0 'W glit MirwW- OPNISDAT JANUARY S 1^- n. t. b »K p AGITATORS WIN. Mr. Reed’s first play in the PreBidendial game must have con­ vinced him that the friends of the' Editor Mr. Thomas Brackett Reed is be­ ginning to entertain doubts of the Ability of his cinch on that norm nation. NeW York’s reform municipal «wernment has now reached the diamond-robbery stage of existence, but the police have no time to watch anything except the saloons. I I Tacoma, Wash., Jan. 2.—The other fellows also hold some trump Chinese have agane been driven I out of Tacoma. The two'Chinese cards. that Thomas Riggs established as servants in his home a uiounth ago It would be just as wall for some were this morning put on the train ambitious youngsters to remember and retuaned to Olympia, »whence , that one tenth of the world is still plored; also, that they could, ^*7 uvme. Mr. Riggs was tired of be easily spared to do the explor- agitation on the .subject,„and 1 sur­ rendered unconditionally. The! ing. . public meeting called for the 15th instant by the ’committee of fifeen The republicans who think that to futher consider the Chines Maryland and Kentucky are going question, will now probably be to vote for a republicn President turned into one of rejoicing. would better brace themselves far a terrible disappointment. ANOTHER VICTIM. Having purchased the entire stoek formerly belonging to Cal Geer, comprising all lines of HARDWARE, CRCKERY, GLASSWARE, TINWARE, \ HARDWARE, SUNDERIES, A CARPENTERS TO I offer the same for sale at greatly reduced prices for CASH. C. H. VOEGTLEY If some ot the special ccrrespon- Chicago, Jan. 2.— A special from Canadians are quite as certain dt nts now wrilling letters from Decatur, Mich., says: The fath that they can whip the United papers cure scored another victim Wend- States as the Venezuelans are that England to the America are not ajlfired liars there is an esday when Mrs. James Harris was they can knock the stuffing out oi borne to her grave after an illness Great Britain, and with just about oversupply of fools over there. in which no physician was {permit as much reason, bv the. wav, how Corner of 1st. and B Street. would it do to let Venezaela and I If war comes Chuncey Depew ted to administer to her wants. n i i f JM. H. BRENTON and Canada fight it out, while Un­ will not enlist, that is certain; ; it ... I Deceased was a member ot that1 cle Sam and John Bull act as will take him six months to get'peculiar stct which flourishes in LIVERY S TAB L E this region known as ¡ ‘ Children of over his recent financial fight judges. God,”or '‘Saints of the Evening , Light. ” Two other members of Congressman Johnson, of Cali- DEATH IN A BOOTLEG. j the family died under similar cir- furuia. is said to have a trick of Proprietor Binhamton, Dec. 22.—One day enmstances. kneeling and shedding teais to in­ fluence a jury, when he is counsel last summer Thomas Hordon was OREGON TRAGEDY. in a crin imii case: but there was pa-sing through a piece of cleared neither kneeling nor tears in his land when he was bitten by a rat Baker City. Jan. 3—A triple dtganee if Speaker Reed’s authori tiesnake. The rptile wes shedding murder is reported from Pine tv to make him vote against his its skin, and, therefore; in its most convictions. |.-nvomus condition. The serpant’s Valley, Union county, Or. A man tangs had penetrated the cowhide by the ñamé of Porter sh®t and killed Ben Macey and his father There are some editors in this boot and it was easily killed, The Proprietor of the White Front Livery Stable as­ Iloiton took off his boots and his,an^ mother this morning. 1 orter country who stand in need of a sures the public that he is prepared to accommodate more permanently bracing nerve wife gave them to Napoleon Meeker had forbidden the Mace vs to cross in every way in his line of business. a negro who worked on an adjoin his land and an a[tercation followed •' ji^F“Hsy and grain constantly on hand, and careful help. tonic than whiskey. ing farm. He wore them and died. their attempt to do so, which cul- ¡ minuted in the death of the three ■ Passengers taken to all parts of the country. Hearse and Job Wagen Senator Allison seems to occupy Archibald Hooker, a nephew of the Macevs. Porter has given himself'| jnconnectiou nearly the same position that Gar­ [dead man, wore them forly-eigh up and claims self defence on the field did six months before the hours, and he also died in grate ground that the boy fired the first holding <,f the 1880 republican con-1 | agony. agony, The boots next passed into three shots. % ven.ion; the friends of all the other the possession of an old trapper I candidates regard him as an availa- The second day he wore them he was attacked with a pain in his leg. lle compromise man. Good'advice: Never leave the His experience told him it was the house c n a journey without a bottle V The sympathy in this country result of rattlesnake poisoning. ef Chamberlain’! Colic, Cholera and I f»r the Armenians is not backed up, He applied a remedy in time and Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale by | HARRIS A JOHNSON Proprietors. recovered. by cash contributions to the extent On examining the bootleg he Several years ago I was taken' some people thought it would be, found a small point of a p£ace of with a severe attack of flux. I was j and no date has vet been set for the bone embedded in the hide. Il sick .in bed about ten days and OREGON. departure of the Red Croîs relief was the fang of the rattlesnake, could get nothing to relieve me un­ exped tun. placed in such away that on draw­ til I used Chamberlain’s Colic, ing out the foot the fang, wl bich | Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Congressman Johnson, of Califur- curved upward, would not injure it, . which cured me and has been a Good Billiard tables, Pleasant'Card Room«, eta., etc. uir, is one of the McK'nley men in I ut on putting the boot on it would | household remedy with us i ever Saloon is first class in every particular. Experienced bartender the House who dared to Jefuse be­ be almost in possible to escape a since, J C Marlow, Decaturville, ing bound to the gheels of the Reed Mixed drinks to please the most fastidious. slight, scratch from the poison- Mo. For sale by all druggist«. chariot. covered tooth. Wines Liquors, and Cigars x, ! Its Value Recognized by Physi- No one ever thought of introduc • I rof Charles F, Norton, of Harv- ClBUe ard University, may be a sucessfullin8 Ho expensive a feature as lith-l As a rule I am opposed to pro­ educator, but when he spoke of ographic color work in the days when the leading magazines sold prietary midicines. Still I value a 1‘tesident Cleveland’s patriotic Monroe doctrine message in these for $4 00 a year and 35 cents a good one, especially when such is JOHN SAYER, words: A heavier blow was never copv. But times change, and the the source of relief from pain, A h Proprietor. magazines change with them. It a topical [external] application I »truck against America, he made it plain that patriotism isn’t among haB remaind for The Cosmopolitan,, have found Chamberlain's^ Pain Situated on Silvi., river j raile j.„t of Bu,n, nw sold at one dollar a year, to put in Balm the beat remedy I have ever th« things he teaches. an extensive lithographic plant used for neuralgia of any kind. I Customers wil receive GOOD FLOUR from t*ari I rant isco has another prea capable of printing 320,000 page have conscienciously recommended chf-r scandal on its hands, and its per day (one coler). The January) it to many persons, William ■ Good Wheat issue presents as a front’spiece a Horne, M. D., Janesville, Wis. l*”l,,,‘ are trying to determine whether it is biackmail on the part water-color drawing by Eric Pape. Sold by all druggists, I of the woman or depravity on the illustrating the last stosy by Rob­ ert Louis Stevenson, which has pro­ part of the preacher. bably never been excelled even in th® psge* of the finest dollar French Johnny B-jfl i„ in danger of be- periodicals. The cover of The Cos­ g < ailed to account by Germany mopolitan is also changed, a draw­ M c K innon kenyon ■ ance for working his usual ing of oage leai.th by the famous gr,i' g-me in South Africa. Still Paris artis Rossi, in lithographic1 ' *■' ar. peo^e foolish enough to colors on white paper takes the England really wants place of the manilia back with its Shop opposite the Brewery —-cpmcsT* fl »rr»l with us. Not on youx W&CPW»RK> rad stripes. Hereafter the cover is All work in our line done neat). orwi -m. j. bi*. »hedrsn't. to be a freh surprise each month. i guaranteed G.ve us a call d,8patch’ burns rLOutt & S aw mill BLACKSMITH A WAGON SHOP. burns "I —W I _”’*•“** »OR 1AL£ BY Satisfaction