I 9 * f < t $100.00 Given Away Every Month < t • » I < (4 ' ! « * > » o JI to the per»-n submitting the moat mcritorioua i.vcwtioB during the .‘S??« WK »IP IKK PATENTS FOK IRVBNTORS. and the Object of thia offer it to en­ courage persons of an invent­ ive turn of mind. At the earn« time we wish to impress the fact that S n ~ • I « . • a a •è • r • • It’s the Simple, Trivial Inventions ♦» « I That Yield Fortunes ' I \ t '.I fl !! ! o II 11 Q H t I t Gf «A -such aa Tie J ong s Hook ss and Kyu. "Pec that Hump, it -Safety Pin.” “Purs in ♦er.” "Air Brake." etc ri Alnvmt every one coucdres M bright i lea at cum- time or r, 9 a other. Why not put It in prae- ileal use? .. Yol'K talents may -« > -. ------- M lie in thia direction M. y make your fortune. W fay not fi i j try? :: ■ 4) Write for further Information i.n-1 u tuen lion thia p«per. t 61« F Street, Northwest, WASHINGTON. □. » ■'-ZZZTZZTtZTTZtZ —' l’.C. \‘a .; • •J*vi * •• if ” - tt « ? • • < ‘ B a .VD I.KSTHUME.VTS i I | | I I Known Everywhere Sold Everywhere. -nd SaRnr» «’iaA^kd In r! Army r? ’rfilnreU *• war* -f V> IMi b’•’ in «, buw entitled. O’j and re!* ?t- n * t>>- -. Voi.» • re.tr» f ,r tu. lì abbuia e trei.cn» c-,- '•our» titily. Ca?l TCC’” lr A-«k yoar dealer for t’-ern rend for Ferry*. »*eed Aanaal far 1*»95. g In valuable to all planter». d -1 lovers j L of Fine Vegetable, and Beautiful^ Flower». Write f - I ci-i-.^^R DM FE RIO A IO. Detrwtt. MU« • ,« lev — e,Ma re C mm < i « «»**•«•*•< «.>• Al M • M oxen’s w ’*•4 M ••«• Pw » . . »•*« <«««Ae«X» JOHN F STT» r"ON M a NC.’ICT .« a •»W : ¿a *• JOHN F. STRATTON CTLDI'RATSD BAT’JOS, I ur. Price's Cream Making powder A Pure tlrepe uewsun of Tartar Powder. if AU.4 W Wviesai t IVurr: ,4 tU kflhàs . f '•A'JSICAL I V i. ‘ GGS Lr. M Lco.;s About zXhoi’t -c-’vfi times longer ¿even times better Th» Seven times cleaner Stov* 1 V.-O times cheaper Polish Two times handier • O • if your grocer doesn’t keep it send us his name with 10c and et a l.-.r;e bo< and a valuable ;aily household book free. Per Year: D iu CO., AgtS., HARPER’S MAGAZINE................ ..fi.nt HARPERS WEEKLY .................. .. 4.0( HARPER S BAZAR .......................... .. 4A HARPER S YOUNG PEOPLE .. 2.0G Postage Free to all Subscribers in th< United States, Canada, or Mexico. 519 MONTGOMERY ST., S. F., CAL 6T0CK BRANDS. HARPER’S PERIODICALS. Elegent ar-d exclusive designs for Out door and Indoor Toilettes, -lratvu from W orth mod- els by S snim - z and cuaruis, are an important ferture- These appear every week, aecompau ied by minute descriptions and -ietai s Our i Paris Letter, by K atharine de F orest , is a weekly transcript of the latte: stiles and capri- - cs in the mode, Under the ht an of New York > ‘ Fashion*, plain des< riptiot s and full particu­ lars are given as o shapes, fabrics, trimming*,' ami acees*..*lea of the costumes of well-ereesed women, t hiidret.* clothing receives pra< tical ■ attention A fortnightly Pattern sheet »tipple I ment enables readers tocur au-1 inrketlieirowti I gowh The woman whotakis HARPER’S Bl-1 Z 1» i* prej-areil for every occasion in life, ce- rvmoi.ion* or informal, where beautiful ureas is requisite. I I Our Premiums 102 THIS TEIL BIG PROFITS SMALL INVESTMENTS. ------ -K------ —THIS PAPER ------WITH------ I TEK S S F2ÂNCISC0 Returning prosperity will make many rich, but nowhere can they make ao much within a short time as by successful S|>eculationin (¡rain Provision« and Stock 1 ruict ai.as >* fk y . PER year : »I PRICK a« I- Pl K YEAR. ------- -------------- HE SAN FRANCISCO WEEKLY CALL '•kf’' I» a handsome eight­ -p (1 pace paper. It ia Is-urd every Thuredar, a d contains all of t-e imp-rtant news of the week, gleaned from every qu «r- ler of the globe. ceiupU-te up to date of publication. It fur- niahca U>e late»! and most reliable financial new* and market qi'otati- na, a- d giva« special attenui n to hnrtieul- tarai and agricultural 1 nawK end is In every reme b anded JP connected Mary 4- Price, Burns Ore Herman Ruh catt’e brand jj on t .►■< ar crop off and swallow fork in left car right ear under alope, P. O. Lawen. Cattle brand. H O.on left hip. underbit 1" rieht ear and a crop and split in left. Horsts A. Hembree. ......... .„<,.1 H O. on left shoulder. Marrows. Or» HARPER’S BAZAR ........... H ARPER’S M UiAZTXE « Of H AKI’ER 8 WEEKLY ... 4 « HARPER’S YOUNG PKOPL« s a lb «tag ■ Free to all su’weribera in the Unit«» Stataa Canada, or Mexico. Al V INCA. WEEKLY '- ’J J. P Dickenson cattle l-rand J P connected oo left hip l!->r»e brand anvil on eft stifle. P. " Lawen Ore. Cattie brand figure 7on fi ber I ip: mark light crop off ea- h ear. slip iu each ear, and watt >n left jaw. Horse brand fl.-ureTon either hi? J. H. Bunyard.Bun s;ors HARPER’S PERIODICALS UOlEli IÙ-; IU?, i [»fi.OO J I* Miss Rosa Picker-son Horse brand anril nt> ef’stifle, t attle branded bar.R on left hip. F <> Lawen Ore H ARTER'S * cekly is a pictorial history of the times. It presents everv important evt. er t . promptly, accurate^, and exhausti- elv in il ...stration and k.stration aud descriptive descrintive text of the th., hlznest hi—...- or. er. * The manner in which, dutitig 1W4, it has ■ rested th« Chi >ago Railroad strik-s and the i htno-Jai^nese W ar, and the amount of llKht it was able to throw on Korea the instant aiteu- tlon wa* direeted to that little-known county, are examp'.a of its almost boundless resources Julian Ra'*h. the distinguished writer and coriespondent, has tieen sent to ihe seat of war. and there joined by c p. Weldon, now for manv year* resirlant In Japa n. who has been ei’Raaed to cooperate wtih Mr. Ralph in Send lion H ARPER's WKEKLY exclusixe informs lion aud illustration DAILY C’l.'. >• Ind« Cattle brand, II.. on left rib under bit in 'eft ear. under slope in rijtht ear Horae brtad ¡1 on riifht sutle. R E J. A. Williams P. 0. Horse brand 36 on left shoulder, also three lots.', in shape of triangle, cattle branded ssrna S. E. (iroul iiurus Or. I L L T 8 T R A T E 0. HP. Mi»HMNU CAI.I. (bavas Isecwa a Wwaa* Is a lire n. trope .t a daily. it Is ir e MO8TRKL1A- RI.K. and la tecognlrei a* be i na the LEADING NEWS. PAPER < t the Pacific C i-t, K.tirer of tl>e above i aper» w- will send po»tn l-i as a pre. nil am on recei. t of the foR.tw. mg tabrerlptivii prices t< r the combine;!.«: J. C, Foley, cattle brand = on rignt side Horse brand — on left shoulder. Hor«e branded Pon rteht ih«»ulder, cattle P »0 rlghihip. R. A. Ileudricks» P.O. Lawen Or « --------------------- i é Hardin 4 Riley, cattle branded Von left si;» Horae brand t left aide. r. o. Burns,Oriso* Mate*. Canada, or Mexico. The Volumes of the Weekly will b»< Ole first Sumi« for Januarv of ei w hen no time is mentioned, su ne, ipt begin with.the Number currea' at .i ceipt of order. Bound Volumes of Harper’s Weektv f »eats back, in neat cloth binding, will by mail P. stage paid, or by express, fr petis*- provided the freight does not ex per volume; forjt < jo a volume. < loth Cases for each Volume, s ilia binding wfll be sent by mail p..» nai l ceipt of (1. Kemittances should lie ma le bv P >s Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance o Address H A ItPEH A B.1 JTH ERS. Na Morning Call! THOMAS A CO Bankers ^nd Brokers 241-242 Railto Building Chicago Hors- brand bar ten on left shoulder; Cattls bar ten on left hip and upper clip on both ears. T. A. McKinnon, Burns Ore. Hones branded ¡-( on left stifle. Cattle brand, ed )•( 011 left hip. Marion Buny ard, P0 Burn*. HARPER WEEKLY........... V HARl’ER’S MAGAZINE HARPERS BAZAR. HARPER’S YOUNG PF M’i.E a *. IBS SAX FRANCIS 0 originated bv us All auccceaaful «peculators operatenn a regular «rat» n. It is a well-known fact that there are thnusan Is of men in all parts of the I nited States who. by systematic trading through Chicago hrok i < era, — -1 - - m ike . large amounts every rear, ranging from a few thoueand dollars for the man who invests a hundred or two dollars up to 30.000 to 1 • 100.000 or more by those who invest a few thousand It is also a fact that those who make the largest profits from com : paratively small investment« on thia plan are 'arsons who live away from ( hiragn and invest through brokers who thoroughly understand systematic trading. Our plan does not risk the whole amount invested on any trade.but covers both sides, so that whether the market rises or falls it brings a steady profit that piles up enormously in a short time. WRITE FOR CONVINCING PROOFS, also our Manual on aucc asful s|eH*nlation and our Piily M irket Report, full of mt>nev making fsiintera ALL EREE Our manual explains margin trading fuilv. Highest references in regard to our standing an I success For further inf I'matim address FREE BRAND COLUMN Riley <>r Weekly Call! Uiin 03 FORE CH D91UR INVESTED UN BE MICE 51 CUR MJIU.- Systenntic Plan rf S Hcnlatio.i ti.'< tc .vtc JLW 1JÌ& F.r.TH.fRICZOF INE. •ho «i ••• •Im a >» bei-l by <>»< • -«•• tlo-usan I ■ t I be leadlug >0 V (I I'nlteU BlaUM. IL I . cua FHfiQ Half’s Magazi C.A.SNOW&CO. » THE PRESS GLfl!M-S GO. •> i* ■» Philip W. Avlrett, Cea. Mgr . PATENTS T SHILOH’S CONSUMPTION CURE. Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat­ ent borlneM conducted for Moderate Feas. Our Office is Opposite U. 3. Pateet OMeo. tri we ran •emre patent h> leeo time than those •etnote from Wu hington. The success of th * Great Cough Cure 1» bend model, drawing or photo., with deecrip- ion We advice, if patentable or not, free of w'.nout a parallel iu tha history of medicine. ■ barge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. All druggists are Atstiioru-id to »f.ll it on a pos A Pamphlet. ‘TIow to Obtain Patents." with I itive guarantee a tast that no other c re can uameo .factual clients inyourPtate, amnty.or successfully stand. That it may become loan, sent tree. Address, known, the Proprietors, at an enormous ex­ pert ¿e, are placing .» ban--tie 3' 'lie Fro* >»t0 every home in the United States snd Canada. Opposite Patent Office, Washington, 0. C. If vou h« ve * Cough, Bore Throat, or Bron­ chitis. use It. f >r it will cure you. If your child has the Cro-r. orWI -.oping Cough, use it promptly, and . e ief is sure. If you dread that insidions disease Consumption, use it Ask your Druggist for SHILOH S -IBt, Price ¡0 cts.. 50 cts. andtl.OO. If your Lungs are sore or Back lame. n*e Shiloh’s Porous Piaster. Price 35 eta. fcr sals by all Drug­ gists and Dealers. : I» I» I The volume«ot the Baser t-egla with th« first number for January of each war. W hen n« is time ia mentione-i. subaertptioa will begir with the Number carrent at the time of receiM •f order Uo-iu-l volumes ot Harpers Ba»ar tor th re« war In vest cloth binding, will be aent bv mai r*«'af* hT »»Pre»», free of expense {provided the freight does not exceed one dol lai p.-r volume! or »7 a volume. . breach volume,suitable for bind 1?* WV' *** •*B*hF »«B P-'«Vaidoa reeeip of fl eat h r Remittance« sh» uld b« mad« by P.wtOffle« Money Order o. Dreft, to av Id chance of love At re«. H AKTER A BROTHERS are cot to copv anv one •or ad of the >hov. a.i e~*>«emex a without the etp.-m on«« «t HARPER HRUTHKIU . - — — ——-Inas« yer, h«re r rite Ex-navor caaiel F B**s’ for ca’aLwrue L ____ . Washington. New J«re«y t. BE ATTY'S PIANOS' musical merchandise . n Cattar». Banjaa. «- cw U tmm . Ran-» K-4, .-.c, f! ti.'dacf sefwi«. itc> etc.