Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1896)
The supper gotten up by the —Tom Allen, a prominent candi-• The recent big ft£ . made by —E A. Stauffer and wife were ladies of the district showed that in Burns the latter part of last week, datb for sheriff on the republican Foaster<-<fr' McDonald at Idol t ity the men were good providers, and ticket, was present at the Masonic mine's, is still all the talk. . Mr. —Isaac Foster and wife spent 1 installation. their wives good cocks. McDonald brought, in a »- bottle of| MSVARV 1 two days in Burns the latter part of I’. 1». K elley , Teacher. -L * Weidenberg" opened 'his golddust, Christinas, that was^tak- the week. en from one pan of dirt, it is valued OmCULATIOK OF 1 —W. II. Hogan a.ij.d , wife and wholesale liquor, card and cigar at $22.50 And they say there is Communicated. U »-ArtK-N THIS COONTF. Carrel Cecil were in at the Mason- store today. Burns has now a Burns, Dec. 30, ’95. wholesale house and we opine it P*en,-V ' more of the same kind ! ic installation. ¡This camp tends soon to be the E d . H erald : 1 arrived in your I Religions Nep ife8, —Congress passed the bond bill will be a success. little City the 5th inst. I discov • richest in Eastern Orrgon. ,d 3rd. Sundays of Dec; 28th, by a vote of 170 to 136. —N. w go ><ti« Ft the Johnson store, Rurns 1st. anc ered in the two years of my absence and 8 p. n>. 34 mojontv. The Cow Creek Cristmae tree and your town had improved very much now under control of Heniy Canaday. ¿“'creèt Jll,. Sondavi la. . m. —Our young friend Jack Ragon .Ju-t us cheap as eve.r or cheaper Call ¡entertainment was a grand affair, indeed. I also notice improve The 2nd Sunday will ¿r,: fh— »■>* - left here the latter part of last week and examine goods and get prices, and i Every one present expressing them- ments and thrift on your ranches, , for Portland, to enter the Business if suited buy. ¡selves as passing a very enjoyable stock men in better spirits, money l College. Jack ’ s industry, energy —Loyd Johnson is on - the sick evening, and that Cow Creek people more plentiful and beef demanding other fields. a better price. Since I have been R ev . G ibson , and noble qualities secure for him,1 list this week. can. nyt be excelled in any under here Burns has been gay, every Pastor, ’f he lives, a brilliant future. Our —Mr. Adolph Tupker is bill' taking. Santa Claus seemed to body enjoying the holidays Some best wishes for his welfare and ad- _ ___ I vancement follow him. suffering with rhumetism. ihaye remembered all—we have no one Bays Hark! 1 hear a band of creek I bad bov and girls youjtnow. Fol music; we listen, and we hear the 1 KJioAAZ«; —The following officers *f Burns —David Miller of Fine < blare of the trumpet and the an Local 1 • (Masowic Lodge were installed at spent Christmas in our town, jje i lowing the tree a dance was an swering note of the coronet and we —Jake John« n is again a citizen . the Armory Hall last Friday even nounced; every body—old and are fully reminded by the demon ( ing: W. L Marsden, \V. M.; C. H. had just returned from a trip to ¡young — steppek away the hours stration that there is enough brass of Burns. I Voegl v, S. W.; Thos, Jones. J. AV.; Winnemucca with beef cattle. ' until 12 p m, to music by Father in Burns to make several bands. —Chairs of all paterns and de J. (j. Welcome,.Treas.; 8. W. Mil- The saloons and hotels of your town —Grant Kesterson and Miss Nora j Buchanan. Dori. at the hardware store of' 1er, Sec.; J. E. Ragon, T* 1er; W. J are very good, one can get plenty jc.'ipti°n8 i...... Johnson. S. D ; Geo XV. Haves. Gowan, will be married this even Cha»-Voegtly. 13 n to eat and lots of the universal rem J. D. The address of evening was ing at 6 o'clock, at the residence of Closing Exercises. edy for snake bites to wash it down. -Doug Baker and familv spent delivered by Atty. G o. W. Hayes. the brides father, Senator Gowan. i The pojs claim to hold the bal part of the holidays in Burns and , —Miss Jessie McGown’s term of ance of power in your county, and —The large, partly finished, Burns, Dec. 30, '95. school on Crane Creek has expired building known as the George I am informed there are four can vicinity. E d . II ekald : The entertainment didates for coroner to set on the and shv has returned to her grand- -Mrs. E. A. Vaughn returned i mother’s Mrs. Martin. We are in- Young hall, and belonging to J. at the school house in district No. dead candidates after next June’s from Portland in company with ' formed that the directors and Durkheimer, succumbed to the 4, last Friday evening, was a suc- election. Senator Gowan. patrons of the school are well satis- wind this morning and is now a 1 ce88i There were over fifty in at- I The Eagle ip sitting on a high ( ] . perch and when he screams he takes (tendance. Geo. Smyth and wife of Diamon tied with Miss Jessie’s effort in the complete wreck. short term of school she taught for a kink out of the Lion’s tail. We were plesen» at the bell given at them. M arried —On Christmas even- pupils performed their parts can whip Great Britain and annex the Armory Christmas night. ing at six o’clck, at the residence of] with honor to themselves and cred Cuba, if Uncle Sam will only give 1 —Senator Mitchell has succeeded us permission. More Anon. John Sayer, Joseph Tupker and 1 H b'tHe teacher. —The Military dance by T rroop. jn getting an extension of the Burns G. C. The closing remarks by Prof. r ‘ of 23 miles the ter Miss Viola Powers were united in / A given at the Armory Hall Christ- Lawen route, Rev. Gibson performed I Newell were listened to with inter- nmwss well attended. 85 numbers minus is now at Crane on Crane marriage. R^v. Creek. The Post Odice at the resi the cremony. The bride has made est by all. Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder were sold. Awarded Gold Medal Midwinter Fair. San Francisca. i dence of Henry Turner. Service her home with her sister, Mrs. Say —Link ana Thos Hutton, of I will begin Feb. 1 1896. No. 73385, er, for several years, and is well Wagontire, also a son of Fred Oak- J. Gould contractor. $460 extra allowed on the route for the ex known and much respected here ( t-rman m company with them spent tension. She she has many friends to offer several of the holidays in Burns. —Mrs. Zepf and her daughter. congratulations; the groom being 1 —A bright future is predicted bv Miss Agnes Powers, residents of a resident of Burns from boyhood ' the miners on Trout creek, several Canvon city, are spending the holb is not lacking in friends to offer SEMI-ANNUAL SUMMARY STATEMENT of whom have been in Burns in the I days here with Mrs, John Sayers congratulations, in vhieh T he H er Of the financial condition of the county of Harney, in the State of Ore last week and Mrs. Joseph Tupker both gon, on the 30th dav of September, 1895. daughters of Mrs. Zepf and aist'-rs ald joins, wishing them a long Date, September 30, 1895. LIABILITIES. —Supper at French Hotel on the i to Miss Agnes. The two latter havpy and prosperous life. The Po warrants drawn on county Treasurer, and out- night of the installation of the o(Bc-1 came over before and were present Burns Brass Band, of which Joe is . standing and unpaid, $51313 33 the ^He marriage of Mr. Joseph a member, proceeded to Mr. Say ere of the I. 0. O F on c........ . 6th ..... I estimate n mount of interest accrued thereon,.... 7500 00 Tupker and Miss Viola Powers. inst. 75 cents a plate will be er’s residence immediately after .. .. „ , ’ Total Liabilities, $58813 33 RESOURCES. —The P. L S. boys who spent the marriage and gave them a sere i Date. September 30, 1895. charged. several of the holidays in Burns nade which was replied to by an in- * By funds in hands of county Treasurer, applicable —The Christmas tree entertain seemed to enjov themselves very to the payment of Countv Warrants, 393 10 ment was well attended. Addressee nn ch. Very little disturbance, vitation to come in and lake refresh Bv funds m hands of county Sheriff, applicable tv ments, which they were not slow tc I were bv Capt.A W Waters and Rev. and not more than is naturally ex acknowledge. The Band then re the payment of County Warrants, 894 32 pected at anv place, during the turned to town discoursing music* By estimate unpaid current taxes......................... 15000 00 presents, for friends and children , holiday f< stivities. 'Ve think all on the way. Total Resources 16287 42 I partn s not citizens of Burns were —Jorgensen has the finest and | well treated and entertained and I Harney Scribbling. best lot of goods that ever came to we cordially invite many returns of v Burns; go and see for yourself. 1 * such 8llc*‘ visits. v *8’,8‘ Owing to the rush’ng Christmas | He is also taking Cabinet Photos, R unaway —Last Thursday Frank times we failed to make our weekly i al $3 per dozen. Do not forget to ' Miller’s team, hitched to a sleigh, contribution last week. himself and Miss Bunyard were the go and see what he has on hand. occupants, became frightened and Roland Hankins, of Silvies val —We met C. E Randall here in started for -- a ------ run. Mr. Miller suc ley, is spending the holidays in I ------------ town a few divs since. Mr. Ran ceeded in stopping them before Harney visiting friends. ! dall had just returned from Califur I they ran far, but after having —AT— Mr Seth Bower and son Bert, of! stopped they continued to kick and m» where he had taken horses for | p,,;- ,, llv t •- until one of them fell on Cow Creek, are at the Island feed i fair. He disposed of his horses at the*tongue breaking it. . Neither of ing stock. tulerbly fair prices. the occupants were injured Andy Helon is down from the mines spending the holidays. — We see in the Times the mar —Atty’s J. W. Bigg3 and J B.' ria ere of S J. Mothershead and Mrs. Huntington left here, by priyatc; The entertainment given by the Ada Iaeger. ThejT were married at Harney Sunday School was quite a conveyance, on Monday afternoon, EdmondV Dec" 1 -------------------— Both of them successful affair and was enjoyed* ■»r t myon city. Mr. Biggs will I being former residents, for years, of by ali present. i one of Canyon city’s fair our town and we number them daughters, Miss Ilazletine, on New among our closest and best friends. Miss Belle Clendenen returned We extend to them congratulations Sundaj’ to her school in Silvies val Years day. sincere and heartfelt and wish them ley. after spending Christmas week Brant Thompson i and family ever/ h*PPine“ contained in the with her parents at this place. word when applied to newly mar- kP“'it Chais?mas in Burna. T M .. bile Gied couples The entertainment that waB to! ‘“|0De i±2U‘!aJ“Âd.L*d’, and one for the Best Sus- her< Grant worked his chances 38 tamed Gentleman Character. have been rendered by the H. L. 8. i ■ouch as possible for the nomioa New Years hight, has been post poned till-t he 22d of February, but Administrators Notice. »'on of sheriff by his party. Be' there will be.a dance. Cotne one, u many friends and considers his come all. Notice is hereby given to all par- chances good. eons holding claims against the Quite a number of Harneys ■~Mr. Gus Shroder of Paieely e8tate Victor 8. Ottmer,deceased, young people took in the dance in I •l^nt several of the holidays in to present the ‘u same to the L under J - Burns Christmas -night. Follow-' signed at his place of business in ing is a list: H. C. Brown and wife, if»»- Mr Shroder is a son in law Burns, Harney countv, Oregon, ver *.Lomegvs and his wife was ified as by law required within six Misses Rose, Julia and Maggio 1 **'-fthe unfortunate who were months from the date of this notice. Logan. Hattie Clark, EUa Williams, t Hattie Hill, and Hattie Bunyard- a * “ “ Dated at Burns this 11th day of Messrs. Bert Bower, Tern Howseri r e,d <o 'h ath in the conflagra- Frank rp Bunyard, uny»rd, John Logi_„, Logan, Joe occurred at Silver Lake December, 1895. H. M. H oktom , Clark. Dave Davis and Andy Heb Jnr since. Administrator. en. , I i MASQUERADE BALL! ARMORY HALL, February 14,1896. TWO PRIZES GIVEN: MUSIC BY LEE CALDWELL’S ORCHESTRA. The managers will spare no pains make thisaball “the event” P?‘.nuS. io tC_make QI tDC SCHSOB A cordial in vita- tlOB extended 1 tn clll oil TICKETS $1. Gent spectators 50cts.Ladiesfree.