr *. Nurserymen. Rochester, N Y. For Sale Or Trade. —100 acres of fine fruit land in 10 acre lot» 5 miles south of Eugene Oreg. n, 1 mile west of Spenser Butte. Lot* at $4’.'0eaeh Horse* and cattle part pay on each lot if the purchaser so desires, For fur ther informatioo inquire at this otfice. Blood B D M< INTYRE. If ft to, yot 'Will be »trc=g, rigonwa, full of life sad «mbftian; yoa wffl h»re a goo« a;petite *ad rood digestion; Strong nerre*, sweet sleep. Bat bow few e*a say that theirblood to pare! How sn«= r pe. are »a_erai£ daily from the et>Meq-«E-f* cf unpnre Mood. «erohiia. salt rhewit. rheameusai, Der-x»=e«. sleep.eaaaees, aad That Tired Feeling. Ho ii Sermpe- i pari*«», rftaltoaa and enrirSee the biiod. T icrefcre, it to the toe yew. It will give yew pare, rict, red blood ■»d «trowe wereea. .... It will orere-: ~e that tired feeding, ereaie » appeti.-*. r’«e refresi-ig sAeep and =aae yoa sarttg. Veneering box. or frame house* almost as cheap as rustic and much more comfortable—makes a »olid wall, durable, very warm winter and cool and pleasant in summer. Parties not conversant with the Veneering proce*? and want nicely finished wall in residence, will do well to consult Mr. Meli t 3 before finishing with rustic. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is the Only True Blood Purifier SILVER PLATING ’ :-i L«.“4 HooJ’s Pills Buri.». Oregon. Brick Always on Hand for Local Custom ?r:-=.i=^r:Jy in th* pnbti.- ey* today. — Dr Cate is kept pretty busy Th* universal good dentistry done by him has gained for the Dr. a lasting reputation. —I.--* CaMwel • Saloon now n*. 'gon» cash basis is well pat ron iced and the proprietor find# the cash system Io he good for him- I •elf aleo. ti» cu»’. *m*rf He :« thankful for pact and present pat- hxit>. »&1 court«* -v* y * trita h ♦ friends to ««.tinse their patronage BRICK MASON, PLASTER. ER and VENEERING. Pure WASTZD. S. K. C' 'LLINS, — — Bum?, Oregon. — All Work Guaranteed, f OR, ”*v a •» W •' «w V * • «. mi ROBINSON k Price of all Tableware from 75 cent* to $1.25 per dozen “Leave order? at the store of I S. Geer A Co. ' Al TON I JOHN F. STRATTON'S f+.ejrUej »m« tit HOTEL BURNS Violin Strings TU Fw n -n» V xr-u. Snitf War-anftet PaiSes at al* bær* OREGON j.i F. S-’tiio. Will Work W ANTED in every c .ntr to in troduce the Cei» *rat#d * H • geia" W» »:» foc all ag-* Ibi» waist »ut • -• t e •» • and Las re ce nd the unaniaMKi» approval o A menea fil frw Any energetic «¿-man can make from Ila to *50 weekly Srnd f w ercular» and term*. H M’FG (X •' ' N * IT E. Sri Sc. MR T. M. à MRS. E E. BRITTEN, P roprietors GEO. S SIZEMORE JOHN F. STRATTOR’S ÀTTW.'! - hl* large and comfortable hotel is well furnished and the proprie- tor* use ererv e5< rt possible to make their guests feel at home . - ta le :* at al! times supplied with everything the market af ford#. I I !* * * •* » ** ch-.r «< a •«y». Oftoe» st Caaty :• Cat? G. t - . .,*■ Burr» a call and we feel assured you will continue to be its r~es* when in town. Ban* . America s Great Danger ' 3 W STORE. ”•>' ¿i ¿.¿.zxe rrvfrur ■ W. E G race ' s cld stand ] Proprietor. .DEALER TX. DRUGS. BOOKS. STATIONARY. DYES. PAINTS. PERFUMES TOILET AP.TICI ES. AND NOTIONS. •’ ' . ol Book* and School Supplies. Confection» Nate and fruits. o- i -s promptly filled. ar e g*’-m pag-» erery week, at the «M prie» af O t IfoHar a year Th * gire» 136 pu per a year for One Burns Ontario Stasre . per ha» * page* Learta B ujt . s daily at 6:30 p M. Arrives at Ontario in 42 bour» eigut e.*!vn*r.* » i< t< 4' cJcisn» in ait Tfer T" »-week World | Fare One way <7.50. Round trip <15.00. is uct «tlv muet ttger than anr | wveklr ce «e* ■-«.» ttew*papcr Thruagh freight 3jcls. a pour.d T » - day» notice at any P. O. ou the route and eovwrei coaches wil w ucb grvate’ --qwenev and . , u » renmrtr - 1« ri » H * K ~ P^^ry. H. A. William*. PropneW », XI «dei J*’ t'ri fake J «ft H M HORTON v ^•■rtAUBS IX_-^ Proprietor . DRUGS MEDICINES. CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES JOHN F. STRATTON’S STATIONERY, DI AMOND DYES, CHOICE PERFUMES V KoM(tM$tti i Strap — ♦ fancy toilet articles tobacco , cigars etc Fine Wines & Liquors for Medical Purposes B Ww tar k ».1 »lî LWK.X Y. l\UK. Prvocriptiooa accurately compounded. Firat Claw De tai Work I