Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1896)
She ♦ ..,Mesu*ï JANUARY • “M 448 THE LARGEST CIRCULATION OF A5Y>EW8PAPER IN THIS COUNTY. ~ Religious Services. Burns 1st. and 3rd. Sundays of -, and 8 p. m. the month 11 Silver Creek 4th. Sunday 11 a- m. and 5 p. m The 2nd Sunday will l(8,ner«d for general work in other fields. R ev . G ibson , Pastor. Local News. —Chairs of all paterns and de pcriptions at the hardware store of Chas- Voegtly. —Probate and commissioner’s court this week. —Lawen items too late for publi cation last issue. Administrators Notice Miss IVy Haley sta:ted by Satur —Messrs Huffman and Huston of —J. T. Ware of the Narrows was day night stage for her home in Diamond are in Burn s to day. in attendance at the installation. ~ Notice is hereby given to all per Willamette valley. —Messrs James, Gilham, and —The leap year dance Ne,v sons holding claims against the Mr. L. L Clark and E. E. Grout, estate of Victor S. Ottmer, deceased, Yeas evening was pretty well at Curtis of Harney are visitors to our of the Narrows, were in town Satur to present the same to the under town to-day. tended. signed at his place of business in —Joe. Buchanan and wife were day and report very little snow in Burns, Harney county, Oregon, ver — Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Comegvs I{ ! the neighborhood of the lakes. ified as by law required within six of Diamond Valley were in town in for the dance, guests of J. —. Mr. Lony and wife, of t)je months fiom the date of this notice. Ward. the later part of last week. Dated at Burns this 11th day of —Misses Ella Williams and Rose Owvhee, are in town this week vis December, 1895. —O J. Darst and Miss Hattie II. M. H orton , Clark both of Harney came in last Logg in were presant at the instal iting relatives and friends. .Administrator. the The New Year’s ball given by Saturday and remained until after lation. the installation. — Mr. D. L. Shirk'and wife are H. L. S., was quite a success, 36 — At the sale of stock belonging in our town, as we go to press. numbers were sold, netting the | society about $20. to the estate of V. S. Ottmer dec’d i They.can>e over Monday, the cattle were percbased by Her Mr Kingsbury of Drewsey a mem- ‘ Burns seems to be leading the man Ruh, Martin Bros, and II. her of the I O. O. F. lodge of Can-. list in the number of marriages of Hotchkiss. von Citv, was with the Burns lodge I late, but if Harney’s young men I have laid all their hopes on leap —A safe and upright desk, be at the installation. longing to the government will be —J. C. Garrett has returned 1 year succeeds in winning by their sold at public auction at the land from his trip east and south with 1 bright smiles,(parties of the oppo office in this place, the 20th of this horses. He reports pretty fair | site sex into proposing Burns will month, at 10 a m. sales of well br^ke horses, but un- i ere long lose her colors. D on . — Joe Williams was in town a broke the market very dull. . day or tw> last week; he was ac- —W. A Williams agent for the Lawen Items. companied by his younger brother. | gt. Louis Pauly Jail Building and Perry, who remained to attend our ■ manufacturing Co. is here, ostesni- The weather has been exceeding school. | bly to contract with County Court |y fine for thfl lagt few dayg the Polk County i to furnish steel cages for our county —We see in t* Observer, that Geo McGown once jail, in case the county court de-' A »ew gbibe bas beeu purchased JANUARY 24, ’96.. ■ - - .... 1 for the Lawen school. -i resident and merchant of our cides to build one. A dance was held in the school town, has moved hi« mercantile M arried .—On New Year’s at business from Dallas to Monmouth, jhe home of the bride's parents in house of Dist. No. 17 on New Year's T'Ae "Proceeds to be Used for 'Be —New goHlnrt the Johnson store this place, Nora Gowan, daughter Eve. 25 numbers were sold at 50 nevolent Purposes. now nuclei control of Henry Canaday, of Mr.and Mrs. A. W. Gowan, andlcenJ8each- Iu-t as cheat» as ever <>r cheaper -Call Grant Kesterson were united in [ Little Mary Hendricks, the Committee on General Arrange md examine- goods and get prices, and ments: Mesdames. I. S. Geer, marriage by Rev. Gibson. The youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. f suited buy. Lee Caldwell, Lulu Gardner and J bride who, with her parents, has re- Q. 0. Hendricks, fell from her high —Jorgensen has the finest and Miss Sallie Hudspeth sided here several years, has many , chair on the hot stove hearth burn- best lot of goods that ever came to - friends among the young people ¡ng her chin, neck and lefthand. Ushers: Mrs. C. F. McKinney, Burns; go and see for yourself.»of {hia place flnd vicinitv> who Misses Sallie Hudspeth and Vina R. J. Ivers wrote to Geo. W. -He is also taking Cabinet Photos. . , . . , , ... . , _ . . sincerely wish her a happy life, Gittings. Thompson on the 23d of Dec., that at $3 per Do not forget to and j Mr. »< v » u • i f dozen. , . Kesterson whose residence his son Winnie, had his leg broken. go and see what he has on hand. . . . , . t , Floor Managers: Mesdames. Lulu B I here,has been brief, but, in the time It was not stated in the letter how J Gardner, Lee’cald well and hT —Geer it Co received yesterday he has made many friends, because it was done. Geer two dozen more of those beautiful of his uprighl way of living, and I John Heintz has takn a desert crayons for distribution among J pleasant manners, all join in con- their customers. These pictures I gratulations. We receiveda gener- claim on the Owyhee. He is there PROMPTER are first class and so in, through the ' ous donation of cake,which is highly 1 now working on the ditch. G. W. YOUNG. A. S ubscriber . kindness of that firm, nearly every ; appreciated, because it was very home in the county will have one nice, and because we were not for- GRAND MARCH 8 O’CLOCK. or more of these beautiful pictures gotten. THE »THATTOn LEAP YEAR BALL! —Price Withers of Harney, was in town the latter part of last week- —C. B. Wickliffe, administrator of the W. D. Hudspeth Estate, is in town. B orn —At Caldwell, Idaho, Jan 2, to Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Wooley, a son. “Boot” Smith, who has been ab sent for some time at work on the P ranch, has returned. —Rye Smyth came in town Mon day morning to be present at the public installation. He is still in town. —Mr. Sylvester has moved his family into town for the winter so as take advantage of our school fa cilities. —Frank D’bble and wife came over to spend New YearB in our town and remained until after the I 0. 0 F installation and ball. —Jeff Byerly called in to see U3 the other day. He will, shortly, with the help of others, put a dam in Silvies river, which bounds the west side of his ranch, for irrigat ing purposes. Mr. Byerly will have a valuable ranch when this is com pleted. C. T Miller who has been a resi lient of this county several years, joined the I O. O, F. of this pl ace last Saturday evening, by card. Mr Miller, until the present date, was a member of the La Grande bulge from the time he was admitt ed. He remained in town until after the installation. Utah is now a state. The act admitting Utah was paesed July lbth, 1894. But the proclamation of the President admitting t’ne new Hate to statehood was not issued until the 4th of this month. Salt Lake immediately began preparing a great demonstration an inaug ural to take place last Monday. —J. 'V . Shown gave us a ph asant last Sunday morning. He has a mining claim on Gold Gulch or Trout Creek as designated by *ome. Iljg conversation and ex planation of the manner in which the wo’k was done to discover the -------------- . was very interesting to us, we n»t knowing but little about min- ,n?- There are several prospects or claims located that certainly '>•1 fair to te very rich when once properly developed. I —There were several parties in —Atty. J. W. Biggs and bride town from the Lawen neighborhood ! arrived from Canyon last Sunday last week, among whom were: afternoon. They were enthusiastic Mess-s. Scott Hayes, Walt Gray, ally received by our town, the band Ed. Page, Wash. Harkness, Geo. serenading in the evening. This I Heckathorn, Jp.s. McCune and Tom did not satisfy the little “tads,”! Hendricks. who thought they had as good a I —The Venezuela Commission right as the older ones to welcome | held their first meeting and organ friend Biggs and his bride, conse- • ized the 4th inst., in Washington. Qtiently a-med Cap a-pie with tin i Justice Brewer was chosen presi cans and other instruments of noise, dent, and administered the neces they repaired to the French Hotel, sary oath to the other members ^be stopping place of Mr Biggs, present viz: Messrs Alvey, Coudert » a,‘d the clamor and cry soon con and Gilman; Mr. White, the re-| Tinced him, if he felt any doubt as i maining member, not being pres to his welcome before, that young) America dispelled the last inkling ent. ®f the remains of such doubt. The —Mrs. Geo. Stanclift was so un boys wen well treated and sent on fortunate, on Saturday afternoon their way rejoicing, with good the 4th inst as to slip and fall from wishes for Mr. Biggs and his fair I a box on which she was standing bride, in which T he H erald joins breaking her right » arm between the wrist and elbow, also dislocating Harney Scribbling. the wrist joint. Immediately after the accident, her son in-law H. M. L. Woldeuberg Sr. is preparing Horton. of.Burns was apprised of to move his residence building from it, he went to her assistance, and this place to Burrj». brought her to his home, summon Mr Dan Cochran has been em ing Dr. Marsden who repaired the ployed to teach the Upper Island ' fracture. Mrs. Stanclift is suffer school. Diet No. 4. ing a great deal from her injuries, Andy Helen returned to the which of course follows such ac-1 cidents, and especially one of her, m’”es Saturday, after spending the age, she being an elderly lady. I holidays in town. 8he has the profound sympathy of' Harney has fallen short of enter her friends, who at least, can do tainments. no announcements for that mnch for her. We hope that this month. she will not experience any greater Jones & Poujade are wintering suffering than is usuel in such their stock on the Levens ranch cases. near Burns. Best Music has been Secured for the Occa sion. B and I nstruments Will elect our NEXT PRESIDENT Now Is ths time to form new Bands for Campaign pur poses We ars offering special Inducements for 1892- si *ncr for I Unit rated CaUlogao. T ickets , 50 cents. JOHN F STRATTON - - Supper at French Hotel 50 cents per plate. NEW TOkfc I MASQUERADE BALL! —AT— ARMORY HALL, February 14,1896 TWO PRIZES GIVEN: tained Gentiemln C^alaUer' ''ara-Ct*r’ and One for lhe Be8t 8u8' MUSIC BY LEE CALDWELL’S ORCHESTRA. The managers will spare no pains to make this ball “the event” of the season. A cordial invita tion extended to all. 13 TICKETS $1. Gent spectators 50 cts. Ladies free.