SHI LOH’S CONSUMPTION CURE. Sotartfflo AaericM ♦ ¿100.00 Given Away Every Month « 4 t 4 1 1 « • 4 •) » J » I I V « It’s the Simple, Trivial Inventions r -• That Yield Fortunes ¡i ff —such aa De Jonr"« Hook *’» and Eyu. ".«ee that Jt'iiop. <) • Safety Pin." ••Pi»« iu llu-.f v»r.” “Air Itrake.” etc <» A lino«l . vary uno e< .lice'Vc* < > a bright Idea at »»me liino or » Q other, " hy not put it tn pram > Ileal ua? YOU It talent« miy . , lie In thl« direction My., make your fortune, "by out tr/f :: u " " " <• Write for further Information and Q meullou thia paper. r* ♦t :! I i! »♦ r ■ ' it THE PRESS GLfllAIS CO. I il Î! ti If CAVEAT«, ▼«ADC MARKS* MSICN RATCRTS, COPYRIGHTS. «to. to th« person »ubral-t'nz the moat meritorUa-. lavaatlsa during th« preceding month. Wjf k» CHK F a TKNT* FOR IM V ENTOR*. an 1 the object of till« off r J‘ to en- ci >uratnnicatt L»rr-vt di—liatlon of any «rlentlfie per-r In th« world. splendidly IlliutrateJ. No UitelUrrnt man thould ba witboat K Weekly. >3.00« year; »1A0 aix month«. Addre«». M''NN A UX, F vbi isaxaa, 3*1 Broadway. New York CUT. IL KT"The rveponattillfty of «. • ..m’-any loaf lx» judged by tl.r •«• I Inst It- • » «lock 1« held by <>v«-t . or il.. u«a’< I I* ot Ihr leading ne«"»| *<«»i « lo lilt G I'hitvd Blau.-*. WIDOWS, PARENTS. for 1WA Contains more prito- tieal information for farmer« and gardener« than many liigb- prloed textbook*. Mailed free. a a. nut a ce.. arraorr, xhm . I Oav-* itmSnr»A. t»-* popnHrcomprwar t 1*.. et..r < t Mu.iu at -aliw. I *..y* New York Murih l»t. Iv’f. ¡ M. «*r» J ,hn P. Strili hi Dear Mr» —I >1 .»«elven your ?u .tan Gut VI .ii.i at rlii«« « th .rough tri d. -,j h ,«.,,. » to «tefe Ilia! they are the I t I i. I _u4 t >»t durable ntrhigs : h true- -r u<. 1 Your» reap . L.»<„ L...1..1M Caveata. xnii Trade-.' nrk» obtained, nod all Pate •nt bur »» rondueted fo: Madera« fee*. Our r --« .» Oonnert« U. S »’*«•’ OSea, *nd we e in »eerire | ,-itntt In lew time than thoee ■ i WaabtegtM bent model. drawing or photo.. 1 th deecrip- ii I V. « advise. If patentable or not, fre« of hit: e Our fee not an- till patent 1« -ecured. I I F n t».l t. "llow U1 Obtain Pitent«. " with iiinie* ..fact :«l client* In your xtate, cuunty.or tov. u, »<-r.t free Adem»», c . a .<' W ì : v /¿- co I I Returning prosperity will make manv rich, but nowhere can fhev rnnke co much within a rhort time u* l»y Fiiccrseful Sp eolation in Grain ' Provision« end Stock. I •Miin 00 r0R EtCH coil R INVESTED UN BE MADE BI OUR WV.- Sjsremilic Plan d Snsnlatioi originated by tie All hucoceesful • p-cnlators operate on a regular «vPtrli» i It ia a wi«|| known fact that there art* thousands of men in m H parts of th* I nit*d States who hy avatcmatic trading through <’hi ’«go brog ; *ra, make large amounts every tear, ranging from a f*w thoueand dollars f>r th* man who invests n hundred or two dollars up to ♦*»O,(XX) to IltXt.iMXI nr more by tho*e who invest n few thousand It ia also a f,<-t that those who make the larin*«»t profits from pom parativelv email investments on this plan are person* wha live away from ( hinagn and invest through broker* who thoroughly und rstand ■ systematic trading. ' Our plan does not risk the whole amount invests I on snv trade.but I cover« aides, so that whether the market ri«es <»r falls it brings a stea lv profit that piles npenorrnmialv in a *bon time. WRITE FOR CONVINCING PROOFS, al-o nor Manual on | siicc-saful ap-cnlatiofi and our bail/ Market Report full of ni-’nev nnikiog pointer* ALL FRKF. Our manual explains margin trading fully. Highest references in regard to our standing and •ticceaa Poe further inf<»rmati< it address THOMAS* CO. Bonkers «nd Rrokers 2A1-242 Railto Building Oh’cago ELKHART CARRIAGE and HARNESS HFG. CO. p r“d , , --f.-U.C ich U -, Vi * <-»« TÜN C I w c rovi / a— V- Seven tures |on.Pr Seven times betted Th» Seven Cimes cleaner Mov, 1 wo tini*s cheaper 1 t.o Ci . es h .ndier • • If vo”r grower doesn’t keep it ■end u.s h s mine with ioc and ec a l..r c (xjx and u valuable .....iily ho-.^ehciid Look free Dr enan â Co., Agts*. Year 519 MONTGOMERY ST.. 8. F„ CAL. •TOCK BRANDS. I L L (J S T R A T E D . . I FuHTHiFRCíOF LHÚ -------- ------------------ 4 Our Premiums I Y£H -------- -------------- —THIS PAPER— TBt S R FRANCISCO Weekly Call ’ SIN Morning Call! FKICK «I.M rrjt Yr.A_H. IBS FRANCIS 0 PER year : ------- -+-------- E SAN FKANCISI’O WEEKLY CALL • a baudabme right- page paper. It ta l«-iied every Thurtdar, a»d contain* all of Hie Imp-iftant newa ot the weak, clouMi! from every qu ir- ter of the globe, ecrupklr up to date of publication. It fur- niahes the lato»t and moat reliable financial new« la a lie* *■■ > b Il la th* MOSTRFLI A- I RLE. and ia rec»«ntaevs ■ a per» wr will «end po»tv id as a pre. Bilum on resell t nf the fellow, log «nb»erlption price« (or the t eoiubinaib'O: 1 r Hörer« branded )-( on let* ertile. Cattle hit'll »•I )-< on lefl hip. Marion Bunyard. PO Born» I •f MIPER WEEKLY ................... , H ARPER’S MAGAZINE H vBPER’S BAZAR...................... il \LPER’S YOUNG l’F H’LE PM1CM M O > Pl * YKA1*. AID iHb Ufa , fía TEA ’, HARPER’S PERIODICALS E eget t and exchieive ihaiglia for ou.- t«. atid Indoor Toilettee. drawn from A oktii mud FREE BRAND COLUMN. v a i»y NaNiH e and i.'Hapui.»,are an ferture- ihe«e itppenr e\e i week, a f-ompr.t brand bar ’en on left ahoulder; Cenle' i-d by minuie deei-riptiu: h and k Foitgsr. is h weekly traaacript of the ia <«' , i.ts aim capr- •ara. T. A. McKinnon, Hurns Ore. Ic-'S l'i the inode, Under tjie n,s . ,,f New Yoik Har-tln * Rllev, ca»tle branded Von left»! -sshio: a, plain d.eiriptio s a nt full p«jii< u- a s arc given as o shapi-e. tabrli s trimming». Horae orami T left «i ie. r. o. Harna.Orrio» <1 d am ea* sieaof the times of weil-i-resaed I »..inetf. i hi.orens < lo hing re- elves ¡nacii.-nl A ‘ fortnightly P*t:eru-ahi-e ’ .yuppie- j at’enlivn ‘ ___.................. , I. C. Folev, ratti» brand = en rtgnt (Ida I ‘ me it enable« rea-.ers -,,< ui and mikethe lorae brand — on let' slioubier. ii.iwh The _ w. tnau ____ whotak 1. _i. s HARBKE’ „ S HA-’ Z VS prepared for even life, , ce- rv ----- i« --------------------------- . , < h t a«i >a in ... o<> i U» r Informal, where ÍMianiiiu, uretf* r'a’»’r h-and 11., on lef* rii under Gt In ia «qu ii e. efte.r, h 1er a ,pe la riah’ear Horw bm«4 i i on right K E J. A. Williame P. o. , DAILY CUI I W. B. PRATT, t«cr«t»rv. Elkhart, Ind. ' o I Ni TMS SMALL niVESTMKNTS. :ni> (t g OUP ’’ ’*>0 t .-EN The volume* of the Magazine begin witl the N'umlicrs for June ami December <»» I •uc h vear. When no limei» «¡>e iiictti<, Money Or.ier, or Draft, to avoid ch.itie o Iona. Afifire*» HARPER o. iJROTHElW. Nee York. li I I > . Ü > „• V H?n’ Baza * Oppiate > aitai OS m . W.M-rwtOA, 0. C. r I I I HARPER’S MAGAZINE... . tl.ik HARPER’B WEEKLY ........... ..'k HARPERS BAZAR .................. l.l* HARPER» YOtNG PEOPLE 2.11Í Pnxta-e Free to all Aubscriher- in th. I'nileii buues, Canada, or Mexico. Fern's SssN Annual I ¿i!.i n HARPER’S PER Ci’iCS Per V oma i * h" rd « n»’- USTRATED The Slmp’eron. a new noael bv T homxs H< k . v, w ill lie U gun in the December Number, WU. a id « onllitueii to November lb»5 Who­ ever ma . I* . Ue’a favorite among El vliah Nov- eli,'«. it will be i-oip-eded by all crilica that T h .'M«* hiid T «rant!» foremiet of a maeier artis iu fl.-rioti. «nd The Simpleton« may <>e expected to ar. use enthtiiiatne not inferihr in degree tn that w hil b h»s marked Trilby—the nu«' ,uc« mtul atorv of the year. Amrtber ca.IL g feature.v- ill tie the Personal RecoHec I iouaof loan of Ate, by the Sieur Luoia na •”OPT«. Her Puoe and secretary, under which gu ae’he m< at p. polar of living Amernau t.sgaxit e writer» w til Preeent ahe atory of ’he Maid at < »rleana In the January Nu nber Will appear a drufuaelv illuarrutee paper on i.’harlea- un and he I'aroliiiat, the fl at of a aeriea of Southern Papa.a. Noatbern Africa ia attracting more attention «’any othertime aint-e it wa« the seat of em­ pire«. The next volumi• of HARPe'B MAGA­ ZINE will four 1-lustra'e.1 articleaon thia regin, * •P.O three of them will dep'ct the present life here, ft Ll*H R vlch will prepare for the vl AGAZINK • aerie« of eight atoriea. depicti >g -ypii al phase« of Chinese Life an.l Mam era. I '«aide* the long «tories. toere will begin in the '«unary Number 'he first Chapter of A Three Hart Novelette, hy K|. H vRl> H Awl 1 • o D avih — he lull^ea work vet attempted b. thl* xrl er < umple e ah.ul stories bv popu'ar wifteri W til ' ontiuue tu Le a feature of th» HAGA ZIN E well begun Is half done Begin all by getting Ferry’s heeds, on't let chance determine roar crop, but plant Ferry’« Seeds. Known and «old everywhere. Bafore yon plant, get A’«', f r Sr*’“era »nd Sailors dlaablvd in the Hneof loty n Uli re«« I ar Artuy er Mnrvslweei.'i-- war. ter»l-o>»» ef me Indian war» of 1*3-2 to 1*42, »nd their « Mow», now entitled O'd and refe-ted etalm, > «ncetrlty. Thoaaand» entitled to Dlvber rtte». tend for new law«, «e «barge for advice. 5 » fM '•til »uneew f ul R i gazi ILLUSTRATED PLANTING^ PF PhOCt'REb F”*t SOLDIERS, CHILDREN, :: A Pwre Grape Crn— of Tartar Powder ' i’tû gists aad Dealers. WASHINOTON, Ü. c. ur. Price’s Cream Baking Powder chain Th« «uceeea of th> Great Congh Cere la vrfthout a parallel In th« history of medicine. • Alldrninn«t»areiMithoriiedtosellitonapo»- Jtive miami'lee, a test that no other e re can ancc.-nntnlly ntand. That it miy becom« known, the Proprietor«, at an enorwtousex­ pense, are placing a Sample Bottle Fre« Into every home in the United Stele« and Canada. If von have a Couch. Sore Throat, or Bron­ chitis. om it. for it »rill cure you. If yonr child has the Croup, or Whooping Conrh. use it promptly, ami relief is sure. If you dread that insidious disease Coasumptlon, use It Ask your Druggist for SHILOH’S Cl RE, Price 10 eta.. SO eta. and fl.M. If your Lunge are «ore or Back lame, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 35 eta. For eala by all Drug­ A'-lr w • letter or r. stat *. • ai.ada, or .Mex t o. It.- V,,:u mea uf the »Veeklv trill ■»»; the .vuniber for Jnnitarv of ei Wnen uo'inie is me itioned. * t >« -ri j; «-'in with ’.lie Numlter curre it v i f eipt of oriier. und Volume« of Harper’s UV-ma’r f i en-, buck, in neat cloth bin lina, vi I hy mail p, « a*p- paid, or bv exp--*» in i ,e provn.vo the freight t, jt |«er Voiu ne. for (7.1*1 a volume. t loth i *«■» for each Volume, si i oinding will be «ent bv mail pm pai l •eipt of |l. Kemiilati- ea «honld be mate bv P >« .Moue - »rder ,»r Draft, ro avoid ctinuce > Adórese H\R1*KK A Bit >f I vKS. Ne W Haio’s I L L T S T R A TED. ('a tie iiamoivton left hip: h >r »hou'der. Charlea H Voex* • '. Biir ,« > H..r»e >>rul<1er. rett!« f •n righi hip. R. A. Hendri* ka. P.O. Lawen Of Horse brand :«i on lef' shoulder, slao thrr« ’a.'. m eh ape of triangle, cattle branded sain» .. K. Grout Hnrne Or. Mis* R. •« l>i- kri-aon H -ra» '.rand anvil bi ■f- »tin*. a"-e braude i l>ai:K ou left kip. r f>'eti i »re. J. P Dif kff sum attl»brand J P evi'nected. » eft hip Horse brand auvtl on left stifle P. “ awe:i Orv I'attls brand figure Ton either hip; marklie»1 i i •top off ea b ear. a’lp In e»<-h e»r, and «•'’ fti left jaw. Horae brand d-»ure’oneither ht)> J. H. Bunyard.BurnalOr« * oo W Uiauta, h frees and mules hrs rounding "’.on right s ide. P. O Ri'ey I H ' RPk K’s " eeklv is a ph-torial h’et FT u. of I fhetim.-s It prisent* eierv importan! eve. . t pi tnMiy. amuralelv, and ezhauau el* ip i: li.s r«ii„n and ceserip’lve text of the htgne« o er. , Tt.e manner tn which, during lsfM, h ha* treated the t hi..ago Railroad Strik. a ami th. < hiuo Japanese h ar, aud the an ounl of li^ht it *u abie to throw mi Korea the tii»'«.i| a taii- Iion was . iieetnt tn that little-know p countv, are exanip • a of it« a’tn at bon nd v*« reoour» ea. Ju la Ks rh. ’he dìe t igni.«heil »ruer ee»l f or r-poiHie i, ha« been sent lo ih • «vai of war and there jolt e-l o c o. Meidou. now fur na-iv'ear« . aidant iu Japa -i, who has Iweti engaged to ewper* e a bh Mr. Ka ph in Send- l|on H * RP» K’- W KEKLY excliwive Informa don aud il us’ration HARPER’S PERIODICAI.S Per Year Korea brand bar-m on left ehoulder: < • ’'* ■rand bar-m on 'eft hip and rlha. Cstaent'S Marshal! P b NarroweOre. Horae brand on left sh wilder 4 M’*e I-*0’* -t’ani-Uft. Burna Ore. Horae brand ~ on left eh >ulder and eame ea o naf-le of Ughr hind leg. Phil Smith Burn» fire. A Lusppehite and Son ea’tle brand Q cinnected. Far mark ewallow fork In right «a» nnderbit tn left. P, <>. Burue Ore.' Hors» a and Tattle branded J P der a me h sti ed JF connected Pri»e. burn« Ore Mary *• Hermán T.nh rattle hrs tn! JJ on i,«" or crop, ffano fork In eft ear ri»** ear ouii-r elope. P. v>. lasen. i l'artle brand. >-» O on I. ft hip. nudirJ’J‘l I right e«r and a < r p «nd split in left. Hotw HARPER'S RtXAR ............ 4.n f-( O on left eh miler. A. Hembree HARBER’S M 'GAZINE «8 «arrow»-' HARP» R'S WEEKLY 4 m HARTER S Y«-ar. When n» ia time ia mentioned. «ubecriptl..n will begti si'h .be Number current althetlmeof reertp for caraloaue Kx uay.«r > auiel r of unier Waahington. New Jeraey. bo-nil volume« of Harper, Iterar >or thro* ?ear in neat elo»h Moding, wilt be eent bv mal KI ‘m.Jftil’ 2?. b5 'r** »• expena« (pruvidMi the fr- lgh’ does n a ex.-ved one dol Iwi per *.. umel . r 17 a volume. . V’«*» • ea«<« tofoaeh vo ume.aal'al.le for bind and kstrumeat lug w H be eautby mail p-wpald vi receta oG I - ea« b. r w.-j-w — «HT paru »ft Ken I taneea a*v*ld fe made by P rOflr« y f»ider O brrft. toa id nanee of lose ' rw* HA.vl K* A RK »THRU. *•*"’* *»v »’d to copy aay •»* m*t a i of h« bav« a ; '«eme i • wi'h at tb« JOHN F STRATTON sprom >* ee uf IIARPKR dgoTHKIU tf v»«*- B I -