millinery store r The wife of Mr. Leonar Wells, of East Brimfied, Mass, has been , Proprietress. suffering from neuralgia for two [ 1 Miss S allie H udspeth , — — days, not being able to sleep or' [■ ft ^H«SDAY JANUARY 1 1*6 I hardley keepstill, when Mr Holden,’ the merchant there sent her her a General Miles. Call and examine goods and ascertain Prices. The Proprietress is to the person submitting th® bottle of Chamerlain s Pain Balm, most meritorious iaventioa I here to stay and desires to Please Patrons in Style, Quality of Goods during the preceding month. a member of various social or­ » and asked th it she give ita thorough WE SKt'UKK PATENTS ! and Prices. On Corner North of Meat Market. FOR INVENTORS, and the trial. On meeting Mr. Wells the ( objoct of this offer is to en­ ganizations, General Miles vet □ courage persons of au invent­ ive turn of mind. At the tlkes much more pleasure in home naxdiyhsvuti I ¿hat she was j same time we wish to impress han in club hfe. He has the hap a righ’, the pain had left litr with-, the fact that :: :: :: 0-art of making strong and loyal in two hours, and that the bottle of ; It’s the Simple, friends- He has always enjoyed Pain Balm was worth $5 bo if it j Trivial Inventions jî outdoor sports and athletic exer could not be bad for less. For sale | I That Yield Fortunes ’4 ciw. and did not miss, vou may be at 50 cents per bottle by •) —such r.s Do Long's Hook I ) i ______________ and Eve, “Seo that Hump,'’ gure being at the America’s cup 1 “Safety Pin.” “Pigs iu Clo­ '» ver. ” “Air Brake.” etc race in September. He is fond of | Six weeks ago I suffered with a V Almost • very one conceives < I a bright idea at some time or horseback riding and appears to very severe cold; was almost unable ; □ other. Why not put it in prac­ teat has | | to 8peak. My friends all advised i tical use? YOUR talents may AND great advantage;mounted, advantage^mounted, but but has q lie in this direction. May 1 <> make your fortune. Why not come to pref®r »he bicycle, and in me to consult apysician. Noticing ♦ i try? :: :: :*. :: » »♦ hL daily spins on the wheel his Chamberlian - ----- - - for further Information and ’s Cough Remedy ad H • , jarwrito tuetitiou this paper. daughter or his son, a lad about to | vergt|8e(j ¡n gt Paul Volks ♦I ; THE PRESS CLAIMS CO. t»ens, is often his coni-. Zeitung I procured a bottle, and I enter big I I Philip W. Avirett, Gen. Mgr., He likes to have pet ani- Lifter taking it a short while was ; 618 F Street, Northwest, panion. , WASHINGTON, D. C. mals good VQ entyrely mala about him, especially good' tyrely well* ] I now most heartily , gj^The responsibility of ttti, tompany dogs.‘‘and his pets.’’as a friend I recommend this remedy to anyone i may be judged by the *a»-t .that its 18 THE • rtock is lie Id by o vet one thousand . once said, "are the pets of the whcle | suffering with a cold, W m . K eil , i of tlie leading newepavuia in the < > United States. 678 Selby Ave., St. Paul, Minn. family.” PLACE TO GET BARGAINS IN HOSIERY, UNDERWARE, ! In manner the general is quiet For sale by GLOVES, M1TT0NS, TOWELS, FLANNELS, ETC. and self controlled, but none the X less »liable and courteous, and it Located first block East of Church. has been remarked that he never W. H. C anaday , Manager Price's Cream Baking Powder : Qr. price’s Cream Baking Powder . refuses to see anybody that calls t/r. A Pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder- I Awarded Gold Medal Midwinter Fair. San Francisco. upon him Perhaps it is a system l * aticin routine work, with a habit* --------------------------- — of beginni g as soon as possible • ’ i- sh. ä? . ■ Í whatever h. d to be done, that give» 11 ............................ _f 4 J Î ♦e him this abundant leisure for visit­ ors The members of his family THE NAME OF T?E NEXT have aeciss to his library in his 1 YOU KNOW A OOOD ADVERTISEMENT MEANS INCREASE IN BUSINESS?, working hours and never seem to I --------------------------------------——------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- disturb him. He is free from af fectations and presents no eccen- i tricities or angularities with which 1 If you are in a position to point a “character sketch.”—| I To do Busis, ss George E. Pond in MbClure’s Mag­ azine. j 'Let Peoub Know it- $100.00 Given Away Every Month Rare Selection of Millinery Goods. LOOK! M . 1 I- — . . . .1 » A /■ 1 LISTEN!! 1 Johnson's Cash Store ( I WILL BE ANNOUNCED IN Certainly an Oddity. » if you have anything The New York Weekly Tribune Say th* Albany democrat: Lloyd You want to Sell Montgomery in certainly an oddity, a mural enigma. He seems to have let People Know it. M litfle regaid for his word as for | human life. To a person who call-, td on him several times since he i OF NOVEMBER 4th 1896. was sentenced he ha9 doggedly in-1 listed that his first confession in« which he alleged that McKercher| killed his parents, and he killed | ______ ______ _____ ___ Publio interest will steadily increase, and the _______ question __ how the men McKercher, was correct, and that, who#e votes turned the scale at the last election are satisfied with the he would have persisted io the ,, .»suits under the administration they elected, will make the campaign »torv, if not particularly forced to ( | he most intensely exciting in the history of the country. make the ether statement, and that if he had been permitted to con­ fess when sentenced, this was the one he intended to make. F He the • - leading -- — Republican family newspaper of The United States, m TMT’ O & WY T TT rww na _ ell •PJ’Jdiah all the political news of the day, interesting to every American "*■ ” Vx rfl1 flj claims in the story he is now tell ing that before the shooting Me-I ¡citizen A1 regardless ~ , of party affiliations. ,, .. - . . KHrehor ucio,i I • C n -e i i. i . . 1 0 Keneral neW8 ,n attractive form, foreign correspondents cover u-e'* his father if he had ,mg the news « of the an agricultural department second to ------ ............... luv world, wuriu, uh none Md his hops, and the answer was in the country, market reports which are recognized authority, fascinat*. “yes. on yesterday.” and immedi- >ng short stories, complete in each number, the cream of the humorous *tcly after the shooting began, im­ papers, foreign and domestic, with their best comic pictures, fashion plying that McKercher did it for plates and elaborate descriptions of woman’s attire, with a varied and attractive department of household interest. The “New York Weekly Everybody Eeadt money. This is the wo. ----_______ at kind of i... | Tribune — .- m ” is an ideal family paper, with a circulation larger than that TEE EEEALD. *nncation, and it is not true that i of any other weekly publication in th > country issued from ths office of he w?g forced to give the con- a . dai ___ full _____ ’ b’- • Largs changes are being made in its details, tending to give Adr er tine in it. /twillpay. His ________ statement il ?reat-r ,ife an,d v»riety, and especially more interest to the women feesion to any one. L_._ hvfore the grand jury particularly and young people of the household. Wa* as voluntary aa anything ever A SPECIAL CONTRACT enables us to offer this splendid journal *riJV Wt?D*TTt V M jvuuiai r ’ willing to die for what ha did, THE HER4LD DOES ”t is going to have a good t’me be- •ore hand. the BEST job PRINTING Subscribe for the EAST OREGON HERALD The New York Weekly Tribune CLUBBING RATES WITH ALL THE LEADING PAPERS. ONY YEAR FOR ONLY $2. SVBSC BIPTTONS MAY BEGIN AT ANY TIME. ir I fl li ws*"*» ^»1.,. ’■■▼DuWAKew \urk OU. Address or call at _______________ HERALD OFFICE U rite your name and address on a postal card, send it to Geo. W. Best Room 2. Tribune Budding, New York City, and a sample conv of THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE will be mailed ¿you. AT LOWEST RATES. * ‘WHEN VOU WANT OOOD JOB Mltrrtwn "------------------- ---------------------