1 BURNS, IIARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. JANUARS Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report aperture 12 by 14 inches. Brown evidently left immediately after I New O>leans. Dec. 29.—The two t breakfast. A posse of about 50 are D EVBKY WKDSB8MV wings of the Republican party — sc luring the country. BY _ __ C. BYRD & SOIT. the sugar planter faction, known as I the ‘ Lilv White»,” and the regular llow to Prevent Cropp ?WUME«3 ASD PKoraiïTOK». party or negro contingent—held a session hire vesterdav. The regu Croup is a tarror toyoung mothers SUBSCRIPTION RATES: I I2.0U |lar faction, which will send dele- .1.00 and to post them conceriftg the .......... •; X Mon!hi .............. *• . .75 |gate3tothe St. Louis convention IretjMontbi ••• cause, first symptoms and treat HERALD CLUB LIST: —Get one of I, S. Geer ife Co’s —John Sweitzer,carpenter,under 5,00 and which was thought to be in the ment is the object of this item. ,!daud Harper’s ......... 5.20 premium purchase tickets. This i hands of McKinley’s lieutenants. The-origin of croup is a common taker and cabinet-maker. His work- mH and Harper s W eekly ........... 5.20 3.75' turned out to le in the control of cold. Children who are subject “to shop is in the old saloon building firm agrees to give the holder of the Reed faction when the Execu it tske cold very easily and croup next door south of Worthington’s. such tickets a tine life size Crayon five Committee met th-day and is almost sure to follow. The first Mr.Sweitzer guarantees his work at Portrait -absolutely free of any 'opies of »11 the abov®. woLkP can be ®x ’ , elected Tom Cage, one of the best- si mpton is hoarseness; this is soon prices to suit the hard times. Cof charge, by purchasing $20 worth iS «t ki*ure in the Ke’“DI'K Room. known negro politicians in ' the of goods for cash at their store. It followed by a peculiar rourh cough, fins made to ord«”. . \\ ill take pro -j-i „blithers of periodicals are solicited ubbingrates, a copy of the r work for State, Chafrti an This will insure is not necessary that the whole uF rtKet“i>WR’'’m-''e file a"'1 ^l"d 'he | which is easily recognized and will duce partlv for work and balance in ^uelSeof every half-volume, md m*v ci at least three-fourths, of the dele amount should be purchased at one 'never be forgotten by cue who haslca^h. ,,;,ibv uivertieeiuent. gates from Louisiana to the St. time, but any amount from 5 cents heard it. The time to act is when i Louis convention for the Maine to $20 as explained upon the tick the child first becomes hoarse. If ADVERTISING RATES: state-man . A good ranch belonging to II. G. ets. 12 wk 1 mo 1 3 mo 1 f. mo |_lyr Chamherlain’B Cough Remedy is i faction will The ‘‘Lily White” Campbell, containing 160 acres 12 '»11.00 $15.00 Ip.ôü Í5.00 p. 'M freely given all tendency to croup ! i.-jo 6.50 12 l>) 18.00 28.00 p-.t a ticket in the field headed 1 by i ; Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy 40 00 24.00 ft.UO 8.00 15.00 will soon disappear. Even after miles south east of Burns. This 50.00 8'2.00 6.00 10.00 20.00 of th»» Mr Henry McCall, one i 1 ranch has abov< 100 acres of good cures colds, croup and whooping 54.00 48.00 S.ÜO lu.00 •28.00 the croupy cough has developed it v' 80.00 120.01 ■>.oo 48.00 Ib.uo !» ” wealthiest 2>ugar planters in the meadow land. Price $800 or will cough. It is pleasant, safe and re bli.W 40.00 (».00 110.00 140.IS I " I will prevent the attack. There is state. They have invited the sup liable. For sale by all druggists. trade for sheep. no danger in giving this remedy for JOB WORK B yrd A K ing . port of the Populists and disaffect I it contains nothing injurious. ed Democrats, and will make a ( every dneriptlon executed with neatness _ud despatch,at reasonable rate*. ----- ISTHCBEST. strong fight against the Democracy bltcnlars, Pamphlets Posters, •I REED GETS LOUISIANA.  kt Royal» ABSOLUTELY PURE W. L. D ouglas CUAF itvel.ipcs, »uemeuri, (tuwrands. Bill Head’s, Note Heads, Invitations. Letter Heads, Card*, Ticse-ts, Dodgers, Etc. Tai H erald is kept regularly on filo for re- 'en-m-v. in the Geo. P. Rowell Newspaper Ad- r-riiiug Bureau, 10 Spruce st.. New York. QQ OHwCi FIT FOR A KING. . CORDOVAN, t Catarrh r of Oiatmnî. that routai» M rcury, i. J UDO E J EN KI NS’ STAT EM ENT FRENCH & ENAMELLED CALF. 4.$3.so F ine CALF&KANGARoa ♦ 3.50 POLICE, 3 SOLES. y $2. WORKINGMEN Milwaukee. Jan 3.—Judge Jen america’s Great Danger [ as mercury will surely destroy the -EXTRA FINE- ’d. sense of rmell and completely de- kins, cf the United Slates court, i *2>i. 7 -5 boys ’ S chool S hoei OFFICIAL DIRECTORY the whole system when en | whin asked concerni-ng the truth of -LADIES- AN ENGLISH COMMENTARY. I range tering it through the mucous sur- the statem* nt telegraphed frotn national : Said an eminent English scientist recently: I faces. Such articles should nev»r ’■ SEND FOR CATALOGUE frailest ............ ..................... Grover Cleveland Seittle that he is a stumbling block •* fiic linjuan^Vi lituo cunnumo vavixnivi danger that confronts thegieat Arnei i- 1 W-L-DOUGLAQ« I fiee-Pretideut. ................ Adlai. Stevenson on prescriptions BROCKTON, MASS. rail people to-day i.i not the possible udop | be used except tn the way of arranging aj lintoper 4*cretar.v uf St» e .. . Walter y. Gresham j y .v iry . of w. Treasury ...........Johl. G. Carlisle Over One Million People wear the lira of a w.ong financial policy for tl.c from reputable physicians, as the imtarj- uf Interior ................ Hoke Smith ation of the Northern Pacific, an I nation, or the spread of socialism, or the W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes ta-rsttry of War Daniel S. Lamont damage they wid do is ten ft Id to I AU our shoes are equally satisfactory teseUry of Navy ... Hilary A. Herbert that, as a result, there will ¿be two jn i-ctijo of curruptii-n among public n.en. •r -i-iary of Agricultnre ., J. Sterling -Morton ill Jv-so !t-e bud eniiigh, to be sure, Li.l the good you can possibly derive* They give the beet value for the money. Utartier General Richard s, Olney distinct sets of receivers for this they ure i s imtliingcompared to tho i<- ribl'j They equal custom «hoes In style and fit. totalster General . .. Wilson S Bissell Their wearing qualities are unsurpassed. :i.i ionul disease—1 liad alrflost said nation I from them. Ha l’s Catarrh Cure, . propel tv, sa : d : The prices are uniform,-—stamped on sole. 8TATK- -OREGON: C Imo -of overwork. Tho mad rush i i manufactured bv F. J. Cheney & Prom $i to $.-» saved over other makes. "There is nothing in that state G. W. McBride. I ‘tiii-.it« ........... v.e« - h is set at a killirg pace, and ibousai.... If your dealer cannot supply yon we can. Sold by J. 11.-Mitchell. > Co., Toledo, O , contains no f.di by the way every year. m er ' ment, for it is riliculoui 01 the I Binger Hermann “Dealers everywhere Wanted, agent to wtizr-winrn.................. 1 W. R. Ellis You arc likely tj tc eno cf the victims cury, and is taken int rtially, ad- take exclusive sale for this vicinity You say it says I am Burner (jeneral Write C. M. Idleman •face of it. urernor .................. 1 low do we know ? Became it is iho CXCC? ing directly upon the blood and Wm B l.or<l ¡in the way in p’rsisting in holding I at otree. mu iecretary uf State I . ¡1 R Klnciiii) tioil to find a ‘man or woman of adult ago i. treasurer . .......R puii.(Me'F<rh»n | (0 l>oth McHenry and Bigelow, and (icrieet health. Nervous Disorders t..< t coils surfaces of the system, In *®pt. Public Instruction ’tate Printer r ’ W • H l.aeds . . ' . . . with fearful rapidity. Among t. will m ike no concessions whatever. spreading symptoms, are—Backache, Biliousness, Co t buying Hall’s Catarrh Cure be F ure ". 8. Bean. 'fiprewte Judges > <K- At the same time it says that ilands and l'cet, Dizzincs-, Hot 1 Lshcr, you get the genuine. It is taken 4 F. C. A. Wolverton Moore Fluttering Sensation, Fai ting, Head. die. XINi.TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Messrs McHenry, Bigelow, Burlein Hysteria, Irritability of the Heart, Mclun idternaby and is made in Toledo, '•îri«JuJw ... D .M. D. CLIFFObi- choly, 1-»ill g Memory, Palpitation, liinu Ohio, by F. J. Cheney A Co. Tes »•strict Aitvuiey.......... ................. C. W. Parrish. and Gajloway are to be appointed /■n Kepre»vnt»ii\e mutism, bh rt Bicatli, Sleeplessness, Ntr R) .0. L. Patterson. •HaiMiiator • •(K).............A. W.Go'wan receivers by the other courts vous Dyspepsia, Sexual Debility, Fits, etc timonials free. ? ) » R ev .’C. A. C arroll ,pastor First B; ptH to the person submitting the Sold by Druggists, price 75c. ‘ There is no controversy what COt STY—HARNEY; most meritorious invention Church. Yellow Springs, <)., writes as foltov. •owy during tho preceding month. ■ • C. P. Rutherford. ever between the judg e over this “ 1 have used Dr. Miles’ Restoralive Nervine per bottle ■erk WE SECURE PATENTS .(I)).. .. C. E. Kenton t’fuuor FOR INVENTORS, and tho (R) 1.8 (leer Not hern Pacific receivership, and for the p -st six months. I find it acts like 'nrvevor o object of this offer is to en .. T A. MeKinuon a charm 01 the whole pervous system. 1 ktriff. • D courage persons of an invent (R) . .. A. Minings the statement that there is a conflict have not found its equal ingiving immediate tanior ive turn of mind. At the f . 8. W. Miller ÜV*?”*' n,«nd«nt same time we wish to impress R) ... C ha «. Newe 1 is erroneous. It is purely and relief. Dr. Miles’ little Nerve end Liver * <*k laipector the fact that :: :: :: Pills only need a trial and they will recom H. Turner simply a question of primary juris mend themselves to be the best pills in the '■»am'wiun«-» A. II. Marks It’s the Simple/ R. R. slit. diction. That is the subject for de market k for them— “ For five years T have suffered from Ner- I get them, plan^K Trivial Inventions offici ? : termination, not the question of the I vous P.ostration, I was unable to work or i ftheni. They are thc^^ ..Thoms* tones That Yield Fortunes There sleep. The first dose of Dr. Miles’ Restora-’ • - A. A. Cowing personality of the recivers. standard seeds cvery-^ i f live Nfirvinegoe me relief, and one th-u I where; sown by the! —such ns De Long’s Hook > is no controversy, so far as we -are nt. d dolbirs would not cover fl e go< <1 it Iras and Eyo, “Seo that Hump," i * ,.,!ar?cst Planters in the world. i • Safety I’in,” “Pig* in Clo Whether you plant 60 square feet concerned. ov«r the make up of the done me ’-JOHN MINCHER, Youngs V ver, ” “Air Brake.” etc town, Ohio. of ground or 60 acres, you should SOCIETIES. Almost every one conceives have Ferry**Seed Annual for *WO. 1 receivership All we want to con Dr. Miles* Restorative Nervine is un-! a bright idea at some titno or T^-'•'REBEKAH Degree No. »S. I Q other. Tlie most valuable book for far- J Why not put It In prac i mers and gardeners ever given sider is the matter of jurisdiction’ squalled in curing Nervous Diseases. It •"«••very ut .nd 8d Wednysd.v. tical use? YOUR talents may away. Mailed free. ■ contains no opiates or dangerous dings. Sold ' lie in this direction May , LnPl Rusk, N. g . That is all there is to it. M. FKRHV dk. CO.tj^F »n a DOMtive in tiosilive guarantee l»y by all druggist*, druggists, or ' make your fortune. Why not iuu ^ i $100.00 Given Away Every Month ¡I ¿FERRYS SEEDS)1 uo M L Lewi*, Rec. Sec’y. U..4 W‘ R’lrn, So. 47 try? :: ;; ;• t# Write for further Information and mention this paper. A MURDERER ESCAPED M »nd «h Thursday* H M Horton, M. W. J W sayer, Rec'd Roseburg, Ore., Dec. 30,—Sainu* 1 — .<'VX^Ih'E - «-O (, F. G. Brow n, under sentence of death. ‘ ow* Hall, «very Saturday, I January 31st for the murder of J. C. Wooly N. G. , Alfred Kineaid at Oakland, in thia _ W.c. Byrd, Secy. i county, in August, 1894, has again ‘ >ST XO **• G- A. Ä. eica ped from jail here. At 7:30 ViA «< '»id Fe’íoLí1 of each opened w’*»‘«6<îinitinvited. *' * 1 CoB,rB,l« this morning the jailer I Brown’s ceil to allow hi n to enter the corridor to eat breakfast.- At 10 o’clock his abs-'nee wag ditcoy-' r- •- MAII.8. ¡ertd. He must have had help from . _ F alb - "‘’•"•^epart.daiiy, the outside. Two bars of the west 7™" «»T : corridor window were iwiwed offal exrepl 8and*v the top and bottom, making an _ Detroit, Mich.^^^ Ur. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. Scientific American Agency for w’OHM F. STCIA. TGÜ’8 THE PRESS GLHIMS GO. CE i.EBP. ATEO Í-. «fiT'k íí»r 618 F Street, Northwest, Her Of . '*<j ...... ... k kA. , v *ARK«, OKSICN PATENTS. COPYRIGHTS, etc. ”'^,,.afr'.mi*tlr>n and free Handbook write to * CO-, 3«1 B roadwat , K« w Y ork , Oldest bureau for securing pau-nu in America. Every taken out by ua la broucht before the puUUo by a notice given free of obarga la tba Orient if it >mexitau Lare-rt etr-nlatlon of snv s-ienUfle pan-r in the wood rrnendkll» lllustrale.1. No mui'¡C-- Ut nan should be without Ik Weekly «•« < m > . year: «I-*» •»« months Addreoa, MCXx’2 cZi H bluusk 3«t Broadway. Yorn ' . e X H »i? cf OrtC •A6 ROMANCHES Ü a«J. V Liuti?;..st.. V, v; e Philip W. Avlrett, Oca. Mgr., \ WASHINGTON, D. C. » K-The responsibility of i.,f l(,mi>nny "jay be judged by th, t that its • lock 1» he it by ov«-t thouMtml of the leading newPr.p„I9 (t th l til toe State*. » i : ) Burns-Canyon Stage Line _ , H. A. W illiams , contractor. .«rrymg U. 8. M.ito and Es,tor0 Oreg0n Ä ‘ BUn" d,i'7 f°r C*"*0" Ci'r. «"<• Utermediat« point..