Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1896)
>*a mean to cultivate your tendency to as it now was with the ktuo:sture of jealousy into downright insanity. her breath and the pelting of the snow against it, it had become ar i t It is a monomania now.” ENGLISH comuehtahj May was absolutely aghast. worse than nc^defense against the lì BY NELLIE DARLINGTON. Never before had Linley answered . storm. Said an eminent English n From New York Weekly M “ 1 he danger that confronts the ... It was quite dark now, fur the her in this manner. He had al- can people to-day n Uot tho to the person submittinx the t > CHAPTER I. [ continued .] most meritorious invention lion of a wrong financial i.oli v . ! ways explained, protested, declared light of the lown had long faded in O during the preceding month. r 1 nation, or the spread vf serial £!? the distance; but, dark as it was, WE HE* CKE PATENTS - •> “I didn’t really expect you to his love for her, petted and kissed increase of corruption among pubil,** FOR INVENTORS, and the object of this offer is to en j All theao me bud enough, to almost an in May discerned an unfamiliar look » dinner,” said May, "and «o I didn’t her> tiH il rea,IJ’ courage persons of an invent they are as nothing compared to the u- ive turn or m mt. At the care enough al>out dinner rnyself ducement to quarrel for the sake of in the landscape. She stood still t nauoimi disease—1 had almost vai.1 l" same time we wisli to crime-of overwork. The nlu<| "at,te; the fact that. :: « alone to take any trouble about niaking up again, But now he i and gazed about her; and then a > wealth is set at a killirgpJOe> J th^u ‘ would not even deign to contradict .chill, colder thau^^16 *c>’ w*n(1 It’s the Simple, serving it nicely.” tan by the w.-iy every year. j the worst and crudest things she struck her heart. She was noton Linley looked up surprised Trivial al Inventions jj Vou are likely Obi eno tf tho ,|c5(., the road td her mother ’ s house. In do we know? Because it h the -7 ’’Why, May! I so seldom stay had ever accua^d him of. And Yield Fortunes U Hon Mow That ______________ to find a man or woman < f the driving snow-storm, the dark away from dinner—never without whv? Because he could n’t .e Because —such ss De I ring's Hook || ,wrfeet health ness, and, worst of all. her own wild anra<*i/Iintp with ’..l raiddi'y^A :. t vro I ^5 spreading with io«i»-i fearful ami Eye, "Seo that Hump,'' •ending you word, And on Christ they were true, and she had seen irengt .i “Safety Pin." "Pigs in Clo- ¿1 symptoms, are-Backaehe, ’ k'.iousn^ 7, . Ver,” "Air Brake." etc eI mas Eve, of all night, what could his perfidy, and further denial was and whirling thoughts, she had Almost • very one conceives *| llauda nud Feet, Bizzii cs , hot 11’ T jaJ'x missed her way. a bright idea at some time or ci Fluttering Senaati« n, l ai tinp make you fancy that I wouldn’t useless. other. Why not put it in prac- • I Hysteria, Irritability of the 11 .. art M. • he But after the first terror tical use? YOU It talents may m cho'y, Fail! g Memory, J ufphX lw ’ Yes, this must be the terrible' come home?” t lie in thia direction. May e» r make your fortune. Why not m, Hi it Buath. F)eep!e.sne<. ‘‘I thought that you might stay reason why he no longer explained called back her courage, and re- « try? :: :: :: :: a H < ty Write for further Ik,’,lil-V> Information and ♦> and dine with Mrs. Rockford, since and protested—no longer dec a red membering that shs knew all that .K lv . ( Yellow . A. C arroll pa>t«r First 11 t» . mention this paper. :. Church Spri gs, , (I, writes as fit | that she was his first and onlv love. P* r t the covntry prettv well, and you've been there all day a« it is—” ‘ I have u ed Dr. Miles’ Restorative Servin. “What do you mean, May. |Who She burst into a passion of tears at she could not l»e very fir wrong, for the p st six nt -ntbs. I find it act» lit, Philip W. Avirett, Gen. Mgr., W un a little way the terrible thought, and, flinging Then I hen she struggled on a charm on the whole nerv us system told you such a falsehood?” 618 F Street, Northwest, u have not found itseonal in giving intIned'iate WASHINGTON, D. C. W relief. Dr. Miles little Nirve and I nt. “No one told me, except my own herself down on the sofa, buried rn(J came to a turning which she felt sure would lead her back to the her head in the cushions, sobbing | •^ “ The responsibility of company JV Puls only need a trial ami they will r^m. eye«, and I auppoae eyen you will may be judged by the 's. t that its <♦ mond themselves to be tl.e beat pillsinth. right road. - wildly. stock is bel<i by ovet ime thousand |S market. ' not contradict that evidence.” of tlie leading newn.wrc il tile H TO BK CONTINUED. Linley, with his match-box, his I'cited States. y* “ For five years I have suffered from Ner “But | will, though, or any other vous Prostration, I was unable to work or cigars and his ash-trav, lietook evidence that would persuade you , sle. p The first dose of Dr. Miles’ Restora ' himself to the library, for this time tive Nervine g tve me rel i f, and one th. u of such a thing—” sand dollars would not cover tl e co* d it I » he determined to try the effect of a “Why, Linley, I saw you about done me.”-JOHN MINCHER, Young little wholesome sternness, and he (town, Ohio. ’ twelve o’clock going into Ruckford's kntw well that couldn’t hnld out Dr. Miles’ Restorative Nervine is nn Davn Trn’-arn. «S q rnp,.'-r Pnr,r„.,.- Btore, and Mrs. Rockford was stand • i A a I, ci'.r i I A! . - .c ut iiu.. ia u'. i In ,n., squalled in curing Nervous Diseases. It long if he stayed there in sight of say». ing at your side; and not half an eomains no opiates or dangerous diugs. Sold >'-w York. .“.I^rvb l.-l. . - .. May’s tears ai d listening to her »n a positive guarantee bv ail druggist«, M M -«’ •< J ,hn F. Str itimi hour afterward I saw you walking, Dr. Miles Medical Co-, Elkhart, Ind. sobs. 1> -:>r —I h u e jflvci y mr F. :- fan G" • together in the street. It must > i ili i si;mg< a th ,rou :>i tri d, an . ( ..... As th* door closed after him . to »tat« that the. ar« f i t 1 ; have been at least three hours later F. STGATTC3 Mrs Crawford looked up and found ■oat durut.e strings 1 : . ee -n- WEH TORÀ. when, returning home I passed Mr. 7 ours rasp ., 1_ L....1IA j that «he was aloi.0. Her sobs Rorckford's store again, aud there ceased, and her tears seemed frozen« you were, so close in conuersation Importer« »wd Wholesale De&br« in a.’i «f atjtheir source, but not because she PUCICAL MERCHAX'D^ . with his wife that neither of you FOd TEL YEAR. ur. Price’s Cream Baking Powder %'ici:i s. Cellars, Banjos, Airnrd oos, I i. had no longer a witness to her saw me, though I looked in through I A Pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder- . ; i... _'scf t.. , .... ?tc> grief. Oh. no; it wa* because. foi»l- the door straight into both your —THIS PAPER— I ish and causeless as her jealousy faces ” ----- WITH----- * was, it was so terrible real. “And yeu didn't come in and TH« S N FRANCISCO “He leaven me,” the. thought •peak to me. May!” said Linley. » “Ah, then, all is over, indeed. He "Not I.” And Mrs. Crawford loves me no longer, He nev* r. tossed her head. "I may lie a fool, one yearly subscription to The H erald together with ten c-*ots ex'r •loved me. Well, then, I will go , chick rir.axr.AK, but I iu not quite such a fool as to we will send free a copy of The World Almanac for 1895. Singlecopi.i ----- <>R----- ' i Mv mother will take me back again. | interrupt a couple of old lovers', . - . . I may be ordered at this office for 25 cents. IHS SAN FHANC1S 0 I am not quite forxaken in all the, when they are eijoying a littlel world. A mother never ceases to quiet flirtation in the absence of love her child, and I scorn to re I tie respvctive husband and wife of main longer w here 1 am not loved, * CHICK M.O • PI K YEAH. tach." even if it kills me to h ave him." i ---- -H----- May!” exclaimed Linley, shock | She dried her eves. went to her SAX FRANCISCO ing a) ibin rtmark, and yet painful (lx WEEKLY call room, and hastily dress»d. aid jAf* 1« a liaiid'om« rigbt- ly aware that circumstances were then, with her vail down,she might paper. It is i«->ued every against him, though he was upheld Thursdav, and contains all of k be lees likely to attract att ntion,: tn« imp-rtant news of the by the conseioutnesH of innocence, y •he «oftly stole down stairs, and weak, glaiincd from every quar À k and knew very well that a very few U ter of the globe, compb te up eut by the front door, which close 1l words from him could not only ex to date of publication. It (ur so gently that no one noticed the 1 ha Best Reference 3ruk rri;;- '4 ! niabre tile latest and moat plain the situation, but also cover sound. reliable fln»n<-ial ncwi and A Vt'iibco ot^over 500 pages May with rtqwntant *ahatue for her I market quotations, a d gives The ekv had been dark and low it Treats 1,4(50 topics doubts; but those words he partic special attenti* n to horticul- ering all the as'ernoon, and already tural and agricultural news, ularly did not wish to apeak just j Endorsed by STATESMEN, the anew was coming down with amt is In every r*«i act a Or«t- then. »lavi family I'Sper, appi-mi.g EDUCATORS and that fiue, steady, continuous show le the interest of every May was made furious by hia er of flakes that I etoken a heavy STUDENTS everywhere. of the household. silence, and more still by his indig •now storm. But May cared noth I ---- -+------ Has Reached Such a State of Per nant, "hocked tone in which he had MOHMNG CAI.I. iug fur that. Indeed, •he scarcely fection That It Is a Verbablo sjH'ken her name—the only remon-j j noticed it W* la a lira n.. tro)-oiit .a Encyclopedia ©f Facts, Statis strance he deigned to make on her I tics and Events Brought h« vn daily, it is the MOST RELIA Their house was on the oil tak irta accusing words. BLE. and is recognise.) a« to January First, I8VS. of a little town that, a few veais bring the LEADING XSWS- "I auppoae you will not dare to ago. was only a village, and her' volume is a whole lior«*.y I'ATER of the 1‘aciftc Coast say that Kate Rockford and you I , mother's house whs about three Either of tlw ab.ive ; aper. w* i One can hardly think zf will seud potto id as a pre- were not sweethearts Iwfore you miles farther on ami qttite out in • of a question it cannot answer. It tellf < i uilum on resell t uf the follow, met me? Oh. I auptHwe you were the county. But May had been al! about party platforms, election sta- i ia* subvarlptmii prices (or tho telling her how you regretted the brought up a country girl, and to * • CMubluatloii: tistics, the new tariff, religions of the ij past, and wishing it was last Christ her three miles, even in a snow earth, population everywhere, state and mas instead of thia, that you might storm, was only a pleasant walk — government statistics, occupations of once more haxe had the choice of, at least it would have been had men, foreign matters, literature, science iiDihb i.., p ,. nut, I marrying her iostead of me? Yeu she l»een the happy, light-hearted / and education. It is . I -*«.oo r were—you were! You can't contra girl she u«ed .to-be As it was, she ' la AUVANCa. dict me!” thought nothing about it. MAY CRAWFORD’S LAST QUAR REL. $100.00 Given Away : Every Month I America’s Great Danger □ ? □ THE PRESS CLAIMS CO.« ? Cur Premiums Weekly Call I ONLY TEN.CENTS EXTRA. L’ornin? Call! Ji 1I w- e DAILY C"LL And, carried away by a jealous1 At first she walked rapidly and rage. May Crawford stamp*d her' bravely, only conscious now and foot angrily, and. for the first time* then how bitterly cold the wind quarrels. I.inky an- was Incoming when it drove the in all their quarrels, swervd angrily, and, perhaps, with now thickly falling mow against a touch of ooutempl. Aw bus pa her face, then th«J tingling of her tience was sorely tried: tìngerà made her with that in bar “I shall certainly not take the Lurry the had not forgotten her trouble to contradict you in this or uiufl But the "never dreamed of any similar matter, now or ever, turning back, bet after while she any more 1 really think you pulled off tier vail, f<r, froseu stiff WEEKLY nan Awl ilii P p -, P r Tiir, I *'? so__ i a m c c Mista*■ mw«»«>r<tnt .-’-rief _.x1 is Ml IM. , rk*9t. ; iDn«tM»«<nMOl. S . u rrs^A.fcir-»"À> t A ---------- IM MM, Sew \ urtr CM* - 25 CaiNT^. Address THE WORLD. New York City. PRICE, postpaid by mail, r*l ** ir ¿Ei ► i/A *rA.*-— *