Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1896)
iïhr ïirrafd. L Birdie. **I wonde», now. if be is of fended at. what ma said But, then ma always wvs too aafully junny for any kind of us« "—Texas Siting. OREGON. The Hag Insulted. New York. Jan. 4 —Cadets of the St. Louts of the American line, ac cused Chief Officer Todd, it is »aid. of tearing down the American Hag from the cadets' room of the steam ship whsl* the tease! was bonnd trom Southampton for New York and then trampling it onder foot. remarking at lhetime that it "was a nice thing to havejn sight.” The patriotic vuungstera protester against lb- indignity to teeir COUQ* try by Chief OJioer Todd. whu. ae cording to the report, is a British subject, bolding a com mission in the royal naw reserved They wt re told to mind their own boa ¡nets !>• spite tb* warning, the cadets had many conference* as to whether thev ought to make a com plaint While toe **t L/»uis lav at the American line pier awaiting the hour of departure, th.* < cadet* were sti!i talking of tbe affair, The matter leaked out. though it WM decid'd not to make a formal port to <be com pa i y «>ntil the Louis returns here January 18. M rs F, E. M c G ee , Proprietress. ¿100.00 Given Awinr I • ■ •» Every Month •» This popular Hotel holds itselt in point oi ot rank equal, it not super supc, • _ 1 _ -11 hotel ‘ 1 and * in • fact ior x to _ any inland compares favorably with many railroad houses. to tS* peTfcu tbe *^t recritvri»*« i*»e.tre* 4jni»< Ute *»ooth- Wg s«' VKK FATEST5 FOM ISVEMTOWSli »*1 tbe oix-ct of ts » o S- t H *0 e®- » •» 3 ire tu»® c.f re r d. At tbe Max t 1 we w - to I— pnere the tact UKt = = - * It’s the Simple, Trivial Inventions That Yield Fortunes —ruck «S H« ! H -•■* **4 Rje. “>•» tir»: H n. ' B • S«f / i . ~i’ .» 3 lk>- Ter.” “Air nTtke.” »*- ft Alo -u very uae e»-«ce r»re a îrtfM »Î -» »! » T I.»*e cr fy ctber. Why n- < re,: :t ta |«e- m lie* I3t‘ I vCH !d»»3»ir * be la ibis d rvrGc-i M-r tarve j «r tatase- * tj ,, trjt = : = = = p te f t fbrtber In', rail. » i > j t> ■KfktÀMi L£ué r. H THE P8ESSGLAIMSG0. Ì: □ Pbili» W. AvircVt. 6cv Wf. «» Bigger and Better Than Tver Before. ¿584 PAGES. S 1,500 TOPICS. \ Telia Everything Too Want to Know When Ton Want to Know It. \ a VERITABLE cyclopedia a tsaibuTov a G. w -------- V» -r • ■a» Ne ifrel by tbr •*. t Ita! it« IS .lark w>aM by <re*r • ** < OF UP-TO-DATE r/CTS. ■ f !>» readme aca»,.*M»» i* tb» rsut«a Sixxes. > 618 F Street, North'' ,t. * finking th it h‘ siw him along lK»-r creek and other similar ri i* r» hare proven vnfonded The officials realize that it is a csm of “list to right, to memory dear.” T1 e Review gave all th* particulars concerning his esape that are <4* fair a* 1». and theie is nothing rew I ul wide dit ergrnt tlwcries Rid» vrt Hinman, th* <n!r occupant of th»-jail now. is either crazy or Hand-Book. P rjce 25 ce HTS- H W WELCOME. Proprietor. DRUGS, PAINTS, GLASS. TOILET ARTI CLES OF ALL KINDS, ETC -TSUfl.) Pre criptions carefully compounded by a Registered Pharmacist CL’- S, "LtMG-i COPYRIGHTS. caw i oirrbiw a rirntt t »»•— ; « ira» » r aa.1 aa bre<M M»«M*. wr MI MAI <•-. • W t » k»4 »IX; tft» • • i •—»ww» » tw^iwiy S<’!< t*. » -. k« m —Vreréo« W ■ lesi «M «tre»-. :ke !»»*» mi ire* Fa*«» t«k*a rkf «rt M im a c* _ W W »1- «Mire — ie«tì»r (»tri'T». li*» are ITO <■« <- *t te i *»*».t «re«-! l*.-«re< <rer*. »«-•«. az » Bvue-X* E. «"are* il re tirz. j»'* i* «*<m. ■*< » re« -ere,*« •* fe** «r-tk n»i. v» irr» re mm tare* -re«,» « mi «atwre ««cren* A MISS à Cu. Are Vou. MI T. O. Poy’s Restaurant, >• f-leals 25 cents Board per week S3 53 playing that he ia—mnat likely the latter He »lams the cell doors and veils like a Comanch* ail night loi g. and a intervals during the K ur Review. MIMMI Mb so BURNS DRUG STORE An Invaluable and Unrivalled Politic a: and Popular READY JANUARY 1st, 1896, S aw I k v.t’a Ea tpa —It is safe to ray that no reliable informirio has leen re< >nbe»ning Sam B wn since his escape from jail. M rdsyn ring It :»qu*!e liket« t t Mr. McCurdy was mist ken in It is well arranged nice, cosy, comfortable rooms. The cuisine de partmcnt ia a? perfovt as po-a^ble for an inland town and guests will te served with care and attention. I j » a _• -a wok and very ucc->miEodathig. Near L ch-.’.- h 11 FBNNY. Mira Birdi* McHennwpin is one or the talks of Austin* 11» r in THOROUGHBRED BUCKS FOR SALE te’ e» t. h iwever, does not tower in to sublime heights, but to use the cold language of truthfulness sb* a Tver n.u?h lb* same kind t»f a V _ « i V ’ bat 1! J‘ IK S Vvtung man* 1 horoighbred and High Grade Spanish > lerino Bucks. Go, I k Smith not lot g sQnce pro pre-d matrimony He pr >poaed in good faith, in r sol*mn, impresstue ■banter, uj- *■ ■ M imi i Frcm 300 to 500 Head. At th* old stai d South Fist >f tbe Htntl* or5 Ah Sing’s inaugurated a g’gl*. until Gue waa »«• rtment I of Japanese goods is very fin» and. considering the quality, very much disgusted an 1, arising w very ■ ok*.» ch»*p Irotu his knee«, his anger found Price from #4.00 to 115.00 per Head These Bucks are from the C inningtan Sheep Ranch, Umatilla vent in words Ils was mal. Mi*s Me Hennepin.’’ he fmall. ejaculated. • with me this i« laughing matter Why th ml 1 VOU see southing ridicuhm« aktul You inmi et new me. Mr Btniib—revely you must—for I aai n t la ghing at you {really now. I am n-H Ma’s ao funnv you know J ohn R ohrman , B rewer OF THE FAMOUS Beally she is just too funnv f*r any us* I waa laughing at ma.** “At aonr ma**’ “Yaw You are. ma t ’ 1 >e only Ibis morning Birdie you are so green that aom* donkey will take you »el, and here vou c me But be was gone It waa be who be . abe duo» so vio » tly • 1 wood*r * said the deserted RED FRONT LIVERY STABLE. On tho-Coner South of tbe French Hotel. Main Street JOE GILL - - - _ _ Proprietor. Everrhndy know» Jo* and a horse under his cara will never suffer for something to eat KOK SALK 1S KEGS 111) BOTTLES <W" Further Joe is an old stable keeper, haring had several years exprnewcein a first class stable in Corvallis.