I I* cent New York Hebrew Education-; Good’advice: Never leave the house cn a journey without a bottle ■ al Fair exceeded $165.000. ef Chamberlain’! Colic, Cholera and It is evident that the Reed Mc­ Diarrhoea Remedv. For sale by |ht ïwratâ. ODNK8PAÏ JANUARY a r 1 1*6. Having purchased the entire stoek formerly belonging to Cal Geer, comprising all lines of Kinley partnership, if there be such Several years ago I was taken HARDWARE, CRCKERY, GLASSWARE, TINWARE, Editor a thing, does not include the house w.c. " with a severe attack of flux. I was __ chairmanships. sick in l>ed about ten days and \ HARDWARE, SUNDERIES, & CARPENTERS TO j could .et nothing to relieve me un- yiOXHOE TOCT/ÌJ^ E. Perhaps on second consideration i til I used Chamberlain’s Colic, I offer the same for sale at greatly reduced prices for CASH. Thetwp legislative bodies oUhi«' ‘those British capitalists concluded ¡Ch<> ra and Diarrhoea Remedy, i that the game of dumping their which cured me and has bfcen a! • C. H. VOEGTLEY B„roment «»»lain, tbe Monro- holdings of American securities, to i household remedy with us ever Doctrine without a dissenting voice Republicans, democrats and p >pu righten us, would cost too much sinee. J C Marlow. Decaturville, money. Mo. For sale by all druggist«. 1UU all agree that American blood gill not allow any infringement up I Soliloquy of a Young Editor. on recognized privileges heretofore Its Value Recognized by Physi­ respected. The World thinks u ‘•It worries me so— hard on stockbrokers, stock gam­ cian. Can it be right blers, bankersjand the stock ex­ As a rule I am opposed to pro­ For me to write change. What of it? Who giver prietary midicines. Still I value a g ■ All 1 know?’’ a fig if it causes all the monopolies good one, especially when such is to topple over in universal ruin the source of relief from pain. As The exchange bankers and monop Congressman Payne, of N. Y, olies will soon [replace themselves, should sue Boss Platt for breach a topical [external] application I have fount! Chamberlain’s. Pain money lost regained, but io relin of promise. He promised Mr. Corner of 1st. and B Street. quisb a cherish’ d principle of the Payne the chairmanship of the Balm the l est remedy I have ever Proprietor. government means cowardice, and | ! Wau<.d f r I, each of promie by a sures the public that he is prepared to accommodate in every way in his line of business. the message was sustained by < on wvinan if McKinky shoul 1 ge Hay and grain constantly on hand, and careful help. grfss, and nearly every man, wo­ h.it nomination it wo Id be i i man and child of this free Amer urn to ne ¡-ned for breach of prom- Passengers taken to all parts of the country. Hearse and Jeb Wages caa government? ise. I inconnection An elect.onevring scheme, so Bays - me London papers. 1 hat, sf it ^•f. is an irsult to any free Ameri-1 No m diator is netded between ca Won't! Prceidi ut CMevvland. England and this country. We can settle our difficulties without or any her American b. rn citizen omsidf help. issue a document hk< lv tw incur the ditpleasure ;;nd bring on a wai with so powerful a nation ns Eng­ Some of the tenderfoot investors Bigger and Better Than Ever Before, ! land just as an electioneering in sp’ culative gold mine stocks ui i HARRIS A JOHNSON Proprietors. probably soont r or Lt r arrive at scheme? 584 PAGES I The president meant e’vcrc word the conclusion that Cripple Cr ek of that njei-Bage ant[ will stand bv .s properly nam i. 1,500 TOPICS. I BURNS, it. and congress will t-tand bv th* OREGON. president. It does rot make any Some of the editors *h > have for difference to America if the other luui.t s i e< n 8n< ering at l’r ridi nt Wines Liquors, and Cigars. |H'Wi rs of the old world are in sym i Cleveland’s lack of love for th p'itl v with England. That spell " | M i roe dveti ine are m-w abusing Good Billiard tables, Pleasant;Card Rooms, eto., etc. 'i thing when it comes to protect I him for standing up for that doc- Saloon is first class in every particular. Experienced bartender ln2 fr ed m and American instill) ! triene. Comment i4 needles*. I ns Let 1 ngland and the whol> j Mixed drinks to please the most fastidious. of the old world understand that we. . u- . • •i, . ~ , According to national committee­ will not suffer ourselves , to’w todden man Lun.ud, r ... , , McKrnley money iqs>n, and that we are here to pro | i t- ’ I scored in Louisiana. uct tig ppi • • t ¡j,. o- eau and every Telia Everything You Want •bl. m.„ i, r.ady »n.i eag.r I l.r Ck,d.nd .„d , to Know When You Prerident Cleveland, and had lit Want to Know It, to throw all political. affiliations to tie trouble in putting a ‘ horse’’ on °i»e side and jump into the breach congn ss A VERITABLE CYCLOPEDIA OP UP-TO-DATE FACTS. JOHN SAYER. »nd sustain our ¿rights, irrespective Proprietor. of the party issuing the mandate. Th< »e English j^apers that taik An Invaluable and Unrivalled Situated on Silvi« river 1 mile Eaet of Burn., near th. bridgr Political and Popular about all Europe backing Ei gland »W« I i Then- a^e a number of prominept »n opposition to the Monroe doctim- ’"en. among them Cbaui.ey Depew, must take their readers for idiots. *!>■» «hoiiid pr’ic ice the art of keep t Every »chool b.»v who is at ail fa fir their n.< u hs shut when they , miliar with European history knows that there is scarcely a government in Europe that would not r-joice • rw Ynr’< g„t p.n house cnniinit- to see England whipped, by the c;,i‘’,ii>Hi.fihip9, and still Gov. i Unittd States or any oth r power. M .tr ¡« said to entertain.the b»-[ In addition to l>eing Reed’s chair ¡-fthathe is Boss Platt’s candi f r president. It seems I man of the house com nr ttee on Ap *‘p that a man of Morton's age propriations Joe Cannon has taken to riding a bicycle. *h"Unl l>e ro gniBble. I ‘*t th se who think our Hebrew ’ it n-i.» ire not liberal ponder on ** f“« that the profits of the re- * . «X» . 4 i . for * rMntta; « 1» * *• » x- ITÄföSSSÄSitfc .■ ■ MSB MW1K.I 2AM, \or« ihjhn S rLOutu S aw mill Hand-Book. Customers wil receive GOOD FLOUR from W. L. D ouglas READY JANUARY 1st, 1896. $3 SHO E no aatfcA k * n a P kjce ♦ 25 ceHTs. 5. CORDOVAN, k FRENCH&ENAMELLgDCALF. (Postpaid by Mall. ) Good Wheat I . \^.»5.«Fl!€CALf&kviGAflDa ' T he W orld , $ 3.IP POLICE,3 S olis . 1 * h ’£!» e ‘ is . I Pulitzer Building, York. *2.*\.7J New B oys S chool S hoes . Ooa’t Q« Without It Thia Praaideatial v—r * BMTD0*60tA BLACKSMITH 4 WAGON SHOP. M c K innon a kenyon SENO FOR CATALOGUE * Y.n en. W’L.*DOUQLAS, BROCKTON, MASS. W‘ «*• Became, we are the largeat mannfactnrera of advertise t thoea in th« world, and guarantee the value by stamping th« name and price on the bottom, which protecta yon against high prices and the middleman’s profits. Our shoes equal custom work in style, easy Siting and wearing n ialitirs. We have them sold every, where at lower eny«her mnteT prices Take for the value given than • dealer cannot supply you, we can. Sold by BURNS Shop opposite the Brewery All work in our line done neatlv guaranteed Give US S Call 5 ' J j - dl>PatCh‘ Satisfaction