BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, JANUARY Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report It is Mrs. Brightwen’s privilege ---------- [to be unusually well placed f©r the Washington, Jan. 7. — One of the minute study ,of liying creatures, I IED EVERY WEDNESDAY members of the foreign affairs com and her pets have included lAinurs -! mittee of the house, when asked an ichneyinon, squirrels, doves, [ W.C.BYRDS, SOIT. squir whether the recent sucesses of the owls, tortoises and so on.- ftBI-.-tHEBS AND PROPRIETORS. I insurgents in Cuba would hasten rels and birds she has lured from *S=J^RIPTI0N RATES: the recognition by this government the woods and won their affection re.'jo of their rights as belligerents, said: by kindness, and in addition to; .1.00 ....................... jix Moiitbs ................. ......... . .75 giving many particulars alxiHt these •L ■ ------------ “The state department is now Dr« fjvidh» ..................... —Get one of I, S. Geer & Co’s HERALD CLUB LIST: — John Sweitzer,carpenter,under she I ias something to say about preparing, in answer to a resolution .. 5.00 1 his Eraid a 'I Harpe1 8 '' eekl> ........... .. 5.20 of the house, copies of all the cor studying nature, teaching children taker and cabinet-maker. His work premium purchase tickets. . 5.20 firm agrees to give the holder of . 3.75 respondence which has taken place to be humane and the p’astifcs of shop is in the old saloon building! ®iru' I »lull's Manifold cvclopedia, 2.80 Xue after Vol. I 55 cent«: about the rebellion. This will in insect observation, etc. Tiiat insect [ next door south of Worthington’s. | such tickets a fine life size Crayon ySuti wtr» per volume, postage. clude le.tprs from the Spanish can discriminate between friends Mr.Sweitzer guarantees his w<»rk at Portrait absolutely free of any «-copieBd all the above works can be ex- ,-fS a, leiaure in the Reading Room. minister. If those letters should iand enemies is, she hold?, true, prices to suit the hard times. Cof- , charge, by purchasing $20 worth prove - to be bragging declarations |and she remember®once in a coun fins made to order. Will take pro of goods for cash at their store. It iWBublishersof periodicals «»v are solicited - ¡-Publishers ci penvuiviu. •T.h.kkin<»rafpis ft noDV of their work for e’vi — b ng s a copy (hat the Span tell rorces would put try village seeniug a man bard at duce partlv for work and balance in j is not necessary that the whole uiena C'U- « nr orn-We .1.UK file and bind the........................ r ^«de«omh71Y-?ohrm5r«»a-v c, amount should be purchased at one the rebellion down in a week or two, [work [.thrashing corn in a barn,|Ca.4:. «■;!«» uv advirtiseaient. time, but an«, amount from 5 cents ¡it will have tire effect of demonst and quite near to him there was an to $20 as explained upon the tick rating to the house that the rebllion immense hornets nest hanging from ADVERTISING RATES: ia now certainly beyond the control a beam. When asked if he was i A good ranch belonging to H. G. ets. I wkj 2 wk j 1 mo j û mo 1 6 mo 1 1 — 1 ... yr - I .. ... — of the homo government. The not afraid of them, he smiled and Campbell, containing 160«acres 12 ¡1001 »2.50 I »5.001 kvoo »11.00 $15.00 28. CO 18.00 12 UJ X.OO 4.W 6.50 Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy Spanish minister has admitted that said: ‘ Oh, they know me well en miles south east of Burns. Ibis f.50 5.001 8.00 15.00 24.00 40 00 4.ÓG 6.00 ¡10.00 '¿8.00 32.00 50.00 his government now has on the ough. One of’ em fell insido my ranch has abotH 100 acres of good cures colds, croup and whooping 15.00 ; 28.00 48.00 54.0" •¿8.00 I 48.06 80.00 120.0- isiand ICO,000 troops, and yet • the shirt the other day, but he was very meadow land. Price $800 or will cough. It is pleasant, safe and re I0.C0 I 60.00 Li-j.oe 140.0■ liable. For sale by all druggists. insurgents are within a few miles ' ceevil and never stung me, for I trade for sheep. B yrd & K ino . and prinic- of Havana,the capital JOB WORK never interfers wi’ them, and they I if every Oetcription executed with neatness pal city of the island. never int< fers wi’ me.”—Westminser •addeapateb.at reasonable rates. “ The difficulty we have to con Budget. Pamphlets roster». Ktrular». Letter Heads, Bill Head», hvelopes, r of Ointrnnl - r Catarrh tend with in moving f >r the recong- Note Heads, Cards, TicKets, fdemetin, DodgerB, Etc. tunorand». Invitations. that contain MLreti ry, uition of the patriots as belligerents . GORDOVAK, The ordinary pension to the wid FRENCH A ENAMELLED CALF. T h « H erald ia kept regularly ou file forre- is that they have no organized ow of a lieutenant ir. the artpy is !»»:.(e,in the Geo. P. Rowell Newspaper A<1- 4.$3AP F ine C alf ¡ x K anoaroo , r.ruiii.g Bureau. 1C Spruce st.. New York. army and no fixed seat of govern-[ £49, an j £jo f>r eac|, *3.5PPCUCE,3SOLES. lt^ A cap- hits mercury. will surely destroy the mont. Their plan has been not to(tajn’8 wjdow has £50, and £12 for 1 Benpe cf ra,eil aniJ completely de- OFFICIAL DIRECTORY ibave an army, for if their forces each child; a lieutenant colonel’« | ranSe the whole system when en- ♦2.*l7»B0YS'SCHnSH0£X r, £90 and £16 for eaeh child:1 teri11« through the mucous sur- were concentrated the Spanish re widow, ■LADIE2- national : gulars would undoubtedly over a general’s widow, £12o, and £20l pu;cs‘ Such articles should nev< r Preeident ................ Grover Cleveland fire-PrvsiJeut. . Adlai Stevenson whelm them. Recognition by this for each child. If death is directly | he used except on prescriptions F’ SEND FOR CATALOGUE forcury of stfe Walter Q. Gresham >W-L-DOUGL/^a< teerearyof Treasury ... John G. Carlisle government BROCKTON-MASS. from reputable physicians, as the would only have a traced to fatigue, privation or ex iscretar.r o( luteriur...................... Hoke Smith Over One Million People wear the 4tcr«urjof War Daniel S. Lamont moral effect, whereas it ’now looks damage they will do is ten fold to < posure, the pensions [ar increased secretary of Nivy Hilary A. Herbert W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes Mercury of Agriculture. .. J. Sterling Morton as.if the insurgents were working by half as much[again; if the officer the good you can possibly derive! Alt our shoes ara equally satisfactory llloruey General ........... Richard 8, Olney foitaanter General ........... Wilson 8 Bissell give the beat value for the money. out their own salvation without as is killed in action, or dirs of wounds from them. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, They They equal custom fiiioes in etyle and fit. STATE—OREGON t Their wearing qualities are unsurpassed. ci. w. McBride. I sistance from the outside world. within 12 months of the battle, the manufactured by F. J. Cheney & The prices are uniform,—stamped on sole. êenrori From $r to $3 caved over other makes. (Binger Hermann ' If they continue their successtul pensions are doubled. The oedin Co., Toledo, O , contains no mer If your dealer cannot supply you we can. Sold by «wngrestu-.en ................... ’" cl - M.'fdieman ' guerrilla warfare untill nejft April, ary pensions ara not granted if the cury, and is taken int rtially, act-, “Dealers everywhere Attc.-S«}- General Wanted, agent to fovernor Write . :?'RnKincttid I wlien yellow fever takes the field, {officer was 25 years older [then his ing directly upon the blood and mu- | take exclusive sale for this vicinity. itCNtaiy of State rreM’irer.. .......... r at once. ..Phil. MetschMi cons surfaces of the system. In 4upr. Public Instruction ■ —London Echo. < o m T tw D i j it "’ill t>e impassible to subdue wifo. bate Printer R W H Laeds buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure them bf any force which Spain Scientific American > R. 8. Bean. foprene Judges .î C. V you get the genuine. It is taken Wolverton commands Agency for The civil leaders of How to Prevent Croup. 1 F. A. . Moore id ternab v and is made in Toledo, 1 NIN’ETII JCDICIAL DISTRL CT. the revolution, unfortunately for us. “ I Ohio, by F. J. Cheney <fc Co. Tes >‘(trirt Judge D .. M. D. CLiFroxu BiMrir . t .............----------------------- Att, rmo C. W. Parrieh. do not. care to go throuh 30 or 40 Croup is a tarror toyoung mothers Mn -itep.-ewmu.h.e ;R) . ,o. L. Patteroon. timonials free. 'oiut-seuator ............ (R).............. A. W.Gutvan years similar to the early experien and to post them concering the Sold by Druggists, price 75c. ces of .Mexico, hence they are all ■ COI V.NTV — HARNEY I cause, first symptoms and treat per bottle. CAVEATS 9 lannty . .idee ... C. P. Rutherford. for annexation to the United States. trade marks , Jerk . ment is the object of this item. ........... (D).. .. . C. E. Keuyon DE8ICN PATENTS, tr«a»urer I. S. Geer I doubt much whether our peple d ,R) ■- for vi.v„r „ . . COPYRtDHTS, etO. The origin of croup is a common j T A. McKinnon Äerilf »1.SiS?®J.ai!.on an<I ^re0 Handbook wrlto to (R).. . . A. Gittingg are prepared at the present time iwew-ir HLNM4 & CO., 861 B roadway , N bw Y ork . cold. Children who are subject ’to ...(D)... W. Miller Oldest bureau for securing patents in America. i;300' ■’'ti periate ■lent .. . R) . . C .8. has . Newe 1 to assume the government of Cuba Every patent taken out by us is brought befora ’'<** Isspectur it tske cold very easily and croup .. H. Tntner tuo pubUo by a notice given free of charge in the with its mixed population fresh <D) ? foutait» Mart A. B. Marks is almost sure to follow. The first <R> { B. R. Sitz. from Spanish rule, and generally jm them— sympton is hoarseness, this is Boon r. S. LAND OFFIC«: cJrrlT11a.ti.?P of,»"? acientifle paper in the C 1/1 Kot them, plan^K» unfited for American citizenship. V hP'e"dldlF illustrated. No intelligent followed by a peculiar rouSh cough, I ■ >J>/thcni. They arc tlicM .................... Thomas Jones man should be without it. Weekly on a “However that may be, it ia evid- year: 81.50 (lx months. Address, MUN’.'r* coi ■ .............A. A. Cowing ' • J standard seeds cvcry-^ which is easily recognized and will tuBUsuKaa. 3G1 Broadway. New York ^^^^wliere; sown by the’ - ent that awairs on the island are never be forgotten by cne who has A ,.,!ar?cst Platers in the world. approaching a crisis and we must Whether you plant 50 square feet heard it. The time to act is when SOCIETIES. I °.r 50 a®1-6"- you should be prepared to protect American in I have Ferry’, Seed Annual for ’DO. the child first becomes hoarse. If 1 The most valuable book for far- J '1 L\ A REBEKAH Degree No. «3. terests, whatever our attitude may triers mid gardeners ever given 8*» (every i»t and 34 Wednesday. away. Mailed free. b® toward the insurgents. For this Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is, Lucy Rusk, NG. M. FRRHY 4k freely given all tendency to croup M L Lewie, Rec. Sec’y. Detroit, Mlcli.^g^^ reason, if for no otherl am inclined Even after to doubt the truth of the story that will soon disappear. • - «* - r v "*,• U m 4 it *< ¿5 ÿ *• O. I W. Burnt Lodge, No. 47 the croupy cough has developed it the administration hap been pre >wxj »orter» of and Wholesale Daa *nd 4th Thnredeya. "riIE «TR ATTOP» H M Horton, M. W will prevent the attack. There is J. W Sayer, Rec'd paring to us® our North Atlantic I nstruments equadron to make a demonstration no danger in giving this remedy for SAÜXKY U '.E, KO. 17, 1.0 O F. W.lPhexooriEXT PRESI BEST it contains nothing injurious. s*’( at o<i We are liable ellowa Hall, every Saturday. in Turkish watc-ra. •Pm, wt ?*. ,orm ,”w ’** <*">'’('»•> =w. J. (!. Wooly N. G. 2-7 * »P^olal Ir.Suewnen«, for IMG-» to need our war ships to protect ________ - . ’ I W ■ C. by rd, Secy. *•« M w. hr tdeuranj -afl,!«,«, JJ tu‘d 1« an infvDbèi JOHN F STPATTON our interests on the island of Cuba. d ■■ WrX.rerhr.,,|1<' • ' -<**!. lîy ItAlIVFACa 1SZ4E. ■ ’ S r -WJ.’ruKHiMAorroRlL Snr-i ’ 4 “If the insurgents take possession K*8NEY POST no . ta, O. A. R. WRF Tai* ■ ■■ ■■ WFÜOX 2410, New York ut» JOHN F. STRATTON'S Md’pJiSS 3.d *'e*lne»i’ay of each of any of th-7 large, cities or should CELEBRATED ÄÄ8*11 A" Cowr‘” assume to control the civil govern SSy BirminghaniSteel Strings ment of the island, disturbance ,Or ®"iUr- Mandclla, Banjo E? urns-Canyon Stage Line Finest At.de. Extra Plated would inevitably follow, aud Amer ; nail (tzak Warranted not to rust Send for Catlg «• 8. MAILS. ,ican property iutetestB in Cuba will JOHN F. STRATTON, A- W illiams , contractor; t be so endangered as to render the 1 imptrttr, Hnnufuetuiei and Vholttalt Dtaltr' * rriresand departs daily, «11,813, «15. 817 E. ©til St.,N. Y. srrym, . 8. M»il» aud Eastern Oregon Exprès. presence of ships absolutely nec-> }rt5!,*—€ afyob city : Co’s Express i'enarts daily, except Sonde. eMary.” BU '" ’ Canyon i City, and intermediate point® THIS COUNTRY AND CUBA. Baking Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE W. L. D ouglas S3 SHOE™™ [(FERRYS SEEDS